To construct Readme and similar files.

§1. This is a simple use of Preprocessor (in foundation). Note that we use a non-standard comment syntax (i.e., / at start of line, not #) to avoid colliding with Markdown's heading syntax.

void Readme::write(filename *prototype, filename *F) {
    linked_list *L = NEW_LINKED_LIST(preprocessor_macro);
    preprocessor_macro *mm = Preprocessor::new_macro(L,
        I"bibliographic", I"datum: DATUM of: ASSET",
        Readme::bibliographic_expander, NULL);
    WRITE_TO(STDOUT, "(Read script from %f)\n", prototype);
    Preprocessor::preprocess(prototype, F, NULL, L, NULL_GENERAL_POINTER, '/', ISO_ENC);

§2. And this is the one domain-specific macro:

void Readme::bibliographic_expander(preprocessor_macro *mm, preprocessor_state *PPS,
    text_stream **parameter_values, preprocessor_loop *loop, text_file_position *tfp) {
    text_stream *datum = parameter_values[0];
    text_stream *asset_name = parameter_values[1];
    text_stream *OUT = PPS->dest;
    writeme_asset *A = Readme::find_asset(asset_name);
    if (A->if_web) WRITE("%S", Bibliographic::get_datum(A->if_web, datum));
    else if (Str::eq(datum, I"Build Date")) WRITE("%S", A->date);
    else if (Str::eq(datum, I"Version Number")) WRITE("%S", A->version);

§3. An "asset" here is something for which we might want to write the version number of, or some similar metadata for. Assets are usually webs, but can also be a few other rather Inform-specific things; those have a more limited range of bibliographic data, just the version and date (and we will not assume that the version complies with any format).

typedef struct writeme_asset {
    struct text_stream *name;
    struct web_md *if_web;
    struct text_stream *date;
    struct text_stream *version;
    int next_is_version;
} writeme_asset;

void Readme::write_var(text_stream *OUT, text_stream *program, text_stream *datum) {
    writeme_asset *A = Readme::find_asset(program);
    if (A->if_web) WRITE("%S", Bibliographic::get_datum(A->if_web, datum));
    else if (Str::eq(datum, I"Build Date")) WRITE("%S", A->date);
    else if (Str::eq(datum, I"Version Number")) WRITE("%S", A->version);

§4. That just leaves the business of inspecting assets to obtain their metadata.

writeme_asset *Readme::find_asset(text_stream *program) {
    writeme_asset *A;
    LOOP_OVER(A, writeme_asset) if (Str::eq(program, A->name)) return A;
    A = CREATE(writeme_asset);
    A->name = Str::duplicate(program);
    A->if_web = NULL;
    A->date = Str::new();
    A->version = Str::new();
    A->next_is_version = FALSE;
    Read in the asset4.1;
    return A;

§4.1. Read in the asset4.1 =

    if (Str::ends_with_wide_string(program, U".i7x")) {
        Read in the extension file4.1.1;
    } else {
        if (WebMetadata::directory_looks_like_a_web(Pathnames::from_text(program))) {
            A->if_web = WebMetadata::get_without_modules(Pathnames::from_text(program), NULL);
        } else {
            filename *I6_vn = Filenames::in(
                Pathnames::down(Pathnames::from_text(program), I"inform6"), I"header.h");
            if (TextFiles::exists(I6_vn)) Read in I6 source header file4.1.2;
            filename *template_vn = Filenames::in(Pathnames::from_text(program), I"(manifest).txt");
            if (TextFiles::exists(template_vn)) Read in template manifest file4.1.3;
            filename *rmt_vn = Filenames::in(Pathnames::from_text(program), I"README.txt");
            if (TextFiles::exists(rmt_vn)) Read in README file4.1.4;
            rmt_vn = Filenames::in(Pathnames::from_text(program), I"");
            if (TextFiles::exists(rmt_vn)) Read in README file4.1.4;

§4.1.1. Read in the extension file4.1.1 =

    TextFiles::read(Filenames::from_text(program), FALSE, "unable to read extension", TRUE,
        &Readme::extension_harvester, NULL, A);

§4.1.2. Read in I6 source header file4.1.2 =

    TextFiles::read(I6_vn, FALSE, "unable to read header file from I6 source", TRUE,
        &Readme::header_harvester, NULL, A);

§4.1.3. Read in template manifest file4.1.3 =

    TextFiles::read(template_vn, FALSE, "unable to read manifest file from website template", TRUE,
        &Readme::template_harvester, NULL, A);

§4.1.4. Read in README file4.1.4 =

    TextFiles::read(rmt_vn, FALSE, "unable to read README file from website template", TRUE,
        &Readme::readme_harvester, NULL, A);

§5. The format for the contents section of a web is documented in Inweb.

void Readme::extension_harvester(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
    writeme_asset *A = (writeme_asset *) state;
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Str::len(text) == 0) return;
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, U" *Version (%c*?) of %c*begins here. *"))
        A->version = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);

§6. Explicit code to read from header.h in the Inform 6 repository.

void Readme::header_harvester(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
    writeme_asset *A = (writeme_asset *) state;
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Str::len(text) == 0) return;
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, U"#define RELEASE_NUMBER (%c*?) *"))
        A->version = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, U"#define RELEASE_DATE \"(%c*?)\" *"))
        A->date = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);

§7. Explicit code to read from the manifest file of a website template.

void Readme::template_harvester(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
    writeme_asset *A = (writeme_asset *) state;
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Str::len(text) == 0) return;
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, U"%[INTERPRETERVERSION%]")) {
        A->next_is_version = TRUE;
    } else if (A->next_is_version) {
        A->version = Str::duplicate(text);
        A->next_is_version = FALSE;

§8. And this is needed for cheapglk and glulxe in the Inform repository.

void Readme::readme_harvester(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
    writeme_asset *A = (writeme_asset *) state;
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Str::len(text) == 0) return;
    if ((Regexp::match(&mr, text, U"CheapGlk Library: version (%c*?) *")) ||
        (Regexp::match(&mr, text, U"- Version (%c*?) *")))
        A->version = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);