Imperative definitions of "Definition: X is Y: ..." adjectives.

§1. This family is used for adjective definitions, whether or not they run on into substantial amounts of code.

imperative_defn_family *adjectival_idf = NULL;  "Definition: a container is roomy if: ..."

void AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::create_family(void) {
    adjectival_idf  = ImperativeDefinitionFamilies::new(I"adjectival-idf", FALSE);
    METHOD_ADD(adjectival_idf, IDENTIFY_IMP_DEFN_MTID, AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::identify);
    METHOD_ADD(adjectival_idf, GIVEN_BODY_IMP_DEFN_MTID, AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::given_body);
    METHOD_ADD(adjectival_idf, ALLOWS_EMPTY_IMP_DEFN_MTID, AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::allows_empty);
    METHOD_ADD(adjectival_idf, COMPILE_IMP_DEFN_MTID, AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::compile);

§2. Colons are used slightly differently in some adjectival definitions. Consider:

Definition: A container is roomy if its carrying capacity is greater than 10.
Definition: A container is possessed by the Devil:
    if its carrying capacity is 666, decide yes;
    decide no.

To Inform this looks like three consecutive IMPERATIVE_NT nodes:

    A container is roomy if its carrying capacity is greater than 10.


A container is possessed by the Devil:
    if its carrying capacity is 666, decide yes;
    decide no.

But we want to create just two imperative_defn objects, not three. So when the second IMPERATIVE_NT node is identified as belonging to us, we take the opportunity to change the type of the third node to DEFN_CONT_NT ("definition continuation"). That means it will not lead to an imperative_defn of its own.


<definition-preamble> ::=


void AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::identify(imperative_defn_family *self, imperative_defn *id) {
    wording W = Node::get_text(id->at);
    if (<definition-preamble>(W)) {
        id->family = adjectival_idf;
        if ((id->at->next) && (id->at->down == NULL) &&
            (Node::get_type(id->at->next) == IMPERATIVE_NT)) {
            Node::set_type(id->at->next, DEFN_CONT_NT);

§5. Since the "Definition:" node might have no code under it (because the code is actually under the continuation node):

int AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::allows_empty(imperative_defn_family *self, imperative_defn *id) {
    return TRUE;

§6. The body of code under a definition needs to be set up so that:

void AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::given_body(imperative_defn_family *self, imperative_defn *id) {
    id_body *body = id->body_of_defn;

    IDTypeData::set_mor(&(body->type_data), DECIDES_CONDITION_MOR, NULL);

    wording CALLW = EMPTY_WORDING;
    kind *K = NULL;
    AdjectivesByPhrase::define_adjective_by_phrase(id->at, body, &CALLW, &K);
    Frames::enable_it(&(body->compilation_data.id_stack_frame), CALLW, K);


§7. The code body for any definition is compiled here:

void AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::compile(imperative_defn_family *self,
    int *total_phrases_compiled, int total_phrases_to_compile) {
    imperative_defn *id;
    LOOP_OVER(id, imperative_defn)
        if (id->family == adjectival_idf) {
            CompileImperativeDefn::not_from_phrase(id->body_of_defn, total_phrases_compiled,
                total_phrases_to_compile, NULL, NULL);

§8. Implementation details. First, some Preform grammar:

<definition-header> ::=

<adjective-definition> ::=
    <adjective-domain> is/are <adjective-wording> if ... |      ==> { DEFINED_POSITIVELY, - }
    <adjective-domain> is/are <adjective-wording> unless ... |  ==> { DEFINED_NEGATIVELY, - }
    <adjective-domain> is/are <adjective-wording>               ==> { DEFINED_PHRASALLY, - }

<adjective-domain> ::=
    ... ( called the ... ) |  ==> { 0, -, <<calling>> = TRUE }
    ... ( called ... ) |      ==> { 0, -, <<calling>> = TRUE }
    ...                       ==> { 0, -, <<calling>> = FALSE }

<adjective-wording> ::=
    ... rather than ... |     ==> { 0, -, <<antonym>> = TRUE }
    ...                       ==> { 0, -, <<antonym>> = FALSE }

