Runtime support for dialogue beats.
- §1. Runtime representation
- §2. Extracting beat data
- §3. Accessibility
- §4. Availability
- §5. Relevance
- §6. Performing beats
- §7. Perform opening beat rule
§1. Runtime representation. Values representing beats are enumerated from 1 to NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS. Beats have certain properties stored by Inform just as it would for any other enumerated kind, and which this kit deals with by calls to GProperty and WriteGProperty: in particular, performed and recurring.
In addition, though, the compiler (or more accurately the linker) generates a table called TableOfDialogueBeats. If db is an enumerated value then TableOfDialogueBeats-->db is the address of the metadata table for db. (And TableOfDialogueBeats-->0 is set to NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS.)
These beat data arrays are of variable length (at least 4) and have fields as follows:
- ● AVAILABILITY_DCMETADATA is a function to test whether any if or unless conditions attached to the choice are met, and whether any constraints on sequencing of beats ("after", "before", "later", "next", "immediately after") are met. The function returns true if the choice is available, false if not. If the AVAILABILITY_DCMETADATA is 0, the choice is always available.
- ● RELEVANCE_DBMETADATA is a function R which has two purposes: R(pool, false) tests whether the "about..." descriptions for the beat match any of the subjects in the null-terminated array pool. The function returns true if so, false if not. If RELEVANCE_DBMETADATA is 0, the beat is never "relevant".
R(pool, true) in fact ignores pool, and instead makes a series of calls to DirectorAddLiveSubjectList(A), one for each subject A which the beat is about. Vague descriptions such as "about a woman in the Dining Room" do not result in a call: only explicit ones such as "about the marble-top table". There is no meaningful return value. If RELEVANCE_DBMETADATA is 0, the beat has no explicit about values, so the call (which of course cannot be made) would do nothing anyway.
- ● PROGRAM_DBMETADATA points to the D-code program for the beat, which is too complex to explain here: see Programs Template.
- ● TIED_SCENE_DBMETADATA is either 0 or a valid scene instance value. (Scenes are enumerated from 1, so 0 cannot be a scene.) This is the scene to which the beat is tied, if any, and is caused by naming it "This is the finale scene" instead of "This is the finale beat" (or not naming it at all).
- ● REQUIRING_DBMETADATA is not a single field. The beat data array is of variable length, and from this point onwards, it is a null-terminated list of speakers who must be accessible for the beat to be performed. That list can of course be empty, in which case there will just be a 0 at this position.
All of this must of course match what is compiled in Dialogue Beat Instances (in runtime).
[ DirectorBeatGetScene db beatdata; if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) return 0; beatdata = TableOfDialogueBeats-->db; return beatdata-->TIED_SCENE_DBMETADATA; ]; [ DirectorBeatGetProgram db beatdata; if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) return 0; beatdata = TableOfDialogueBeats-->db; return beatdata-->PROGRAM_DBMETADATA; ]; [ DirectorBeatRequiredList list db len i beatdata speaker; if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) return list; if (WeakKindOfPV(list) ~= LIST_OF_TY) return 0; len = 0; beatdata = TableOfDialogueBeats-->db; i = REQUIRING_DBMETADATA; while (true) { speaker = beatdata-->i; if (speaker == nothing) break; len++; i++; } LIST_OF_TY_SetLength(list, len); for (i=0: i<len: i++) { speaker = beatdata-->(i+REQUIRING_DBMETADATA); if (speaker == PLAYER_CONVERSATIONALIST) speaker = player; LIST_OF_TY_PutItem(list, i+1, speaker); } return list; ]; [ DirectorBeatFirstSpeaker db speaker; if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) return nothing; speaker = (TableOfDialogueBeats-->db)-->FIRST_SPEAKER_DBMETADATA; if (speaker == PLAYER_CONVERSATIONALIST) return player; return speaker; ];
§3. Accessibility. A beat is "accessible" to somebody if it is unperformed, or else recurring, and if that person can currently hear all the speakers on its requiring list.
