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§16.12. Listed in...
Tables are especially useful for combining a run of basically similar rules in a simple and concise way. The "listed in" condition, as in
if the newfound object is an item listed in the Table of Treasures...
looks through a given table (here "table of treasures"), in a given column ("item"), to see if a given value is present ("the newfound object"). If this is successful, the row where it was found is automatically chosen; but if not, note that any existing row selection will be lost, so make use of the row only if the test succeeds.
We can similarly use "... listed in ..." in a description used when specifying an action. Thus:
After taking an item listed in the Table of Treasures:
if there is no time entry:
now the time entry is the time of day;
increase the score by the value entry;
say "Taken!"
This assumes a table in the following shape:
Item |
Value |
Time |
brooch |
5 |
a time |
tiara |
8 |
-- |
coronet |
10 |
-- |
In effect the table has allowed us to combine three very similar rules into one. The time column records the first time at which the item has been picked up, which starts out blank since at the start of play it has never been picked up. This enables us to award the appropriate number of points on the first occasion only.
Our previous experiments into liquid have not dealt with the possibility of mixing components, but that is because for most games, tracking the details of mixture is overkill.
But let's suppose that this time we do want to have mixed liquids; moreover, we want a way to describe the mixtures to the player inventively, so that if he hits specific combinations those combinations are recognized: calling the result a martini, say, rather than just "a mixture of vodka and vermouth".
The implementation that follows relies on a fairly simple idea from linear algebra. Any given liquid can be expressed as a vector in N-space, where N is the number of available ingredients and the length of the vector depends on how much of each ingredient is used; then we find the recipe that best describes the liquid by taking the dot product of our liquid vector with a bunch of sample vectors and selecting the one with the largest result.
If this does not make sense, don't worry: it's not necessary to understand the idea to use the code.
Any implementation involving a large number of place values is always a bit challenging in integer arithmetic. This examples assumes that no bodies of liquid will ever be very large, and that the proportions of ingredients in a mixture will not be vastly askew. (No 20-parts-to-1 proportions, for instance.) This probably works reasonably well for the cocktails that we make the basis of the example.
A volume is a kind of value. 15.9 fl oz specifies a volume with parts ounces and tenths (optional, preamble optional).
A fluid container is a kind of container. A fluid container has a volume called a fluid capacity. A fluid container has a volume called creme de menthe volume. A fluid container has a volume called vodka volume. A fluid container has a volume called cacao volume.
The fluid capacity of a fluid container is usually 12.0 fl oz. The creme de menthe volume of a fluid container is usually 0.0 fl oz. The vodka volume of a fluid container is usually 0.0 fl oz. The cacao volume of fluid container is usually 0.0 fl oz.
To decide what volume is the current volume of (item - a fluid container):
let total be the creme de menthe volume of the item;
increase total by the vodka volume of the item;
increase total by the cacao volume of the item;
decide on total.
Instead of examining a fluid container:
if the noun is empty,
say "You catch just a hint of [the nominal descriptor of the noun] at the bottom.";
say "[The noun] contains [current volume of the noun in rough terms] of [adjectival descriptor of the noun] [nominal descriptor of the noun]."
Adjectival descriptor is a kind of value. The adjectival descriptors are strong, chocolatey, minty, perfect, and pure.
Nominal descriptor is a kind of value. The Nominal descriptors are creme de menthe, vodka, creme de cacao, grasshopper, chocolate vodka, mint vodka, chocolate martini, mintini, chocolate mint martini.
Our table of mixtures is expressed in parts: so if a recipe contains one part X and two parts Y, we would put "1" in the first column and "2" in the second column.
rating |
creme de menthe comp |
vodka comp |
cacao comp |
adjectival descriptor |
nominal descriptor |
0.0 fl oz |
1 |
0 |
0 |
minty |
creme de menthe |
0.0 fl oz |
0 |
1 |
0 |
chocolatey |
vodka |
0.0 fl oz |
0 |
0 |
1 |
chocolatey |
creme de cacao |
0.0 fl oz |
1 |
2 |
0 |
chocolatey |
mintini |
0.0 fl oz |
1 |
0 |
1 |
chocolatey |
grasshopper |
0.0 fl oz |
0 |
2 |
1 |
chocolatey |
chocolate martini |
0.0 fl oz |
0 |
3 |
1 |
chocolatey |
chocolate vodka |
0.0 fl oz |
1 |
3 |
0 |
chocolatey |
mint vodka |
0.0 fl oz |
1 |
2 |
1 |
chocolatey |
chocolate mint martini |
A fluid container has an adjectival descriptor. A fluid container has a nominal descriptor. Understand the adjectival descriptor property as describing a fluid container. Understand the nominal descriptor property as describing a fluid container.
To decide what number is (quantity - a number) squared:
decide on quantity times quantity.
