Mainly for HTML, to add the necessary JavaScript for unusual requirements such as equations or footnotes.
§1. Creation. At present, plugins are simply their names: Inweb knows as little as possible about what they do. The model is just that a file being woven either does or does not need a plugin of a given name.
typedef struct weave_plugin { struct text_stream *plugin_name; int last_included_in_round; CLASS_DEFINITION } weave_plugin;
- The structure weave_plugin is accessed in 1/ts and here.
weave_plugin *Assets::new(text_stream *name) { weave_plugin *wp; LOOP_OVER(wp, weave_plugin) if (Str::eq_insensitive(wp->plugin_name, name)) return wp; wp = CREATE(weave_plugin); wp->plugin_name = Str::duplicate(name); wp->last_included_in_round = 0; return wp; }
§3. And almost the same can be said about colour schemes, except that these we actually look for: they will be available to some patterns and not others.
typedef struct colour_scheme { struct text_stream *scheme_name; struct text_stream *prefix; struct filename *at; int last_included_in_round; CLASS_DEFINITION } colour_scheme;
- The structure colour_scheme is accessed in 4/jsn, 5/mrk, 5/mpi, 5/mpi2, 5/ee, 1/ts, 5/hf, 6/cs and here.
colour_scheme *Assets::find_colour_scheme(weave_pattern *pattern, text_stream *name, text_stream *pre) { colour_scheme *cs; LOOP_OVER(cs, colour_scheme) if (Str::eq_insensitive(cs->scheme_name, name)) return cs; TEMPORARY_TEXT(css) WRITE_TO(css, "%S.css", name); filename *F = Patterns::find_file_in_subdirectory(pattern, I"Colouring", css); if (F == NULL) F = Patterns::find_file_in_subdirectory(pattern, I"Coloring", css); DISCARD_TEXT(css) if (F == NULL) return NULL; cs = CREATE(colour_scheme); cs->scheme_name = Str::duplicate(name); cs->at = F; cs->prefix = Str::duplicate(pre); cs->last_included_in_round = 0; if (Str::len(pre) > 0) WRITE_TO(cs->prefix, "-"); return cs; }
§5. Plugin inclusion. Plugins are included both by the pattern, if they are needed for anything woven to that pattern, and by the individual weave order, if a particular need has arisen on a particular file.
int current_inclusion_round = 0; void Assets::include_relevant_plugins(text_stream *OUT, weave_pattern *pattern, web *W, weave_order *wv, filename *from) { current_inclusion_round++; STREAM_INDENT(STDOUT); Patterns::include_plugins(OUT, W, pattern, from); if (wv) Swarm::include_plugins(OUT, W, wv, from); STREAM_OUTDENT(STDOUT); }
§6. Those two functions both repeatedly call the functions Assets::include_plugin and Assets::include_colour_scheme as needed, so these are declared next.
A plugin can only be included once in each round, i.e., for each woven file, no matter how many times this is called.
To include a plugin is by definition to include its assets. These may be held either in the current pattern, or in the one it is based on, or the one that in turn is based on, and so forth. The first-discovered asset wins: i.e., if the current pattern's copy of the asset contains MyAsset.png then this prevails over any MyAsset.png held by patterns further down. To do this, we store the leafnames in a dictionary.
void Assets::include_plugin(OUTPUT_STREAM, web *W, weave_plugin *wp, weave_pattern *pattern, filename *from) { if (wp->last_included_in_round == current_inclusion_round) return; wp->last_included_in_round = current_inclusion_round; if (verbose_mode) PRINT("Include plugin '%S'\n", wp->plugin_name); int finds = 0; dictionary *leaves_gathered = Dictionaries::new(128, TRUE); for (weave_pattern *p = pattern; p; p = p->based_on) { pathname *P = Pathnames::down(p->pattern_location, wp->plugin_name); scan_directory *D = Directories::open(P); if (D) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(leafname) while (Directories::next(D, leafname)) { if ((Platform::is_folder_separator(Str::get_last_char(leafname)) == FALSE) && (Str::get_first_char(leafname) != '.')) { if (Dictionaries::find(leaves_gathered, leafname) == NULL) { WRITE_TO(Dictionaries::create_text(leaves_gathered, leafname), "y"); filename *F = Filenames::in(P, leafname); Assets::include_asset(OUT, NULL, W, F, NULL, pattern, from); finds++; } } } DISCARD_TEXT(leafname) Directories::close(D); } } if (finds == 0) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "The plugin '%S' is not supported", wp->plugin_name); Main::error_in_web(err, NULL); } }
§7. Colour schemes are CSS files held slightly differently, in the Colouring subdirectory of (presumably) an HTML-based pattern.
