To declare that a given proposition is a true statement about the state of the world when play begins.

§1. Defensive moat. To enforce the doctrine that calls to Assert::true or Assert::true_about are the only way to change the model, we define a macro PROTECTED_MODEL_PROCEDURE which can be used to guard a function so that it can only be called as a consequence of these. For example, Instances::new is defended this way.

    if (assert_recursion_depth == 0)
        internal_error("protected model-affecting procedure used outside proposition assert");
int assert_recursion_depth = 0;  depth of recursion of Assert::inner_slated

§2. Entrance. Assert::true takes a proposition with no free variables and converts it into inferences at a given certainty level; Assert::true_about the same, but where the proposition \(\phi(x)\) has one free variable, and an inference subject is supplied to stand as \(x\), the thing the proposition is discussing.

void Assert::true(pcalc_prop *prop, int certitude) {
    Assert::inner(prop, NULL, certitude);

void Assert::true_about(pcalc_prop *prop, inference_subject *infs,
    int certitude) {
    Assert::inner(prop, infs, certitude);

§3. If we are working along a proposition and reach, say, \(door(x)\), we can only assert that if we know what the value of \(x\) is. We record this with two 26-element arrays, for the up to 26 predicate calculus variables; there are two arrays because the value can be given either as a specification or as an inference subject.

inference_subject **current_interpretation_as_infs = NULL;
parse_node **current_interpretation_as_spec = NULL;

§4. When a proposition is being asserted, there is a prevailing mood of certainty or uncertainty about the information implied by it, and this is stored in the following global variable:

int prevailing_mood = UNKNOWN_CE;

§5. The true entrance, then, keeps track of the recursion depth but also ensures that the identification slate is always correct, stacking them so that an inner Assert::inner_slated has an independent slate from an outer one.

void Assert::inner(pcalc_prop *prop, inference_subject *subject, int certainty) {
    inference_subject **saved_interpretation_as_infs = current_interpretation_as_infs;
    parse_node **saved_interpretation_as_spec = current_interpretation_as_spec;
    int saved_prevailing_mood = prevailing_mood;
    if (certainty != UNKNOWN_CE) prevailing_mood = certainty;

    inference_subject *ciawo[26]; parse_node *ciats[26];
    Establish a new identification slate for the variables in the proposition5.1;




    prevailing_mood = saved_prevailing_mood;
    current_interpretation_as_infs = saved_interpretation_as_infs;
    current_interpretation_as_spec = saved_interpretation_as_spec;

§5.1. The slate is initially blank unless substitutions for variable \(x\) have been supplied; \(x\) of course is variable number 0.

Establish a new identification slate for the variables in the proposition5.1 =

    for (int k=0; k<26; k++) { ciawo[k] = NULL; ciats[k] = NULL; }
    ciawo[0] = subject; ciats[0] = NULL;
    current_interpretation_as_infs = ciawo; current_interpretation_as_spec = ciats;

§6. Enough preparation. The actual process is simple: after a little fuss to check that everything is set up right, we simply run through the proposition one atom at a time.

This is a modest scheme. We are unable to assert any proposition other than \(\exists\), so that we never see their attendant domain brackets. We are therefore left with a proposition in the form \(P_1\land P_2\land ... \land P_n\) where each \(P_i\) is either a predicate-like atom, an \(\exists v\) term for some variable \(v\), or else \(\lnot(...)\) of a similar conjunction.

This is an ambiguous task if we have to assert \(\lnot(P\land Q)\), which is in effect a form of disjunction: \(P\land Q\) fails if either is false, so which do we falsify? We choose both.

