How objects, classes and properties are compiled to C.
- §1. Introduction
- §3. The object value-space
- §6. Property owners
- §11. Runtime classes
- §14. Runtime instances
- §18. The property dictionary
- §20. Declaring properties
- §21. Assigning properties
- §25. Instances which are not objects
- §26. Primitives
- §32. Reading, writing and changing object properties
- §33. Reading, writing and changing general properties
void CObjectModel::initialise(code_generator *gtr) { METHOD_ADD(gtr, PSEUDO_OBJECT_MTID, CObjectModel::pseudo_object); METHOD_ADD(gtr, DECLARE_INSTANCE_MTID, CObjectModel::declare_instance); METHOD_ADD(gtr, DECLARE_KIND_MTID, CObjectModel::declare_kind); METHOD_ADD(gtr, DECLARE_PROPERTY_MTID, CObjectModel::declare_property); METHOD_ADD(gtr, ASSIGN_PROPERTY_MTID, CObjectModel::assign_property); METHOD_ADD(gtr, ASSIGN_PROPERTIES_MTID, CObjectModel::assign_properties); }
typedef struct C_generation_object_model_data { int owner_id_count; struct C_property_owner *arrow_chain[MAX_C_OBJECT_TREE_DEPTH]; int property_id_counter; struct C_property_owner *current_owner; struct dictionary *declared_properties; struct linked_list *declared_owners; of C_property_owner struct C_property_owner *compass_instance; struct C_property_owner *direction_kind; int value_ranges_needed; int value_property_holders_needed; int Class_either_or_properties_not_set; } C_generation_object_model_data; void CObjectModel::initialise_data(code_generation *gen) { C_GEN_DATA(objdata.owner_id_count) = 1; C_GEN_DATA(objdata.property_id_counter) = 0; C_GEN_DATA(objdata.declared_properties) = Dictionaries::new(1024, FALSE); C_GEN_DATA(objdata.declared_owners) = NEW_LINKED_LIST(C_property_owner); for (int i=0; i<128; i++) C_GEN_DATA(objdata.arrow_chain)[i] = NULL; C_GEN_DATA(objdata.compass_instance) = NULL; C_GEN_DATA(objdata.value_ranges_needed) = FALSE; C_GEN_DATA(objdata.value_property_holders_needed) = FALSE; C_GEN_DATA(objdata.Class_either_or_properties_not_set) = TRUE; } void CObjectModel::begin(code_generation *gen) { CObjectModel::initialise_data(gen); CObjectModel::declare_metaclasses(gen); } void CObjectModel::end(code_generation *gen) { CObjectModel::write_i7_initialiser(gen); CObjectModel::write_i7_initialise_object_tree(gen); CObjectModel::define_object_value_regions(gen); CObjectModel::compile_ofclass_array(gen); CObjectModel::compile_gprop_functions(gen); segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_ids_and_maxima_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("#define i7_max_objects I7VAL_STRINGS_BASE\n"); WRITE("#define i7_no_property_ids %d\n", C_GEN_DATA(objdata.property_id_counter)); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); CObjectModel::make_enumerated_property_arrays(gen); }
- The structure C_generation_object_model_data is accessed in 4/fi6, 5/ccn and here.
§3. The object value-space. Inter requires that the following values must be distinguishable at runtime:
- (a) Instances of object;
- (b) Classes, which include kinds of object such as "container", but not other kinds such as "number";
- (c) Constant text values — note: this does not mean values of the I7 "text" kind, this means only text literals in Inter;
- (d) Functions;
- (e) 0, which is also the value of the non-object nothing.
Note that there is no requirement for these ranges of value to be contiguous, or to exhaust the whole range of 32-bit values (and they do not). We provide a function i7_metaclass which returns Class, Object, String, Routine or 0 in cases (a) to (e), or 0 for any values not fitting any of these: this function implements the !metaclass primitive.
§4. In this C runtime, nothing will be 0, as is mandatory; Class, Object, String and Routine will be 1 to 4 respectively; values from 5 upwards will be assigned to objects and classes as they arise — note that these mix freely; string values will occupy a contiguous range I7VAL_STRINGS_BASE to I7VAL_FUNCTIONS_BASE-1; and function values will be in tha range I7VAL_FUNCTIONS_BASE to 0x7FFFFFFF, though they will certainly not fill it.
void CObjectModel::define_object_value_regions(code_generation *gen) { segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_ids_and_maxima_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("i7word_t i7_metaclass_of[] = {\n"); INDENT; WRITE("0\n"); C_property_owner *co; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(co, C_property_owner, C_GEN_DATA(objdata.declared_owners)) { WRITE(", "); if (co->is_class) Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, I"Class"); else Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, I"Object"); WRITE("\n"); } OUTDENT; WRITE(" };\n"); int b = C_GEN_DATA(objdata.owner_id_count); WRITE("#define I7VAL_STRINGS_BASE %d\n", b); WRITE("#define I7VAL_FUNCTIONS_BASE %d\n", b + CLiteralsModel::size_of_String_area(gen)); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); }
§5. Those decisions give us the following i7_metaclass function:
i7word_t i7_metaclass(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
i7word_t i7_metaclass(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id) { if (id <= 0) return 0; if (id >= I7VAL_FUNCTIONS_BASE) return i7_mgl_Routine; if (id >= I7VAL_STRINGS_BASE) return i7_mgl_String; return i7_metaclass_of[id]; }
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.c.
