To parse individual commands from Neptune files.

§1. The command set. Each different operation is defined with a block like so:

typedef struct kind_command_definition {
    char *text_of_command;
    int opcode_number;  one of the *_KCC values below
    int operand_type;  one of the *_KCA values below
    char *warning_if_used;
} kind_command_definition;

§2. The operands have different types, and the possibilities are given here:

enum NO_KCA from 0    there's no operand
enum BOOLEAN_KCA      must be yes or no
enum CCM_KCA          a constant compilation method
enum TEXT_KCA         any text (no quotation marks or other delimiters are used)
enum VOCABULARY_KCA   any single word
enum NUMERIC_KCA      any decimal number
enum CONSTRUCTOR_KCA  any valid kind number, such as "number"
enum TEMPLATE_KCA     the name of a template whose definition is given in the file
enum MACRO_KCA        the name of a macro whose definition is given in the file
enum SCHEMA_KCA       an I6 compilation schema

§3. And, to cut to the chase, here is the complete table of commands:

enum apply_macro_KCC from 1
enum invent_source_text_KCC
enum can_coincide_with_property_KCC
enum can_exchange_KCC
enum compatible_with_KCC
enum compare_function_KCC
enum comparison_schema_KCC
enum constant_compilation_method_KCC
enum default_value_KCC
enum distinguish_function_KCC
enum documentation_reference_KCC
enum understand_function_KCC
enum forbid_assertion_creation_KCC
enum printing_routine_for_debugging_KCC
enum say_function_KCC
enum index_default_value_KCC
enum index_maximum_value_KCC
enum index_minimum_value_KCC
enum indexed_grey_if_empty_KCC
enum index_priority_KCC
enum conforms_to_KCC
enum is_incompletely_defined_KCC
enum loop_domain_schema_KCC
enum modifying_adjective_KCC
enum long_block_size_KCC
enum flexible_long_block_size_KCC
enum plural_KCC
enum recognise_function_KCC
enum singular_KCC
enum specification_text_KCC
enum short_block_size_KCC
enum terms_KCC
enum instance_KCC
enum plus_schema_KCC
enum minus_schema_KCC
enum times_schema_KCC
enum divide_schema_KCC
enum remainder_schema_KCC
enum approximate_schema_KCC
enum negate_schema_KCC
enum root_schema_KCC
enum cuberoot_schema_KCC
enum power_schema_KCC
enum arithmetic_modulus_KCC
enum dimensionless_KCC
enum create_function_KCC
enum cast_function_KCC
enum copy_function_KCC
enum copy_short_block_function_KCC
enum quick_copy_function_KCC
enum destroy_function_KCC
enum make_mutable_function_KCC
enum hash_function_KCC
enum long_block_size_function_KCC
enum serialise_function_KCC
enum unserialise_function_KCC
kind_command_definition table_of_kind_commands[] = {
    { "can-coincide-with-property",     can_coincide_with_property_KCC,     BOOLEAN_KCA, NULL },
    { "can-exchange",                   can_exchange_KCC,                   BOOLEAN_KCA, NULL },
    { "indexed-grey-if-empty",          indexed_grey_if_empty_KCC,          BOOLEAN_KCA, NULL },
    { "is-incompletely-defined",        is_incompletely_defined_KCC,        BOOLEAN_KCA, NULL },
    { "multiple-block",                 -1,                                 BOOLEAN_KCA,
      "'multiple-block: no' can be omitted; 'multiple-block: yes' should now be 'flexible-long-block-size: N' for some typical field count N" },
    { "long-block-size",                long_block_size_KCC,                NUMERIC_KCA, NULL },
    { "flexible-long-block-size",       flexible_long_block_size_KCC,       NUMERIC_KCA, NULL },
    { "forbid-assertion-creation",      forbid_assertion_creation_KCC,      BOOLEAN_KCA, NULL },

    { "constant-compilation-method",    constant_compilation_method_KCC,    CCM_KCA, NULL },