That means we can simply assert each atom in turn, with a parity depending on its nesting in negation brackets, which is nice and easy to write:

void Assert::inner_slated(pcalc_prop *prop) {
    if (prop == NULL) return;
    Record the proposition in the debugging log6.1;
    if (Propositions::contains_nonexistence_quantifier(prop))
        Issue a problem message explaining that the proposition isn't exact enough6.2;
    Typecheck the proposition, in case this has not already been done6.3;
    Check the identification slate against variable usage in the proposition6.4;

    int now_negated = FALSE;
        switch(pl->element) {
                now_negated = (now_negated)?FALSE:TRUE; break;
            case QUANTIFIER_ATOM: Assert the truth or falsity of a QUANTIFIER atom6.5; break;
            case PREDICATE_ATOM:
                switch (pl->arity) {
                    case 1: Assert the truth or falsity of a unary predicate6.6; break;
                    case 2: Assert the truth or falsity of a binary predicate6.7; break;

§6.1. The certainty, the initial interpretation slate, and the proposition are combined into a single line in the log:

Record the proposition in the debugging log6.1 =

    switch(prevailing_mood) {
        case IMPOSSIBLE_CE: LOGIF(ASSERTIONS, " (impossible)"); break;
        case UNLIKELY_CE: LOGIF(ASSERTIONS, " (unlikely)"); break;
        case UNKNOWN_CE: LOGIF(ASSERTIONS, " (no certainty)"); break;
        case LIKELY_CE: LOGIF(ASSERTIONS, " (likely)"); break;
        case INITIALLY_CE: LOGIF(ASSERTIONS, " (initially)"); break;
        case CERTAIN_CE: break;
        default: LOG(" (unknown certainty)"); break;
    for (int i=0; i<26; i++) {
        if (current_interpretation_as_infs[i]) {
            LOGIF(ASSERTIONS, " %c = $j", pcalc_vars[i], current_interpretation_as_infs[i]);
        } else if (current_interpretation_as_spec[i]) {
            LOGIF(ASSERTIONS, " %c = $P", pcalc_vars[i], current_interpretation_as_spec[i]);
    LOGIF(ASSERTIONS, " $D\n", prop);

§6.2. It's surprisingly hard to get this problem message, because the assertion-maker rejects most of the obvious ways to try it with more direct problems. It took me about twenty sentences to get there ("The car is a vehicle in most rooms which are dark" will do it).

Issue a problem message explaining that the proposition isn't exact enough6.2 =

    StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_CantAssertQuantifier),
        "the relationship you describe is not exact enough",
        "so that I cannot be sure of the initial situation. A specific "
        "relationship would be something like 'the box is a container in "
        "the Attic', rather than 'the box is a container in a room which "
        "is dark' (fine, but which dark room? You must say).");

§6.3. Almost all propositions derive from sentences in the source text, but a crucial exception is the first one to be asserted: \(\exists x: isakind(x)\), which creates the kind "kind". Type-checking problems never arise with this in any case, so it doesn't matter that we wouldn't know what text to use in them.

Typecheck the proposition, in case this has not already been done6.3 =

    wording W = EMPTY_WORDING;
    if (current_sentence) W = Node::get_text(current_sentence);
    if (TypecheckPropositions::type_check(prop,
            TypecheckPropositions::tc_problem_reporting(W, "be asserting something"))
        != ALWAYS_MATCH)

§6.4. This does nothing functional, except that it allows an interpretation as an instance to trump one as a specification; useful since the A-parser often specifies \(O\) and \(V\) as the object and value referred to by a given node in the parse tree, and since an object is also a value, this often means that both are given. If we have \(O\), then, we cancel \(V\).

As we shall see, it's permitted to interpret a bound variable after its quantifier, but not before, and in particular not at the start of the proposition. So we require that the slate identify exactly the free variables, and no others.

Check the identification slate against variable usage in the proposition6.4 =

    int var_states[26];
    int valid = Binding::determine_status(prop, var_states, NULL);
    if (valid == FALSE) internal_error("tried to assert malformed proposition");
    for (int i=0; i<26; i++) {
        int set = FALSE;
        if (current_interpretation_as_spec[i]) set = TRUE;
        if (current_interpretation_as_infs[i]) {
            if (current_interpretation_as_spec[i]) current_interpretation_as_infs[i] = NULL;
            set = TRUE;
        if ((var_states[i] == UNUSED_VST) && (set))
            internal_error("tried to set an unused variable");
        if ((var_states[i] == BOUND_VST) && (set))
            internal_error("tried to set a bound variable");
        if ((var_states[i] == FREE_VST) && (set == FALSE))
            internal_error("failed to set a free variable");

§6.5. Creations. To assert the truth of \(\exists x\), we must create an object to become \(x\); that will provide a value in subsequent uses of \(x\) in the same proposition, so the new value has to be added to the identification slate.