§6. Property owners. We use the term "property owner" to mean either a kind of object, or an instance of object. This is a little loose since instances of enumerated non-object kinds can also have properties, but those, as we'll later see, are stored quite differently.
Each property owner has a unique ID number. The special ID 0 is reserved for nothing, meaning the absence of such an owner, so we can only use 1 upwards; and as we've seen, 1 to 4 are used for the four metaclasses Class, Object, String and Routine. After that, it's first come, first served.
Each owner has a "class", which is always the name of another owner: except that the owner Class has the class name Class, i.e., itself.
Instances, though not of course classes, will also end up as part of an object containment tree; so we record the initial state of that three here. For classes, of course, initial_parent, initial_sibling and initial_child will remain NULL.
typedef struct C_property_owner { int id; int is_class; struct text_stream *name; struct text_stream *class; struct linked_list *property_values; of C_pv_pair struct C_property_owner *initial_parent; struct C_property_owner *initial_sibling; struct C_property_owner *initial_child; CLASS_DEFINITION } C_property_owner; C_property_owner *CObjectModel::new_owner(code_generation *gen, int id, text_stream *name, text_stream *class_name, int is_class) { if (Str::len(name) == 0) internal_error("nameless property owner"); C_property_owner *co = CREATE(C_property_owner); co->id = id; co->name = Str::duplicate(name); co->class = Str::duplicate(class_name); co->is_class = is_class; co->property_values = NEW_LINKED_LIST(C_pv_pair); co->initial_parent = NULL; co->initial_sibling = NULL; co->initial_child = NULL; C_GEN_DATA(objdata.current_owner) = co; ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(co, C_property_owner, C_GEN_DATA(objdata.declared_owners)); return co; }
- The structure C_property_owner is accessed in 5/cas and here.
§7. The (constant) array i7_class_of[id] accepts any ID for a class or instance, and evaluates to the ID of its classname. So, for example, i7_class_of[1] == 1 expresses that the classname of Class is Class itself. Here we compile a declaration for that array.
void CObjectModel::compile_ofclass_array(code_generation *gen) { segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_ids_and_maxima_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("i7word_t i7_class_of[] = { 0"); C_property_owner *co; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(co, C_property_owner, C_GEN_DATA(objdata.declared_owners)) { WRITE(", "); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, co->class); } WRITE(" };\n"); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); }
§8. The existence of the i7_class_of array at runtime makes it possible to implement the primitive !ofclass reasonably efficiently. Note that it may need to recurse up the class hierarchy. If A is of class B whose superclass is C, then i7_ofclass(A, B) and i7_ofclass(A, C) are both true, as it i7_ofclass(B, C).
int i7_ofclass(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id, i7word_t cl_id);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
int i7_ofclass(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id, i7word_t cl_id) { if ((id <= 0) || (cl_id <= 0)) return 0; if (id >= I7VAL_FUNCTIONS_BASE) { if (cl_id == i7_mgl_Routine) return 1; return 0; } if (id >= I7VAL_STRINGS_BASE) { if (cl_id == i7_mgl_String) return 1; return 0; } if (id == i7_mgl_Class) { if (cl_id == i7_mgl_Class) return 1; return 0; } if (cl_id == i7_mgl_Object) { if (i7_metaclass_of[id] == i7_mgl_Object) return 1; return 0; } int cl_found = i7_class_of[id]; while (cl_found != i7_mgl_Class) { if (cl_id == cl_found) return 1; cl_found = i7_class_of[cl_found]; } return 0; }
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.c.
§9. Here we compile code to initialise the tree. This happens in two stages: first the tree is blanked out so that nothing contains anything else, and that's done with an unchanging function in the C library:
void i7_empty_object_tree(i7process_t *proc);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
void i7_empty_object_tree(i7process_t *proc) { proc->state.object_tree_parent = i7_calloc(proc, i7_max_objects, sizeof(i7word_t)); proc->state.object_tree_child = i7_calloc(proc, i7_max_objects, sizeof(i7word_t)); proc->state.object_tree_sibling = i7_calloc(proc, i7_max_objects, sizeof(i7word_t)); for (int i=0; i<i7_max_objects; i++) { proc->state.object_tree_parent[i] = 0; proc->state.object_tree_child[i] = 0; proc->state.object_tree_sibling[i] = 0; } }
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.c.