    { "comparison-routine",             compare_function_KCC,               TEXT_KCA,
      "this command has been renamed 'compare-function'" },
    { "compare-function",               compare_function_KCC,               TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "default-value",                  default_value_KCC,                  TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "distinguishing-routine",         distinguish_function_KCC,           TEXT_KCA,
      "this command has been renamed 'distinguish-function'" },
    { "distinguish-function",           distinguish_function_KCC,           TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "documentation-reference",        documentation_reference_KCC,        TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "parsing-routine",                understand_function_KCC,            TEXT_KCA,
      "this command has been renamed 'understand-function'" },
    { "understand-function",            understand_function_KCC,            TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "printing-routine",               say_function_KCC,                   TEXT_KCA,
      "this command has been renamed 'say-function'" },
    { "say-function",                   say_function_KCC,                   TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "printing-routine-for-debugging", -1,                                 TEXT_KCA,
      "this command has been withdrawn" },
    { "index-default-value",            index_default_value_KCC,            TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "index-maximum-value",            index_maximum_value_KCC,            TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "index-minimum-value",            index_minimum_value_KCC,            TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "loop-domain-schema",             loop_domain_schema_KCC,             TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "recognition-routine",            recognise_function_KCC,             TEXT_KCA,
      "this command has been renamed 'recognise-function'" },
    { "recognise-function",             recognise_function_KCC,             TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "specification-text",             specification_text_KCC,             TEXT_KCA, NULL },

    { "create-function",                create_function_KCC,                TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "cast-function",                  cast_function_KCC,                  TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "copy-function",                  copy_function_KCC,                  TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "copy-short-block-function",      copy_short_block_function_KCC,      TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "quick-copy-function",            quick_copy_function_KCC,            TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "destroy-function",               destroy_function_KCC,               TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "make-mutable-function",          make_mutable_function_KCC,          TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "hash-function",                  hash_function_KCC,                  TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "long-block-size-function",       long_block_size_function_KCC,       TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "serialise-function",             serialise_function_KCC,             TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "unserialise-function",           unserialise_function_KCC,           TEXT_KCA, NULL },

    { "comparison-schema",              comparison_schema_KCC,              SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "compatible-with",                compatible_with_KCC,                CONSTRUCTOR_KCA, NULL },
    { "conforms-to",                    conforms_to_KCC,                    CONSTRUCTOR_KCA, NULL },

    { "plus-schema",                    plus_schema_KCC,                    SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "minus-schema",                   minus_schema_KCC,                   SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "times-schema",                   times_schema_KCC,                   SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "divide-schema",                  divide_schema_KCC,                  SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "remainder-schema",               remainder_schema_KCC,               SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "approximate-schema",             approximate_schema_KCC,             SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "negate-schema",                  negate_schema_KCC,                  SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "root-schema",                    root_schema_KCC,                    SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "cuberoot-schema",                cuberoot_schema_KCC,                SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "power-schema",                   power_schema_KCC,                   SCHEMA_KCA, NULL },
    { "arithmetic-modulus",             arithmetic_modulus_KCC,             NUMERIC_KCA, NULL },
    { "dimensionless",                  dimensionless_KCC,                  BOOLEAN_KCA, NULL },

    { "plural",                         plural_KCC,                         VOCABULARY_KCA, NULL },
    { "singular",                       singular_KCC,                       VOCABULARY_KCA, NULL },

    { "terms",                          terms_KCC,                          TEXT_KCA, NULL },
    { "index-priority",                 index_priority_KCC,                 NUMERIC_KCA, NULL },
    { "small-block-size",               short_block_size_KCC,               NUMERIC_KCA,
      "this command has been renamed 'short-block-size'" },
    { "short-block-size",               short_block_size_KCC,               NUMERIC_KCA, NULL },

    { "invent-source-text",             invent_source_text_KCC,             TEMPLATE_KCA, NULL },

    { "instance",                       instance_KCC,                       TEXT_KCA, NULL },

    { "apply-macro",                    apply_macro_KCC,                    MACRO_KCA, NULL },

