Here we analyse the code in the web, enabling us to see how functions and data structures are used within the program.
- §1. Scanning webs
- §2. The section catalogue
- §3. Analysing code
- §5. Identifier searching
- §9. Open-source project support
§1. Scanning webs. This scanner is intended for debugging Inweb, and simply shows the main result of reading in and parsing the web:
void Analyser::scan_line_categories(web *W, text_stream *range) { PRINT("Scan of source lines for '%S'\n", range); int count = 1; chapter *C = Reader::get_chapter_for_range(W, range); if (C) { section *S; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(S, section, C->sections) for (source_line *L = S->first_line; L; L = L->next_line) Trace the content and category of this source line1.1; } else { section *S = Reader::get_section_for_range(W, range); if (S) { for (source_line *L = S->first_line; L; L = L->next_line) Trace the content and category of this source line1.1 } else { LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, chapter, W->chapters) LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(S, section, C->sections) for (source_line *L = S->first_line; L; L = L->next_line) Trace the content and category of this source line1.1; } } }
§1.1. Trace the content and category of this source line1.1 =
TEMPORARY_TEXT(C) WRITE_TO(C, "%s", Lines::category_name(L->category)); while (Str::len(C) < 20) PUT_TO(C, '.'); PRINT("%07d %S %S\n", count++, C, L->text); DISCARD_TEXT(C)
- This code is used in §1 (three times).
§2. The section catalogue. This provides quite a useful overview of the sections. As we'll see frequently in Chapter 4, we call out to a general routine in Chapter 5 to provide annotations which are programming-language specific; the aim is to abstract so that Chapter 4 contains no assumptions about the language.
void Analyser::catalogue_the_sections(web *W, text_stream *range, int form) { int max_width = 0, max_range_width = 0; chapter *C; section *S; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, chapter, W->chapters) LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(S, section, C->sections) { if (max_range_width < Str::len(S->md->sect_range)) max_range_width = Str::len(S->md->sect_range); TEMPORARY_TEXT(main_title) WRITE_TO(main_title, "%S/%S", C->md->ch_basic_title, S->md->sect_title); if (max_width < Str::len(main_title)) max_width = Str::len(main_title); DISCARD_TEXT(main_title) } LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(C, chapter, W->chapters) if ((Str::eq_wide_string(range, U"0")) || (Str::eq(range, C->md->ch_range))) { PRINT(" -----\n"); LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(S, section, C->sections) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(main_title) WRITE_TO(main_title, "%S/%S", C->md->ch_basic_title, S->md->sect_title); PRINT("%4d %S", S->sect_extent, S->md->sect_range); for (int i = Str::len(S->md->sect_range); i<max_range_width+2; i++) PRINT(" "); PRINT("%S", main_title); for (int i = Str::len(main_title); i<max_width+2; i++) PRINT(" "); if (form != BASIC_SECTIONCAT) Functions::catalogue(S, (form == FUNCTIONS_SECTIONCAT)?TRUE:FALSE); PRINT("\n"); DISCARD_TEXT(main_title) } } }
§3. Analysing code. We can't pretend to a full-scale static analysis of the code — for one thing, that would mean knowing more about the syntax of the web's language than we actually do. So the following provides only a toolkit which other code can use when looking for certain syntactic patterns: something which looks like a function call, or a C structure field reference, for example. These are all essentially based on spotting identifiers in the code, but with punctuation around them.
Usage codes are used to define a set of allowed contexts in which to spot these identifiers.
define ELEMENT_ACCESS_USAGE 0x00000001 C-like languages: access via -> or . operators to structure element define FCALL_USAGE 0x00000002 C-like languages: function call made using brackets, name(args) define PREFORM_IN_CODE_USAGE 0x00000004 InC only: use of a Preform nonterminal as a C "constant" define PREFORM_IN_GRAMMAR_USAGE 0x00000008 InC only: ditto, but within Preform production rather than C code define MISC_USAGE 0x00000010 any other appearance as an identifier define ANY_USAGE 0x7fffffff any of the above
§4. The main analysis routine goes through a web as follows. Note that we only perform the search here, we don't comment on the results; any action to be taken must be handled by LanguageMethods::late_preweave_analysis when we're done.
void Analyser::analyse_code(web *W) { if (W->analysed) return; Ask language-specific code to identify search targets, and parse the Interfaces4.1; chapter *C; section *S; LOOP_WITHIN_TANGLE(C, S, Tangler::primary_target(W)) switch (L->category) { case BEGIN_DEFINITION_LCAT: Perform analysis on the body of the definition4.3; break; case CODE_BODY_LCAT: Perform analysis on a typical line of code4.2; break; case PREFORM_GRAMMAR_LCAT: Perform analysis on productions in a Preform grammar4.4; break; } LanguageMethods::late_preweave_analysis(W->main_language, W); W->analysed = TRUE; }
§4.1. First, we call any language-specific code, whose task is to identify what we should be looking for: for example, the C-like languages code tells us (see below) to look for names of particular functions it knows about.