§10. And secondly, there is dynamic code (i.e. different for different compilations) to store the initial values as recorded in the initial_* fields:
void CObjectModel::write_i7_initialise_object_tree(code_generation *gen) { segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_initialiser_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("void i7_initialise_object_tree(i7process_t *proc) {\n"); INDENT; C_property_owner *co; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(co, C_property_owner, C_GEN_DATA(objdata.declared_owners)) { if (co->initial_parent) { WRITE("proc->state.object_tree_parent["); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, co->name); WRITE("] = "); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, co->initial_parent->name); WRITE(";\n"); } if (co->initial_sibling) { WRITE("proc->state.object_tree_sibling["); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, co->name); WRITE("] = "); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, co->initial_sibling->name); WRITE(";\n"); } if (co->initial_child) { WRITE("proc->state.object_tree_child["); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, co->name); WRITE("] = "); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, co->initial_child->name); WRITE(";\n"); } } OUTDENT; WRITE("}\n"); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); }
§11. Runtime classes. Classes arise either (i) as one of the four fundamental metaclasses, which we automatically declare at the start of each run, or (ii) when a kind of object is declared. Here is (i):
void CObjectModel::declare_metaclasses(code_generation *gen) { CObjectModel::new_runtime_class(gen, I"Class", NULL, I"Class"); CObjectModel::new_runtime_class(gen, I"Object", NULL, I"Class"); CObjectModel::new_runtime_class(gen, I"String", NULL, I"Class"); CObjectModel::new_runtime_class(gen, I"Routine", NULL, I"Class"); }
void CObjectModel::declare_kind(code_generator *gtr, code_generation *gen, inter_symbol *kind_s, segmentation_pos *saved) { if ((kind_s == RunningPipelines::get_symbol(gen->from_step, object_kind_RPSYM)) || (VanillaObjects::is_kind_of_object(gen, kind_s))) Declare a kind of object12.1 else if (VanillaObjects::value_kind_with_properties(gen, kind_s)) CObjectModel::vph_object(gen, kind_s); }
§12.1. Declare a kind of object12.1 =
text_stream *class_name = InterSymbol::trans(kind_s); text_stream *printed_name = Metadata::optional_textual( InterPackage::container(kind_s->definition), I"^printed_name"); text_stream *super_class = NULL; inter_symbol *super_name = TypenameInstruction::super(kind_s); if (super_name) super_class = InterSymbol::trans(super_name); if (Str::len(super_class) == 0) super_class = I"Class"; CObjectModel::new_runtime_class(gen, class_name, printed_name, super_class);
- This code is used in §12.
§13. In either case (i) or (ii) the following is called:
void CObjectModel::new_runtime_class(code_generation *gen, text_stream *class_name, text_stream *printed_name, text_stream *super_class) { int id = C_GEN_DATA(objdata.owner_id_count)++; segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_ids_and_maxima_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("#define "); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, class_name); WRITE(" %d\n", id); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); if (printed_name) { segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_kinds_symbols_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("#define %S %d\n", CTarget::symbols_header_identifier(gen, I"K", printed_name), id); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); } CObjectModel::new_owner(gen, id, class_name, super_class, TRUE); }
§14. Runtime instances. These arise either (i) as pseudo-objects provided by kits — the Inform 7 compiler never itself generates pseudo-objects; or (ii) as property-holder objects to hold the properties of an enumerated non-object kind, where one such object exists for each such kind; or (iii), the most obvious way, as the runtime form of instances of Inform 7 objects. For example, the rooms, things and people of a work of interactive fiction would each be cases of (iii).
Here is (i). After a typical IF run through Inform 7, this produces only two pseudo-objects, Compass and thedark.
void CObjectModel::pseudo_object(code_generator *gtr, code_generation *gen, text_stream *obj_name) { C_property_owner *obj = CObjectModel::new_runtime_object(gtr, gen, I"Object", obj_name, -1, FALSE); if (Str::eq(obj_name, I"Compass")) C_GEN_DATA(objdata.compass_instance) = obj; }
§15. Here is (ii). Each enumerated kind produces one of these. In a typical IF run, for example, there is one for the kind "scene".
void CObjectModel::vph_object(code_generation *gen, inter_symbol *kind_s) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(instance_name) CObjectModel::write_vph_identifier(gen, instance_name, kind_s); CObjectModel::new_runtime_object(NULL, gen, I"Object", instance_name, -1, FALSE); DISCARD_TEXT(instance_name) }
void CObjectModel::declare_instance(code_generator *gtr, code_generation *gen, inter_symbol *inst_s, inter_symbol *kind_s, int enumeration, segmentation_pos *ignored_saved) { text_stream *printed_name = Metadata::optional_textual( InterPackage::container(inst_s->definition), I"^printed_name"); int is_enumerative = FALSE; if ((kind_s == RunningPipelines::get_symbol(gen->from_step, object_kind_RPSYM)) || (VanillaObjects::is_kind_of_object(gen, kind_s))) { Declare an object instance16.1 } else { is_enumerative = TRUE; CObjectModel::define_constant_for_enumeration(gen, kind_s, inst_s, enumeration); } int seg = (is_enumerative)?c_enum_symbols_I7CGS:c_instances_symbols_I7CGS; segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, seg); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("#define %S %d\n", CTarget::symbols_header_identifier(gen, I"I", printed_name), enumeration); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); }
§16.1. Declare an object instance16.1 =
int c = VanillaObjects::spatial_depth(inst_s); int is_dir = TypenameInstruction::is_a(kind_s, RunningPipelines::get_symbol(gen->from_step, direction_kind_RPSYM)); C_property_owner *owner = CObjectModel::new_runtime_object(gtr, gen, InterSymbol::trans(kind_s), InterSymbol::trans(inst_s), c, is_dir); enumeration = owner->id;
- This code is used in §16.
§17. Whether it's from case (i), (ii) or (iii), we always end up here. Note that acount is negative only in cases (i) and (ii): if it is at least 0, then it is the "arrow count", that is, its depth in the containment tree. (Calls are made here in a hierarchical depth-first traverse of the containment tree.)
All direction objects have to be placed in the Compass pseudo-object.
