To support a modest extension of C called InC.

§1. Creation. As can be seen, InC is a basically C-like language, but in addition to having all of those methods, it has a whole lot more of its own.

void InCSupport::add_features(programming_language *pl) {
    METHOD_ADD(pl, FURTHER_PARSING_PAR_MTID, InCSupport::further_parsing);

    METHOD_ADD(pl, SUPPRESS_EXPANSION_TAN_MTID, InCSupport::suppress_expansion);
    METHOD_ADD(pl, TANGLE_COMMAND_TAN_MTID, InCSupport::special_tangle_command);
    METHOD_ADD(pl, ADDITIONAL_PREDECLARATIONS_TAN_MTID, InCSupport::additional_predeclarations);
    METHOD_ADD(pl, WILL_TANGLE_EXTRA_LINE_TAN_MTID, InCSupport::will_insert_in_tangle);
    METHOD_ADD(pl, TANGLE_EXTRA_LINE_TAN_MTID, InCSupport::insert_in_tangle);
    METHOD_ADD(pl, TANGLE_LINE_UNUSUALLY_TAN_MTID, InCSupport::tangle_line);
    METHOD_ADD(pl, GNABEHS_TAN_MTID, InCSupport::gnabehs);
    METHOD_ADD(pl, ADDITIONAL_TANGLING_TAN_MTID, InCSupport::additional_tangling);

    METHOD_ADD(pl, SKIP_IN_WEAVING_WEA_MTID, InCSupport::skip_in_weaving);
    METHOD_ADD(pl, WEAVE_CODE_LINE_WEA_MTID, InCSupport::weave_code_line);
    METHOD_ADD(pl, NOTIFY_NEW_TAG_WEA_MTID, InCSupport::new_tag_declared);

    METHOD_ADD(pl, ANALYSIS_ANA_MTID, InCSupport::analyse_code);
    METHOD_ADD(pl, SHARE_ELEMENT_ANA_MTID, InCSupport::share_element);

§2. We will apply this special tag wherever Preform grammar is defined:

theme_tag *Preform_theme = NULL;

§3. Parsing methods. We only provide one parsing method, but it's a big one:

preform_nonterminal *alphabetical_list_of_nonterminals = NULL;

void InCSupport::further_parsing(programming_language *self, web *W) {
    chapter *C;
    section *S;
    LOOP_WITHIN_TANGLE(C, S, Tangler::primary_target(W))
        if ((L->category == CODE_BODY_LCAT) || (L->category == CONT_DEFINITION_LCAT)) {
            Detect and deal with Preform grammar3.1;
            Detect and deal with I-literals3.2

§3.1. Parsing Preform grammar. This is where we look for declarations of nonterminals. Very little about the following code will make sense unless you've first read the Preform section of the words module, which is what we're supporting, and seen some examples of Preform being used in the Inform source code.

In parsing, we categorise the opening lines PREFORM_LCAT. Subsequent lines of grammar are PREFORM_GRAMMAR_LCAT; but the lines of InC code inside an internal definition remain just plain CODE_BODY_LCAT lines.


Detect and deal with Preform grammar3.1 =

    int form = NOT_A_NONTERMINAL;  one of the four values above, or a non-negative word count
    Parse a Preform nonterminal header line3.1.1;
    if (form != NOT_A_NONTERMINAL) Record a Preform nonterminal here3.1.3;

§3.1.1. The keyword internal can be followed by an indication of the number of words the nonterminal will match: usually a decimal non-negative number, but optionally a question mark ? to indicate voracity.

Parse a Preform nonterminal header line3.1.1 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, U"(<%p+>) ::=%c*")) {
        Str::copy(pntname, mr.exp[0]);
        Str::copy(header, mr.exp[0]);
        Parse the subsequent lines as Preform grammar3.1.1.1;
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, U"((<%p+>) internal %?) {%c*")) {
        Str::copy(pntname, mr.exp[1]);
        Str::copy(header, mr.exp[0]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, U"((<%p+>) internal) {%c*")) {
        Str::copy(pntname, mr.exp[1]);
        Str::copy(header, mr.exp[0]);
    } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, U"((<%p+>) internal (%d+)) {%c*")) {
        form = Str::atoi(mr.exp[2], 0);
        Str::copy(pntname, mr.exp[1]);
        Str::copy(header, mr.exp[0]);

§3.1.2. Each Preform nonterminal defined in the tangle will cause one of these structures to be created:

typedef struct preform_nonterminal {
    struct text_stream *nt_name;  e.g., <action-clause>
    struct text_stream *unangled_name;  e.g., action-clause
    struct text_stream *as_C_identifier;  e.g., action_clause_NTM
    int as_function;  defined internally, that is, parsed by a C language_function
    int voracious;  a voracious nonterminal: see "The English Syntax of Inform"
    int min_word_count;  for internals only
    int max_word_count;
    int takes_pointer_result;  right-hand formula defines *XP, not *X
    struct source_line *where_defined;
    struct preform_nonterminal *next_pnt_alphabetically;
} preform_nonterminal;

§3.1.3. We will

Record a Preform nonterminal here3.1.3 =

    preform_nonterminal *pnt = CREATE(preform_nonterminal);
    pnt->where_defined = L;
    pnt->nt_name = Str::duplicate(pntname);
    pnt->unangled_name = Str::duplicate(pntname);
    pnt->as_C_identifier = Str::duplicate(pntname);
    pnt->next_pnt_alphabetically = NULL;
    Apply unangling cream to name3.1.3.1;
    Compose a C identifier for the nonterminal3.1.3.2;
    Work out the parsing characteristics of the nonterminal3.1.3.3;

    Insertion-sort this this nonterminal into the alphabetical list3.1.3.4;
    Register the nonterminal with the line and paragraph from which it comes3.1.3.5;

§ Apply unangling cream to name3.1.3.1 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, pntname, U"%<(%c*)%>")) pnt->unangled_name = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);

§ When the program we are tangling is eventually running, each nonterminal will be represented by a pointer to a unique data structure for it. Inweb automatically compiles code to create these pointers; and here's how it works out their names.

