To provide for weaving into HTML and into EPUB books.
§1. Creation. ePub books are basically mini-websites, so they share the same renderer.
void HTMLFormat::create(void) { Create HTML1.1; Create ePub1.2; }
weave_format *wf = Formats::create_weave_format(I"HTML", I".html"); METHOD_ADD(wf, RENDER_FOR_MTID, HTMLFormat::render);
- This code is used in §1.
weave_format *wf = Formats::create_weave_format(I"ePub", I".html"); METHOD_ADD(wf, RENDER_FOR_MTID, HTMLFormat::render_EPUB); METHOD_ADD(wf, BEGIN_WEAVING_FOR_MTID, HTMLFormat::begin_weaving_EPUB); METHOD_ADD(wf, END_WEAVING_FOR_MTID, HTMLFormat::end_weaving_EPUB);
- This code is used in §1.
§2. Rendering. To keep track of what we're writing, we store the renderer state in an instance of this:
typedef struct HTML_render_state { struct text_stream *OUT; struct filename *into_file; struct weave_order *wv; struct colour_scheme *colours; int EPUB_flag; int popup_counter; int carousel_number; int slide_number; int slide_of; struct asset_rule *copy_rule; } HTML_render_state;
- The structure HTML_render_state is accessed in 1/apacs, 3/tc, 3/twot, 5/wt, 5/fm, 5/ptf, 5/tf, 5/df and here.
§3. The initial state is as follows:
HTML_render_state HTMLFormat::initial_state(text_stream *OUT, weave_order *wv, int EPUB_mode, filename *into) { HTML_render_state hrs; hrs.OUT = OUT; hrs.into_file = into; hrs.wv = wv; hrs.EPUB_flag = EPUB_mode; hrs.popup_counter = 1; hrs.carousel_number = 1; hrs.slide_number = -1; hrs.slide_of = -1; hrs.copy_rule = Assets::new_rule(NULL, I"", I"private copy", NULL); Swarm::ensure_plugin(wv, I"Base"); hrs.colours = Swarm::ensure_colour_scheme(wv, I"Colours", I""); return hrs; }
§4. So, then, here are the front-end method functions for rendering to HTML and ePub respectively:
void HTMLFormat::render(weave_format *self, text_stream *OUT, heterogeneous_tree *tree) { weave_document_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_document_node(tree->root->content); HTML::declare_as_HTML(OUT, FALSE); HTML_render_state hrs = HTMLFormat::initial_state(OUT, C->wv, FALSE, C->wv->weave_to); Trees::traverse_from(tree->root, &HTMLFormat::render_visit, (void *) &hrs, 0); HTML::completed(OUT); } void HTMLFormat::render_EPUB(weave_format *self, text_stream *OUT, heterogeneous_tree *tree) { weave_document_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_document_node(tree->root->content); HTML::declare_as_HTML(OUT, TRUE); HTML_render_state hrs = HTMLFormat::initial_state(OUT, C->wv, TRUE, C->wv->weave_to); Trees::traverse_from(tree->root, &HTMLFormat::render_visit, (void *) &hrs, 0); Epub::note_page(C->wv->weave_web->as_ebook, C->wv->weave_to, C->wv->booklet_title, I""); HTML::completed(OUT); }
§5. And in either case, we traverse the weave tree with the following visitor function.
int HTMLFormat::render_visit(tree_node *N, void *state, int L) { HTML_render_state *hrs = (HTML_render_state *) state; text_stream *OUT = hrs->OUT; if ((N->type == weave_document_node_type) || (N->type == weave_body_node_type) || (N->type == weave_chapter_header_node_type) || (N->type == weave_chapter_footer_node_type) || (N->type == weave_pagebreak_node_type) || (N->type == weave_chapter_node_type) || (N->type == weave_chapter_title_page_node_type) || (N->type == weave_grammar_index_node_type)) Render nothing5.39 else if (N->type == weave_head_node_type) Render head5.1 else if (N->type == weave_tail_node_type) Render tail5.4 else if (N->type == weave_verbatim_node_type) Render verbatim5.34 else if (N->type == weave_section_header_node_type) Render header5.2 else if (N->type == weave_section_footer_node_type) Render footer5.3 else if (N->type == weave_section_purpose_node_type) Render purpose5.5 else if (N->type == weave_subheading_node_type) Render subheading5.6 else if (N->type == weave_bar_node_type) Render bar5.7 else if (N->type == weave_paragraph_heading_node_type) Render paragraph heading5.8 else if (N->type == weave_endnote_node_type) Render endnote5.9 else if (N->type == weave_figure_node_type) Render figure5.10 else if (N->type == weave_extract_node_type) Render extract5.11 else if (N->type == weave_audio_node_type) Render audio clip5.12 else if (N->type == weave_video_node_type) Render video clip5.13 else if (N->type == weave_download_node_type) Render download5.14 else if (N->type == weave_material_node_type) Render material5.15 else if (N->type == weave_embed_node_type) Render embed5.16 else if (N->type == weave_pmac_node_type) Render pmac5.17 else if (N->type == weave_vskip_node_type) Render vskip5.18 else if (N->type == weave_section_node_type) Render section5.19 else if (N->type == weave_code_line_node_type) Render code line5.20 else if (N->type == weave_function_usage_node_type) Render function usage5.21 else if (N->type == weave_commentary_node_type) Render commentary5.22 else if (N->type == weave_carousel_slide_node_type) Render carousel slide5.23 else if (N->type == weave_toc_node_type) Render toc5.24 else if (N->type == weave_toc_line_node_type) Render toc line5.25 else if (N->type == weave_defn_node_type) Render defn5.26 else if (N->type == weave_source_code_node_type) Render source code5.27 else if (N->type == weave_url_node_type) Render URL5.28 else if (N->type == weave_footnote_cue_node_type) Render footnote cue5.29 else if (N->type == weave_begin_footnote_text_node_type) Render footnote5.30 else if (N->type == weave_display_line_node_type) Render display line5.31 else if (N->type == weave_function_defn_node_type) Render function defn5.32 else if (N->type == weave_item_node_type) Render item5.33 else if (N->type == weave_inline_node_type) Render inline5.35 else if (N->type == weave_locale_node_type) Render locale5.36 else if (N->type == weave_maths_node_type) Render maths5.37 else if (N->type == weave_linebreak_node_type) Render linebreak5.38 else internal_error("unable to render unknown node"); return TRUE; }
weave_head_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_head_node(N->content); HTML::comment(OUT, C->banner);
- This code is used in §5.
