Setting up the use of this module.
§1. This section simply sets up the module in ways expected by foundation, and contains no code of interest. The following constant exists only in tools which use this module:
§2. Like all modules, this one must define a start and end function.
Note that the "multimedia" feature itself does nothing except to be a parent to the other three; it doesn't even have an activation function.
compiler_feature *multimedia_feature, *figures_feature, *sounds_feature, *files_feature, *internal_files_feature; void MultimediaModule::start(void) { multimedia_feature = Features::new(NULL, I"multimedia", NULL); figures_feature = Features::new(&Figures::start, I"figures", multimedia_feature); sounds_feature = Features::new(&Sounds::start, I"sounds", multimedia_feature); files_feature = Features::new(&ExternalFiles::start, I"glulx external files", multimedia_feature); internal_files_feature = Features::new(&InternalFiles::start, I"glulx internal files", multimedia_feature); Log::declare_aspect(MULTIMEDIA_CREATIONS_DA, U"figure creations", FALSE, FALSE); } void MultimediaModule::end(void) { }