A colour scheme can only be included once in each round, i.e., for each woven file, no matter how many times this is called.
void Assets::include_colour_scheme(OUTPUT_STREAM, web *W, colour_scheme *cs, weave_pattern *pattern, filename *from) { if (cs->last_included_in_round == current_inclusion_round) return; cs->last_included_in_round = current_inclusion_round; if (verbose_mode) PRINT("Include colour scheme '%S'\n", cs->scheme_name); TEMPORARY_TEXT(css) WRITE_TO(css, "%S.css", cs->scheme_name); filename *F = Patterns::find_file_in_subdirectory(pattern, I"Colouring", css); if (F == NULL) F = Patterns::find_file_in_subdirectory(pattern, I"Coloring", css); if (F == NULL) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(err) WRITE_TO(err, "No CSS file for the colour scheme '%S' can be found", cs->scheme_name); Main::error_in_web(err, NULL); DISCARD_TEXT(err) } else { Assets::include_asset(OUT, NULL, W, F, cs->prefix, pattern, from); } DISCARD_TEXT(css) }
§8. Asset rules lists. The practical effect of the two function above, then, is to call Assets::include_asset on each asset needed. What that function does is highly configurable by the pattern, so we now have to show how. Each different filename extension, such as .jpg, has its own rule for what to do:
typedef struct asset_rule { struct text_stream *applies_to; int method; one of the *_ASSET_METHOD values above struct text_stream *pre; struct text_stream *post; int transform_names; CLASS_DEFINITION } asset_rule;
- The structure asset_rule is private to this section.
§9. A pattern has a list of such rules, as follows. In each list, exactly one rule has the empty text as its applies_to: that one is the default, for any file whose extension does not appear in the rules list.
(The default rule is to copy the file as a binary object, doing nothing fancy.)
linked_list *Assets::new_asset_rules_list(void) { linked_list *L = NEW_LINKED_LIST(asset_rule); Assets::add_asset_rule(L, I"", I"copy", NULL); return L; }
§10. This is called by Patterns in response to assets: EXT CMD commands. The CMD part is in line.
void Assets::add_asset_rule(linked_list *L, text_stream *ext, text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp) { asset_rule *R = Assets::new_rule(L, ext, line, tfp); ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(R, asset_rule, L); } asset_rule *Assets::new_rule(linked_list *L, text_stream *ext, text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp) { asset_rule *R; if (L) LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(R, asset_rule, L) if (Str::eq_insensitive(R->applies_to, ext)) { Use this R10.2; return R; } R = CREATE(asset_rule); R->applies_to = Str::duplicate(ext); Set R to defaults10.1; Use this R10.2; return R; }
§10.1. Set R to defaults10.1 =
R->method = COPY_ASSET_METHOD; R->pre = Str::new(); R->post = Str::new(); R->transform_names = FALSE;
text_stream *cmd = line; text_stream *detail = NULL; match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"(%c+?) *= *(%c*)")) { cmd = mr.exp[0]; detail = mr.exp[1]; } if (Str::eq(cmd, I"copy")) { Set R to defaults10.1; R->method = COPY_ASSET_METHOD; } else if (Str::eq(cmd, I"private copy")) { Set R to defaults10.1; R->method = PRIVATE_COPY_ASSET_METHOD; } else if (Str::eq(cmd, I"embed")) { Set R to defaults10.1; R->method = EMBED_ASSET_METHOD; } else if (Str::eq(cmd, I"collate")) { Set R to defaults10.1; R->method = COLLATE_ASSET_METHOD; } else if (Str::eq(cmd, I"prefix")) { R->pre = Str::duplicate(detail); } else if (Str::eq(cmd, I"suffix")) { R->post = Str::duplicate(detail); } else if (Str::eq(cmd, I"transform names")) { R->transform_names = TRUE; } else Errors::in_text_file("no such asset command", tfp); Regexp::dispose_of(&mr);
- This code is used in §10 (twice).