if (hrs->EPUB_flag == FALSE) { weave_section_header_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_section_header_node(N->content); Swarm::ensure_plugin(hrs->wv, I"Breadcrumbs"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"breadcrumbs\""); HTML_OPEN_WITH("ul", "class=\"crumbs\""); Colonies::drop_initial_breadcrumbs(OUT, hrs->wv->weave_to, hrs->wv->breadcrumbs); text_stream *bct = Bibliographic::get_datum(hrs->wv->weave_web->md, I"Title"); if (Str::len(Bibliographic::get_datum(hrs->wv->weave_web->md, I"Short Title")) > 0) bct = Bibliographic::get_datum(hrs->wv->weave_web->md, I"Short Title"); if (hrs->wv->self_contained == FALSE) { Colonies::write_breadcrumb(OUT, bct, I"index.html"); if (hrs->wv->weave_web->md->chaptered) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(chapter_link) WRITE_TO(chapter_link, "index.html#%s%S", (hrs->wv->weave_web->as_ebook)?"C":"", C->sect->owning_chapter->md->ch_range); Colonies::write_breadcrumb(OUT, C->sect->owning_chapter->md->ch_title, chapter_link); DISCARD_TEXT(chapter_link) } Colonies::write_breadcrumb(OUT, C->sect->md->sect_title, NULL); } else { Colonies::write_breadcrumb(OUT, bct, NULL); } HTML_CLOSE("ul"); HTML_CLOSE("div"); }
- This code is used in §5.
weave_section_footer_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_section_footer_node(N->content); int count = 0; chapter *Ch; section *next_S = NULL, *prev_S = NULL, *last = NULL; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(Ch, chapter, hrs->wv->weave_web->chapters) { if (Ch->md->imported == FALSE) { section *S; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(S, section, Ch->sections) { count ++; if (S == C->sect) prev_S = last; if (last == C->sect) next_S = S; last = S; } } } if (count >= 2) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("nav", "role=\"progress\""); HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"progresscontainer\""); HTML_OPEN_WITH("ul", "class=\"progressbar\""); Insert previous arrow5.3.1; chapter *Ch; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(Ch, chapter, hrs->wv->weave_web->chapters) { if (Ch->md->imported == FALSE) { if (Str::ne(Ch->md->ch_range, I"S")) { if (Ch == C->sect->owning_chapter) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("li", "class=\"progresscurrentchapter\""); } else { HTML_OPEN_WITH("li", "class=\"progresschapter\""); } section *S = FIRST_IN_LINKED_LIST(section, Ch->sections); if (S) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(TEMP) Colonies::section_URL(TEMP, S->md); if (Ch != C->sect->owning_chapter) { HTML::begin_link(OUT, TEMP); } WRITE("%S", Ch->md->ch_range); if (Ch != C->sect->owning_chapter) { HTML::end_link(OUT); } DISCARD_TEXT(TEMP) } HTML_CLOSE("li"); } if (Ch == C->sect->owning_chapter) { section *S; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(S, section, Ch->sections) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(label) int on = FALSE; LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, S->md->sect_range) { if (Str::get(pos) == '/') on = TRUE; else if (on) PUT_TO(label, Str::get(pos)); } if (Str::eq(Bibliographic::get_datum(hrs->wv->weave_web->md, I"Sequential Section Ranges"), I"On")) Str::delete_first_character(label); if (S == C->sect) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("li", "class=\"progresscurrent\""); WRITE("%S", label); HTML_CLOSE("li"); } else { HTML_OPEN_WITH("li", "class=\"progresssection\""); TEMPORARY_TEXT(TEMP) Colonies::section_URL(TEMP, S->md); HTML::begin_link(OUT, TEMP); WRITE("%S", label); HTML::end_link(OUT); DISCARD_TEXT(TEMP) HTML_CLOSE("li"); } DISCARD_TEXT(label) } } } } Insert next arrow5.3.2; HTML_CLOSE("ul"); HTML_CLOSE("div"); HTML_CLOSE("nav"); }
- This code is used in §5.