Compose a C identifier for the nonterminal3.1.3.2 =

    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, pnt->as_C_identifier) {
        if (Str::get(pos) == '-') Str::put(pos, '_');
        if (Str::get(pos) == '>') { Str::put(pos, 0); break; }
    WRITE_TO(pnt->as_C_identifier, "_NTM");

§ "Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus", by Georges or possibly his sister Madeleine de Scudéry, published around 1650, runs to 1,954,300 words. If you can write an Inform source text 500 times longer than that, then you may need to raise the following definition:

define INFINITE_WORD_COUNT 1000000000

Work out the parsing characteristics of the nonterminal3.1.3.3 =

    pnt->voracious = FALSE; if (form == A_VORACIOUS_NONTERMINAL) pnt->voracious = TRUE;
    pnt->as_function = TRUE; if (form == A_GRAMMAR_NONTERMINAL) pnt->as_function = FALSE;

    pnt->takes_pointer_result = FALSE;
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, pnt->nt_name, U"<k-%c+")) pnt->takes_pointer_result = TRUE;
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, pnt->nt_name, U"<s-%c+")) pnt->takes_pointer_result = TRUE;

    int min = 1, max = form;
    if (form < 0) max = INFINITE_WORD_COUNT;
    if (max == 0) min = 0;
    else if (max != INFINITE_WORD_COUNT) min = max;
    pnt->min_word_count = min;
    pnt->max_word_count = max;

§ Insertion-sort this this nonterminal into the alphabetical list3.1.3.4 =

    if (alphabetical_list_of_nonterminals == NULL) alphabetical_list_of_nonterminals = pnt;
    else {
        int placed = FALSE;
        preform_nonterminal *last = NULL;
        for (preform_nonterminal *seq = alphabetical_list_of_nonterminals; seq;
            seq = seq->next_pnt_alphabetically) {
            if (Str::cmp(pntname, seq->nt_name) < 0) {
                if (seq == alphabetical_list_of_nonterminals) {
                    pnt->next_pnt_alphabetically = alphabetical_list_of_nonterminals;
                    alphabetical_list_of_nonterminals = pnt;
                } else {
                    last->next_pnt_alphabetically = pnt;
                    pnt->next_pnt_alphabetically = seq;
                placed = TRUE;
            last = seq;
        if (placed == FALSE) last->next_pnt_alphabetically = pnt;

§ Register the nonterminal with the line and paragraph from which it comes3.1.3.5 =

    L->preform_nonterminal_defined = pnt;
    if (Preform_theme) Tags::add_to_paragraph(L->owning_paragraph, Preform_theme, NULL);
    L->category = PREFORM_LCAT;
    L->text_operand = Str::duplicate(header);

§ Parsing the body of Preform grammar. After a line like <action-clause> ::=, Preform grammar follows on subsequent lines until we hit the end of the paragraph, or a white-space line, whichever comes first. Each line of grammar is categorised PREFORM_GRAMMAR_LCAT. If we have a line with an arrow, like so:

    porcupine tree  ==>  { 2, - }{}

then the text on the left goes into text_operand and the right into text_operand2, with the arrow itself (and white space around it) cut out.

Parse the subsequent lines as Preform grammar3.1.1.1 =

    Tags::add_by_name(L->owning_paragraph, I"Preform");
    source_line *AL;
    for (AL = L; (AL) && (AL->category == CODE_BODY_LCAT); AL = AL->next_line) {
        if (Regexp::string_is_white_space(AL->text)) break;
        AL->category = PREFORM_GRAMMAR_LCAT;
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, AL->text, U"(%c+?) ==> (%c*)")) {
            AL->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
            AL->text_operand2 = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
        } else {
            AL->text_operand = AL->text;
            AL->text_operand2 = Str::new();
        Remove any C comment from the left side of the arrow3.;
        Detect any nonterminal variables being set on the right side of the arrow3.;

§ In case we have a comment at the end of the grammar, like this:

    porcupine tree  /* what happens now? */

we want to remove it. The regular expression here isn't terribly legible, but trust me, it's correct.

Remove any C comment from the left side of the arrow3. =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, AL->text_operand, U"(%c*)%/%*%c*%*%/ *"))
        AL->text_operand = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);

§ Note that nonterminal variables are, by default, integers. If their names are divided internally with a colon, however, as <<structure:name>>, then they have the type structure *.