To score mixtures in (item - a fluid container):
repeat through Table of Mixtures:
let total line parts be creme de menthe comp entry squared;
let total line parts be total line parts plus vodka comp entry squared;
let total line parts be total line parts plus cacao comp entry squared;
let creme de menthe score be creme de menthe comp entry times the creme de menthe volume of item;
let vodka score be vodka comp entry times the vodka volume of item;
let cacao score be cacao comp entry times the cacao volume of item;
let total score be creme de menthe score plus vodka score;
let total score be total score plus cacao score;
let total score be total score times calibration for total line parts;
now rating entry is total score;
if total line parts is 1, now adjectival descriptor entry is pure;
otherwise now adjectival descriptor entry is perfect;
[and for creme de menthe...]
now creme de menthe comp entry is creme de menthe comp entry plus 1;
let total line parts be creme de menthe comp entry squared plus vodka comp entry squared;
let total line parts be total line parts plus cacao comp entry squared;
let creme de menthe score be creme de menthe comp entry times the creme de menthe volume of item;
let vodka score be vodka comp entry times the vodka volume of item;
let cacao score be cacao comp entry times the cacao volume of item;
let total score be creme de menthe score plus vodka score;
let total score be total score plus cacao score;
let total score be total score times calibration for total line parts;
if total score is greater than rating entry, now adjectival descriptor entry is minty;
now creme de menthe comp entry is creme de menthe comp entry minus 1;
[and for vodka...]
now vodka comp entry is vodka comp entry plus 1;
let total line parts be creme de menthe comp entry squared plus vodka comp entry squared;
let total line parts be total line parts plus cacao comp entry squared;
let creme de menthe score be creme de menthe comp entry times the creme de menthe volume of item;
let vodka score be vodka comp entry times the vodka volume of item;
let cacao score be cacao comp entry times the cacao volume of item;
let total score be creme de menthe score plus vodka score;
let total score be total score plus cacao score;
let total score be total score times calibration for total line parts;
if total score is greater than rating entry, now adjectival descriptor entry is strong;
now vodka comp entry is vodka comp entry minus 1;
[and for cacao...]
now cacao comp entry is cacao comp entry plus 1;
let total line parts be creme de menthe comp entry squared plus vodka comp entry squared;
let total line parts be total line parts plus cacao comp entry squared;
let creme de menthe score be creme de menthe comp entry times the creme de menthe volume of item;
let vodka score be vodka comp entry times the vodka volume of item;
let cacao score be cacao comp entry times the cacao volume of item;
let total score be creme de menthe score plus vodka score;
let total score be total score plus cacao score;
let total score be total score times calibration for total line parts;
if total score is greater than rating entry, now adjectival descriptor entry is chocolatey;
now cacao comp entry is cacao comp entry minus 1.
To identify mixture in (item - a fluid container):
score mixtures in item;
sort Table of Mixtures in reverse rating order;
choose row 1 in Table of Mixtures;
now nominal descriptor of the item is nominal descriptor entry;
let sample vodka be vodka comp entry; [Now keep track of all these]
let sample creme de menthe be creme de menthe comp entry;
let sample cacao be cacao comp entry;
if rating entry divided by 100 is the current volume of the item:
now adjectival descriptor of the item is pure;
now adjectival descriptor of the item is adjectival descriptor entry.
To decide what number is the raw quantity of (item volume - a volume):
let raw be item volume divided by 0.5 fl oz;
decide on raw.
To decide what number is calibration for (total - a number):
if total is an initial listed in the table of Multipliers, decide on result entry;
decide on 21.
Here we cheat on our arithmetic. The following chart just provides values corresponding roughly to 1/(sqrt (x)), but since Inform does not deal very gracefully with square roots or fractions, we will calculate this elsewhere and just supply the answers in the code:
initial |
result |
1 |
100 |
2 |
71 |
3 |
57 |
4 |
50 |
5 |
44 |
6 |
41 |
7 |
38 |
8 |
35 |
9 |
33 |
10 |
31 |
11 |
30 |
12 |
29 |
13 |
28 |
14 |
27 |
15 |
26 |
16 |
25 |
17 |
24 |
18 |
24 |
19 |
23 |
20 |
22 |
When play begins:
repeat with item running through fluid containers:
identify mixture in item.
To say (amount - a volume) in rough terms:
if the amount is less than 0.6 fl oz:
say "half an ounce or less";
otherwise if tenths part of amount is greater than 3 and tenths part of amount is less than 7:
let estimate be ounces part of amount;
say "[estimate in words] or [estimate plus 1 in words] fluid ounces";
if tenths part of amount is greater than 6, increase amount by 1.0 fl oz;
say "about [ounces part of amount in words] fluid ounce[s]".
Before printing the name of a fluid container (called the target) while not drinking or pouring:
if the target is empty:
say "empty ";
do nothing.
After printing the name of a fluid container (called the target) while not examining or pouring:
unless the target is empty:
say " of [adjectival descriptor of the target] [nominal descriptor of the target]";
omit contents in listing.
Instead of inserting something into a fluid container:
say "[The second noun] has too narrow a mouth to accept anything but liquids."
Definition: a fluid container is empty if the current volume of it is 0.0 fl oz. Definition: a fluid container is full if the current volume of it is the fluid capacity of it.
