An API for handling values within the Inform 7 system of kinds.

§1. Strong and weak IDs. Every kind has both a weak ID, like LIST_OF_TY, and a strong ID, which is a pointer to a small data structure: for instance, a pointer to the three words LIST_OF_TY 1 NUMBER_TY is the strong ID for "list of numbers".

This converts strong to weak, while preserving weak IDs as they are:

[ KindWeakID strong_kind_id;
    if ((strong_kind_id >= 0) && (strong_kind_id < BASE_KIND_HWM)) return strong_kind_id;
    return strong_kind_id-->0;

§2. These can only work with a strong ID: the call KindConstructorArity(LIST_OF_TY) does not return 2.

[ KindConstructorArity strong_kind_id;
    if ((strong_kind_id >= 0) && (strong_kind_id < BASE_KIND_HWM)) return 0;
    return strong_kind_id-->1;

[ KindConstructorTerm strong_kind_id n;
    if ((strong_kind_id >= 0) && (strong_kind_id < BASE_KIND_HWM)) return UNKNOWN_TY;
    return strong_kind_id-->(2+n);

§3. The kind metadata array. Weak IDs are used to read method functions and other details out of the KindMetadata array.

If w is a weak ID, then the metadata on the kind is stored at KindMetadata-->(KindMetadata-->w) and consecutive words.

[ ReadKindMetadata kind_id field x;
    if ((kind_id < 0) || (kind_id >= BASE_KIND_HWM)) kind_id = kind_id-->0;
    x = KindMetadata-->kind_id;
    if (x ~= 0) return KindMetadata-->(x+field);
    return x;

§4. The fields in this array are numbered as follows. Note that kinds which do not take pointer values provide only the first set of fields below; do not look up CREATE_FN_KMF and so on with ReadKindMetadata for any kind which does not conform to POINTER_VALUE_TY.

Always present
Constant WEAK_KIND_ID_KMF = 0;
Constant SAY_FN_KMF = 1;
Constant COMPARE_FN_KMF = 2;
Constant DOMAIN_SIZE_KMF = 5;

Present only for pointer-valued kinds
Constant CREATE_FN_KMF = 7;
Constant CAST_FN_KMF = 8;
Constant COPY_FN_KMF = 9;
Constant QUICK_COPY_FN_KMF = 11;
Constant DESTROY_FN_KMF = 12;
Constant MAKE_MUTABLE_FN_KMF = 13;
Constant HASH_FN_KMF = 14;
Constant LONG_BLOCK_SIZE_KMF = 16;
Constant SERIALISE_FN_KMF = 17;

§5. KindComparisonFunction(K) returns either the address of a function to perform a comparison between two values, or else 0 to signal that no special sort of comparison is needed. (In which case signed numerical comparison should be used.) The function F may be used in a sorting algorithm, so it must have no side-effects. F(x,y) should return 1 if \(x>y\), 0 if \(x=y\) and \(-1\) if \(x<y\). Note that it is not permitted to return 0 unless the two values are genuinely equal.

[ KindComparisonFunction kind_id fail s;
    return ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, COMPARE_FN_KMF);

§6. For kinds which are essentially infinite, the following returns 0.

[ KindDomainSize kind_id fail s;
    return ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, DOMAIN_SIZE_KMF);

[ KindEnumerationArray kind_id;
    return ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, ENUMERATION_ARRAY_KMF);

§7. KindDefaultValue(K) returns the default value for kind K: it's needed, for instance, when increasing the size of a list of \(K\) to include new entries, which have to be given some type-safe value to start out at.

[ KindDefaultValue strong_kind_id mkdef_fn;
    mkdef_fn = ReadKindMetadata(strong_kind_id, MAKE_DEFAULT_FN_KMF);
    if (mkdef_fn) return mkdef_fn(strong_kind_id);
    return 0;

§8. True if and only if kid is the (strong or weak) ID of a kind for which values are pointers to blocks of data on the stack or heap.

[ KindConformsTo_POINTER_VALUE_TY kind_id;
    return (ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, CONFORMANCE_KMF));

§9. Non-standard enumerations. This is for enumerations whose values are scattered: say, for a kind where the valid runtime values are 3, 15 and 421. Next after 3 is 15; previous is 421, and so on.

The instances array supplied has the extent in word 0, which is in effect the number of valid instances. This is guaranteed to be at least 1.

[ NextEnumVal inst instances i count;
    count = instances-->0;
    for (i=1: i<=count: i++)
        if (instances-->i == inst)
            return instances-->(i%count + 1);
    return instances-->1; Should not ever happen

[ PrevEnumVal inst instances i count;
    count = instances-->0;
    for (i=1: i<=count: i++)
        if (instances-->i == inst)
            return instances-->((i+count-2)%count + 1);
    return instances-->1; Should not ever happen

[ RandomEnumVal instances a b count a_index b_index c;
    count = instances-->0;
    if (a == b) {
        if (a == 0) return instances-->(random(count));
        return a;
    for (c = 1: c <= count: c++) {
        if (instances-->c == a)
            a_index = c;
        if (instances-->c == b)
            b_index = c;
    if (a_index > b_index) { c = a_index; a_index = b_index; b_index = c; }
    return instances-->(a_index + random(b_index - a_index + 1) - 1);

[ IndexOfEnumVal instances a count c;
    count = instances-->0;
    for (c = 1: c <= count: c++)
        if (instances-->c == a)
            return c;
    return 0;

§10. Kind-value pairs. Just a few functions can be performed on any value of any kind, but the functions in question have to be told the kind, since (unless the value is a pointer) there will be no way to deduce this.