Detect any nonterminal variables being set on the right side of the arrow3. =

    TEMPORARY_TEXT(to_scan) Str::copy(to_scan, AL->text_operand2);
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    while (Regexp::match(&mr, to_scan, U"%c*?<<(%P+?)>> =(%c*)")) {
        TEMPORARY_TEXT(var_given) Str::copy(var_given, mr.exp[0]);
        TEMPORARY_TEXT(type_given) WRITE_TO(type_given, "int");
        Str::copy(to_scan, mr.exp[1]);
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, var_given, U"(%p+):%p+")) {
            WRITE_TO(type_given, "%S *", mr.exp[0]);
        nonterminal_variable *ntv;
        LOOP_OVER(ntv, nonterminal_variable)
            if (Str::eq(ntv->ntv_name, var_given))
        if (ntv == NULL) This one's new, so create a new nonterminal variable3.;

§ Nonterminal variables are actually just global C variables, and their C identifiers need to avoid hyphens and colons. For example, <<kind:ref>> has identifier "kind_ref_NTMV". Each one is recorded in a structure thus:

typedef struct nonterminal_variable {
    struct text_stream *ntv_name;  e.g., "num"
    struct text_stream *ntv_type;  e.g., "int"
    struct text_stream *ntv_identifier;  e.g., "num_NTMV"
    struct source_line *first_mention;  first usage
} nonterminal_variable;

§ This one's new, so create a new nonterminal variable3. =

    ntv = CREATE(nonterminal_variable);
    ntv->ntv_name = Str::duplicate(var_given);
    ntv->ntv_type = Str::duplicate(type_given);
    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(P, var_given)
        if ((Str::get(P) == '-') || (Str::get(P) == ':'))
            Str::put(P, '_');
    ntv->ntv_identifier = Str::new();
    WRITE_TO(ntv->ntv_identifier, "%S_NTMV", var_given);
    ntv->first_mention = AL;

§3.2. Parsing I-literals. A simpler but useful further addition to C is that we recognise a new form of string literal: I"quartz" makes a constant text stream with the content "quartz".

Detect and deal with I-literals3.2 =

    for (int i = 0, quoted = FALSE; i < Str::len(L->text); i++) {
        if (Str::get_at(L->text, i) == '"')
            if ((Str::get_at(L->text, i-1) != '\\') &&
                ((Str::get_at(L->text, i-1) != '\'') || (Str::get_at(L->text, i+1) != '\'')))
                    quoted = quoted?FALSE:TRUE;
        if ((fundamental_mode != WEAVE_MODE) && (quoted == FALSE) &&
            (Str::get_at(L->text, i) == 'I') && (Str::get_at(L->text, i+1) == '"'))
            This looks like an I-literal3.2.1;

§3.2.1. This looks like an I-literal3.2.1 =

    int i_was = i;
    int ended = FALSE;
    i += 2;
    while (Str::get_at(L->text, i)) {
        if (Str::get_at(L->text, i) == '"') { ended = TRUE; break; }
        PUT_TO(lit, Str::get_at(L->text, i++));
    if (ended) This is definitely an I-literal3.2.1.2;

§ Each I-literal results in an instance of the following being created. The I-literal I"quartz" would have content quartz and identifier something like TL_IS_123.

typedef struct text_literal {
    struct text_stream *tl_identifier;
    struct text_stream *tl_content;
} text_literal;

§ So suppose we've got a line of web such as

    text_stream *T = I"quartz";

We create the necessary I-literal, and splice the line so that it now reads text_stream *T = TL_IS_123;. (That's why we don't call any of this on a weave run; we're actually amending the code of the web.)

This is definitely an I-literal3.2.1.2 =

    text_literal *tl = CREATE(text_literal);
    tl->tl_identifier = Str::new();
    WRITE_TO(tl->tl_identifier, "TL_IS_%d", tl->allocation_id);
    tl->tl_content = Str::duplicate(lit);
    Str::copy(before, L->text);
    Str::truncate(before, i_was);
    Str::copy_tail(after, L->text, i+1);
    WRITE_TO(L->text, "%S%S", before, tl->tl_identifier);
    i = Str::len(L->text);
    WRITE_TO(L->text, "%S", after);

§4. Tangling methods. Suppress the expansion of macros occurring on a line introduced by a // comment. (This avoids problems when tangling code that's been commented out.)

int InCSupport::suppress_expansion(programming_language *self, text_stream *material) {
    if ((Str::get_at(material, 0) == '/') && (Str::get_at(material, 1) == '/'))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§5. InC does three things which C doesn't: it allows the namespaced function names like Section::function(); it allows Foundation-class-style string literals marked with an I, I"like this", which we will call I-literals; and it allows Preform natural language grammar to be mixed in with code.

The following routine is a hook needed for two of these. It recognises two special tangling commands:

int InCSupport::special_tangle_command(programming_language *me, OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *data) {
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(data, U"nonterminals")) {
        return TRUE;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(data, U"textliterals")) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§6. Time to predeclare things. InC is going to create a special function, right at the end of the code, which "registers" the nonterminals, creating their run-time data structures; we must predeclare this function. It will set values for the pointers action_clause_NTM, and so on; these are global variables, which we initially declare as NULL.

We also declare the nonterminal variables like kind_ref_NTMV, initialising all integers to zero and all pointers to NULL.