§11. Given a filename F for some asset, which rule applies to it? The answer is that if the current pattern, or any pattern it is based on, defines a rule, then the topmost one applies; and otherwise the default rule applies.
asset_rule *Assets::applicable_rule(weave_pattern *pattern, filename *F) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(ext) Filenames::write_extension(ext, F); for (weave_pattern *p = pattern; p; p = p->based_on) { asset_rule *R; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(R, asset_rule, p->asset_rules) if (Str::eq_insensitive(R->applies_to, ext)) return R; } asset_rule *R; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(R, asset_rule, pattern->asset_rules) if (Str::eq_insensitive(R->applies_to, I"")) return R; internal_error("no default asset rule"); return NULL; }
§12. Inclusion of assets. Finally, then, we can include a single asset. This has already been located, at filename F, and we now know how to find the applicable rule.
pathname *Assets::include_asset(OUTPUT_STREAM, asset_rule *R, web *W, filename *F, text_stream *trans, weave_pattern *pattern, filename *from) { if (R == NULL) R = Assets::applicable_rule(pattern, F); TEMPORARY_TEXT(url) pathname *AP = Colonies::assets_path(); if (AP) Pathnames::relative_URL(url, Filenames::up(from), AP); WRITE_TO(url, "%S", Filenames::get_leafname(F)); if (R->transform_names == FALSE) trans = NULL; pathname *result = NULL; if (Str::len(R->pre) > 0) Embed the prefix, if any12.1; switch (R->method) { case EMBED_ASSET_METHOD: Embed asset12.2; break; case COPY_ASSET_METHOD: Copy asset12.3; break; case PRIVATE_COPY_ASSET_METHOD: Copy asset12.3; break; case COLLATE_ASSET_METHOD: Collate asset12.4; break; } if (Str::len(R->post) > 0) Embed the suffix, if any12.5; DISCARD_TEXT(url) return result; }
§12.1. Embed the prefix, if any12.1 =
for (int i=0; i<Str::len(R->pre); i++) { if (Str::includes_at(R->pre, i, I"URL")) { WRITE("%S", url); i += 2; } else PUT(Str::get_at(R->pre, i)); } WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §12.
if (verbose_mode) PRINT("Embed asset %f\n", F); Assets::transform(OUT, F, trans);
- This code is used in §12.
pathname *H = W->redirect_weaves_to; if (H == NULL) H = Reader::woven_folder(W); if ((AP) && (R->method != PRIVATE_COPY_ASSET_METHOD)) H = AP; if (verbose_mode) PRINT("Copy asset %f -> %p\n", F, H); if (Str::len(trans) > 0) { text_stream css_S; filename *G = Filenames::in(H, Filenames::get_leafname(F)); if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(&css_S, G, ISO_ENC) == FALSE) Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to write tangled file", F); Assets::transform(&css_S, F, trans); STREAM_CLOSE(&css_S); } else { Shell::copy(F, H, ""); result = H; } if (W->as_ebook) { filename *rel = Filenames::in(NULL, Filenames::get_leafname(F)); Epub::note_image(W->as_ebook, rel); }
- This code is used in §12 (twice).
if (verbose_mode) PRINT("Collate asset %f\n", F); Collater::for_web_and_pattern(OUT, W, pattern, F, from);
- This code is used in §12.
§12.5. Embed the suffix, if any12.5 =
for (int i=0; i<Str::len(R->post); i++) { if (Str::includes_at(R->post, i, I"URL")) { WRITE("%S", url); i += 2; } else PUT(Str::get_at(R->post, i)); } WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §12.
§13. "Transforming" is what happens to a CSS file to change the class names of its span and pre styling rules, to add a prefix text. This is what changes the style names for colouring, say, COBOL source code from, e.g., span.identifier-syntax to span.ConsoleText-identifier-syntax.
typedef struct css_file_transformation { struct text_stream *OUT; struct text_stream *trans; } css_file_transformation; void Assets::transform(text_stream *OUT, filename *F, text_stream *trans) { css_file_transformation cft; cft.OUT = OUT; cft.trans = trans; TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "can't open file", TRUE, Assets::transformer, NULL, (void *) &cft); } void Assets::transformer(text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp, void *X) { css_file_transformation *cft = (css_file_transformation *) X; text_stream *OUT = cft->OUT; match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); TEMPORARY_TEXT(spanned) while (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"(%c*?span.)(%i+)(%c*?)")) { WRITE_TO(spanned, "%S%S%S", mr.exp[0], cft->trans, mr.exp[1]); Str::clear(line); Str::copy(line, mr.exp[2]); } WRITE_TO(spanned, "%S\n", line); while (Regexp::match(&mr, spanned, U"(%c*?pre.)(%i+)(%c*?)")) { WRITE("%S%S%S", mr.exp[0], cft->trans, mr.exp[1]); Str::clear(spanned); Str::copy(spanned, mr.exp[2]); } WRITE("%S", spanned); DISCARD_TEXT(spanned) Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); }
- The structure css_file_transformation is accessed in 5/ptf, 5/tf, 5/hf, 5/df and here.