How we shall test it.
void Unit::run(filename *F) { inter_tree *dummy = InterTree::new(); inter_bookmark IBM = InterBookmark::at_start_of_this_repository(dummy); Primitives::declare_standard_set(dummy, &IBM); Streams::enable_debugging(STDOUT); text_stream *FORMER_DL = DL; DL = STDOUT; inter_unit_test iut; iut.to_perform = NO_IUT; iut.test_input = Str::new(); TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "unable to read tests file", TRUE, &Unit::test_harvester, NULL, &iut); Streams::disable_debugging(STDOUT); DL = FORMER_DL; }
typedef struct inter_unit_test { int to_perform; struct text_stream *test_input; } inter_unit_test; void Unit::test_harvester(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *v_iut) { inter_unit_test *iut = (inter_unit_test *) v_iut; if (Str::eq(text, I"schema")) { iut->to_perform = SCHEMA_IUT; Str::clear(iut->test_input); } else if (Str::eq(text, I"schema-workings")) { iut->to_perform = SCHEMA_WORKINGS_IUT; Str::clear(iut->test_input); } else if (Str::eq(text, I"annotation")) { iut->to_perform = I6_ANNOTATION_IUT; Str::clear(iut->test_input); } else if (Str::eq(text, I"end")) { switch (iut->to_perform) { case SCHEMA_WORKINGS_IUT: Log::set_aspect(SCHEMA_COMPILATION_DETAILS_DA, TRUE); Perform the schema test2.1; Log::set_aspect(SCHEMA_COMPILATION_DETAILS_DA, FALSE); break; case SCHEMA_IUT: Perform the schema test2.1; break; case I6_ANNOTATION_IUT: Perform the annotation test2.2; break; default: Errors::in_text_file("unimplemented test", tfp); break; } iut->to_perform = NO_IUT; } else { if (iut->to_perform == NO_IUT) { if (Str::len(text) == 0) return; Errors::in_text_file("content outside of test", tfp); } else { WRITE_TO(iut->test_input, "%S\n", text); } } }
- The structure inter_unit_test is private to this section.
§2.1. Perform the schema test2.1 =
LOG("Test: parse schema from:\n%S\n", iut->test_input); Str::trim_white_space(iut->test_input); inter_schema *sch = ParsingSchemas::from_text(iut->test_input, Provenance::at_file_and_line(I"hypothetical.txt", 1)); if (sch == NULL) LOG("<null schema>\n"); else if (sch->node_tree == NULL) LOG("<nodeless scheme\n"); else InterSchemas::log(DL, sch); LOG("=========\n");
- This code is used in §2 (twice).
§2.2. Perform the annotation test2.2 =
LOG("Test: parse annotation from:\n%S\n", iut->test_input); int verdict = I6Annotations::check(iut->test_input); if (verdict == -1) { LOG("Malformed\n"); } else { TEMPORARY_TEXT(A) for (int i=0; i<verdict; i++) PUT_TO(A, Str::get_at(iut->test_input, i)); for (I6_annotation *IA = I6Annotations::parse(A); IA; IA = IA->next) { LOG("Annotation: %S\n", IA->identifier); if (IA->terms) { int i = 0; I6_annotation_term *term; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(term, I6_annotation_term, IA->terms) { LOG("%d: %S = <%S>\n", i++, term->key, term->value); } } } if (verdict < Str::len(iut->test_input)) { LOG("Residue: "); for (int i = verdict; i<Str::len(iut->test_input); i++) LOG("%c", Str::get_at(iut->test_input, i)); } DISCARD_TEXT(A) } LOG("=========\n");
- This code is used in §2.