More things to quote in problem messages.

§1. We provide some simple extensions to the Problems module's stock of data structures which can be quoted. (These routines look as if they ought to be automated with macros, but that would be a nuisance because the tangler then wouldn't auto-predeclare them; and there aren't so very many of them.)

void Problems::quote_spec(int t, parse_node *p) {
    Problems::problem_quote(t, (void *) p, Problems::expand_spec);
void Problems::expand_spec(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *p) {
    Specifications::write_out_in_English(OUT, (parse_node *) p);
void Problems::quote_relation(int t, binary_predicate *p) {
    Problems::problem_quote(t, (void *) p, Problems::expand_relation);
void Problems::expand_relation(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *p) {
    BinaryPredicateFamilies::describe_for_problems(OUT, (binary_predicate *) p);
void Problems::quote_phrase(int t, id_body *p) {
    Problems::problem_quote(t, (void *) p, Problems::expand_phrase);
void Problems::expand_phrase(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *p) {
    ImperativeDefinitions::write_HTML_representation(OUT, (id_body *) p, INDEX_PHRASE_FORMAT);
void Problems::quote_extension(int t, inform_extension *p) {
    Problems::problem_quote(t, (void *) p, Problems::expand_extension);
void Problems::expand_extension(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *p) {
    Extensions::write(OUT, (inform_extension *) p);
void Problems::quote_copy(int t, inbuild_copy *p) {
    Problems::problem_quote(t, (void *) p, Problems::expand_copy);
void Problems::expand_copy(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *p) {
    Copies::write_copy(OUT, (inbuild_copy *) p);
void Problems::quote_work(int t, inbuild_work *p) {
    Problems::problem_quote(t, (void *) p, Problems::expand_work);
void Problems::expand_work(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *p) {
    Works::write(OUT, (inbuild_work *) p);
void Problems::quote_object(int t, instance *p) {
    Problems::problem_quote(t, (void *) p, Problems::expand_object);

§2. Since numerous instances are created without explicit and distinct names, for instance by sentences like

Four coins are in the box.'s prudent to quote instances without names carefully, and not to ignore this as some kind of marginal will-never-happen case.

void Problems::expand_object(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *p) {
    instance *I = (instance *) p;
    if (I) {
        wording W = Instances::get_name(I, FALSE);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W))
            Problems::expand_text_within_reason(OUT, W);
        else {
            WRITE("nameless ");
            kind *k = Instances::to_kind(I);
            wording KW = Kinds::Behaviour::get_name(k, FALSE);
            if (Wordings::nonempty(KW)) Problems::expand_text_within_reason(OUT, KW);
            else WRITE("thing");
            parse_node *from = Instances::get_creating_sentence(I);
            if (from) {
                WRITE(" created in the sentence ");
void Problems::quote_subject(int t, inference_subject *infs) {
    if (infs == NULL) { Problems::quote_text(t, "something"); return; }
    wording W = InferenceSubjects::get_name_text(infs);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) { Problems::quote_wording(t, W); return; }
    instance *I = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(infs);
    if (I) { Problems::quote_object(t, I); return; }
    Problems::quote_text(t, "something nameless");  this never actually happens
void Problems::quote_invocation(int t, parse_node *p) {
    Problems::problem_quote(t, (void *) p, Problems::expand_invocation);
void Problems::expand_invocation(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *p) {
    IDTypeData::inv_write_HTML_representation(OUT, (parse_node *) p);
void Problems::quote_extension_id(int t, inbuild_work *p) {
    Problems::problem_quote(t, (void *) p, Problems::expand_extension_id);
void Problems::expand_extension_id(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *p) {
    Works::write_to_HTML_file(OUT, (inbuild_work *) p, FALSE);
void Problems::quote_property(int t, property *p) { Problems::quote_wording(t, p->name); }
void Problems::quote_table(int t, table *tab) {
    Problems::quote_source(t, Tables::get_headline(tab));

§3. To quote a kind is straightforward enough:

void Problems::quote_kind(int t, kind *K) {
    if ((K == NULL) || (Kinds::eq(K, K_nil))) Problems::quote_text(t, "nothing");
    else if ((K == NULL) || (Kinds::eq(K, K_void))) Problems::quote_text(t, "nothing");
    else Problems::problem_quote(t, (void *) K, Problems::expand_kind);

void Problems::expand_kind(OUTPUT_STREAM, void *p) {
    Kinds::Textual::write_articled(OUT, (kind *) p);

§4. But we also provide another way to mention kinds within problem messages; we quote not a literal constant but its kind of value, changing (say) the actual constant 15 to the generic constant "number":

void Problems::quote_kind_of(int t, parse_node *spec) {
    if (Rvalues::is_object(spec)) {
        if (Annotations::read_int(spec, self_object_ANNOT)) {
            Problems::quote_text(t, "implicit object");  this is probably never seen, but just in case
        } else if (Annotations::read_int(spec, nothing_object_ANNOT)) {
            Problems::quote_text(t, "the 'nothing' non-object");  whereas this can certainly happen
        } else {
            instance *I = Rvalues::to_instance(spec);
            Problems::quote_kind(t, Instances::to_kind(I));
    kind *K = Specifications::to_kind(spec);
    if (K) Problems::quote_kind(t, K);
    else Problems::quote_spec(t, spec);