    { NULL, -1, NO_KCA, NULL }

§4. When processing a command, we parse it into one of the following structures:

typedef struct single_kind_command {
    struct kind_command_definition *which_kind_command;
    int boolean_argument;  where appropriate
    int numeric_argument;  where appropriate
    struct text_stream *textual_argument;  where appropriate
    int ccm_argument;  where appropriate
    struct word_assemblage vocabulary_argument;  where appropriate
    struct text_stream *constructor_argument;  where appropriate
    struct kind_template_definition *template_argument;  where appropriate
    struct kind_macro_definition *macro_argument;  where appropriate
    struct text_file_position *origin;
    struct kind_constructor *defined_for;
    int completed;
} single_kind_command;

§5. Parsing single kind commands. Each command is read in as text, parsed and stored into a modest structure.

kind_constructor *constructor_described = NULL;
additional_property_set *additional_property_set_described = NULL;

typedef struct additional_property_set {
    struct text_stream *owner_name;
    struct linked_list *properties;  of additional_property
} additional_property_set;

typedef struct additional_property {
    int attr;
    struct text_stream *property_name;
    struct text_stream *value_text;
} additional_property;

additional_property_set *NeptuneSyntax::new_additional_property_set(text_stream *owner_name) {
    additional_property_set *set = CREATE(additional_property_set);
    set->owner_name = Str::duplicate(owner_name);
    set->properties = NEW_LINKED_LIST(additional_property);
    return set;

single_kind_command NeptuneSyntax::parse_command(text_stream *whole_command,
    text_file_position *tfp) {
    single_kind_command stc;
    Initialise the STC to a blank command5.1;

    if (Str::eq(whole_command, I"}")) {
        if (StarTemplates::recording()) StarTemplates::end(whole_command, tfp);
        else if (NeptuneMacros::recording()) NeptuneMacros::end(tfp);
        else {
            constructor_described = NULL;
            additional_property_set_described = NULL;
        stc.completed = TRUE;
    } else if (StarTemplates::recording()) {
        StarTemplates::record_line(whole_command, tfp);
        stc.completed = TRUE;
    } else if (Str::get_last_char(whole_command) == '{') {
        if ((constructor_described) || (additional_property_set_described)) {
                I"previous declaration not closed with '}'", tfp);
            constructor_described = NULL;
            additional_property_set_described = NULL;
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, whole_command, U"properties of (%c+) {")) {
            additional_property_set_described =
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, whole_command, U"invention (%C+) {")) {
            StarTemplates::begin(mr.exp[0], tfp);
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, whole_command, U"macro (#%C+) {")) {
            NeptuneMacros::begin(mr.exp[0], tfp);
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, whole_command, U"(%C+) (%C+) (%C+) {")) {
            int should_know = NOT_APPLICABLE;
            if (Str::eq(mr.exp[0], I"new")) should_know = FALSE;
            else if (Str::eq(mr.exp[0], I"builtin")) should_know = TRUE;
            if (should_know == NOT_APPLICABLE)
                    I"declaration must begin 'new' or 'builtin'", tfp);
            else {
                int group = -1;
                if (Str::eq(mr.exp[1], I"punctuation")) group = PUNCTUATION_GRP;
                else if (Str::eq(mr.exp[1], I"protocol")) group = PROTOCOL_GRP;
                else if (Str::eq(mr.exp[1], I"base")) group = BASE_CONSTRUCTOR_GRP;
                else if (Str::eq(mr.exp[1], I"constructor")) group = PROPER_CONSTRUCTOR_GRP;
                if (group < 0)
                        I"must declare 'variable', 'protocol', 'base' or 'constructor', or 'property'", tfp);
                else {
                    text_stream *name = mr.exp[2];
                    Create a new constructor5.2;
        } else {
                I"malformed declaration line", tfp);
        stc.completed = TRUE;
    } else if (Str::get_last_char(whole_command) == ':') {
        NeptuneFiles::error(whole_command, I"trailing colon was unexpected", tfp);
        stc.completed = TRUE;
    } else {