C_property_owner *CObjectModel::new_runtime_object(code_generator *gtr, code_generation *gen, text_stream *class_name, text_stream *instance_name, int acount, int is_dir) { int id = C_GEN_DATA(objdata.owner_id_count)++; segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_ids_and_maxima_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); if (Str::len(instance_name) == 0) internal_error("nameless instance"); WRITE("#define "); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, instance_name); WRITE(" %d\n", id); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); C_property_owner *this = CObjectModel::new_owner(gen, id, instance_name, class_name, FALSE); if (acount >= 0) Place this in the object containment tree17.1; return this; }
§17.1. Place this in the object containment tree17.1 =
if (acount >= MAX_C_OBJECT_TREE_DEPTH) internal_error("arrows too deep"); C_property_owner *par = NULL; this->initial_parent = NULL; if (acount > 0) { par = C_GEN_DATA(objdata.arrow_chain)[acount-1]; if (par == NULL) internal_error("arrows misaligned"); } else if (is_dir) { par = C_GEN_DATA(objdata.compass_instance); } if (par) { if (par->initial_child == NULL) { par->initial_child = this; } else { C_property_owner *older = par->initial_child; while ((older) && (older->initial_sibling)) older = older->initial_sibling; older->initial_sibling = this; } this->initial_parent = par; } C_GEN_DATA(objdata.arrow_chain)[acount] = this; for (int i=acount+1; i<MAX_C_OBJECT_TREE_DEPTH; i++) C_GEN_DATA(objdata.arrow_chain)[i] = NULL;
- This code is used in §17.
§18. The property dictionary. Each distinct property has a distinct ID. These count upwards from 0, and can freely overlap with owner IDs or anything else. Their order is not significant.
Properties are recognised here by name, using a dictionary.
typedef struct C_property { struct text_stream *name; int id; int either_or; CLASS_DEFINITION } C_property; C_property *CObjectModel::property_by_name(code_generation *gen, text_stream *name, int either_or) { dictionary *D = C_GEN_DATA(objdata.declared_properties); C_property *cp; if (Dictionaries::find(D, name) == NULL) { cp = CREATE(C_property); cp->name = Str::duplicate(name); cp->either_or = either_or; cp->id = C_GEN_DATA(objdata.property_id_counter)++; Dictionaries::create(D, name); Dictionaries::write_value(D, name, (void *) cp); } else { cp = Dictionaries::read_value(D, name); } return cp; }
- The structure C_property is accessed in 5/cas and here.
C_property *CObjectModel::existing_property_by_name(code_generation *gen, text_stream *name) { dictionary *D = C_GEN_DATA(objdata.declared_properties); if (Dictionaries::find(D, name) == NULL) internal_error("no such property"); return Dictionaries::read_value(D, name); }
void CObjectModel::declare_property(code_generator *gtr, code_generation *gen, inter_symbol *prop_s, linked_list *all_forms) { text_stream *name = InterSymbol::trans(prop_s); int either_or = VanillaObjects::is_either_or_property(prop_s); C_property *cp = CObjectModel::property_by_name(gen, name, either_or); text_stream *inner_name = VanillaObjects::inner_property_name(gen, prop_s); Define the inner name as a constant20.1; Make the opening two metadata array entries required by Vanilla20.2; Define the property name in the symbols header file too20.3; }
§20.1. Define the inner name as a constant20.1 =
segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_predeclarations_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("#define "); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, inner_name); WRITE(" %d\n", cp->id); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved);
- This code is used in §20.
§20.2. The Vanilla algorithm says we must make two array entries here, at the start of the property's runtime metadata array. The Inform 6 generator uses the first of those entries to say how values of this property are stored at runtime; for C, though, all properties have the same runtime format, and we don't use the first entry at all. We'll simply zero it.
But the second entry is the inner property, as with Inform 6.
Make the opening two metadata array entries required by Vanilla20.2 =
TEMPORARY_TEXT(val) WRITE_TO(val, "0"); Generators::array_entry(gen, val, WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT); Str::clear(val); Generators::mangle(gen, val, inner_name); Generators::array_entry(gen, val, WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT); DISCARD_TEXT(val)
- This code is used in §20.
§20.3. Define the property name in the symbols header file too20.3 =
text_stream *pname = Metadata::optional_textual( InterPackage::container(prop_s->definition), I"^name"); if (Str::len(pname) > 0) { int A = SymbolAnnotation::get_i(prop_s, C_ARRAY_ADDRESS_IANN); if (A > 0) { segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_property_symbols_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("#define %S %d\n", CTarget::symbols_header_identifier(gen, I"P", pname), A); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); } }
- This code is used in §20.