§5.3.1. Insert previous arrow5.3.1 =
if (prev_S) HTML_OPEN_WITH("li", "class=\"progressprev\"") else HTML_OPEN_WITH("li", "class=\"progressprevoff\""); TEMPORARY_TEXT(TEMP) if (prev_S) Colonies::section_URL(TEMP, prev_S->md); if (prev_S) HTML::begin_link(OUT, TEMP); WRITE("❮"); if (prev_S) HTML::end_link(OUT); DISCARD_TEXT(TEMP) HTML_CLOSE("li");
- This code is used in §5.3.
§5.3.2. Insert next arrow5.3.2 =
if (next_S) HTML_OPEN_WITH("li", "class=\"progressnext\"") else HTML_OPEN_WITH("li", "class=\"progressnextoff\""); TEMPORARY_TEXT(TEMP) if (next_S) Colonies::section_URL(TEMP, next_S->md); if (next_S) HTML::begin_link(OUT, TEMP); WRITE("❯"); if (next_S) HTML::end_link(OUT); DISCARD_TEXT(TEMP) HTML_CLOSE("li");
- This code is used in §5.3.
weave_tail_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_tail_node(N->content); HTML::comment(OUT, C->rennab);
- This code is used in §5.
weave_section_purpose_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_section_purpose_node(N->content); HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"purpose\""); HTMLFormat::escape_text(OUT, C->purpose); HTML_CLOSE("p"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.
weave_subheading_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_subheading_node(N->content); HTML_OPEN("h3"); HTMLFormat::escape_text(OUT, C->text); HTML_CLOSE("h3"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.
- This code is used in §5.
§5.8. Render paragraph heading5.8 =
weave_paragraph_heading_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_paragraph_heading_node(N->content); paragraph *P = C->para; if (P == NULL) internal_error("no para"); if (N->child == NULL) { paragraph *first_in_para = P; If no para number yet, render a p just to hold this5.8.1; }
- This code is used in §5.
HTML_OPEN("li"); Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; HTML_CLOSE("li"); return FALSE;
- This code is used in §5.
weave_figure_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_figure_node(N->content); filename *F = Filenames::in( Pathnames::down(hrs->wv->weave_web->md->path_to_web, I"Figures"), C->figname); filename *RF = Filenames::from_text(C->figname); HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"center-p\""); HTML::image_to_dimensions(OUT, RF, C->w, C->h); Assets::include_asset(OUT, hrs->copy_rule, hrs->wv->weave_web, F, NULL, hrs->wv->pattern, hrs->wv->weave_to); HTML_CLOSE("p"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.
weave_extract_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_extract_node(N->content); filename *F = Filenames::in( Pathnames::down(hrs->wv->weave_web->md->path_to_web, I"HTML"), C->extract); HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"inweb-extract\""); FILE *B = BinaryFiles::try_to_open_for_reading(F); if (B == NULL) { Main::error_in_web(I"Unable to find this HTML extract", hrs->wv->current_weave_line); } else { while (TRUE) { int c = getc(B); if (c == EOF) break; PUT((inchar32_t) c); } BinaryFiles::close(B); } HTML_CLOSE("div"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.
§5.12. Render audio clip5.12 =
weave_audio_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_audio_node(N->content); filename *F = Filenames::in( Pathnames::down(hrs->wv->weave_web->md->path_to_web, I"Audio"), C->audio_name); Assets::include_asset(OUT, hrs->copy_rule, hrs->wv->weave_web, F, NULL, hrs->wv->pattern, hrs->wv->weave_to); HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"center-p\""); WRITE("<audio controls>\n"); WRITE("<source src=\"%S\" type=\"audio/mpeg\">\n", C->audio_name); WRITE("Your browser does not support the audio element.\n"); WRITE("</audio>\n"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.
§5.13. Render video clip5.13 =
weave_video_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_video_node(N->content); filename *F = Filenames::in( Pathnames::down(hrs->wv->weave_web->md->path_to_web, I"Video"), C->video_name); Assets::include_asset(OUT, hrs->copy_rule, hrs->wv->weave_web, F, NULL, hrs->wv->pattern, hrs->wv->weave_to); HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"center-p\""); if ((C->w > 0) && (C->h > 0)) WRITE("<video width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" controls>", C->w, C->h); else if (C->w > 0) WRITE("<video width=\"%d\" controls>", C->w); else if (C->h > 0) WRITE("<video height=\"%d\" controls>", C->h); else WRITE("<video controls>"); WRITE("<source src=\"%S\" type=\"video/mp4\">\n", C->video_name); WRITE("Your browser does not support the video tag.\n"); WRITE("</video>\n"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.