We do something similar, but simpler, to declare text stream constants.

void InCSupport::additional_predeclarations(programming_language *self, text_stream *OUT, web *W) {
    chapter *C;
    section *S;
    LOOP_WITHIN_TANGLE(C, S, Tangler::primary_target(W))
        if (L->preform_nonterminal_defined) {
            preform_nonterminal *pnt = L->preform_nonterminal_defined;
            LanguageMethods::insert_line_marker(OUT, W->main_language, L);
            WRITE("nonterminal *%S = NULL;\n", pnt->as_C_identifier);

    nonterminal_variable *ntv;
    LOOP_OVER(ntv, nonterminal_variable)
        WRITE("%S %S = %s;\n",
            ntv->ntv_type, ntv->ntv_identifier,
            (Str::eq_wide_string(ntv->ntv_type, U"int"))?"0":"NULL");

    WRITE("void register_tangled_nonterminals(void);\n");

    text_literal *tl;
    LOOP_OVER(tl, text_literal)
        WRITE("text_stream *%S = NULL;\n", tl->tl_identifier);

    WRITE("void register_tangled_text_literals(void);\n");

§7. And here are the promised routines, which appear at the very end of the code. They make use of macros and data structures defined in the Inform 7 web.

void InCSupport::gnabehs(programming_language *self, text_stream *OUT, web *W) {
    WRITE("void register_tangled_nonterminals(void) {\n");
    chapter *C;
    section *S;
    LOOP_WITHIN_TANGLE(C, S, Tangler::primary_target(W))
        if (L->preform_nonterminal_defined) {
            preform_nonterminal *pnt = L->preform_nonterminal_defined;
            LanguageMethods::insert_line_marker(OUT, W->main_language, L);
            if (pnt->as_function) {
                WRITE("\tINTERNAL_NONTERMINAL(U\"%S\", %S, %d, %d);\n",
                    pnt->nt_name, pnt->as_C_identifier,
                    pnt->min_word_count, pnt->max_word_count);
                WRITE("\t%S->voracious = %d;\n",
                    pnt->as_C_identifier, pnt->voracious);
            } else {
                WRITE("\tREGISTER_NONTERMINAL(U\"%S\", %S);\n",
                    pnt->nt_name, pnt->as_C_identifier);
    WRITE("void register_tangled_text_literals(void) {\n"); INDENT;
    text_literal *tl;
    LOOP_OVER(tl, text_literal)
        WRITE("%S = Str::literal(U\"%S\");\n", tl->tl_identifier, tl->tl_content);
    OUTDENT; WRITE("}\n");

§8. That's it for big structural additions to the tangled C code. Now we turn to how to tangle the lines we've given special categories to.

We need to tangle PREFORM_LCAT lines (those holding nonterminal declarations) in a special way...

int InCSupport::will_insert_in_tangle(programming_language *self, source_line *L) {
    if (L->category == PREFORM_LCAT) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§9. ...and this is how. As can be seen, each nonterminal turns into a C function. In the case of an internal definition, like

    <k-kind-for-template> internal {

we tangle this opening line to

    int k_kind_for_template_NTM(wording W, int *X, void **XP) {

that is, to a function which returns TRUE if it makes a match on the text excerpt in Inform's source text, FALSE otherwise; if it matches and produces an integer and/or pointer result, these are copied into *X and *XP. The remaining lines of the function are tangled unaltered, i.e., following the same rules as for the body of any other C function.

void InCSupport::insert_in_tangle(programming_language *self, text_stream *OUT, source_line *L) {
    preform_nonterminal *pnt = L->preform_nonterminal_defined;
    if (pnt->as_function) {
        WRITE("int %SR(wording W, int *X, void **XP) {\n",
    } else {
        WRITE("int %SC(int *X, void **XP, int *R, void **RP, wording *FW, wording W) {\n",
        Compile the body of the compositor function9.1;

§9.1. On the other hand, a grammar nonterminal tangles to a "compositor function". Thus the opening line

    <action-clause> ::=

tangles to a function header:

    int action_clause_NTMC(int *X, void **XP, int *R, void **RP, wording *FW, wording W) {

Subsequent lines of the nonterminal are categorised PREFORM_GRAMMAR_LCAT and thus won't tangle to code at all, by the usual rules; so we tangle from them directly here.

Composition is what happens after a successful match of the text in the word range W. The idea is that, especially if the pattern was complicated, we will need to "compose" the results of parsing individual pieces of it into a result for the whole. These partial results can be found in the arrays R[n] and RP[n] passed as parameters; recall that every nonterminal has in principle both an integer and a pointer result, though often one or both is undefined.

A simple example would be

    <cardinal-number> + <cardinal-number> ==> R[1] + R[2]

where the composition function would be called on a match of, say, "\(5 + 7\)", and would find the values 5 and 7 in R[1] and R[2] respectively. It would then add these together, store 12 in *X, and return TRUE to show that all was well.

A more typical example, drawn from the actual Inform 7 web, is:

    <k-kind-of-kind> <k-formal-variable> ==> { - , Kinds::var_construction(R[2], RP[1]) }

which says that the composite result — the right-hand formula — is formed by calling a particular routine on the integer result of subexpression 2 (<k-formal-variable>) and the pointer result of subexpression 1 (<k-kind-of-kind>). The answer, the composite result, that is, must be placed in *X and *XP. (Composition functions are also allowed to invalidate the result, by returning FALSE, and have other tricks up their sleeves, but none of that is handled by Inweb: see the Inform 7 web for more on this.)