[ DirectorBeatAccessible db to_whom beatdata i speaker; if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) rfalse; if ((GProperty(DIALOGUE_BEAT_TY, db, performed) == 0) || (GProperty(DIALOGUE_BEAT_TY, db, recurring))) { beatdata = TableOfDialogueBeats-->db; i = REQUIRING_DBMETADATA; while (true) { speaker = beatdata-->i; if (speaker == PLAYER_CONVERSATIONALIST) speaker = player; if (speaker == nothing) rtrue; if (TestAudibility(to_whom, speaker) == false) rfalse; i++; } } rfalse; ];
§4. Availability. A beat is "available" if its "if" and "unless" conditions, together with any sequencing conditions about other beats having been performed or not performed prior to now, are all met.
Global latest_performed_beat = 0; [ DirectorBeatAvailable db fn beatdata; if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) rfalse; beatdata = TableOfDialogueBeats-->db; fn = beatdata-->AVAILABILITY_DBMETADATA; if (fn) return (fn)(latest_performed_beat); rtrue; ];
§5. Relevance. A beat is "relevant" if at least one of its "about" subject descriptions matches something in the current subject list.
A two-word array is used as a sort of temporary live subject list in order to test relevance to a single subject.
[ DirectorBeatRelevant db; return DirectorBeatRelevantTo(db, DialogueTopicPool); ]; [ DirectorBeatRelevantTo db pool fn beatdata i; if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) rfalse; beatdata = TableOfDialogueBeats-->db; print "Is beat ", db, " relevant to any of ... "; for (i=0: pool-->i: i++) print (the) pool-->i, " "; print " ...?^"; fn = beatdata-->RELEVANCE_DBMETADATA; if (fn) return (fn)(pool); rfalse; ]; [ DirectorBeatMakeRelevant db beatdata fn; if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) rfalse; beatdata = TableOfDialogueBeats-->db; fn = beatdata-->RELEVANCE_DBMETADATA; if (fn) (fn)(DialogueTopicPool, true); ]; Array DirectorMiniPool --> 0 0; [ DirectorBeatAbout db subject; DirectorMiniPool-->0 = subject; return DirectorBeatRelevantTo(db, DirectorMiniPool); ];
§6. Performing beats. Note that calls to DirectorPerformBeat can be nested, and even with the same beat. This is why DirectorBeatBeingPerformed is careful to avoid the possibility of a scene being started by its tied beat, then starting the beat in turn, which... and so on.
[ DirectorPerformBeat db without_detecting; if ((db <= 0) || (db > NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) rfalse; if (debug_dialogue) { print "-- Performing ", (PrintDialogueBeatName) db, "^"; } WriteGProperty(DIALOGUE_BEAT_TY, db, performed, 1); latest_performed_beat = db; DirectorPush(db); if ((DirectorBeatGetScene(db)) && (without_detecting == false)) DetectSceneChange(); DirectorBeatMakeRelevant(db); DirectorRun(0); if ((DirectorBeatGetScene(db)) && (without_detecting == false)) DetectSceneChange(); if (debug_dialogue) { print "-- Performance of ", (PrintDialogueBeatName) db, " ended^"; } rfalse; ]; [ DirectorBeatBeingPerformed db x; if ((db >= 1) && (db <= NO_DIALOGUE_BEATS)) for (x=0: x<director_sp: x++) if (DirectorStackBeat-->x == db) rtrue; rfalse; ]; [ DirectorPerformBeatIfUnperformed db; if (DirectorBeatBeingPerformed(db) == false) DirectorPerformBeat(db, true); ];
§7. Perform opening beat rule.
[ PERFORM_OPENING_BEAT_R db; db = InitialSituation-->START_BEAT_INIS; if (db) DirectorPerformBeat(db); line_performance_count = 0; rfalse; ];