Order of precedence for Inform 6 operators, regarded as their Inter primitive equivalents.

§1. The following table of data is essentially the same one in shown in section 6.2 of the Inform 6 Technical Manual: which operators take precedence over which others, which are right or left associative, which are prefix or postfix, and so on.

typedef struct i6_operator_metadata {
    inter_ti BIP;           which may be a *_XBIP value
    int precedence;         operators with higher precedence bind more tightly
    int prefix;             TRUE for prefix, FALSE for suffix, NOT_APPLICABLE for infix
    int right_associative;  if same operator used twice at same precedence
    int arity;              how many operands the operator has: always 1 or 2
    char *notation_c;       Inform 6 syntax for this operator
    struct text_stream *notation;
} i6_operator_metadata;

§2. Do not reorder this table without reading I6Operators::notation_to_BIP below.

i6_operator_metadata i6_operator_chart[] = {
    { STORE_BIP,           1, NOT_APPLICABLE, FALSE, 2, "=",        NULL },

    { AND_BIP,             2, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "&&",       NULL },
    { OR_BIP,              2, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "||",       NULL },
    { NOT_BIP,             2, TRUE,           TRUE,  1, "~~",       NULL },

    { EQ_BIP,              3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "==",       NULL },
    { GT_BIP,              3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, ">",        NULL },
    { GE_BIP,              3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, ">=",       NULL },
    { LT_BIP,              3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "<",        NULL },
    { LE_BIP,              3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "<=",       NULL },
    { NE_BIP,              3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "~=",       NULL },
    { HAS_XBIP,            3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "has",      NULL },
    { HASNT_XBIP,          3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "hasnt",    NULL },
    { OFCLASS_BIP,         3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "ofclass",  NULL },
    { IN_BIP,              3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "in",       NULL },
    { NOTIN_BIP,           3, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "notin",    NULL },

    { ALTERNATIVE_BIP,     4, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "or",       NULL },

    { PLUS_BIP,            5, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "+",        NULL },
    { MINUS_BIP,           5, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "-",        NULL },

    { TIMES_BIP,           6, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "*",        NULL },
    { DIVIDE_BIP,          6, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "/",        NULL },
    { MODULO_BIP,          6, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "%",        NULL },
    { BITWISEAND_BIP,      6, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "&",        NULL },
    { BITWISEOR_BIP,       6, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "|",        NULL },
    { BITWISENOT_BIP,      6, TRUE,           TRUE,  1, "~",        NULL },

    { LOOKUP_BIP,          7, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "-->",      NULL },
    { LOOKUPBYTE_BIP,      7, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, "->",       NULL },

    { UNARYMINUS_BIP,      8, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  1, "-",        NULL },

    { POSTINCREMENT_BIP,   9, FALSE,          TRUE,  1, "++",       NULL },
    { POSTDECREMENT_BIP,   9, FALSE,          TRUE,  1, "--",       NULL },
    { PREINCREMENT_BIP,    9, TRUE,           TRUE,  1, "++",       NULL },
    { PREDECREMENT_BIP,    9, TRUE,           TRUE,  1, "--",       NULL },

    { PROPERTYARRAY_BIP,  10, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, ".&",       NULL },

    { PROPERTYVALUE_BIP,  12, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, ".",        NULL },

    { OWNERKIND_XBIP,     13, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  2, ">>",       NULL },

    { 0,                  -1, NOT_APPLICABLE, TRUE,  0, "",         NULL }

§3. The following must be called before the above array can be used. It checks that the numbering is right, and converts the names and signatures from char * to text_stream *.

int inform6_operators_chart_prepared = FALSE;
int inform6_operators_xref[MAX_BIPS];
int inform6_operators_XBIP_xref[MAX_BIPS];

void I6Operators::prepare_chart(void) {
    if (inform6_operators_chart_prepared == FALSE) {
        inform6_operators_chart_prepared = TRUE;
        for (int i=0; i<MAX_BIPS; i++) inform6_operators_xref[i] = -1;
        for (int i=0; i<MAX_BIPS; i++) inform6_operators_XBIP_xref[i] = -1;
        for (inter_ti i=0; ; i++) {
            if (i6_operator_chart[i].BIP == 0) break;
            if (i >= MAX_BIPS) internal_error("MAX_BIPS set too low");
            inter_ti BIP = i6_operator_chart[i].BIP;
            if (BIP >= LOWEST_XBIP_VALUE) {
                if (BIP > HIGHEST_XBIP_VALUE) internal_error("XBIP value out of range");
                inform6_operators_XBIP_xref[BIP - LOWEST_XBIP_VALUE] = (int) i;
            } else {
                if (BIP >= MAX_BIPS) internal_error("BIP value out of range");
                inform6_operators_xref[BIP] = (int) i;
            i6_operator_chart[i].notation = Str::new();
            WRITE_TO(i6_operator_chart[i].notation, "%s",

§4. This, again, is trickier than it looks because a valid input can be either a *_BIP code or a *_XBIP code:

i6_operator_metadata *I6Operators::operator_for_BIP(inter_ti BIP) {
    if ((BIP < MAX_BIPS) && (inform6_operators_xref[BIP] >= 0))
        return &(i6_operator_chart[inform6_operators_xref[BIP]]);
        (inform6_operators_XBIP_xref[BIP - LOWEST_XBIP_VALUE] >= 0))
        return &(i6_operator_chart[inform6_operators_XBIP_xref[BIP - LOWEST_XBIP_VALUE]]);
    return NULL;

§5. So now we have the outward-facing API. Here's the Inform 6 notation:

text_stream *I6Operators::I6_notation_for(inter_ti BIP) {
    i6_operator_metadata *md = I6Operators::operator_for_BIP(BIP);
    return (md) ? (md->notation) : I"???";

§6. And the inverse of that function, from text to an operator, or 0 if none matches. Note that we return the earliest row in the above table, if more than one matches, and this matters for ++ and --, where the same notation is used both for the prefix and postfix operators.

inter_ti I6Operators::notation_to_BIP(text_stream *T) {
    for (inter_ti i=0; ; i++) {
        if (i6_operator_chart[i].BIP == 0) break;
        if (Str::eq(T, i6_operator_chart[i].notation)) return i6_operator_chart[i].BIP;
    return 0;

§7. The arity of the operator, always 1 or 2, unless the given BIP is not an operator at all:

int I6Operators::arity(inter_ti BIP) {
    i6_operator_metadata *md = I6Operators::operator_for_BIP(BIP);
    return (md) ? (md->arity) : 0;

§8. Returns:

int I6Operators::prefix(inter_ti BIP) {
    i6_operator_metadata *md = I6Operators::operator_for_BIP(BIP);
    return (md) ? (md->prefix) : NOT_APPLICABLE;

§9. The precedence level of the operator, or infinity (near enough) if this is not an operator at all.

int I6Operators::precedence(inter_ti BIP) {
    i6_operator_metadata *md = I6Operators::operator_for_BIP(BIP);
    return (md) ? (md->precedence) : UNPRECEDENTED_OPERATOR;

§10. TRUE if the operator is right associative, FALSE if it is left associative; irrelevant, of course, for unary operators.

int I6Operators::right_associative(inter_ti BIP) {
    i6_operator_metadata *md = I6Operators::operator_for_BIP(BIP);
    return (md) ? (md->right_associative) : TRUE;