weave_download_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_download_node(N->content); pathname *P = Pathnames::down(hrs->wv->weave_web->md->path_to_web, I"Downloads"); filename *F = Filenames::in(P, C->download_name); filename *TF = Patterns::find_file_in_subdirectory(hrs->wv->pattern, I"Embedding", I"Download.html"); if (TF == NULL) { Main::error_in_web(I"Downloads are not supported", hrs->wv->current_weave_line); } else { Swarm::ensure_plugin(hrs->wv, I"Downloads"); pathname *TOP = Assets::include_asset(OUT, hrs->copy_rule, hrs->wv->weave_web, F, NULL, hrs->wv->pattern, hrs->wv->weave_to); if (TOP == NULL) TOP = Filenames::up(F); TEMPORARY_TEXT(url) TEMPORARY_TEXT(size) Pathnames::relative_URL(url, Filenames::up(hrs->wv->weave_to), TOP); WRITE_TO(url, "%S", Filenames::get_leafname(F)); int N = Filenames::size(F); if (N > 0) Describe the file size5.14.1 else Main::error_in_web(I"Download file missing or empty", hrs->wv->current_weave_line); filename *D = Filenames::from_text(C->download_name); Bibliographic::set_datum(hrs->wv->weave_web->md, I"File Name", Filenames::get_leafname(D)); Bibliographic::set_datum(hrs->wv->weave_web->md, I"File URL", url); Bibliographic::set_datum(hrs->wv->weave_web->md, I"File Details", size); Collater::for_web_and_pattern(OUT, hrs->wv->weave_web, hrs->wv->pattern, TF, hrs->into_file); WRITE("\n"); DISCARD_TEXT(url) DISCARD_TEXT(size) }
- This code is used in §5.
§5.14.1. Describe the file size5.14.1 =
WRITE_TO(size, " ("); if (Str::len(C->filetype) > 0) WRITE_TO(size, "%S, ", C->filetype); int x = 0, y = 0; text_stream *unit = I" byte"; x = N; y = 0; if (N > 1) { unit = I" bytes"; } if (N >= 1024) { unit = I"kB"; x = 10*N/1024; y = x%10; x = x/10; } if (N >= 1024*1024) { unit = I"MB"; x = 10*N/1024/1024; y = x%10; x = x/10; } if (N >= 1024*1024*1024) { unit = I"GB"; x = 10*N/1024/1024/1024; y = x%10; x = x/10; } WRITE_TO(size, "%d", x); if (y > 0) WRITE_TO(size, ".%d", y); WRITE_TO(size, "%S", unit); WRITE_TO(size, ")");
- This code is used in §5.14.
weave_material_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_material_node(N->content); paragraph *first_in_para = NULL; if ((N == N->parent->child) && (N->parent->type == weave_paragraph_heading_node_type)) { weave_paragraph_heading_node *PC = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_paragraph_heading_node(N->parent->content); first_in_para = PC->para; } if (C->material_type == COMMENTARY_MATERIAL) Deal with a commentary material node5.15.1 else if (C->material_type == CODE_MATERIAL) Deal with a code material node5.15.2 else if (C->material_type == FOOTNOTES_MATERIAL) Deal with a footnotes material node5.15.3 else if (C->material_type == ENDNOTES_MATERIAL) Deal with a endnotes material node5.15.4 else if (C->material_type == MACRO_MATERIAL) Deal with a macro material node5.15.5 else if (C->material_type == DEFINITION_MATERIAL) Deal with a definition material node5.15.6; return FALSE;
- This code is used in §5.
§5.8.1. If no para number yet, render a p just to hold this5.8.1 =
if (first_in_para) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"commentary firstcommentary\""); HTMLFormat::paragraph_number(OUT, first_in_para); HTML_CLOSE("p"); WRITE("\n"); first_in_para = NULL; }
§5.15.1. Deal with a commentary material node5.15.1 =
int item_depth = 0; for (tree_node *M = N->child; M; M = M->next) { if (M->type == weave_item_node_type) { If no para number yet, render a p just to hold this5.8.1; weave_item_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_item_node(M->content); HTMLFormat::go_to_depth(hrs, item_depth, C->depth); item_depth = C->depth; Trees::traverse_from(M, &HTMLFormat::render_visit, (void *) hrs, L+1); continue; } if (HTMLFormat::interior_material(M)) Render a run of interior matter5.15.1.1; If no para number yet, render a p just to hold this5.8.1; if (item_depth > 0) { HTMLFormat::go_to_depth(hrs, item_depth, 0); item_depth = 0; } if (M->type == weave_vskip_node_type) continue; Trees::traverse_from(M, &HTMLFormat::render_visit, (void *) hrs, L+1); } if (item_depth > 0) { HTMLFormat::go_to_depth(hrs, item_depth, 0); item_depth = 0; }
- This code is used in §5.15.
§ Render a run of interior matter5.15.1.1 =
if (first_in_para) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"commentary firstcommentary\""); HTMLFormat::paragraph_number(OUT, first_in_para); first_in_para = NULL; } else { if (item_depth == 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"commentary\""); } while (M) { Trees::traverse_from(M, &HTMLFormat::render_visit, (void *) hrs, L+1); if ((M->next == NULL) || (HTMLFormat::interior_material(M->next) == FALSE)) break; M = M->next; } if (item_depth == 0) { HTML_CLOSE("p"); WRITE("\n"); } continue;
- This code is used in §5.15.1.