        Parse line into command and argument, divided by a colon5.3;
        if (additional_property_set_described) Handle as an additional property setting5.4
        else Handle as a kind constructor setting5.5;

    return stc;

§5.1. Initialise the STC to a blank command5.1 =

    stc.which_kind_command = NULL;
    stc.boolean_argument = NOT_APPLICABLE;
    stc.numeric_argument = 0;
    stc.textual_argument = Str::new();
    stc.ccm_argument = -1;
    stc.vocabulary_argument = WordAssemblages::lit_0();
    stc.constructor_argument = Str::new();
    stc.macro_argument = NULL;
    stc.template_argument = NULL;
    stc.completed = FALSE;
    stc.origin = tfp;
    stc.defined_for = constructor_described;

§5.2. Create a new constructor5.2 =

    int do_know = FamiliarKinds::is_known(name);
    if ((do_know == FALSE) && (should_know == TRUE))
        NeptuneFiles::error(whole_command, I"kind command describes kind with no known name", tfp);
    if ((do_know == TRUE) && (should_know == FALSE))
        NeptuneFiles::error(whole_command, I"kind command describes already-known kind", tfp);
    constructor_described =
        KindConstructors::new(Kinds::get_construct(K_value), name, NULL, group);
    if ((constructor_described != CON_KIND_VARIABLE) &&
        (constructor_described != CON_INTERMEDIATE)) {
            Kinds::base_construction(constructor_described), NULL, name, EMPTY_WORDING);

§5.3. Spaces and tabs after the colon are skipped; so a textual argument cannot begin with those characters, but that doesn't matter for the things we need.

Parse line into command and argument, divided by a colon5.3 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, whole_command, U" *(%c+?) *: *(%c+?) *")) {
        Str::copy(command, mr.exp[0]);
        Str::copy(argument, mr.exp[1]);
    } else {
        NeptuneFiles::error(whole_command, I"kind command without argument", tfp);

§5.4. Handle as an additional property setting5.4 =

    int attr = NOT_APPLICABLE;
    if (Str::eq(command, I"attribute")) attr = TRUE;
    if (Str::eq(command, I"property")) attr = FALSE;
    if (attr == NOT_APPLICABLE) {
            I"only 'attribute' and 'property' commands are allowed here", tfp);
    } else {
        additional_property *ap = CREATE(additional_property);
        ap->attr = attr;
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, argument, U"(%C+?) *= *(%c+)")) {
            if (attr)
                    I"only 'property' commands can use '='", tfp);
            ap->property_name = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]);
            ap->value_text = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]);
        } else {
            ap->property_name = Str::duplicate(argument);
            ap->value_text = (attr)?I"1":I"0";
        if (Str::get_first_char(ap->property_name) == '~') {
            if (attr) {
                ap->value_text = I"0";
            } else {
                    I"only 'attribute' commands can use '~'", tfp);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(ap, additional_property, additional_property_set_described->properties);
    stc.completed = TRUE;

§5.5. Handle as a kind constructor setting5.5 =

    Identify the command being used5.5.1;
    switch(stc.which_kind_command->operand_type) {
        case BOOLEAN_KCA: Parse a boolean argument for a kind command5.5.2; break;
        case CCM_KCA: Parse a CCM argument for a kind command5.5.3; break;
        case CONSTRUCTOR_KCA: Parse a constructor-name argument for a kind command5.5.8; break;
        case MACRO_KCA: Parse a macro name argument for a kind command5.5.10; break;
        case NUMERIC_KCA: Parse a numeric argument for a kind command5.5.7; break;
        case TEMPLATE_KCA: Parse a template name argument for a kind command5.5.9; break;
        case TEXT_KCA: Parse a textual argument for a kind command5.5.4; break;
        case SCHEMA_KCA: Parse a schema argument for a kind command5.5.5; break;
        case VOCABULARY_KCA: Parse a vocabulary argument for a kind command5.5.6; break;

§5.5.1. The following is clearly inefficient, but is not worth optimising. It makes about 20 string comparisons per command, and there are about 600 commands in a typical run of Inform, so the total cost is about 12,000 comparisons with quite small strings as arguments — which is negligible for our purposes, so we neglect it.