SayKindValuePair(K, V) prints out the value V on the assumption that it belongs to the kind K.

[ SayKindValuePair kind_id value say_fn;
    say_fn = ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, SAY_FN_KMF);
    if (say_fn) say_fn(value); else print value;

§11. And here is a general comparison.

[ CompareKindValuePairs k1 v1 k2 v2
    if (k1 ~= k2) return k1-k2;
    cmp_fn = ReadKindMetadata(k1, COMPARE_FN_KMF);
    if (cmp_fn) return cmp_fn(v1, v2);
    return v1-v2;

§12. Given a value of any kind, assign it a hash code which fits in a single virtual machine word, maximizing the chances that two different values will have different hash codes.

If the value can be stored in a single word already, it can be its own hash code. Otherwise, we ask its hash function to return one for us. Whatever this does, it must at minimum have the property that two equivalent values (for which the kind's comparison function returns 0) produce the same hash.

Note that if a pointer-valued kind provides no hash function, all of its values are given the hash code 0. This will force pairs of such values to be compared the hard way, but we have nothing better to offer. To return value would be an error, since it would mean that a value and its duplicate would have different hash codes despite being equal.

[ HashKindValuePair kind_id value
    if (KindConformsTo_POINTER_VALUE_TY(kind_id)) {
        if (value) {
            hash_function = ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, HASH_FN_KMF);
            if (hash_function) return hash_function(value);
        return 0;
    return value;

§13. Some values can be written to external files and shared with other projects: others cannot. The following routines abstract that.

If ch is \(-1\), then the unserialise function returns true or false according to whether it is possible to read data from an auxiliary file auxf into the block value bv. If ch is any other value, then the routine should do exactly that, taking ch to be the first character of the text read from the file which makes up the serialised form of the data.

Serialising is simpler because, strictly speaking, it doesn't write to a file at all: it simply prints a serialised form of the data in bv to the output stream. Since it is called only when that output stream has been redirected to an auxiliary file, and since the serialised form would often be illegible on screen, it seems reasonable to call it a file input-output function just the same. The serialise function should return true or false according to whether it was able to write the data.

[ SerialiseKindValuePair kind_id value
    if (KindConformsTo_POINTER_VALUE_TY(kind_id)) {
        serialise_function = ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, SERIALISE_FN_KMF);
        if (serialise_function) serialise_function(value);
        else print value;
    } else {
        print value;

[ UnserialiseKindValuePair kind_id value auxf ch
    if (KindConformsTo_POINTER_VALUE_TY(kind_id)) {
        unserialise_function = ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, UNSERIALISE_FN_KMF);
        if (unserialise_function) return unserialise_function(value, auxf, ch);

§14. The Pointer Value API. This sits on top of the BlkValue API, but whereas the latter can be used for many potential purposes, the PV functions are strictly for dealing with values of kinds conforming to POINTER_VALUE_TY.

Constant DestroyPV = BlkValueFree;
Constant CreatePV = BlkValueCreate;
Constant CopyPV = BlkValueCopy;

[ CopyPVIfExists to_bv from_bv;
    if (from_bv) return BlkValueCopy(to_bv, from_bv);
    return to_bv;

Constant CastPV = BlkValueCast;
Constant ComparePV = BlkValueCompare;
Constant WeakKindOfPV = BlkValueWeakKind;

Constant PVField = BlkValueReadSB;
Constant WritePVField = BlkValueWriteSB;

Constant InitialisePVLongBlockField = BlkValueWriteLB;
Constant PVLongBlockField = BlkValueReadLB;


[ CreatePVShortBlock sb_address kind_id
    short_block size;
    size = ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, SHORT_BLOCK_SIZE_KMF);
    short_block = BlkValueCreateSB(sb_address, size);
    if (ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, LONG_BLOCK_SIZE_KMF) == 0) {
        short_block-->0 = BLK_BVBITMAP_SBONLY;
        short_block-->1 = kind_id;
    return short_block;

[ CreatePVLongBlock kind_id size;
    if (size <= 0) {
        size = ReadKindMetadata(kind_id, LONG_BLOCK_SIZE_KMF);
        if (size ofclass Routine) {
            BlkValueError("CreatePVLongBlock needs a size");
            size = 8;
    return BlkValueCreateLB(size, kind_id);

[ CreatePVLongBlockFlexible kind_id size;
    if (size <= 0) {
        BlkValueError("CreatePVLongBlockFlexible needs a size");
        size = 8;
    return BlkValueCreateMultipleLB(size, kind_id);

[ KindOfShortBlockOnlyPV bv;
    return bv-->1;

[ ShortBlockOnlyPVFlags bv;
    return (bv-->0) & BLK_BVUSERBITMAP;
[ WriteShortBlockOnlyPVFlags bv flags;
    bv-->0 = ((bv-->0) & BLK_BVBITMAP_USERBITMAPMASK) + (flags & BLK_BVUSERBITMAP);

Constant CopyPVShortBlock = BlkValueCopySB;
Constant CopyPVRawData = BlkValueCopyRawLongBlock;

Constant PVFieldCapacity = BlkValueLBCapacity;
Constant SetPVFieldCapacity = BlkValueSetLBCapacity;

[ WritePVFieldsFromByteArray to_bv from_array no_entries_to_copy;
    BlkValueMassCopyFromArray(to_bv, from_array, 1, no_entries_to_copy);

[ WritePVFieldsFromWordArray to_bv from_array no_entries_to_copy;
    BlkValueMassCopyFromArray(to_bv, from_array, 4, no_entries_to_copy);

Constant DestroyPVFromStack = BlkValueFreeOnStack;
Constant CreatePVOnStack = BlkValueCreateOnStack;