To provide routines to help build the various HTML index files, none of which are actually created in this section.

§1. This module exists to serve either inform7 or inter, and it's not up to us to decide where an index is put, so we ask nicely:

pathname *IndexLocations::path(void) {
    return NULL;

§2. An oddity in the Index folder is an XML file recording where the headings are in the source text: this is for the benefit of the user interface application, if it wants it, but is not linked to or used by the HTML of the index as seen by the user.

filename *IndexLocations::xml_headings_filename(void) {
    return Filenames::in(IndexLocations::path(), I"Headings.xml");

§3. And the following function determines the filename for a page in this mini-website. Filenames down in the Details area have the form N_S where N is an integer supplied and S the leafname; for instance, 21_A.html provides details page number 21 about actions, derived from the leafname A.html.

filename *IndexLocations::filename(text_stream *S, int N) {
    if (N >= 0) {
        WRITE_TO(full_leafname, "%d_%S", N, S);
        filename *F = Filenames::in(IndexLocations::details_path(), full_leafname);
        return F;
    } else {
        return Filenames::in(IndexLocations::path(), S);

§4. Within the Index is a deeper level, into the weeds as it were, called Details.

pathname *IndexLocations::details_path(void) {
    pathname *P = Pathnames::down(IndexLocations::path(), I"Details");
    if (Pathnames::create_in_file_system(P)) return P;
    return NULL;