§5.15.2. Deal with a code material node5.15.2 =
If no para number yet, render a p just to hold this5.8.1; if (C->styling) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(csname) WRITE_TO(csname, "%S-Colours", C->styling->language_name); hrs->colours = Swarm::ensure_colour_scheme(hrs->wv, csname, C->styling->language_name); DISCARD_TEXT(csname) } TEMPORARY_TEXT(cl) WRITE_TO(cl, "%S", hrs->colours->prefix); if (C->plainly) WRITE_TO(cl, "undisplayed-code"); else WRITE_TO(cl, "displayed-code"); WRITE("<pre class=\"%S all-displayed-code code-font\">\n", cl); DISCARD_TEXT(cl) Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; HTML_CLOSE("pre"); WRITE("\n"); if (Str::len(C->endnote) > 0) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("ul", "class=\"endnotetexts\""); HTML_OPEN("li"); HTMLFormat::escape_text(OUT, C->endnote); HTML_CLOSE("li"); HTML_CLOSE("ul"); WRITE("\n"); }
- This code is used in §5.15.
§5.15.3. Deal with a footnotes material node5.15.3 =
If no para number yet, render a p just to hold this5.8.1; HTML_OPEN_WITH("ul", "class=\"footnotetexts\""); Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; HTML_CLOSE("ul"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.15.
§5.15.4. Deal with a endnotes material node5.15.4 =
If no para number yet, render a p just to hold this5.8.1; HTML_OPEN_WITH("ul", "class=\"endnotetexts\""); Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; HTML_CLOSE("ul"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.15.
§5.15.5. Deal with a macro material node5.15.5 =
if (first_in_para) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"commentary firstcommentary\""); HTMLFormat::paragraph_number(OUT, first_in_para); } else { HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"commentary\""); } Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; HTML_CLOSE("p"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.15.
§5.15.6. Deal with a definition material node5.15.6 =
If no para number yet, render a p just to hold this5.8.1; HTML_OPEN_WITH("pre", "class=\"definitions code-font\""); Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; HTML_CLOSE("pre"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.15.
§5.16. This has to embed some Internet-sourced content. service here is something like YouTube or Soundcloud, and ID is whatever code that service uses to identify the video/audio in question.
Render embed5.16 =
weave_embed_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_embed_node(N->content); text_stream *CH = I"405"; text_stream *CW = I"720"; if (C->w > 0) { Str::clear(CW); WRITE_TO(CW, "%d", C->w); } if (C->h > 0) { Str::clear(CH); WRITE_TO(CH, "%d", C->h); } TEMPORARY_TEXT(embed_leaf) WRITE_TO(embed_leaf, "%S.html", C->service); filename *F = Patterns::find_file_in_subdirectory(hrs->wv->pattern, I"Embedding", embed_leaf); DISCARD_TEXT(embed_leaf) if (F == NULL) { Main::error_in_web(I"This is not a supported service", hrs->wv->current_weave_line); } else { Bibliographic::set_datum(hrs->wv->weave_web->md, I"Content ID", C->ID); Bibliographic::set_datum(hrs->wv->weave_web->md, I"Content Width", CW); Bibliographic::set_datum(hrs->wv->weave_web->md, I"Content Height", CH); HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"center-p\""); Collater::for_web_and_pattern(OUT, hrs->wv->weave_web, hrs->wv->pattern, F, hrs->into_file); HTML_CLOSE("p"); WRITE("\n"); }
- This code is used in §5.
weave_pmac_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_pmac_node(N->content); paragraph *P = C->pmac->defining_paragraph; HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"named-paragraph-container code-font\""); if (C->defn == FALSE) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(url) Colonies::paragraph_URL(url, P, hrs->wv->weave_to); HTML::begin_link_with_class(OUT, I"named-paragraph-link", url); DISCARD_TEXT(url) } HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"%s\"", (C->defn)?"named-paragraph-defn":"named-paragraph"); HTMLFormat::escape_text(OUT, C->pmac->macro_name); HTML_CLOSE("span"); HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"named-paragraph-number\""); HTMLFormat::escape_text(OUT, P->paragraph_number); HTML_CLOSE("span"); if (C->defn == FALSE) HTML::end_link(OUT); HTML_CLOSE("span"); if (C->defn) { HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, COMMENT_COLOUR, hrs->colours); WRITE(" ="); HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, -1, hrs->colours); }
- This code is used in §5.
- This code is used in §5.
weave_section_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_section_node(N->content); LOG("It was %d\n", C->allocation_id);
- This code is used in §5.
Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; WRITE("\n"); return FALSE;
- This code is used in §5.
§5.21. Render function usage5.21 =
weave_function_usage_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_function_usage_node(N->content); HTML::begin_link_with_class(OUT, I"function-link", C->url); HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, FUNCTION_COLOUR, hrs->colours); WRITE("%S", C->fn->function_name); HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, -1, hrs->colours); HTML::end_link(OUT);
- This code is used in §5.
§5.22. Render commentary5.22 =
weave_commentary_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_commentary_node(N->content); if (C->in_code) HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, COMMENT_COLOUR, hrs->colours); for (int i=0; i < Str::len(C->text); i++) { if (Str::get_at(C->text, i) == '&') WRITE("&"); else if (Str::get_at(C->text, i) == '<') WRITE("<"); else if (Str::get_at(C->text, i) == '>') WRITE(">"); else if ((i == 0) && (Str::get_at(C->text, i) == '-') && (Str::get_at(C->text, i+1) == '-') && ((Str::get_at(C->text, i+2) == ' ') || (Str::get_at(C->text, i+2) == 0))) { WRITE("—"); i++; } else if ((Str::get_at(C->text, i) == ' ') && (Str::get_at(C->text, i+1) == '-') && (Str::get_at(C->text, i+2) == '-') && ((Str::get_at(C->text, i+3) == ' ') || (Str::get_at(C->text, i+3) == '\n') || (Str::get_at(C->text, i+3) == 0))) { WRITE(" —"); i+=2; } else PUT(Str::get_at(C->text, i)); } if (C->in_code) HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, -1, hrs->colours);
- This code is used in §5.