Compile the body of the compositor function9.1 =

    int needs_collation = FALSE;
    for (source_line *AL = L->next_line;
        ((AL) && (AL->category == PREFORM_GRAMMAR_LCAT));
        AL = AL->next_line)
            if (Str::len(AL->text_operand2) > 0)
                needs_collation = TRUE;
    if (needs_collation) At least one of the grammar lines provided an arrow and formula9.1.2
    else None of the grammar lines provided an arrow and formula9.1.1;
    WRITE("\treturn TRUE;\n");

§9.1.1. In the absence of any ==> formulae, we simply set *X to the default result supplied; this is the production number within the grammar (0 for the first line, 1 for the second, and so on) by default, with an undefined pointer.

None of the grammar lines provided an arrow and formula9.1.1 =

    WRITE("\t*X = R[0];\n");

§9.1.2. At least one of the grammar lines provided an arrow and formula9.1.2 =

    WRITE("\tswitch(R[0]) {\n");
    int c = 0;
    for (source_line *AL = L->next_line;
        ((AL) && (AL->category == PREFORM_GRAMMAR_LCAT));
        AL = AL->next_line, c++) {
        text_stream *formula = AL->text_operand2;
        if (Str::len(formula) > 0) {
            LanguageMethods::insert_line_marker(OUT, AL->owning_section->sect_language, AL);
            WRITE("\t\tcase %d: ", c);
            Tangle the formula on the right-hand side of the arrow9.1.2.1;
            WRITE("#pragma clang diagnostic push\n");
            WRITE("#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunreachable-code\"\n");
            WRITE("#pragma clang diagnostic pop\n");
    WRITE("\t\tdefault: *X = R[0]; break;\n");

§ We assume that the RHS of the arrow is an expression to be evaluated, and that it produces an integer or a pointer according to what the non-terminal expects as its main result. But we make one exception: if the formula begins with a paragraph macro, then it can't be an expression, and instead we read it as code in a void context. (This code will, we assume, set *X and/or *XP in some ingenious way of its own.)

Within the body of the formula, we allow a pseudo-macro to work: WR[n] expands to word range n in the match which we're compositing. This actually expands like so:


which saves a good deal of typing. (A regular C preprocessor macro couldn't easily do this, because it needs to include the identifier name of the nonterminal being parsed.)

Tangle the formula on the right-hand side of the arrow9.1.2.1 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, formula, U"{ *(%c*?) *} *(%c*)")) {
        WRITE_TO(rewritten, "==");
        WRITE_TO(rewritten, "> { %S }", mr.exp[0]);
        InCSupport::tangle_line_inner(OUT, AL, pnt, rewritten);
        InCSupport::expand_formula(OUT, AL, pnt, mr.exp[1], TRUE);
    } else {
        if (!Regexp::match(&mr, formula, U"@<%c*")) {
            if (pnt->takes_pointer_result) WRITE("*XP = ");
            else WRITE("*X = ");
        InCSupport::expand_formula(OUT, AL, pnt, formula, TRUE);


void InCSupport::expand_formula(text_stream *OUT, source_line *AL, preform_nonterminal *pnt,
    text_stream *formula, int full) {
    for (int i=0; i < Str::len(formula); i++) {
        if ((Str::get_at(formula, i) == 'W') && (Str::get_at(formula, i+1) == 'R') &&
            (Str::get_at(formula, i+2) == '[') &&
            (Characters::isdigit(Str::get_at(formula, i+3))) && (Str::get_at(formula, i+4) == ']')) {
                if (pnt == NULL) {
                    Main::error_in_web(I"'WR[...]' notation unavailable", AL);
                    if (AL == NULL) WRITE_TO(STDERR, "%S\n", formula);
                } else {
                        "%S->range_result[%c]", pnt->as_C_identifier, Str::get_at(formula, i+3));
                i += 4;
        } else {
            PUT_TO(expanded, Str::get_at(formula, i));
    if (full) Tangler::tangle_line(OUT, expanded, AL->owning_section, AL);
    else InCSupport::tangle_line_inner(OUT, AL, pnt, expanded);

§11. Going down from line level to the tangling of little excerpts of C code, we also provide for some other special extensions to C.

int InCSupport::tangle_line(programming_language *self, text_stream *OUT, text_stream *original) {
    InCSupport::tangle_line_inner(OUT, NULL, NULL, original);
    return TRUE;

void InCSupport::tangle_line_inner(text_stream *OUT, source_line *AL, preform_nonterminal *pnt, text_stream *original) {
    int fcall_pos = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < Str::len(original); i++) {
        Double-colons are namespace dividers in function names11.1;
        Long arrow and braces assigns Preform results11.2;
        if (Str::get_at(original, i) == '<') {
            if (Str::get_at(original, i+1) == '<') {
                Double-angles sometimes delimit Preform variable names11.3;
            } else {
                Single-angles sometimes delimit Preform nonterminal names11.4;
        if (i == fcall_pos) {
            fcall_pos = -1;
            WRITE(", NULL, NULL");
        PUT(Str::get_at(original, i));

§11.1. For example, a function name like Text::Parsing::get_next must be rewritten as Text__Parsing__get_next since colons aren't valid in C identifiers. The following is prone to all kinds of misreadings, of course; it picks up any use of :: between an alphanumberic character and a letter. In particular, code like

    printf("Trying Text::Parsing::get_next now.\n");

will be rewritten as

    printf("Trying Text__Parsing__get_next now.\n");

This is probably unwanted, but it doesn't matter, because these Inform-only extension features of Inweb aren't intended for general use: only for Inform, where no misreadings occur.

