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§20.9. Summary of regular expression notation


Positional restrictions


Matches (accepting no text) only at the start of the text


Matches (accepting no text) only at the end of the text


Word boundary: matches at either end of text or between a \w and a \W


Matches anywhere where \b does not match

Backslashed character classes


If char is other than a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or space, matches that literal char


For example, this matches literal backslash "\"


Matches literal line break character


Matches literal tab character (but use this only with external files)


Matches any single digit


Matches any lower case letter (by Unicode 4.0.0 definition)


Matches any single punctuation mark: . , ! ? - / " : ; ( ) [ ] { }


Matches any single spacing character (space, line break, tab)


Matches any upper case letter (by Unicode 4.0.0 definition)


Matches any single word character (neither \p nor \s)


Matches any single non-digit


Matches any non-lower-case-letter


Matches any single non-punctuation-mark


Matches any single non-spacing-character


Matches any non-upper-case-letter


Matches any single non-word-character (i.e., matches either \p or \s)

Other character classes


Matches any single character


Character range: matches any single character inside


Negated character range: matches any single character not inside

Inside a character range


Any character in the run "e" to "h" inclusive (and so on for other runs)


Starting with ">" means that a literal close angle bracket is included


Backslash has the same meaning as for backslashed character classes: see above



Divides alternatives: "fish|fowl" matches either


Always matches: switches to case-insensitive matching from here on


Always matches: switches to case-sensitive matching from here on



Matches "..." either 0 or 1 times, i.e., makes "..." optional


Matches "..." 0 or more times: e.g. "\s*" matches an optional run of space


Matches "..." 1 or more times: e.g. "x+" matches any run of "x"s


Matches "..." exactly 6 times (similarly for other numbers, of course)


Matches "..." between 2 and 5 times


Matches "..." 3 or more times


"?" after any repetition makes it "lazy", matching as few repeats as it can

Numbered subexpressions


Groups part of the expression together: matches if the interior matches


Matches the contents of the 1st subexpression reading left to right


Matches the contents of the 2nd, and so on up to "\9" (but no further)

Unnumbered subexpressions

(# ...)

Comment: always matches, and the contents are ignored

(?= ...)

Lookahead: matches if the text ahead matches "...", but doesn't consume it

(?! ...)

Negated lookahead: matches if lookahead fails

(?<= ...)

Lookbehind: matches if the text behind matches "...", but doesn't consume it

(?<! ...)

Negated lookbehind: matches if lookbehind fails

(> ...)

Possessive: tries to match "..." and if it succeeds, never backtracks on this


Conditional: if \1 has matched by now, require that "..." be matched


Conditional: ditto, but if \1 has not matched, require the second part


Conditional with lookahead as its condition for which to match


Conditional with lookbehind as its condition for which to match



If char is other than a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or space, expands to that literal char


In particular, "\\" expands to a literal backslash "\"


Expands to a line break character


Expands to a tab character (but use this only with external files)


Expands to the full text matched


Expands to whatever the 1st bracketed subexpression matched


Expands to whatever the 2nd matched, and so on up to "\9" (but no further)


Expands to \0 converted to lower case (and so on for "\l1" to "\l9")


Expands to \0 converted to upper case (and so on for "\u1" to "\u9")

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