In Version 1 webs, this code is also expected to parse any Interface lines in a section which it recognises, marking those by setting their interface_line_identified flags. Any that are left must be erroneous. Version 2 removed Interface altogeter as being cumbersome for no real gain in practice.
Ask language-specific code to identify search targets, and parse the Interfaces4.1 =
LanguageMethods::early_preweave_analysis(W->main_language, W); chapter *C; section *S; LOOP_WITHIN_TANGLE(C, S, Tangler::primary_target(W)) if ((L->category == INTERFACE_BODY_LCAT) && (L->interface_line_identified == FALSE) && (Regexp::string_is_white_space(L->text) == FALSE)) Main::error_in_web(I"unrecognised interface line", L);
- This code is used in §4.
§4.2. Perform analysis on a typical line of code4.2 =
Analyser::analyse_as_code(W, L, L->text, ANY_USAGE, 0);
- This code is used in §4.
§4.3. Perform analysis on the body of the definition4.3 =
Analyser::analyse_as_code(W, L, L->text_operand2, ANY_USAGE, 0); while ((L->next_line) && (L->next_line->category == CONT_DEFINITION_LCAT)) { L = L->next_line; Analyser::analyse_as_code(W, L, L->text, ANY_USAGE, 0); }
- This code is used in §4.
§4.4. Lines in a Preform grammar generally take the form of some BNF grammar, where we want only to identify any nonterminals mentioned, then a ==> divider, and then some C code to deal with a match. The code is subjected to analysis just as any other code would be.
Perform analysis on productions in a Preform grammar4.4 =
Analyser::analyse_as_code(W, L, L->text_operand2, ANY_USAGE, 0); Analyser::analyse_as_code(W, L, L->text_operand, PREFORM_IN_CODE_USAGE, PREFORM_IN_GRAMMAR_USAGE);
- This code is used in §4.
§5. Identifier searching. Here's what we actually do, then. We take the code fragment text, drawn from part or all of source line L from web W, and look for any identifier names used in one of the contexts in the bitmap mask. Any that we find are passed to Analyser::analyse_find, along with the context they were found in (or, if transf is nonzero, with transf as their context).
What we do is to look for instances of an identifier, defined as a maximal string of %i characters or hyphens not followed by > characters. (Thus fish-or-chips counts, but fish- is not an identifier when it occurs in fish->bone.)
void Analyser::analyse_as_code(web *W, source_line *L, text_stream *text, int mask, int transf) { int start_at = -1, element_follows = FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < Str::len(text); i++) { if ((Regexp::identifier_char(Str::get_at(text, i))) || ((Str::get_at(text, i) == '-') && (Str::get_at(text, i+1) != '>'))) { if (start_at == -1) start_at = i; } else { if (start_at != -1) Found an identifier5.1; if (Str::get_at(text, i) == '.') element_follows = TRUE; else if ((Str::get_at(text, i) == '-') && (Str::get_at(text, i+1) == '>')) { element_follows = TRUE; i++; } else element_follows = FALSE; } } if (start_at != -1) { int i = Str::len(text); Found an identifier5.1; } }
§5.1. Found an identifier5.1 =
int u = MISC_USAGE; if (element_follows) u = ELEMENT_ACCESS_USAGE; else if (Str::get_at(text, i) == '(') u = FCALL_USAGE; else if ((Str::get_at(text, i) == '>') && (start_at > 0) && (Str::get_at(text, start_at-1) == '<')) u = PREFORM_IN_CODE_USAGE; if (u & mask) { if (transf) u = transf; TEMPORARY_TEXT(identifier_found) for (int j = 0; start_at + j < i; j++) PUT_TO(identifier_found, Str::get_at(text, start_at + j)); Analyser::analyse_find(W, L, identifier_found, u); DISCARD_TEXT(identifier_found) } start_at = -1; element_follows = FALSE;
- This code is used in §5 (twice).