§9. The following function provides the method of identification:

void AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::look_for_headers(parse_node *p) {
    if (Node::get_type(p) == IMPERATIVE_NT)
        if (<definition-header>(Node::get_text(p))) {
            parse_node *q = NULL;
            if (Node::get_type(p->next) == DEFN_CONT_NT) q = p->next;
            else q = (p->down)?(p->down->down):NULL;

            wording DNW = EMPTY_WORDING;  domain name
            wording CALLW = EMPTY_WORDING;  calling
            wording AW = EMPTY_WORDING;  adjective name
            wording NW = EMPTY_WORDING;  negation name
            wording CONW = EMPTY_WORDING;  condition text
            int the_format = DEFINED_IN_SOME_WAY_NOT_YET_KNOWN;

            Parse the Q-node as an adjective definition9.1;
            Perform sanity checks on the result9.2;
            Register the resulting adjective9.3;

            if (the_format != DEFINED_PHRASALLY)  p->down = NULL;

§9.1. Parse the Q-node as an adjective definition9.1 =

    if (<adjective-definition>(Node::get_text(q))) {
        the_format = <<r>>;
        DNW = GET_RW(<adjective-domain>, 1);
        if (<<calling>>) CALLW = GET_RW(<adjective-domain>, 2);
        AW = GET_RW(<adjective-wording>, 1);
        if (<<antonym>>) NW = GET_RW(<adjective-wording>, 2);
        if (the_format != DEFINED_PHRASALLY)
            CONW = GET_RW(<adjective-definition>, 1);

§9.2. Perform sanity checks on the result9.2 =

    if ((the_format == DEFINED_IN_SOME_WAY_NOT_YET_KNOWN) ||
        ((the_format == DEFINED_PHRASALLY) && (q->down == NULL))) {
        LOG("Definition tree (%d):\n$T\n", the_format, q);
            q, "a definition must take the form 'Definition: a ... is ... if/unless "
            "...' or else 'Definition: a ... is ...: ...'",
            "but I can't make this fit either shape.");
    if ((Wordings::mismatched_brackets(AW)) ||
        ((Wordings::nonempty(NW)) && (Wordings::mismatched_brackets(NW)))) {
        LOG("Definition tree:\n$T\n", p);
            q, "this definition seems to involve unexpected brackets in the name of "
            "the adjective being defined",
            "so I think I must be misreading it.");

§9.3. Register the resulting adjective9.3 =

    current_sentence = q;
    adjective_meaning *am = AdjectiveMeanings::claim_definition(q, the_format, AW,
        DNW, CONW, CALLW);
    if (am == NULL) internal_error("unclaimed adjective definition");
    if (Wordings::nonempty(NW)) {
        current_sentence = q;
        adjective *adj = Adjectives::declare(NW, NULL);
        adjective_meaning *neg = AdjectiveMeanings::negate(am);
        AdjectiveAmbiguity::add_meaning_to_adjective(neg, adj);

§10. The usual strictures apply:

define ADJECTIVE_NAME_VETTING_LINGUISTICS_CALLBACK AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::vet_name
int AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::vet_name(wording W) {
    if (<article>(W)) {
            "a defined adjective cannot consist only of an article such as 'a' or 'the'",
            "since this will lead to parsing ambiguities.");
        return FALSE;
    if (<unsuitable-name>(W)) {
        if (problem_count == 0) {
            Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
            Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
                "The sentence %1 seems to create an adjective with the name '%2', but "
                "adjectives have to be contain only unpunctuated words.");
        return FALSE;
        NTI::mark_word(n, <s-adjective>);
    return TRUE;

§11. Which leaves only:

typedef struct definition {
    struct parse_node *definition_node;  current sentence: where the word "Definition" is
    struct parse_node *node;  where the actual definition is
    int format;  +1 to go by condition, -1 to negate it, 0 to use routine
    struct wording condition_to_match;  text of condition to match, if +1 or -1
    struct wording domain_calling;  what if anything the term is called
    struct adjective_meaning *am_of_def;  which adjective meaning
} definition;

definition *AdjectivalDefinitionFamily::new_definition(parse_node *q) {
    definition *def = CREATE(definition);
    def->node = q;
    def->format = 0;
    def->condition_to_match = EMPTY_WORDING;
    def->domain_calling = EMPTY_WORDING;
    def->definition_node = current_sentence;
    return def;