§21. Assigning properties. Vabilla calls this to assign a property to a single owner:
void CObjectModel::assign_property(code_generator *gtr, code_generation *gen, inter_symbol *prop_s, inter_pair pair, inter_tree_node *X) { int inline_this = FALSE; if (InterValuePairs::is_symbolic(pair)) { inter_symbol *S = InterValuePairs::to_symbol_at(pair, X); if (ConstantInstruction::is_inline(S)) inline_this = TRUE; } TEMPORARY_TEXT(val) CodeGen::select_temporary(gen, val); CodeGen::pair(gen, X, pair); CodeGen::deselect_temporary(gen); C_property_owner *owner = C_GEN_DATA(objdata.current_owner); C_property *prop = CObjectModel::existing_property_by_name(gen, InterSymbol::trans(prop_s)); CObjectModel::assign_one_prop(gen, owner, prop, val, inline_this); DISCARD_TEXT(val) }
§22. And it calls this to give an array of the property's values for all of the instances of a single enumerated kind:
void CObjectModel::assign_properties(code_generator *gtr, code_generation *gen, inter_symbol *kind_s, inter_symbol *prop_s, text_stream *array) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(mgl) Generators::mangle(gen, mgl, array); C_property_owner *owner = C_GEN_DATA(objdata.current_owner); C_property *prop = CObjectModel::existing_property_by_name(gen, InterSymbol::trans(prop_s)); CObjectModel::assign_one_prop(gen, owner, prop, mgl, FALSE); DISCARD_TEXT(mgl) }
§23. In either case, the following assigns a property value to an owner, though all it really does is to stash it away for now:
typedef struct C_pv_pair { struct C_property *prop; struct text_stream *val; int inlined; CLASS_DEFINITION } C_pv_pair; void CObjectModel::assign_one_prop(code_generation *gen, C_property_owner *owner, C_property *prop, text_stream *val, int inline_this) { C_pv_pair *pair = CREATE(C_pv_pair); pair->prop = prop; pair->val = Str::duplicate(val); pair->inlined = inline_this; ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(pair, C_pv_pair, owner->property_values); }
- The structure C_pv_pair is private to this section.
§24. Creating all those //C_pv_pair//s was just playing for time, though: eventually we have to do this —
void CObjectModel::write_i7_initialiser(code_generation *gen) { segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_initialiser_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("void i7_initialiser(i7process_t *proc) {\n"); INDENT; WRITE("for (int id=0; id<i7_max_objects; id++) {\n"); INDENT; WRITE("for (int p=0; p<i7_no_property_ids; p++) {\n"); INDENT; WRITE("i7_properties[id].address[p] = 0;\n"); WRITE("i7_properties[id].len[p] = 0;\n"); OUTDENT; WRITE("}\n"); OUTDENT; WRITE("}\n"); C_property_owner *owner; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(owner, C_property_owner, C_GEN_DATA(objdata.declared_owners)) { C_pv_pair *vals[1024]; for (int i=0; i<1024; i++) vals[i] = NULL; CObjectModel::gather_properties_into_array(gen, owner, vals); for (int i=0; i<1024; i++) if (vals[i]) { C_pv_pair *pair = vals[i]; WRITE("i7_properties["); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, owner->name); WRITE("].address[i7_read_word(proc, "); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, pair->prop->name); WRITE(", 1)] = "); if (pair->inlined) { WRITE("%S;\n", pair->val); } else { WRITE("%d; %S\n", C_GEN_DATA(memdata.himem), pair->val); CMemoryModel::array_entry(NULL, gen, pair->val, WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT); } WRITE("i7_properties["); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, owner->name); WRITE("].len[i7_read_word(proc, "); Generators::mangle(gen, OUT, pair->prop->name); WRITE(", 1)] = "); if (pair->inlined) { WRITE("%S__xt + 1;\n", pair->val); } else { WRITE("1;\n"); } } } OUTDENT; WRITE("}\n"); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); } void CObjectModel::gather_properties_into_array(code_generation *gen, C_property_owner *owner, C_pv_pair **vals) { C_property_owner *super = NULL; C_property_owner *co; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(co, C_property_owner, C_GEN_DATA(objdata.declared_owners)) { if (Str::eq(co->name, owner->class)) { super = co; break; } } if (Str::eq(owner->name, I"Class")) Ensure that Class itself has every either-or property, with the value false24.1; if (super != owner) CObjectModel::gather_properties_into_array(gen, super, vals); C_pv_pair *pair; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(pair, C_pv_pair, owner->property_values) { vals[pair->prop->id] = pair; } }
- The function CObjectModel::gather_properties_into_array appears nowhere else.
§24.1. The import of this is that because every owner's super-owner's super-owner... and so on ends in Class, and because Class provides every either-or property, it follows that every owner provides every either-or property. And in the absence of any more specific data, it will be initially false.
This is not true of other properties, which have different runtime semantics.
Ensure that Class itself has every either-or property, with the value false24.1 =
if (C_GEN_DATA(objdata.Class_either_or_properties_not_set)) { C_GEN_DATA(objdata.Class_either_or_properties_not_set) = FALSE; C_property *prop; LOOP_OVER(prop, C_property) if (prop->either_or) CObjectModel::assign_one_prop(gen, owner, prop, I"0", FALSE); }
- This code is used in §24.
§25. Instances which are not objects.
void CObjectModel::define_constant_for_enumeration(code_generation *gen, inter_symbol *kind_s, inter_symbol *inst_s, int enumeration) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(val) WRITE_TO(val, "%d", enumeration); Generators::declare_constant(gen, inst_s, RAW_GDCFORM, val); DISCARD_TEXT(val) } void CObjectModel::write_vph_identifier(code_generation *gen, OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_symbol *kind_s) { WRITE("VPH_%d", VanillaObjects::weak_id(kind_s)); } void CObjectModel::make_enumerated_property_arrays(code_generation *gen) { if (C_GEN_DATA(objdata.value_ranges_needed)) Make the value ranges25.1; if (C_GEN_DATA(objdata.value_property_holders_needed)) Make the value property holders25.2; }
§25.1. This is an array indexed by weak kind ID which holds the largest valid value for an enumerated kind; or just 0 if the kind is not an enumeration.