Instead of drinking a fluid container:
if the noun is empty:
say "There is no more [nominal descriptor of the noun] within." instead;
let cacao loss be the consumed cacao of the noun out of sip volume;
let creme de menthe loss be the consumed creme de menthe of the noun out of sip volume;
let vodka loss be the consumed vodka of the noun out of sip volume;
decrease the cacao volume of the noun by the cacao loss;
decrease the creme de menthe volume of the noun by creme de menthe loss;
decrease the vodka volume of the noun by vodka loss;
say "You take a sip of [the nominal descriptor of the noun][if the noun is empty], leaving [the noun] empty[end if].".
Sip volume is a volume that varies. Sip volume is 0.5 fl oz.
To decide what volume is the consumed cacao of (item - a fluid container) out of (total consumption - a volume):
let new volume be the cacao volume of the item times 100;
let percentage be the new volume divided by the current volume of the item;
let consumed volume be the percentage times total consumption;
let consumed volume be consumed volume divided by 100;
if consumed volume is greater than the cacao volume of the item, decide on the cacao volume of the item;
decide on consumed volume.
To decide what volume is the consumed creme de menthe of (item - a fluid container) out of (total consumption - a volume):
let new volume be the creme de menthe volume of the item times 100;
let percentage be the new volume divided by the current volume of the item;
let consumed volume be the percentage times total consumption;
let consumed volume be consumed volume divided by 100;
if consumed volume is greater than the creme de menthe volume of the item, decide on the creme de menthe volume of the item;
decide on consumed volume.
To decide what volume is the consumed vodka of (item - a fluid container) out of (total consumption - a volume):
let new volume be the vodka volume of the item times 100;
let percentage be the new volume divided by the current volume of the item;
let consumed volume be the percentage times total consumption;
let consumed volume be consumed volume divided by 100;
if consumed volume is greater than the vodka volume of the item, decide on the vodka volume of the item;
decide on consumed volume.
Understand "fill [something] with/from [something]" as filling it with.
Filling it with is an action applying to two things. Carry out filling it with: try pouring the second noun into the noun instead.
Understand "pour [fluid container] in/into/on/onto [fluid container]" as pouring it into. Understand "empty [fluid container] into [fluid container]" as pouring it into.
Understand "pour [something] in/into/on/onto [something]" as pouring it into. Understand "empty [something] into [something]" as pouring it into.
Check pouring it into:
if the noun is not a fluid container, say "You can't pour [the noun]." instead;
if the second noun is not a fluid container, say "You can't pour liquids into [the second noun]." instead;
if the noun is the second noun, say "You can hardly pour [the noun] into itself." instead;
if the noun is empty, say "No more [nominal descriptor of the noun] remains in [the noun]." instead;
if the second noun is full, say "[The second noun] cannot contain any more than it already holds." instead.
Carry out pouring it into:
let available capacity be the fluid capacity of the second noun minus the current volume of the second noun;
if the available capacity is greater than the current volume of the noun, now the available capacity is the current volume of the noun;
let cacao loss be the consumed cacao of the noun out of available capacity;
let creme de menthe loss be the consumed creme de menthe of the noun out of available capacity;
let vodka loss be the consumed vodka of the noun out of available capacity;
decrease the cacao volume of the noun by the cacao loss;
decrease the creme de menthe volume of the noun by creme de menthe loss;
decrease the vodka volume of the noun by vodka loss;
increase the cacao volume of the second noun by the cacao loss;
increase the creme de menthe volume of the second noun by creme de menthe loss;
increase the vodka volume of the second noun by vodka loss.
Report pouring it into:
identify mixture in noun;
identify mixture in second noun;
say "[if the noun is empty][The noun] is now empty; [otherwise][The noun] now contains [current volume of the noun in rough terms] of [nominal descriptor of the noun]; [end if]";
say "[the second noun] contains [current volume of the second noun in rough terms] of [adjectival descriptor of the second noun] [nominal descriptor of the second noun][if the second noun is full], and is now full[end if]."
When play begins: say "When you decided to try Mixology WS102 (*cross-listed with Women's Studies), you envisioned yourself writing essays about gender discrimination during the Prohibition, say, or reading essays on male vs. female metabolism of alcohol. But no: MxWS102 turns out to be about... mixing the perfect chocolate mint martini."
The College of Mixology is a room. The bar is a supporter in the college.
The cocktail glass is a fluid container carried by the player. The fluid capacity of the cocktail glass is 4.0 fl oz.
The flask is a fluid container carried by the player. The vodka volume of the flask is 4.0 fl oz.
The jigger is a fluid container carried by the player. The fluid capacity of the jigger is 1.0 fl oz.
The small measure is a fluid container carried by the player. The fluid capacity of the small measure is 0.5 fl oz.
The decanter is a fluid container on the bar. The fluid capacity of the decanter is 32.0 fl oz. The creme de menthe volume of the decanter is 20.0 fl oz.
The bottle is a fluid container carried by the player. The cacao volume of the bottle is 10.0 fl oz.
Test me with "i / pour flask in jigger / pour jigger in glass / pour bottle in jigger / pour jigger in glass / pour bottle in jigger / pour jigger in glass / pour decanter in jigger / pour jigger in glass / drink glass / g / g / x glass / pour flask in glass".