To characterise the relevant differences in behaviour between the various weaving formats offered, such as HTML, ePub, or TeX.
§1. Formats. Exactly as in the previous chapter, each format expresses its behaviour through optional method calls.
typedef struct weave_format { struct text_stream *format_name; struct text_stream *woven_extension; struct method_set *methods; CLASS_DEFINITION } weave_format; weave_format *Formats::create_weave_format(text_stream *name, text_stream *ext) { weave_format *wf = CREATE(weave_format); wf->format_name = Str::duplicate(name); wf->woven_extension = Str::duplicate(ext); wf->methods = Methods::new_set(); return wf; } weave_format *Formats::find_by_name(text_stream *name) { weave_format *wf; LOOP_OVER(wf, weave_format) if (Str::eq_insensitive(name, wf->format_name)) return wf; return NULL; }
- The structure weave_format is accessed in 2/mth, 5/mv, 9/pl, 1/ts, 4/as and here.
§2. Note that this is the file extension before any post-processing. For example, PDFs are made by weaving a TeX file and then running this through pdftex. The extension here will be .tex because that's what the weave stage produces, even though we will later end up with a .pdf.
text_stream *Formats::file_extension(weave_format *wf) { return wf->woven_extension; }
§3. Creation. This must be performed very early in Inweb's run.
void Formats::create_weave_formats(void) { Debugging::create(); TeX::create(); PlainText::create(); HTMLFormat::create(); }
§4. Methods. These two don't allow output to be produced: they're for any setting up and putting away that needs tp be done.
BEGIN_WEAVING_FOR_MTID is called before any output is generated, indeed, before even the filename(s) for the output are worked out. Note that it can return a *_SWM code to change the swarm behaviour of the weave to come; this is helpful for EPUB weaving.
More simply, END_WEAVING_FOR_MTID is called when all weaving is done.
INT_METHOD_TYPE(BEGIN_WEAVING_FOR_MTID, weave_format *wf, web *W, weave_pattern *pattern) VOID_METHOD_TYPE(END_WEAVING_FOR_MTID, weave_format *wf, web *W, weave_pattern *pattern) int Formats::begin_weaving(web *W, weave_pattern *pattern) { int rv = FALSE; INT_METHOD_CALL(rv, pattern->pattern_format, BEGIN_WEAVING_FOR_MTID, W, pattern); if (rv) return rv; return SWARM_OFF_SWM; } void Formats::end_weaving(web *W, weave_pattern *pattern) { VOID_METHOD_CALL(pattern->pattern_format, END_WEAVING_FOR_MTID, W, pattern); }
§5. RENDER_FOR_MTID renders the weave tree in the given format: a format must provide this.
Note the use of an optional "body template" to provide material before and after the usage of [[Weave Content]]; but note also that this content is generated first, and the fore and aft matter second, so that the fore matter can include plugin links whose need was only realised when rendering the actual content.
VOID_METHOD_TYPE(RENDER_FOR_MTID, weave_format *wf, text_stream *OUT, heterogeneous_tree *tree) void Formats::render(text_stream *OUT, heterogeneous_tree *tree, filename *into) { weave_document_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_document_node(tree->root->content); weave_format *wf = C->wv->format; TEMPORARY_TEXT(template) WRITE_TO(template, "template-body%S", wf->woven_extension); filename *F = Patterns::find_template(C->wv->pattern, template); TEMPORARY_TEXT(interior) VOID_METHOD_CALL(wf, RENDER_FOR_MTID, interior, tree); Bibliographic::set_datum(C->wv->weave_web->md, I"Weave Content", interior); if (F) Collater::for_order(OUT, C->wv, F, into); else WRITE("%S", interior); DISCARD_TEXT(interior) DISCARD_TEXT(template) }
§6. The weaver has special typographical support for the stand-alone Inform document of Preform grammar, and this is the hook for it. Most formats should ignore it.
INT_METHOD_TYPE(PREFORM_DOCUMENT_FOR_MTID, weave_format *wf, text_stream *OUT, weave_order *wv, web *W, chapter *C, section *S, source_line *L, text_stream *matter, text_stream *concluding_comment) int Formats::preform_document(OUTPUT_STREAM, weave_order *wv, web *W, chapter *C, section *S, source_line *L, text_stream *matter, text_stream *concluding_comment) { weave_format *wf = wv->format; int rv = FALSE; INT_METHOD_CALL(rv, wf, PREFORM_DOCUMENT_FOR_MTID, OUT, wv, W, C, S, L, matter, concluding_comment); return rv; }
§7. Post-processing. Post-processing is now largely done by commands in the pattern file, rather than here, but we retain method calls to enable formats to do some idiosyncratic post-processing.
VOID_METHOD_TYPE(POST_PROCESS_POS_MTID, weave_format *wf, weave_order *wv, int open_afterwards) void Formats::post_process_weave(weave_order *wv, int open_afterwards) { VOID_METHOD_CALL(wv->format, POST_PROCESS_POS_MTID, wv, open_afterwards); }
§8. Optionally, a fancy report can be printed out, to describe what has been done. Support for TeX console reporting is hard-wired here because it's handled by Patterns::post_process directly.
VOID_METHOD_TYPE(POST_PROCESS_REPORT_POS_MTID, weave_format *wf, weave_order *wv) void Formats::report_on_post_processing(weave_order *wv) { TeXUtilities::report_on_post_processing(wv); VOID_METHOD_CALL(wv->format, POST_PROCESS_REPORT_POS_MTID, wv); }
§9. For the sake of index files, we may want to substitute in values for placeholder text in the template file.
INT_METHOD_TYPE(POST_PROCESS_SUBSTITUTE_POS_MTID, weave_format *wf, text_stream *OUT, weave_order *wv, text_stream *detail, weave_pattern *pattern) int Formats::substitute_post_processing_data(OUTPUT_STREAM, weave_order *wv, text_stream *detail, weave_pattern *pattern) { int rv = TeXUtilities::substitute_post_processing_data(OUT, wv, detail); INT_METHOD_CALL(rv, wv->format, POST_PROCESS_SUBSTITUTE_POS_MTID, OUT, wv, detail, pattern); return rv; }