Make the value ranges25.1 =
CMemoryModel::begin_array(NULL, gen, I"value_ranges", NULL, NULL, WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT, -1, NULL); CMemoryModel::array_entry(NULL, gen, I"0", WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT); inter_symbol *max_weak_id = InterSymbolsTable::URL_to_symbol(gen->from, I"/main/synoptic/kinds/BASE_KIND_HWM"); if (max_weak_id) { int M = InterSymbol::evaluate_to_int(max_weak_id); for (int w=1; w<M; w++) { int written = FALSE; inter_symbol *kind_s; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kind_s, inter_symbol, gen->kinds_in_declaration_order) { if (VanillaObjects::weak_id(kind_s) == w) { if (VanillaObjects::value_kind_with_properties(gen, kind_s)) { written = TRUE; TEMPORARY_TEXT(N) WRITE_TO(N, "%d", TypenameInstruction::instance_count(kind_s)); CMemoryModel::array_entry(NULL, gen, N, WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT); DISCARD_TEXT(N) } } } if (written == FALSE) CMemoryModel::array_entry(NULL, gen, I"0", WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT); } } CMemoryModel::end_array(NULL, gen, WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT, -1, NULL);
- This code is used in §25.
§25.2. This is an array indexed by weak kind ID which holds the object ID of the value property holder for an enumerated kind; or just 0 if the kind is not an enumeration.
Make the value property holders25.2 =
CMemoryModel::begin_array(NULL, gen, I"value_property_holders", NULL, NULL, WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT, -1, NULL); CMemoryModel::array_entry(NULL, gen, I"0", WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT); inter_symbol *max_weak_id = InterSymbolsTable::URL_to_symbol(gen->from, I"/main/synoptic/kinds/BASE_KIND_HWM"); if (max_weak_id) { int M = InterSymbol::evaluate_to_int(max_weak_id); for (int w=1; w<M; w++) { int written = FALSE; inter_symbol *kind_s; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kind_s, inter_symbol, gen->kinds_in_declaration_order) { if (VanillaObjects::weak_id(kind_s) == w) { if (VanillaObjects::value_kind_with_properties(gen, kind_s)) { written = TRUE; TEMPORARY_TEXT(N) CObjectModel::write_vph_identifier(gen, N, kind_s); TEMPORARY_TEXT(M) Generators::mangle(gen, M, N); CMemoryModel::array_entry(NULL, gen, M, WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT); DISCARD_TEXT(M) DISCARD_TEXT(N) } } } if (written == FALSE) CMemoryModel::array_entry(NULL, gen, I"0", WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT); } } CMemoryModel::end_array(NULL, gen, WORD_ARRAY_FORMAT, -1, NULL);
- This code is used in §25.
§26. Primitives. The following primitives are all implemented by calling suitable C functions, which we will then need to write in inform7_clib.h.
For i7_metaclass, see CObjectModel::define_object_value_regions above.
int CObjectModel::invoke_primitive(code_generation *gen, inter_ti bip, inter_tree_node *P) { text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); switch (bip) { case PROPERTYARRAY_BIP: WRITE("i7_prop_addr(proc, "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(", "); VNODE_2C; WRITE(", "); VNODE_3C; WRITE(")"); break; case PROPERTYLENGTH_BIP: WRITE("i7_prop_len(proc, "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(", "); VNODE_2C; WRITE(", "); VNODE_3C; WRITE(")"); break; case MOVE_BIP: WRITE("i7_move(proc, "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(", "); VNODE_2C; WRITE(")"); break; case REMOVE_BIP: WRITE("i7_move(proc, "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(", 0)"); break; case CHILD_BIP: WRITE("i7_child(proc, "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(")"); break; case CHILDREN_BIP: WRITE("i7_children(proc, "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(")"); break; case PARENT_BIP: WRITE("i7_parent(proc, "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(")"); break; case SIBLING_BIP: WRITE("i7_sibling(proc, "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(")"); break; case METACLASS_BIP: WRITE("i7_metaclass(proc, "); VNODE_1C; WRITE(")"); break; default: return NOT_APPLICABLE; } return FALSE; }
§27. Let's start with property address and property length; while actual property values live inside process memory, the addresses showing where they are in that memory, and how many bytes they take up, are held in (static) arrays. Note that although multiple processes running the same I7 story would have multiple values for these properties, which likely differ at any given time, they would be at the same address and of the same length in each.
#define I7_MAX_PROPERTY_IDS 1000 typedef struct i7_property_set { i7word_t address[I7_MAX_PROPERTY_IDS]; i7word_t len[I7_MAX_PROPERTY_IDS]; } i7_property_set; extern i7_property_set i7_properties[]; i7word_t i7_prop_addr(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr); i7word_t i7_prop_len(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
Lengths are returned in bytes, not words, hence the multiplication by 4.
i7_property_set i7_properties[i7_max_objects]; i7word_t i7_prop_len(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr_array) { i7word_t pr = i7_read_word(proc, pr_array, 1); if ((obj <= 0) || (obj >= i7_max_objects) || (pr < 0) || (pr >= i7_no_property_ids)) return 0; return 4*i7_properties[(int) obj].len[(int) pr]; } i7word_t i7_prop_addr(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr_array) { i7word_t pr = i7_read_word(proc, pr_array, 1); if ((obj <= 0) || (obj >= i7_max_objects) || (pr < 0) || (pr >= i7_no_property_ids)) return 0; return i7_properties[(int) obj].address[(int) pr]; }
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.c.
