The type system used by Inform. This is version 1.
What This Module Does - An overview of the kinds module's role and abilities. -
How To Include This Module - What to do to make use of the kinds module in a new command-line tool.
Kinds Module - Setting up the use of this module.
Kinds - To build tree structures which represent Inform's universe of kinds. -
Familiar Kinds - To recognise certain kind names as familiar built-in ones. -
The Lattice of Kinds - Placing a partial order on kinds according to whether one conforms to another. -
Describing Kinds - Translating kinds to and from textual descriptions. -
Using Kinds - To determine the characteristics of different kinds, enabling them to be used in practice.
Dimensions - To keep a small database indicating the physical dimensions of numerical values, and how they combine: for instance, allowing us to specify that a length times a length is an area. -
Floating-Point Values - To cope with promotions from integer to floating-point arithmetic. -
Scaled Arithmetic Values - To manage the scalings and offsets used when storing arithmetic values at run-time, and/or when using scaled units to refer to them.
A Brief Guide to Neptune - A manual for the mini-language used in Neptune files. -
Neptune Files - To read in details of built-in kind constructors from so-called Neptune files, setting them up ready for use. -
Neptune Syntax - To parse individual commands from Neptune files. -
Macros - Neptune supports named macros, though they are only lists of kind commands. -
Star Templates - Allowing Neptune files to generate additional source text. -
Kind Commands - To apply a given command to a given kind constructor. -
Kind Constructors - The mechanism by which Inform records the characteristics of different kinds.
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