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§5.4. Text with numbers
When a numerical value is given in a square-bracketed substitution, it is ordinarily printed out in digits. Thus:
might print as "You've been wandering around for 213 turns now.", if the story has been played out for exactly that many commands. But if we prefer:
say "[(number) in words]"
This text substitution writes out the number in English text. Example:
"You've been wandering around for [turn count in words] turns now."
might produce "You've been wandering around for two hundred and thirteen turns now." The "and" here is natural on one side of the Atlantic but not the other - so with the "Use American dialect." option in place, it disappears.
Either way, though, there is some risk of the following:
We can avoid this using the special substitution:
say "[s]"
This text substitution prints a letter "s" unless the last number printed was 1. Example:
"You've been wandering around for [turn count in words] turn[s] now."
produces "... for one turn now." or "... for two turns now." as appropriate. Note that it reacts only to numbers, not to other arithmetic values like times (or, for instance, weights from the "Metric Units" extension).
This only solves one case, but it's memorable, and the case is one which turns up often.