§28. The address array can be used to determine whether a runtime object or class provides a given property: if the address is nonzero then it does.
int i7_provides(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t owner_id, i7word_t prop_id);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
int i7_provides(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t owner_id, i7word_t pr_array) { i7word_t prop_id = i7_read_word(proc, pr_array, 1); if ((owner_id <= 0) || (owner_id >= i7_max_objects) || (prop_id < 0) || (prop_id >= i7_no_property_ids)) return 0; while (owner_id != 1) { if (i7_properties[(int) owner_id].address[(int) prop_id] != 0) return 1; owner_id = i7_class_of[owner_id]; } return 0; }
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.c.
§29. Now i7_move, which moves obj in the object tree so that it becomes the eldest child of to, unless to is zero, in which case it is removed from the tree.
void i7_move(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t obj, i7word_t to);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
void i7_move(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t obj, i7word_t to) { if ((obj <= 0) || (obj >= i7_max_objects)) return; int p = proc->state.object_tree_parent[obj]; if (p) { if (proc->state.object_tree_child[p] == obj) { proc->state.object_tree_child[p] = proc->state.object_tree_sibling[obj]; } else { int c = proc->state.object_tree_child[p]; while (c != 0) { if (proc->state.object_tree_sibling[c] == obj) { proc->state.object_tree_sibling[c] = proc->state.object_tree_sibling[obj]; break; } c = proc->state.object_tree_sibling[c]; } } } proc->state.object_tree_parent[obj] = to; proc->state.object_tree_sibling[obj] = 0; if (to) { proc->state.object_tree_sibling[obj] = proc->state.object_tree_child[to]; proc->state.object_tree_child[to] = obj; } }
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.c.
§30. Now the four ways to interrogate the object containment tree:
i7word_t i7_parent(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id); i7word_t i7_child(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id); i7word_t i7_children(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id); i7word_t i7_sibling(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
i7word_t i7_parent(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id) { if (i7_metaclass(proc, id) != i7_mgl_Object) return 0; return proc->state.object_tree_parent[id]; } i7word_t i7_child(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id) { if (i7_metaclass(proc, id) != i7_mgl_Object) return 0; return proc->state.object_tree_child[id]; } i7word_t i7_children(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id) { if (i7_metaclass(proc, id) != i7_mgl_Object) return 0; i7word_t c=0; for (int i=0; i<i7_max_objects; i++) if (proc->state.object_tree_parent[i] == id) c++; return c; } i7word_t i7_sibling(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t id) { if (i7_metaclass(proc, id) != i7_mgl_Object) return 0; return proc->state.object_tree_sibling[id]; }
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.c.
§31. And the implementation of "is obj1 directly a child of obj2?"
int i7_in(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t obj1, i7word_t obj2);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
int i7_in(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t obj1, i7word_t obj2) { if (i7_metaclass(proc, obj1) != i7_mgl_Object) return 0; if (obj2 == 0) return 0; if (proc->state.object_tree_parent[obj1] == obj2) return 1; return 0; }
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.c.
§32. Reading, writing and changing object properties.
i7word_t i7_read_prop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t owner_id, i7word_t pr_array); void i7_write_prop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t owner_id, i7word_t prop_id, i7word_t val); i7word_t i7_change_prop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t owner_id, i7word_t prop_id, i7word_t val, int way);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
i7word_t i7_read_prop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t owner_id, i7word_t pr_array) { i7word_t prop_id = i7_read_word(proc, pr_array, 1); if ((owner_id <= 0) || (owner_id >= i7_max_objects) || (prop_id < 0) || (prop_id >= i7_no_property_ids)) return 0; while (i7_properties[(int) owner_id].address[(int) prop_id] == 0) { owner_id = i7_class_of[owner_id]; if (owner_id == i7_mgl_Class) return 0; } i7word_t address = i7_properties[(int) owner_id].address[(int) prop_id]; return i7_read_word(proc, address, 0); } void i7_write_prop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t owner_id, i7word_t pr_array, i7word_t val) { i7word_t prop_id = i7_read_word(proc, pr_array, 1); if ((owner_id <= 0) || (owner_id >= i7_max_objects) || (prop_id < 0) || (prop_id >= i7_no_property_ids)) { printf("impossible property write (%d, %d)\n", owner_id, prop_id); i7_fatal_exit(proc); } i7word_t address = i7_properties[(int) owner_id].address[(int) prop_id]; if (address) i7_write_word(proc, address, 0, val); else { printf("impossible property write (%d, %d)\n", owner_id, prop_id); i7_fatal_exit(proc); } } i7word_t i7_change_prop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr, i7word_t to, int way) { i7word_t val = i7_read_prop_value(proc, obj, pr), new_val = val; switch (way) { case i7_lvalue_SET: i7_write_prop_value(proc, obj, pr, to); new_val = to; break; case i7_lvalue_PREDEC: new_val = val-1; i7_write_prop_value(proc, obj, pr, val-1); break; case i7_lvalue_POSTDEC: new_val = val; i7_write_prop_value(proc, obj, pr, val-1); break; case i7_lvalue_PREINC: new_val = val+1; i7_write_prop_value(proc, obj, pr, val+1); break; case i7_lvalue_POSTINC: new_val = val; i7_write_prop_value(proc, obj, pr, val+1); break; case i7_lvalue_SETBIT: new_val = val | new_val; i7_write_prop_value(proc, obj, pr, new_val); break; case i7_lvalue_CLEARBIT: new_val = val &(~new_val); i7_write_prop_value(proc, obj, pr, new_val); break; } return new_val; }
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.c.
