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§24.3. High-level debugging commands

If an object is not responding in the way we expect, it may be that we're wrong about where it is or about some of its current properties or relations. We can find our current location and the things around us by typing

Boudoir - room
    four-poster bed - supporter
    yourself - person

and similarly we can inquire about the status of a particular object during play by typing SHOWME and the object's name:

bat - thing
location: on the table in Locker Room
singular-named, improper-named; unlit, inedible, portable, patterned
printed name: "bat"
printed plural name: none
indefinite article: none
description: none
initial appearance: none

This will work even if we're not in the same location as the object we want shown.

Another common type of problem is one in which we type a command but Inform does not perform the action that we were expecting as a result. In some cases, this is because the command we're typing is actually triggering some other action. An easy way to check on this is to type ACTIONS before issuing the command that is behaving unsatisfactorily. Thus:

Actions listing on.

You jump on the spot.
[jumping - succeeded]

This tells us how Inform interpreted our input and whether the action was successful or failed for some reason. If the command is being understood as a different command than we expected, that may mean that we have made a mistake in our Understand instructions, and need to double-check these.

Sometimes, however, the action is being correctly understood, but the action rules that are firing are producing a result other than we'd like. If we want to see which rules are running, we can type

Rules tracing now switched on. Type "rules off" to switch it off again, or "rules all" to include even rules which do not apply.

[Rule "announce items from multiple object lists rule" applies.]
[Rule "set pronouns from items from multiple object lists rule" applies.]
[Rule "before stage rule" applies.]
[Rule "instead stage rule" applies.]
[Rule "investigate player's awareness before action rule" applies.]
[Rule "player aware of his own actions rule" applies.]
[Rule "check stage rule" applies.]
[Rule "carry out stage rule" applies.]
[Rule "after stage rule" applies.]
[Rule "investigate player's awareness after action rule" applies.]
[Rule "report stage rule" applies.]
[Rule "report jumping rule" applies.]
You jump on the spot.
[Rule "last specific action-processing rule" applies.]

[Rule "A first turn sequence rule" applies.]
[Rule "every turn stage rule" applies.]
[Rule "A last turn sequence rule" applies.]
[Rule "notify score changes rule" applies.]

As we can see, RULES produces a lot of output, much of which is probably irrelevant to whatever problem we're tracking down. Nonetheless, knowing exactly which rule is printing undesirable output is helpful, especially if that rule comes out of an extension or some other source that we did not write ourselves: this output has told us that the text we saw came from the "report jumping rule".

To find out more about what is going on in specific rules, we can also turn to the Index tab under Actions and click through to that specific action. From there we will be able to see which rules are included, what responses they're writing, and where they were defined in the source text.

SCENES lists which scenes are currently playing and which are complete. This is valuable if scene-triggered events are not happening when we expect them to.

RANDOM sets the random number generator to a predictable seed. If we include this in a test command, it will guarantee that the subsequent behavior of the story is consistent across multiple playthroughs, which is helpful if we're trying to test something to do with, say, randomly wandering non-player characters.

RELATIONS lists all the relations defined in the story, except for things like support and containment that are part of the world model and are so numerous that the output would be overwhelming.

RESPONSES lists all the named responses established by all the extensions currently included. This can be informative, or it can be a bit overwhelming. Except where responses have been changed at runtime, the same information is available in a different form in the Index on Actions. If we're interested in a particular single response, digging into the actions index is probably the easiest way to find it.

If, however, we want a rapid overview of all the responses provided by a given extension (perhaps an extension we are ourselves writing), the RESPONSES command can be a help.

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