§5.23. Render carousel slide5.23 =
weave_carousel_slide_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_carousel_slide_node(N->content); Swarm::ensure_plugin(hrs->wv, I"Carousel"); TEMPORARY_TEXT(carousel_id) TEMPORARY_TEXT(carousel_dots_id) text_stream *caption_class = NULL; text_stream *slide_count_class = I"carousel-number"; switch (C->caption_command) { case CAROUSEL_CMD: caption_class = I"carousel-caption"; break; case CAROUSEL_ABOVE_CMD: caption_class = I"carousel-caption-above"; slide_count_class = I"carousel-number-above"; break; case CAROUSEL_BELOW_CMD: caption_class = I"carousel-caption-below"; slide_count_class = I"carousel-number-below"; break; } WRITE_TO(carousel_id, "carousel-no-%d", hrs->carousel_number); WRITE_TO(carousel_dots_id, "carousel-dots-no-%d", hrs->carousel_number); if (hrs->slide_number == -1) { hrs->slide_number = 1; hrs->slide_of = 0; for (tree_node *X = N; (X) && (X->type == N->type); X = X->next) hrs->slide_of++; } else { hrs->slide_number++; if (hrs->slide_number > hrs->slide_of) internal_error("miscounted slides"); } if (hrs->slide_number == 1) { WRITE("<div class=\"carousel-container\" id=\"%S\">\n", carousel_id); } WRITE("<div class=\"carousel-slide fading-slide\""); if (hrs->slide_number == 1) WRITE(" style=\"display: block;\""); else WRITE(" style=\"display: none;\""); WRITE(">\n"); if (C->caption_command == CAROUSEL_ABOVE_CMD) { Place caption here5.23.1; WRITE("<div class=\"%S\">%d / %d</div>\n", slide_count_class, hrs->slide_number, hrs->slide_of); } else { WRITE("<div class=\"%S\">%d / %d</div>\n", slide_count_class, hrs->slide_number, hrs->slide_of); } WRITE("<div class=\"carousel-content\">"); Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; WRITE("</div>\n"); if (C->caption_command != CAROUSEL_ABOVE_CMD) Place caption here5.23.1; WRITE("</div>\n"); if (hrs->slide_number == hrs->slide_of) { WRITE("<a class=\"carousel-prev-button\" "); WRITE("onclick=\"carouselMoveSlide("%S", "%S", -1)\"", carousel_id, carousel_dots_id); WRITE(">❮</a>\n"); WRITE("<a class=\"carousel-next-button\" "); WRITE("onclick=\"carouselMoveSlide("%S", "%S", 1)\"", carousel_id, carousel_dots_id); WRITE(">❯</a>\n"); WRITE("</div>\n"); WRITE("<div class=\"carousel-dots-container\" id=\"%S\">\n", carousel_dots_id); for (int i=1; i<=hrs->slide_of; i++) { if (i == 1) WRITE("<span class=\"carousel-dot carousel-dot-active\" "); else WRITE("<span class=\"carousel-dot\" "); WRITE("onclick=\"carouselSetSlide("%S", "%S", %d)\"", carousel_id, carousel_dots_id, i-1); WRITE("></span>\n"); } WRITE("</div>\n"); hrs->slide_number = -1; hrs->slide_of = -1; hrs->carousel_number++; } DISCARD_TEXT(carousel_id) DISCARD_TEXT(carousel_dots_id) return FALSE;
- This code is used in §5.
§5.23.1. Place caption here5.23.1 =
if (C->caption_command != CAROUSEL_UNCAPTIONED_CMD) WRITE("<div class=\"%S\">%S</div>\n", caption_class, C->caption);
- This code is used in §5.23 (twice).
HTML_OPEN_WITH("ul", "class=\"toc\""); for (tree_node *M = N->child; M; M = M->next) { HTML_OPEN("li"); Trees::traverse_from(M, &HTMLFormat::render_visit, (void *) hrs, L+1); HTML_CLOSE("li"); } HTML_CLOSE("ul"); HTML::hr(OUT, "tocbar"); WRITE("\n"); return FALSE;
- This code is used in §5.
weave_toc_line_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_toc_line_node(N->content); TEMPORARY_TEXT(TEMP) Colonies::paragraph_URL(TEMP, C->para, hrs->wv->weave_to); HTML::begin_link(OUT, TEMP); DISCARD_TEXT(TEMP) WRITE("%s%S", (Str::get_first_char(C->para->ornament) == 'S')?"§":"¶", C->para->paragraph_number); WRITE(". %S", C->text2); HTML::end_link(OUT);
- This code is used in §5.
weave_defn_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_defn_node(N->content); HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"definition-keyword\""); WRITE("%S", C->keyword); HTML_CLOSE("span"); WRITE(" ");
- This code is used in §5.
