To manage the overall process of traversing the parse tree for top-level declarations and assertion sentences.

§1. The first thing Inform does when compiling source text is to make three passes through its top-level definitions: a "pre-pass", in which names of things like tables and equations are discovered, and assertion sentences are diagrammed; "pass 1", when instance, kinds, properties and so on are created; and "pass 2", when property values and relationships are found.

void MajorNodes::pre_pass(void) {
void MajorNodes::pass_1(void) {
void MajorNodes::pass_2(void) {

§2. During these passes, some global state is kept here. This is not elegant, but saves a deal of passing parameters around.

typedef struct pass_state {
    int pass;  during a pass, 0, 1 or 2: 0 is the pre-pass
    int near_start_of_extension;
    struct parse_node *assembly_position;
    struct inference_subject *object_of_sentences;
    struct inference_subject *subject_of_sentences;
    int subject_seems_to_be_plural;
} pass_state;

pass_state global_pass_state = { -1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE };

void MajorNodes::traverse(int pass) {
    global_pass_state.pass = pass;
    global_pass_state.near_start_of_extension = 0;
    global_pass_state.assembly_position = NULL;
    global_pass_state.object_of_sentences = NULL;
    global_pass_state.subject_of_sentences = NULL;
    global_pass_state.subject_seems_to_be_plural = FALSE;

    parse_node *last = NULL;
    SyntaxTree::traverse_nodep(Task::syntax_tree(), MajorNodes::visit, &last);

    if (pass == 1) Extend the pass to invented sentences from kinds2.1;
    if (pass == 2) Extend the pass to sentences needed when implicit kinds are set2.2;

§2.1. Extend the pass to invented sentences from kinds2.1 =

    parse_node *extras = last;
    current_sentence = extras;
    global_pass_state.assembly_position = extras;
    global_pass_state.pass = 0;
    SyntaxTree::traverse_nodep_from(extras, MajorNodes::visit, &last);
    current_sentence = extras;
    global_pass_state.assembly_position = extras;
    global_pass_state.pass = 1;
    SyntaxTree::traverse_nodep_from(extras, MajorNodes::visit, &last);

§2.2. Here's a tricky timing problem, or rather, here's the fix for it. Assemblies are made when the kinds of objects are set, and they're made by inserting appropriate sentences. For instance, given the generalisation:

Every room contains a vehicle.

we would insert the following sentence into the tree:

Ballroom West contains a vehicle.

as soon as we discover that Ballroom West is a room. That works fine if we discover this fact during traverses 1 or 2, but sometimes the room-ness of a room cannot be established until the world model is constructed. So we call the model-maker right now, and prolong pass 2 artificially to pick up any additional sentences generated.

Extend the pass to sentences needed when implicit kinds are set2.2 =

    current_sentence = last;
    global_pass_state.assembly_position = current_sentence;
    SyntaxTree::traverse_nodep_from(last, MajorNodes::visit, &last);

§3. Let us go, and make our visit:

void MajorNodes::visit(parse_node *p, parse_node **last) {
    global_pass_state.assembly_position = current_sentence;
    *last = p;
    Deal with an individual major node3.1;

§3.1. Headings cause us to begin a fresh topic of discussion, on a fresh piece of paper, as it were: this wipes out any meanings of pronouns like "it" making anaphoric references to previous sentences. In other respects, headings are for organisation, and are not directly functional in themselves.

Deal with an individual major node3.1 =

    if ((SyntaxTree::is_trace_set(Task::syntax_tree())) && (Node::get_type(p) != TRACE_NT))
        LOG("\n[%W]\n", Node::get_text(p));

    switch (Node::get_type(p)) {
        case ROOT_NT: break;

        case HEADING_NT:   Anaphora::new_discussion();
                           if (global_pass_state.pass == 0)

        case BEGINHERE_NT: Anaphora::new_discussion();
                           global_pass_state.near_start_of_extension = 1; break;
        case ENDHERE_NT:   Anaphora::new_discussion();
                           global_pass_state.near_start_of_extension = 0; break;

        case IMPERATIVE_NT: Pass through an IMPERATIVE node3.1.1; break;
        case DEFN_CONT_NT: break;

        case SENTENCE_NT: Pass through a SENTENCE node3.1.2; break;
        case TRACE_NT: Pass through a TRACE node3.1.5; break;

        case TABLE_NT: if (global_pass_state.pass == 0) Tables::create_table(p);
        case EQUATION_NT: if (global_pass_state.pass == 0) Equations::new_at(p, FALSE);
        case INFORM6CODE_NT:
            if (global_pass_state.pass == 2) InterventionRequests::make(p);
        case BIBLIOGRAPHIC_NT:
            #ifdef IF_MODULE
            if (global_pass_state.pass == 2) BibliographicData::bibliographic_data(p);

        case DIALOGUE_CUE_NT:
            if (global_pass_state.pass == 0) DialogueBeats::new(p);
            if (global_pass_state.pass == 1) DialogueBeats::make_tied_scene(p);
        case DIALOGUE_CHOICE_NT:
            if (global_pass_state.pass == 0) DialogueChoices::new(p);
        case DIALOGUE_LINE_NT:
            if (global_pass_state.pass == 0) DialogueLines::new(p);

        case INVOCATION_LIST_NT:  break;  for error recovery; shouldn't be here otherwise
        case UNKNOWN_NT: break;  for error recovery; shouldn't be here otherwise

            LOG("$T\n", p);
            internal_error("passed through major node of unexpected type");

§3.1.1. This is a little convoluted: see Imperative Subtrees for how "acceptance" tidies up the nodes in the syntax tree corresponding to a block of imperative code.

