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§12.20. Stored actions

As we have seen, to describe an action fully takes a complicated little bundle of information - we need to know what is to be done, who will do it, and what it will be done to. There are times when we would like to remember an action and look back on it later (perhaps many turns later, after many other actions have taken effect) - but this is not easy to do with only the techniques we have seen so far. There are quite a few cases to get right, and it would be easy to not store quite enough of the details.

Fortunately, Inform provides a kind of value called "action" which can do all of this automatically. (In older versions of Inform this was called "stored action", but the word "stored" is now unnecessary, and makes no difference.) As with most other kinds of value, actions can be held in variables, "let" values, properties or table columns. For example:

The best idea yet is an action that varies.

creates a variable called "the best idea yet" which holds an action.

This will normally be created holding the default value - the player waiting. We really only have two ways to make more interesting actions. One is by typing them out explicitly, like so:

now the best idea yet is pushing the button;

Here "pushing the button" is a constant of the kind "action", so it goes into happily into "best idea yet" in the same way that a number like 3 could go into a number that varies. The action must be specific in every respect, so "taking something" or "doing something" will not work - "taking something" is really a general description of many possible actions, not an action in its own right.

The other way to produce a useful action is:

current action ... action

This phrase produces the action currently being processed as a value - it literally stores the action, and remembers, if necessary, the exact wording of the player's command at the time it was stored - so that even actions ari ing from commands like LOOK UP X100 IN THE CODE BOOK can be stored faithfully. Examples:

let the present whim be the current action;
say "How you would like to be [current action].";

This only makes sense if an action is currently going on, so it shouldn't be used in "every turn" rules, for instance.

So much for making actions: now for making use of them. The first obvious idea is to store up an action for several turns and then have it take effect later. That's easily done: just as we can "try" any action written out explicitly, so we can also try a stored one. The phrase to do this has exactly the same wording either way, since it does the same thing either way.

But actions can still be useful even if we never intend to try them. For one thing, we can say them, and this produces a fairly natural description of what the action is:

Before doing something in the presence of the bearded psychiatrist: say "'Zo, the subject vishes to engage in [the current action]. Zis is very interesting.'"

will produce text such as:

"So, the subject vishes to engage in rubbing the fireman's pole. Zis is very interesting."

One of Inform's most convenient features is its ability to test if the action being processed matches vague or complicated descriptions of whole classes of actions. For example,

if the best idea yet is taking something, ...

works even though "taking something" is not a single action; it's a description which could apply to many different actions (taking a box, taking a ball, and so on). What Inform tests is whether the "best idea yet" value, a single action, fits this description or not. We can be even vaguer:

if the best idea yet is doing something to the lever, ...

Just occasionally, this can lead to ambiguities. For instance,

if the current action is wearing something, ...

fails because Inform thinks "wearing" is meant in the sense of the current action having clothes on, so it produces a problem message. To avoid this, simply write:

if the current action is trying wearing something, ...

which can't be misunderstood. Something else to be aware of is that the terms "actor", "noun" and so on will refer to that action: for instance, in

if the best idea yet is taking the noun, ...

"noun" here refers to the noun in "best idea yet", not to its meaning outside of this phrase (if indeed it has such a meaning).

When dealing with actions, we sometimes want to know what they are dealing with. We can extract this information using the following phrases:

action name part of (action) ... action name

This phrase produces the action name part of an action. Example: suppose the current actor is Algy, who is throwing the brick at Biggles. Then

action name part of the current action = throwing it at action

noun part of (action) ... object

This phrase produces the (first) noun of an action. Example: suppose the current actor is Algy, who is throwing the brick at Biggles. Then

noun part of the current action = the brick

If the noun is something other than an object, this produces just "nothing", the non-object.

second noun part of (action) ... object

This phrase produces the second noun of an action. Example: suppose the current actor is Algy, who is throwing the brick at Biggles. Then

second noun part of the current action = Biggles

If the second noun is something other than an object (for instance for the command SET DIAL TO 3417 it would be the number 3417), this produces just "nothing", the non-object.

actor part of (action) ... object

This phrase produces the person who would be carrying out the action if it were being tried. Example: suppose the current actor is Algy, who is throwing the brick at Biggles. Then

actor part of the current action = Algy

The following phrase is a convenient shorthand form:

if (action) involves (object):

This condition is true if the object appears as any of the actor, the noun or the second noun in the action. Example:

if the current action involves Algy

would be true for "give revolver to Algy", "Algy trying flying the Sopwith Camel", "examine Algy" and so on, but false for "ask Raymond about secret airfield".

action of (an action) ... action

This phrase is now seldom needed. It produces a literally typed action as a value. Example:

now the best idea yet is the action of pushing the button;

Nowadays in most contexts we can just type "pushing the button" as a value, and that will work fine, so this phrase is retained only to keep old code working.

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Creating a list of actions that will earn the player points, and using this both to change the score and to give FULL SCORE reports.

*ExampleCactus Will Outlive Us All
For every character besides the player, there is an action that will cause that character to wither right up and die.

**ExampleActor's Studio
A video camera that records actions performed in its presence, and plays them back with time-stamps.

The player carries a gizmo that is able to record actions performed by the player, then force him to repeat them when the gizmo is dropped. This includes storing actions that apply to topics, as in "look up anteater colonies in the guide".