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§19.12. Named outcomes
We have seen that the terms "success" and "failure" can be misleading - after all, it might be a good thing for a particular rulebook to "fail". At any rate, these are vague terms, and we don't want to have to remember the conventions used by every rulebook. This is why certain rulebooks have explicitly named outcomes instead. For instance, the "visibility" rules are allowed to have the outcomes:
These look like phrases, but are in fact named outcomes which can only be used in visibility rules. (They would make no sense elsewhere, and Inform will not allow their use if they are clearly out of context.) Such named outcomes are listed in the Rules index.
There can be any number of named outcomes. For instance, the Standard Rules define:
The does the player mean rules are a rulebook. The does the player mean rules have outcomes it is very likely, it is likely, it is possible, it is unlikely and it is very unlikely.
which makes five possible outcomes. Five outcomes seems to contradict the principle that there are only three possible outcomes for a rule: in fact, though, the five are counted as five different forms of "success", and any of them will cause a "does the player mean" rule to succeed. If we do not want this, we can instead specify explicitly how the named outcomes correspond to success, failure or "no outcome":
Visibility rules have outcomes there is sufficient light (failure) and there is insufficient light (success).
Again, see the Rules index for examples.
The same named outcome can be used for more than one rulebook, and can have different meanings in the context of different rulebooks - "good news" could be defined as success in one rulebook and failure in another, for instance. (This means that rulebook creators need not worry about name clashes and is an important difference in behaviour between rulebook outcomes and kinds of value.) We can even name a specific named outcome as the default outcome for rules in this rulebook:
Audibility rules have outcomes high background noise (failure), low background noise (success - the default) and absolute silence (success).
After a rulebook using named outcomes has run, we can test which outcome occurred by using the phrase:
outcome of the rulebook ... rulebook outcome
This phrase produces the (named) outcome of the phrase most recently followed. Example:
follow the audibility rules;
if the outcome of the rulebook is the absolute silence outcome:
say "You could hear a pin drop in here."
Each named outcome is a value if followed by the word "outcome", which is how "absolute silence" has become "the absolute silence outcome". Named outcomes can be said, so we could use the text substitution "[outcome of the rulebook]", for instance. A final caveat: it is perfectly legal to create a named outcome which means "no outcome", but if so then this will never be "the outcome of the rulebook" because "no outcome" is not an outcome.
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