Double-colons are namespace dividers in function names11.1 =

    if ((i > 0) && (Str::get_at(original, i) == ':') && (Str::get_at(original, i+1) == ':') &&
        (Characters::isalpha(Str::get_at(original, i+2))) &&
        (Characters::isalnum(Str::get_at(original, i-1)))) {
        WRITE("__"); i++;

§11.2. For example, ==> { A, B } assigns the expressions A and B as the results of parsing a Preform nonterminal.


Long arrow and braces assigns Preform results11.2 =

    if ((Str::get_at(original, i) == '=') &&
        (Str::get_at(original, i+1) == '=') &&
        (Str::get_at(original, i+2) == '>') &&
        (Str::get_at(original, i+3) == ' ') &&
        (Str::get_at(original, i+4) == '{')) {
        int clauses, err = FALSE;
        text_stream *clause[MAX_PREFORM_RESULT_CLAUSES];
        Find the clauses11.2.1;
        if (clauses == 1) Recognise one-clause specials11.2.2;
        if (clauses < 2) err = TRUE;
        if (err == FALSE) Write the assignments11.2.3;
        if (err) {
            Main::error_in_web(I"malformed '{ , }' formula", AL);
            if (AL == NULL) WRITE_TO(STDERR, "%S\n", original);

§11.2.1. The clauses are a comma-separated list inside the braces, except that the commas need to be outside of any parentheses.

Find the clauses11.2.1 =

    clauses = 1;
    clause[0] = Str::new();
    int bl = 0;
    for (int j = i+5; j < Str::len(original); j++) {
        inchar32_t c = Str::get_at(original, j);
        if ((c == ',') && (bl == 0)) {
            if (clauses >= MAX_PREFORM_RESULT_CLAUSES) err = TRUE;
            else { clause[clauses] = Str::new(); clauses++; }
        if ((c == '}') && (bl == 0)) {
            i = j; break;
        switch (c) {
            case '(': bl++; break;
            case ')': bl--; if (bl < 0) err = TRUE; break;
        PUT_TO(clause[clauses-1], c);
    if (bl != 0) err = TRUE;
    for (int c=0; c<clauses; c++) Str::trim_white_space(clause[c]);

§11.2.2. There are a number of special syntaxes with just one clause, and these are implemented by rewriting them in two clauses, and sometimes adding some extra code to execute after the assignments.

Recognise one-clause specials11.2.2 =

    if (Str::eq(clause[0], I"fail")) {
        clause[1] = Str::new(); clauses = 2;
        WRITE_TO(extra, "return FAIL_NONTERMINAL;");
        WRITE_TO(clause[0], "-");
        WRITE_TO(clause[1], "-");
    } else if (Str::eq(clause[0], I"fail production")) {
        clause[1] = Str::new(); clauses = 2;
        WRITE_TO(extra, "return FALSE;");
        WRITE_TO(clause[0], "-");
        WRITE_TO(clause[1], "-");
    } else if (Str::eq(clause[0], I"fail nonterminal")) {
        clause[1] = Str::new(); clauses = 2;
        WRITE_TO(extra, "return FALSE;");
        WRITE_TO(clause[0], "-");
        WRITE_TO(clause[1], "-");
    } else if (Str::prefix_eq(clause[0], I"advance ", 8)) {
        clause[1] = Str::new(); clauses = 2;
        WRITE_TO(extra, "return FAIL_NONTERMINAL + ");
        Str::substr(extra, Str::at(clause[0], 8), Str::end(clause[0]));
        WRITE_TO(extra, ";");
        WRITE_TO(clause[0], "0");
        WRITE_TO(clause[1], "NULL");
    } else if (Str::prefix_eq(clause[0], I"pass ", 5)) {
        clause[1] = Str::new(); clauses = 2;
        Str::substr(from, Str::at(clause[0], 5), Str::end(clause[0]));
        WRITE_TO(clause[0], "R[%S]", from);
        WRITE_TO(clause[1], "RP[%S]", from);
    } else if (Str::eq(clause[0], I"lookahead")) {
        clause[1] = Str::new(); clauses = 2;
        WRITE_TO(clause[0], "0");
        WRITE_TO(clause[1], "NULL");
        WRITE_TO(extra, "return preform_lookahead_mode;");

§11.2.3. Each clause leads to an assignment. Clauses 0 and 1 set the result values for the current nonterminal; any subsequent clauses must specify which variable is to be set. A dash means make no assignment.

For example, { R[1], - , <<to>> = R[2] } sets *X to R[1], does not alter *XP, and sets <<to>> to R[2].

Write the assignments11.2.3 =

    for (int c=0; c<clauses; c++) {
        if (Str::ne(clause[c], I"-")) {
            switch (c) {
                case 0: WRITE("*X = ");
                    InCSupport::expand_formula(OUT, AL, pnt, clause[c], FALSE);
                    WRITE(";"); break;
                case 1: WRITE("*XP = ");
                    InCSupport::expand_formula(OUT, AL, pnt, clause[c], FALSE);
                    WRITE(";"); break;
                default: {
                    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
                    if (Regexp::match(&mr, clause[c], U"<<(%P+)>> = *(%c*)")) {
                        text_stream *putative = mr.exp[0];
                        text_stream *pv_identifier =
                        if (pv_identifier) {
                            WRITE("%S = ", pv_identifier);
                            InCSupport::expand_formula(OUT, AL, pnt, mr.exp[1], FALSE);
                        } else err = TRUE;
                    } else err = TRUE;
    if (Str::ne(extra, I"-")) {
        InCSupport::expand_formula(OUT, AL, pnt, extra, FALSE);

§11.3. Angle brackets around a valid Preform variable name expand into its C identifier; for example, <<R>> becomes most_recent_result. We take no action if it's not a valid name, so <<fish>> becomes just <<fish>>.