Identify the command being used5.5.1 =

    for (int i=0; table_of_kind_commands[i].text_of_command; i++)
        if (Str::eq_narrow_string(command, table_of_kind_commands[i].text_of_command))
            stc.which_kind_command = &(table_of_kind_commands[i]);

    if (stc.which_kind_command == NULL) {
        NeptuneFiles::error(command, I"no such kind command", tfp);
        stc.completed = TRUE; return stc;

    if (stc.which_kind_command->opcode_number == -1) {
        WRITE_TO(err, "%s: %s",
            stc.which_kind_command->text_of_command, stc.which_kind_command->warning_if_used);
        NeptuneFiles::error(command, err, tfp);
        stc.completed = TRUE;
        return stc;
    if (stc.which_kind_command->warning_if_used) {
        WRITE_TO(err, "%s: %s",
            stc.which_kind_command->text_of_command, stc.which_kind_command->warning_if_used);
        NeptuneFiles::warning(command, err, tfp);

§5.5.2. Parse a boolean argument for a kind command5.5.2 =

    if (Str::eq_wide_string(argument, U"yes")) stc.boolean_argument = TRUE;
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(argument, U"no")) stc.boolean_argument = FALSE;
    else NeptuneFiles::error(command, I"boolean kind command takes yes/no argument", tfp);

§5.5.3. Parse a CCM argument for a kind command5.5.3 =

    if (Str::eq_wide_string(argument, U"none")) stc.ccm_argument = NONE_CCM;
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(argument, U"literal")) stc.ccm_argument = LITERAL_CCM;
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(argument, U"quantitative")) stc.ccm_argument = NAMED_CONSTANT_CCM;
    else if (Str::eq_wide_string(argument, U"special")) stc.ccm_argument = SPECIAL_CCM;
    else {
            I"kind command with unknown constant-compilation-method", tfp);
        stc.completed = TRUE; return stc;

§5.5.4. Parse a textual argument for a kind command5.5.4 =

    Str::copy(stc.textual_argument, argument);

§5.5.5. Parse a schema argument for a kind command5.5.5 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, argument, U"(%c*?)>>>(%c+)")) {
        Str::copy(stc.constructor_argument, mr.exp[0]);
        Str::copy(stc.textual_argument, mr.exp[1]);
    } else {
        Str::copy(stc.textual_argument, argument);

§5.5.6. Parse a vocabulary argument for a kind command5.5.6 =

    stc.vocabulary_argument = WordAssemblages::lit_0();
    feed_t id = Feeds::begin();
    wording W = Feeds::end(id);
    if (Wordings::length(W) >= 30) {
        NeptuneFiles::error(command, I"too many words in kind command", tfp);
        stc.completed = TRUE; return stc;
    } else
        stc.vocabulary_argument = WordAssemblages::from_wording(W);

§5.5.7. Parse a numeric argument for a kind command5.5.7 =

    stc.numeric_argument = Str::atoi(argument, 0);

§5.5.8. Parse a constructor-name argument for a kind command5.5.8 =

    stc.constructor_argument = Str::duplicate(argument);

§5.5.9. Parse a template name argument for a kind command5.5.9 =

    stc.template_argument = StarTemplates::parse_name(argument);
    if (stc.template_argument == NULL) {
        NeptuneFiles::error(command, I"unknown template name in kind command", tfp);
        stc.completed = TRUE; return stc;

§5.5.10. Parse a macro name argument for a kind command5.5.10 =

    stc.macro_argument = NeptuneMacros::parse_name(argument);
    if (stc.macro_argument == NULL) {
        NeptuneFiles::error(command, I"unknown template name in kind command", tfp);
        stc.completed = TRUE; return stc;