Pass through an IMPERATIVE node3.1.1 =

    if (global_pass_state.pass == 0)
        SyntaxTree::traverse_run(p, ImperativeSubtrees::accept, IMPERATIVE_NT);

§3.1.2. SENTENCE_NT nodes are by far the most varied and difficult. In the pre-pass, we call Classifying::sentence to have them diagrammed, which determines whether they have special or regular meanings.

Pass through a SENTENCE node3.1.2 =

    if (global_pass_state.pass == 0) {
    } else {
        if (SyntaxTree::is_trace_set(Task::syntax_tree())) LOG("$T", p);
        if ((Annotations::read_int(p, language_element_ANNOT) == FALSE) &&
            (Annotations::read_int(p, you_can_ignore_ANNOT) == FALSE)) {
            if (Classifying::sentence_is_textual(p)) {
                if (global_pass_state.pass == 2) {
                    prevailing_mood = UNKNOWN_CE;
            } else {
                if (p->down == NULL) internal_error("sentence misclassified");
                internal_error_if_node_type_wrong(Task::syntax_tree(), p->down, VERB_NT);
                prevailing_mood = Annotations::read_int(p->down, verbal_certainty_ANNOT);
                if (Node::get_special_meaning(p->down)) Act on special meaning3.1.2.2
                else Act on regular meaning3.1.2.3;

§ Special meanings are handled just by calling the relevant SMF functions with one of the following task codes. They don't get the benefit of "refinement" (see below) unless they arrange for it themselves.

enum PASS_1_SMFT
enum PASS_2_SMFT

§ Act on special meaning3.1.2.2 =

    if (global_pass_state.pass == 1)
        MajorNodes::try_special_meaning(PASS_1_SMFT, p->down);
    if (global_pass_state.pass == 2)
        MajorNodes::try_special_meaning(PASS_2_SMFT, p->down);

§ Regular meanings are more subtle: on pass 1, we "refine" them, which means identifying unparsed noun phrases. Refiner::refine_coupling returns TRUE if it succeeds in this.

After that, there are two cases: existential sentences (such as "there are two cases") and all others (such as "regular meanings are more subtle").

The trickiest form is "There is a container with carrying capacity 30", say, which equates DEFECTIVE_NOUN_NT with WITH_NT. This is somehow both cases at once, and we have to perform both an existential assertion and a coupling.

Act on regular meaning3.1.2.3 =

    parse_node *px = p->down->next;
    parse_node *py = px->next;
    if ((global_pass_state.pass > 1) ||
        (Refiner::refine_coupling(px, py, FALSE))) {
        if (Node::get_type(px) == DEFECTIVE_NOUN_NT) {
            if (Node::get_type(py) == WITH_NT) {
                px = py->down;
                py = py->down->next;
                Assertions::make_coupling(px, py);
                Anaphora::change_discussion_from_coupling(px, py);
            } else {
                Anaphora::change_discussion_from_coupling(py, py);
        } else {
            Assertions::make_coupling(px, py);
            Anaphora::change_discussion_from_coupling(px, py);


void MajorNodes::try_special_meaning(int task, parse_node *p) {
    SpecialMeanings::call(Node::get_special_meaning(p), task, p, NULL);

§3.1.4. A few "invention" sentences only come along later than the pre-pass, which means they miss out on being classified at that time. When that happens, the syntax module signals us by calling this function:

void MajorNodes::extra_sentence(parse_node *new) {
    if (global_pass_state.pass >= 0) Classifying::sentence(new);

§3.1.5. TRACE_NT nodes result from asterisked sentences; this is a debugging feature of Inform. An asterisk on its own toggles logging of work on sentences.

Pass through a TRACE node3.1.5 =

    text_stream *pass_name = NULL;
    switch (global_pass_state.pass) {
        case 0: pass_name = I"Pre-Pass"; break;
        case 1: pass_name = I"Pass 1"; break;
        case 2: pass_name = I"Pass 2"; break;
    Log::tracing_on(SyntaxTree::is_trace_set(Task::syntax_tree()), pass_name);


define TRACING_LINGUISTICS_CALLBACK MajorNodes::trace_parsing
int MajorNodes::trace_parsing(int A) {
    if (SyntaxTree::is_trace_set(Task::syntax_tree())) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;