Double-angles sometimes delimit Preform variable names11.3 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    Str::substr(check_this, Str::at(original, i), Str::end(original));
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, check_this, U"<<(%P+)>>%c*")) {
        text_stream *putative = mr.exp[0];
        text_stream *pv_identifier = InCSupport::nonterminal_variable_identifier(putative);
        if (pv_identifier) {
            WRITE("%S", pv_identifier);
            i += Str::len(putative) + 3;

§11.4. Similarly for nonterminals; <k-kind> might become k_kind_NTM. Here, though, there's a complication:

    if (<k-kind>(W)) { ...

must expand to:

    if (Text__Languages__parse_nt_against_word_range(k_kind_NTM, W, NULL, NULL)) { ...

This is all syntactic sugar to make it easier to see parsing in action. Anyway, it means we have to set fcall_pos to remember to add in the two NULL arguments when we hit the ) a little later. We're doing all of this fairly laxly, but as before: it only needs to work for Inform, and Inform doesn't cause any trouble.

Single-angles sometimes delimit Preform nonterminal names11.4 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    Str::substr(check_this, Str::at(original, i), Str::end(original));
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, check_this, U"(<%p+>)%c*")) {
        text_stream *putative = mr.exp[0];
        preform_nonterminal *pnt = InCSupport::nonterminal_by_name(putative);
        if (pnt) {
            i += Str::len(putative) - 1;
            if (Str::get_at(original, i+1) == '(') {
                int arity = 1;
                for (int j = i+2, bl = 1; ((Str::get_at(original, j)) && (bl > 0)); j++) {
                    if (Str::get_at(original, j) == '(') bl++;
                    if (Str::get_at(original, j) == ')') { bl--; if (bl == 0) fcall_pos = j; }
                    if ((Str::get_at(original, j) == ',') && (bl == 1)) arity++;
            WRITE("%S", pnt->as_C_identifier);
            if (fcall_pos >= 0) {
                WRITE(", "); i++;

§12. We needed two little routines to find nonterminals and their variables by name. They're not very efficient, but experience shows that even on a web the size of Inform 7, there's no significant gain from speeding them up (with, say, a hash table).

preform_nonterminal *InCSupport::nonterminal_by_name(text_stream *name) {
    preform_nonterminal *pnt;
    LOOP_OVER(pnt, preform_nonterminal)
        if (Str::eq(name, pnt->nt_name))
            return pnt;
    return NULL;

§13. The special variables <<R>> and <<RP>> hold the results, integer and pointer, for the most recent successful match. They're defined in the Inform 7 web (see the code for parsing text against Preform grammars), not by Inweb.

text_stream *InCSupport::nonterminal_variable_identifier(text_stream *name) {
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(name, U"r")) return I"most_recent_result";
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(name, U"rp")) return I"most_recent_result_p";
    nonterminal_variable *ntv;
    LOOP_OVER(ntv, nonterminal_variable)
        if (Str::eq(ntv->ntv_name, name))
            return ntv->ntv_identifier;
    return NULL;

§14. We saw above that the grammar lines following a non-internal declaration were divided into actual grammar, then an arrow, then a formula. The formulae were tangled into "composition functions", but the grammar itself was simply thrown away. It doesn't appear anywhere in the C code tangled by Inweb.

So what does happen to it? The answer is that it's transcribed into an auxiliary file called Syntax.preform, which Inform, once it is compiled, will read in at run-time. This is how that happens:

void InCSupport::additional_tangling(programming_language *self, web *W, tangle_target *target) {
    if (NUMBER_CREATED(preform_nonterminal) > 0) {
        pathname *P = Reader::tangled_folder(W);
        filename *Syntax = Filenames::in(P, I"Syntax.preform");

        text_stream TO_struct;
        text_stream *OUT = &TO_struct;
        if (STREAM_OPEN_TO_FILE(OUT, Syntax, ISO_ENC) == FALSE)
            Errors::fatal_with_file("unable to write Preform file", Syntax);

        WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "Writing Preform syntax to: %/f\n", Syntax);

        WRITE("[Preform syntax generated by inweb: do not edit.]\n\n");

        if (Bibliographic::data_exists(W->md, I"Preform Language"))
            WRITE("language %S\n", Bibliographic::get_datum(W->md, I"Preform Language"));

        Actually write out the Preform syntax14.1;

§14.1. See the "English Syntax of Inform" document for a heavily annotated form of the result of the following. Note a useful convention: if the right-hand side of the arrow in a grammar line uses a paragraph macro which mentions a problem message, then we transcribe a Preform comment to that effect. (This really is a comment: Inform ignores it, but it makes the file more comprehensible to human eyes.) For example,

    <article> kind ==> @<Issue C8PropertyOfKind problem@>

(The code in this paragraph macro will indeed issue this problem message, we assume.)