§6. Dealing with a hash table of reserved words:
hash_table_entry *Analyser::find_hash_entry_for_section(section *S, text_stream *text, int create) { return ReservedWords::find_hash_entry(&(S->sect_target->symbols), text, create); } void Analyser::mark_reserved_word_for_section(section *S, text_stream *p, int e) { ReservedWords::mark_reserved_word(&(S->sect_target->symbols), p, e); } hash_table_entry *Analyser::mark_reserved_word_at_line(source_line *L, text_stream *p, int e) { if (L == NULL) internal_error("no line for rw"); hash_table_entry *hte = ReservedWords::mark_reserved_word(&(L->owning_section->sect_target->symbols), p, e); hte->definition_line = L; return hte; } int Analyser::is_reserved_word_for_section(section *S, text_stream *p, int e) { return ReservedWords::is_reserved_word(&(S->sect_target->symbols), p, e); } source_line *Analyser::get_defn_line(section *S, text_stream *p, int e) { hash_table_entry *hte = ReservedWords::find_hash_entry(&(S->sect_target->symbols), p, FALSE); if ((hte) && (hte->language_reserved_word & (1 << (e % 32)))) return hte->definition_line; return NULL; } language_function *Analyser::get_function(section *S, text_stream *p, int e) { hash_table_entry *hte = ReservedWords::find_hash_entry(&(S->sect_target->symbols), p, FALSE); if ((hte) && (hte->language_reserved_word & (1 << (e % 32)))) return hte->as_function; return NULL; }
§7. Now we turn back to the actual analysis. When we spot an identifier that we know, we record its usage with an instance of the following. Note that each identifier can have at most one of these records per paragraph of code, but that it can be used in multiple ways within that paragraph: for example, a function might be both called and used as a constant value within the same paragraph of code.
typedef struct hash_table_entry_usage { struct paragraph *usage_recorded_at; int form_of_usage; bitmap of the *_USAGE constants defined above CLASS_DEFINITION } hash_table_entry_usage;
- The structure hash_table_entry_usage is accessed in 3/tw, 4/taf, 4/as, 4/is and here.
§8. And here's how we create these usages:
void Analyser::analyse_find(web *W, source_line *L, text_stream *identifier, int u) { hash_table_entry *hte = Analyser::find_hash_entry_for_section(L->owning_section, identifier, FALSE); if (hte == NULL) return; hash_table_entry_usage *hteu = NULL, *loop = NULL; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(loop, hash_table_entry_usage, hte->usages) if (L->owning_paragraph == loop->usage_recorded_at) { hteu = loop; break; } if (hteu == NULL) { hteu = CREATE(hash_table_entry_usage); hteu->form_of_usage = 0; hteu->usage_recorded_at = L->owning_paragraph; ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(hteu, hash_table_entry_usage, hte->usages); } hteu->form_of_usage |= u; }
§9. Open-source project support. The work here is all delegated. In each case we look for a script in the web's folder: failing that, we fall back on a default script belonging to Inweb.
void Analyser::write_makefile(web *W, filename *F, module_search *I, text_stream *platform) { pathname *P = W->md->path_to_web; text_stream *short_name = Pathnames::directory_name(P); if ((Str::len(short_name) == 0) || (Str::eq(short_name, I".")) || (Str::eq(short_name, I".."))) short_name = I"web"; TEMPORARY_TEXT(leafname) WRITE_TO(leafname, "%S.mkscript", short_name); filename *prototype = Filenames::in(P, leafname); DISCARD_TEXT(leafname) if (!(TextFiles::exists(prototype))) prototype = Filenames::in(path_to_inweb_materials, I"default.mkscript"); Makefiles::write(W, prototype, F, I, platform); } void Analyser::write_gitignore(web *W, filename *F) { pathname *P = W->md->path_to_web; text_stream *short_name = Pathnames::directory_name(P); if ((Str::len(short_name) == 0) || (Str::eq(short_name, I".")) || (Str::eq(short_name, I".."))) short_name = I"web"; TEMPORARY_TEXT(leafname) WRITE_TO(leafname, "%S.giscript", short_name); filename *prototype = Filenames::in(P, leafname); DISCARD_TEXT(leafname) if (!(TextFiles::exists(prototype))) prototype = Filenames::in(path_to_inweb_materials, I"default.giscript"); Git::write_gitignore(W, prototype, F); }
§10. I'm probably showing my age here.
programming_language *Analyser::default_language(web *W) { return Analyser::find_by_name(I"C", W, TRUE); } programming_language *Analyser::find_by_name(text_stream *lname, web *W, int error_if_not_found) { pathname *P = Pathnames::down(W->md->path_to_web, I"Dialects"); return Languages::find_by_name(lname, P, error_if_not_found); }