§33. Reading, writing and changing general properties. And these are the exactly analogous functions which more generally read, write or change properties which can be held by either objects or enumerated instances — in other words, all properties. The additional kind argument K is then needed to distinguish these cases (since the obj values for different kinds may well coincide).
The functions themselves are simple enough, but there is a complication, which is that they need to use addresses which vary from one compilation to another; so they cannot be written straightforwardly into our C library, which has to be the same for all compilations. We get around this by compiling wrapper functions in our story-file C which supply the necessary information and then call clumsy but static functions in the C library; but this is all transparent to the user, who should call only these:
int i7_provides_gprop(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t p); i7word_t i7_read_gprop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr); void i7_write_gprop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t p, i7word_t val); void i7_change_gprop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t p, i7word_t val, i7word_t form);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
§34. So here are the dynamic wrappers.
void CObjectModel::compile_gprop_functions(code_generation *gen) { segmentation_pos saved = CodeGen::select(gen, c_function_declarations_I7CGS); text_stream *OUT = CodeGen::current(gen); WRITE("#ifdef i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY\n"); WRITE("int i7_provides_gprop(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t p) {\n"); WRITE(" return i7_provides_gprop_inner(proc, K, obj, p, i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY,\n"); WRITE(" i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE);\n"); WRITE("}\n"); WRITE("i7word_t i7_read_gprop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t p) {\n"); WRITE(" return i7_read_gprop_value_inner(proc, K, obj, p, i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY,\n"); WRITE(" i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE);\n"); WRITE("}\n"); WRITE("void i7_write_gprop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj,\n"); WRITE(" i7word_t p, i7word_t val) {\n"); WRITE(" i7_write_gprop_value_inner(proc, K, obj, p, val, i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY,\n"); WRITE(" i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE);\n"); WRITE("}\n"); WRITE("void i7_change_gprop_value(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj,\n"); WRITE(" i7word_t p, i7word_t val, i7word_t form) {\n"); WRITE(" i7_change_gprop_value_inner(proc, K, obj, p, val, form, i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY,\n"); WRITE(" i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE);\n"); WRITE("}\n"); WRITE("#endif\n"); CodeGen::deselect(gen, saved); }
§35. And these are the static functions in the C library which they call:
int i7_provides_gprop_inner(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t p, i7word_t i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7word_t i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE); i7word_t i7_read_gprop_value_inner(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr, i7word_t i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7word_t i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE); void i7_write_gprop_value_inner(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t p, i7word_t val, i7word_t i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7word_t i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE); void i7_change_gprop_value_inner(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t p, i7word_t val, i7word_t form, i7word_t i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7word_t i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE);
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.h.
int i7_provides_gprop_inner(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr, i7word_t i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7word_t i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE) { if (K == i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY) { if ((((obj) && ((i7_metaclass(proc, obj) == i7_mgl_Object)))) && (((i7_read_word(proc, pr, 0) == 2) || (i7_provides(proc, obj, pr))))) return 1; } else { if ((((obj >= 1)) && ((obj <= i7_read_word(proc, i7_mgl_value_ranges, K))))) { i7word_t holder = i7_read_word(proc, i7_mgl_value_property_holders, K); if (((holder) && ((i7_provides(proc, holder, pr))))) return 1; } } return 0; } i7word_t i7_read_gprop_value_inner(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr, i7word_t i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7word_t i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE) { i7word_t val = 0; if ((K == i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY)) { return (i7word_t) i7_read_prop_value(proc, obj, pr); } else { i7word_t holder = i7_read_word(proc, i7_mgl_value_property_holders, K); return (i7word_t) i7_read_word(proc, i7_read_prop_value(proc, holder, pr), (obj + i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE)); } return val; } void i7_write_gprop_value_inner(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr, i7word_t val, i7word_t i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7word_t i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE) { if ((K == i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY)) { i7_write_prop_value(proc, obj, pr, val); } else { i7word_t holder = i7_read_word(proc, i7_mgl_value_property_holders, K); i7_write_word(proc, i7_read_prop_value(proc, holder, pr), (obj + i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE), val); } } void i7_change_gprop_value_inner(i7process_t *proc, i7word_t K, i7word_t obj, i7word_t pr, i7word_t val, i7word_t form, i7word_t i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_ranges, i7word_t i7_mgl_value_property_holders, i7word_t i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE) { if ((K == i7_mgl_OBJECT_TY)) { i7_change_prop_value(proc, obj, pr, val, form); } else { i7word_t holder = i7_read_word(proc, i7_mgl_value_property_holders, K); i7_change_word(proc, i7_read_prop_value(proc, holder, pr), (obj + i7_mgl_COL_HSIZE), val, form); } }
- This is part of the extract file inform7_clib.c.