Actually write out the Preform syntax14.1 =

    chapter *C;
    section *S;
    LOOP_WITHIN_TANGLE(C, S, target)
        if (L->category == PREFORM_LCAT) {
            preform_nonterminal *pnt = L->preform_nonterminal_defined;
            if (pnt->as_function)
                WRITE("\n%S internal\n", pnt->nt_name);
                WRITE("\n%S ::=\n", L->text_operand);
            for (source_line *AL = L->next_line;
                ((AL) && (AL->category == PREFORM_GRAMMAR_LCAT));
                AL = AL->next_line) {
                WRITE("%S", AL->text_operand);
                match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
                if (Regexp::match(&mr, AL->text_operand2, U"%c+Issue (%c+) problem%c+"))
                    WRITE("[issues %S]", mr.exp[0]);

§15. Weaving. The following isn't a method, but is called by the weaver directly. It adds additional endnotes to the woven form of a paragraph which includes Preform nonterminal definitions; it is meaningful only in the TeX format, and should probably be dropped.

void InCSupport::weave_grammar_index(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    preform_nonterminal *pnt;
    for (pnt = alphabetical_list_of_nonterminals; pnt;
        pnt = pnt->next_pnt_alphabetically) {
            "\\leaders\\hbox to 1em{\\hss.\\hss}\\hfill {\\xreffont %S}}\n",
            (pnt->as_function)?" (internal)":"",
        int said_something = FALSE;
        List where the nonterminal appears in other Preform declarations15.2;
        List where the nonterminal is called from Inform code15.1;
        if (said_something == FALSE)
            WRITE("\\par\\hangindent=3em{\\it unused}\n\n");

§15.1. List where the nonterminal is called from Inform code15.1 =

    section *S;
    LOOP_OVER(S, section) S->scratch_flag = FALSE;
    hash_table_entry *hte = Analyser::find_hash_entry_for_section(
        pnt->where_defined->owning_section, pnt->unangled_name, FALSE);
    hash_table_entry_usage *hteu;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(hteu, hash_table_entry_usage, hte->usages)
        if (hteu->form_of_usage & PREFORM_IN_CODE_USAGE)
            hteu->usage_recorded_at->under_section->scratch_flag = TRUE;
    int use_count = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(S, section)
        if (S->scratch_flag)
    if (use_count > 0) {
        said_something = TRUE;
        WRITE("\\par\\hangindent=3em{\\it called from} ");
        int c = 0;
        LOOP_OVER(S, section)
            if (S->scratch_flag) {
                if (c++ > 0) WRITE(", ");
                WRITE("{\\xreffont %S}", S->md->sect_range);

§15.2. List where the nonterminal appears in other Preform declarations15.2 =

    section *S;
    LOOP_OVER(S, section) S->scratch_flag = FALSE;
    hash_table_entry *hte = Analyser::find_hash_entry_for_section(
        pnt->where_defined->owning_section, pnt->unangled_name, FALSE);
    hash_table_entry_usage *hteu;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(hteu, hash_table_entry_usage, hte->usages)
        if (hteu->form_of_usage & PREFORM_IN_GRAMMAR_USAGE)
            hteu->usage_recorded_at->under_section->scratch_flag = TRUE;
    int use_count = 0;
    LOOP_OVER(S, section)
        if (S->scratch_flag)
    if (use_count > 0) {
        said_something = TRUE;
        WRITE("\\par\\hangindent=3em{\\it used by other nonterminals in} ");
        int c = 0;
        LOOP_OVER(S, section)
            if (S->scratch_flag) {
                if (c++ > 0) WRITE(", ");
                WRITE("{\\xreffont %S}", S->md->sect_range);

§16. Weaving methods. If we're weaving just a document of Preform grammar, then we skip any lines of C code which appear in internal nonterminal definitions:

int skipping_internal = FALSE, preform_production_count = 0;

int InCSupport::skip_in_weaving(programming_language *self, weave_order *wv, source_line *L) {
    if ((Preform_theme) && (wv->theme_match == Preform_theme)) {
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, U"}%c*")) {
            skipping_internal = FALSE; Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); return TRUE; }
        if (skipping_internal) { Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); return TRUE; }
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, L->text, U"<%c*?> internal%c*")) skipping_internal = TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§17. And here is the TeX code for displaying Preform grammar:

int InCSupport::weave_code_line(programming_language *self, text_stream *OUT,
    weave_order *wv, web *W, chapter *C, section *S, source_line *L,
    text_stream *matter, text_stream *concluding_comment) {
    if ((Preform_theme) && (wv->theme_match == Preform_theme))
        return Formats::preform_document(OUT, wv, W, C, S, L,
            matter, concluding_comment);
    return FALSE;

§18. In paragraphs where we spot Preform nonterminals being defined, we're going to automatically apply the tag ^"Preform", but only if it already exists. We watch for it here:

void InCSupport::new_tag_declared(programming_language *self, theme_tag *tag) {
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(tag->tag_name, U"Preform")) Preform_theme = tag;

§19. Analysis methods.

void InCSupport::analyse_code(programming_language *self, web *W) {
    preform_nonterminal *pnt;
    LOOP_OVER(pnt, preform_nonterminal)
            pnt->unangled_name, TRUE);

int InCSupport::share_element(programming_language *self, text_stream *elname) {
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elname, U"word_ref1")) return TRUE;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elname, U"word_ref2")) return TRUE;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elname, U"next")) return TRUE;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elname, U"down")) return TRUE;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elname, U"allocation_id")) return TRUE;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(elname, U"method_set")) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;