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§27.6. Version numbering

As we have seen, extensions are referred to by name and author, but they can also (optionally) be referred to by version. For instance:

Include version 2 of the Ducking Action by Beatrix Potter.

Version 1.2.4 of the Ducking Action by Beatrix Potter begins here.

Version numbers should consist of one to three whole numbers divided by dots, with no negative numbers allowed. Thus "5", "3.3" and "2.1.71652" are all valid as version numbers, but "-4" and "" are not. Any numbers not specified are taken to be 0: thus "3.3" means the same as "3.3.0", and "5" means the same as "5.0.0".

In versions of Inform before 2022, versions of extensions were also allowed to be written in the form "N/YYMMDD", as in this example:

Version 6/040426 of the Ducking Action by Beatrix Potter begins here.

The material after the slash '/' was expected to be a date, so that 040426 would mean 26 April 2004. In order to preserve compatibility with old extensions, Inform continues to allow this notation, but treats it as equivalent to writing "N.0.YYMMDD", though with any leading 0s trimmed. So the above sentence is equivalent to writing:

Version 6.0.40426 of the Ducking Action by Beatrix Potter begins here.

Extensions are usually intended to be shared and passed around between Inform users, and good use of version numbering can be a huge help to those users; and it's helpful if we can agree as a community on what good version-numbering is. Because of that, the Inform project tries to use a widely-recognised Internet standard called "semantic version numbering".

For full details see, but for Inform purposes the following fairly simple rules should be enough. "Semantic" just means that version number changes should communicate something meaningful. So, whenever an extension author puts out a new version of an extension, the extension number should change in a way that signals how drastic the change will be.

In this system, the three possible numbers X.Y.Z are called the "major", "minor" and "patch" numbers. Every time an extension is changed and re-released, even just informally among friends but certainly if posted somewhere on the Internet, X, Y or Z should change. The rules are:

(X) If the extension has changed so much that Inform projects using it will need to be changed in order to keep on working - for example, if a "To..." phrase has been taken out, or the name of a kind changed - then X should be increased. Y and Z then usually go back to 0. This is a "major version".

(Y) If the extension provides new features but doesn't do anything to change the way its existing features are used, then X can stay the same but Y should increase, and Z then usually rolls around to 0. This is a "minor version".

(Z) If the extension has changed only to fix bugs, or make its existing features work more efficiently, or provide better documentation or examples, then X and Y can stay the same but Z should increase. This is a "patch version".

So, for example, a user who currently has version 3.2.7 can update to 3.2.8 without really investigating. That same user can update to 3.3, 3.4, ... without any trouble, choosing either to use or ignore whatever new features they are presenting. But the user knows that moving up to version 4 might well require some work - a project using version 3.Y.Z will likely need writing to adopt version 4.

Now let's turn to "Include" sentences. A request like:

Include the Ducking Action by Beatrix Potter.

will be happy with any version of the extension at all, whether numbered or not; but

Include version 2.4 of the Ducking Action by Beatrix Potter.

will only accept the extension if its version number is "compatible" with 2.4, which means, if it is 2.4 or later, but still belongs to the same major version, "2". So if we write this inclusion sentence, but the version we have installed is version 3.1, Inform will give a problem message. The fix may well be as simple as changing the inclusion sentence to match - but it may not, because a change in major version number is a signal that things have changed a lot inside the extension (see above).

During play of any story compiled by Inform 7, typing VERSION lists various serial numbers of the pieces of software used to make it. The list concludes with names, authors and version numbers of any extensions used. So every author whose work contributes to a story automatically gets a modest credit within it. The same list can be printed, at the discretion of the designer, using the textual substitution:

say "[the/-- list of extension credits]"

This text substitution expands to one or more lines of text crediting each of the extensions used by the current source text, along with their version numbers and authors. Extensions whose authors have chosen the "use authorial modesty" option are missed o t.

If we want our extension to go uncredited - perhaps if it is a low-level enabling sort of thing, for instance - we can place the following sentence inside the definition of the extension:

Use authorial modesty.

The same sentence placed in the body of a source text causes all extensions by the same author as the main source text to go uncredited. In other words, if Isaac Miggins writes a source text and includes, say, Unlikely Events by Isaac Miggins, then this extension will go uncredited in the VERSION command.

A complete list, undiluted by modesty, can always be obtained using:

say "[the/-- complete list of extension credits]"

This text substitution expands to one or more lines of text crediting each of the extensions used by the current source text, along with their version numbers and authors. Every extension is included, even those whose authors have opted for "use authorial modesty".

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