§5.27. Render source code5.27 =
weave_source_code_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_source_code_node(N->content); int starts = FALSE; if (N == N->parent->child) starts = TRUE; int current_colour = -1, colour_wanted = PLAIN_COLOUR; for (int i=0; i < Str::len(C->matter); i++) { colour_wanted = (int) Str::get_at(C->colouring, i); if (colour_wanted != current_colour) { if (current_colour >= 0) HTML_CLOSE("span"); HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, colour_wanted, hrs->colours); current_colour = colour_wanted; } if (Str::get_at(C->matter, i) == '<') WRITE("<"); else if (Str::get_at(C->matter, i) == '>') WRITE(">"); else if (Str::get_at(C->matter, i) == '&') WRITE("&"); else WRITE("%c", Str::get_at(C->matter, i)); } if (current_colour >= 0) HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, -1, hrs->colours);
- This code is used in §5.
weave_url_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_url_node(N->content); HTML::begin_link_with_class(OUT, (C->external)?I"external":I"internal", C->url); WRITE("%S", C->content); HTML::end_link(OUT);
- This code is used in §5.
§5.29. Render footnote cue5.29 =
weave_footnote_cue_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_footnote_cue_node(N->content); text_stream *fn_plugin_name = hrs->wv->pattern->footnotes_plugin; if (Str::len(fn_plugin_name) > 0) Swarm::ensure_plugin(hrs->wv, fn_plugin_name); if (hrs->EPUB_flag) { if (N->parent->type != weave_begin_footnote_text_node_type) WRITE("<a id=\"fnref%S\"></a>", C->cue_text); WRITE("<sup><a href=\"#fn%S\" rel=\"footnote\">%S</a></sup>", C->cue_text, C->cue_text); } else WRITE("<sup id=\"fnref:%S\"><a href=\"#fn:%S\" rel=\"footnote\">%S</a></sup>", C->cue_text, C->cue_text, C->cue_text);
- This code is used in §5.
weave_begin_footnote_text_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_begin_footnote_text_node(N->content); text_stream *fn_plugin_name = hrs->wv->pattern->footnotes_plugin; if ((Str::len(fn_plugin_name) > 0) && (hrs->EPUB_flag == FALSE)) Swarm::ensure_plugin(hrs->wv, fn_plugin_name); if (hrs->EPUB_flag) WRITE("<li class=\"footnote\" id=\"fn%S\"><p class=\"inwebfootnote\">", C->cue_text); else WRITE("<li class=\"footnote\" id=\"fn:%S\"><p class=\"inwebfootnote\">", C->cue_text); Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; if (hrs->EPUB_flag) WRITE("<a href=\"#fnref%S\"> (return to text)</a></p></li>", C->cue_text); else WRITE("<a href=\"#fnref:%S\" title=\"return to text\"> ↩</a></p></li>", C->cue_text); return FALSE;
- This code is used in §5.
§5.31. Render display line5.31 =
weave_display_line_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_display_line_node(N->content); HTML_OPEN("blockquote"); WRITE("\n"); INDENT; HTML_OPEN("p"); HTMLFormat::escape_text(OUT, C->text); HTML_CLOSE("p"); OUTDENT; HTML_CLOSE("blockquote"); WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §5.
§5.32. Render function defn5.32 =
weave_function_defn_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_function_defn_node(N->content); if ((Functions::used_elsewhere(C->fn)) && (hrs->EPUB_flag == FALSE)) { Swarm::ensure_plugin(hrs->wv, I"Popups"); HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, FUNCTION_COLOUR, hrs->colours); WRITE("%S", C->fn->function_name); WRITE("</span>"); WRITE("<button class=\"popup\" onclick=\"togglePopup('usagePopup%d')\">", hrs->popup_counter); HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, COMMENT_COLOUR, hrs->colours); WRITE("?"); HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, -1, hrs->colours); WRITE("<span class=\"popuptext\" id=\"usagePopup%d\">Usage of ", hrs->popup_counter); HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"code-font\""); HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, FUNCTION_COLOUR, hrs->colours); WRITE("%S", C->fn->function_name); HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, -1, hrs->colours); HTML_CLOSE("span"); WRITE(":<br/>"); Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, -1, hrs->colours); WRITE("</button>"); hrs->popup_counter++; } else { HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, FUNCTION_COLOUR, hrs->colours); WRITE("%S", C->fn->function_name); HTMLFormat::change_colour(OUT, -1, hrs->colours); } return FALSE;
- This code is used in §5.
weave_item_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_item_node(N->content); if (Str::eq(C->label, I"*")) WRITE("● "); else if (Str::len(C->label) > 0) WRITE("(%S) ", C->label); else WRITE(" ");
- This code is used in §5.
weave_verbatim_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_verbatim_node(N->content); WRITE("%S", C->content);
- This code is used in §5.
HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"extract\""); Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1; HTML_CLOSE("span"); return FALSE;
- This code is used in §5.
weave_locale_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_locale_node(N->content); TEMPORARY_TEXT(TEMP) Colonies::paragraph_URL(TEMP, C->par1, hrs->wv->weave_to); HTML::begin_link(OUT, TEMP); DISCARD_TEXT(TEMP) WRITE("%s%S", (Str::get_first_char(C->par1->ornament) == 'S')?"§":"¶", C->par1->paragraph_number); if (C->par2) WRITE("-%S", C->par2->paragraph_number); HTML::end_link(OUT);
- This code is used in §5.
weave_maths_node *C = RETRIEVE_POINTER_weave_maths_node(N->content); text_stream *plugin_name = hrs->wv->pattern->mathematics_plugin; if ((Str::len(plugin_name) == 0) || (hrs->EPUB_flag)) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(R) TeXUtilities::remove_math_mode(R, C->content); HTMLFormat::escape_text(OUT, R); DISCARD_TEXT(R) } else { Swarm::ensure_plugin(hrs->wv, plugin_name); if (C->displayed) WRITE("$$"); else WRITE("\\("); HTMLFormat::escape_text(OUT, C->content); if (C->displayed) WRITE("$$"); else WRITE("\\)"); }
- This code is used in §5.
- This code is used in §5.
- This code is used in §5.
§5.9.1. Recurse the renderer through children nodes5.9.1 =
for (tree_node *M = N->child; M; M = M->next) Trees::traverse_from(M, &HTMLFormat::render_visit, (void *) hrs, L+1);
- This code is used in §5.9, §5.15.2, §5.15.3, §5.15.4, §5.15.5, §5.15.6, §5.20, §5.23, §5.30, §5.32, §5.35.
§6. These are the nodes falling under a commentary material node which we will amalgamate into a single HTML paragraph:
int HTMLFormat::interior_material(tree_node *N) { if (N->type == weave_commentary_node_type) return TRUE; if (N->type == weave_url_node_type) return TRUE; if (N->type == weave_inline_node_type) return TRUE; if (N->type == weave_locale_node_type) return TRUE; if (N->type == weave_maths_node_type) return TRUE; if (N->type == weave_footnote_cue_node_type) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
§7. Depth 1 means "inside a list entry"; depth 2, "inside an entry of a list which is itself inside a list entry"; and so on.
void HTMLFormat::go_to_depth(HTML_render_state *hrs, int from_depth, int to_depth) { text_stream *OUT = hrs->OUT; if (from_depth == to_depth) { HTML_CLOSE("li"); } else { while (from_depth < to_depth) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("ul", "class=\"items\""); from_depth++; } while (from_depth > to_depth) { HTML_CLOSE("li"); HTML_CLOSE("ul"); WRITE("\n"); from_depth--; } } if (to_depth > 0) HTML_OPEN("li"); }
void HTMLFormat::paragraph_number(text_stream *OUT, paragraph *P) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(TEMP) Colonies::paragraph_anchor(TEMP, P); HTML::anchor_with_class(OUT, TEMP, I"paragraph-anchor"); DISCARD_TEXT(TEMP) if (P->invisible == FALSE) { HTML_OPEN("b"); WRITE("%s%S", (Str::get_first_char(P->ornament) == 'S')?"§":"¶", P->paragraph_number); WRITE(". %S%s ", P->heading_text, (Str::len(P->heading_text) > 0)?".":""); HTML_CLOSE("b"); } }
void HTMLFormat::change_colour(text_stream *OUT, int col, colour_scheme *cs) { if (col == -1) { HTML_CLOSE("span"); } else { char *cl = "plain"; switch (col) { case DEFINITION_COLOUR: cl = "definition-syntax"; break; case FUNCTION_COLOUR: cl = "function-syntax"; break; case IDENTIFIER_COLOUR: cl = "identifier-syntax"; break; case ELEMENT_COLOUR: cl = "element-syntax"; break; case RESERVED_COLOUR: cl = "reserved-syntax"; break; case STRING_COLOUR: cl = "string-syntax"; break; case CHARACTER_COLOUR: cl = "character-syntax"; break; case CONSTANT_COLOUR: cl = "constant-syntax"; break; case PLAIN_COLOUR: cl = "plain-syntax"; break; case EXTRACT_COLOUR: cl = "extract-syntax"; break; case COMMENT_COLOUR: cl = "comment-syntax"; break; default: PRINT("col: %d\n", col); internal_error("bad colour"); break; } HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"%S%s\"", cs->prefix, cl); } }
void HTMLFormat::escape_text(text_stream *OUT, text_stream *id) { for (int i=0; i < Str::len(id); i++) { if (Str::get_at(id, i) == '&') WRITE("&"); else if (Str::get_at(id, i) == '<') WRITE("<"); else if (Str::get_at(id, i) == '>') WRITE(">"); else PUT(Str::get_at(id, i)); } }
int HTMLFormat::begin_weaving_EPUB(weave_format *wf, web *W, weave_pattern *pattern) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(T) WRITE_TO(T, "%S", Bibliographic::get_datum(W->md, I"Title")); W->as_ebook = Epub::new(T, "P"); filename *CSS = Patterns::find_file_in_subdirectory(pattern, I"Base", I"Base.css"); Epub::use_CSS_throughout(W->as_ebook, CSS); Epub::attach_metadata(W->as_ebook, U"identifier", T); DISCARD_TEXT(T) pathname *P = Reader::woven_folder(W); W->redirect_weaves_to = Epub::begin_construction(W->as_ebook, P, NULL); Shell::copy(CSS, W->redirect_weaves_to, ""); return SWARM_SECTIONS_SWM; } void HTMLFormat::end_weaving_EPUB(weave_format *wf, web *W, weave_pattern *pattern) { Epub::end_construction(W->as_ebook); }