Assert the truth or falsity of a QUANTIFIER atom6.5 =

    int v = pl->terms[0].variable; if (v == -1) internal_error("bad QUANTIFIER atom");
    if (now_negated) internal_error("tried to negate existence");

    wording NW = EMPTY_WORDING;
    int is_a_var = FALSE, is_a_const = FALSE, is_a_kind = FALSE;
    kind *K = NULL;

    Scan subsequent atoms to find the name, nature and kind of what is to be created6.5.1;
    Create the object and add to the identification slate6.5.2;
    Record the new creation in the debugging log6.5.3;

§6.5.1. Note that all four of these atoms are optional; the proposition might consist of just \(\exists x\) alone, which creates a nameless object, since as usual we interpret no indication of a kind as meaning "object".

Scan subsequent atoms to find the name, nature and kind of what is to be created6.5.1 =

    TRAVERSE_PROPOSITION(lookahead, pl)
        if ((lookahead->arity == 1) && (lookahead->terms[0].variable == v) &&
            (lookahead->element == PREDICATE_ATOM)) {
            unary_predicate *up = RETRIEVE_POINTER_unary_predicate(lookahead->predicate);
            if (up->family == calling_up_family) {
                NW = up->calling_name;
            if (up->family == kind_up_family) {
                K = up->assert_kind;
            if (up->family == is_a_kind_up_family) {
                is_a_kind = TRUE; K = up->assert_kind;
            if (up->family == is_a_var_up_family) {
                is_a_var = TRUE;
            if (up->family == is_a_const_up_family) {
                is_a_const = TRUE;

§6.5.2. There are really three cases: new kind, new global variable, new instance.

Create the object and add to the identification slate6.5.2 =

    if (is_a_kind) {
        K = Kinds::new_base(NW, K);
        current_interpretation_as_infs[v] = KindSubjects::from_kind(K);
        current_interpretation_as_spec[v] = Specifications::from_kind(K);
    } else if ((is_a_var) || (is_a_const)) {
        if (K == NULL) K = K_object;
        nonlocal_variable *q = NonlocalVariables::new_global(NW, K);
        current_interpretation_as_infs[v] = NULL;
        current_interpretation_as_spec[v] = Lvalues::new_actual_NONLOCAL_VARIABLE(q);
        if (is_a_const) NonlocalVariables::make_constant(q, FALSE);
    } else {
        instance *nc = Instances::new(NW, K);
        current_interpretation_as_infs[v] = Instances::as_subject(nc);
        if ((K == NULL) || (Kinds::Behaviour::is_object(K)))
            current_interpretation_as_spec[v] = Rvalues::from_instance(nc);
            current_interpretation_as_spec[v] = Rvalues::from_instance(nc);

§6.5.3. It's useful to log the new creation, especially for objects which have duplicate names to others already made:

Record the new creation in the debugging log6.5.3 =

    if (current_interpretation_as_spec[v]) {
        LOGIF(ASSERTIONS, ":: %c <-- $P\n", pcalc_vars[v], current_interpretation_as_spec[v]);
    } else if (current_interpretation_as_infs[v]) {
        LOGIF(ASSERTIONS, ":: %c <-- $j\n", pcalc_vars[v], current_interpretation_as_infs[v]);

§6.6. Asserting predicates. Assert the truth or falsity of a unary predicate6.6 =

    unary_predicate *up = RETRIEVE_POINTER_unary_predicate(pl->predicate);
    UnaryPredicateFamilies::assert(up, now_negated, pl);

§6.7. Binary predicates, unlike unary ones, can only be asserted positively. This is because \(\lnot P(x)\) tells you something fairly definite, whereas \(\lnot Q(x, y)\) gives no information about what \(z\) might exist, if any, such that \(Q(x, z)\). For instance, knowing that X is not part of Y gives us no help in determining where X is.

Another difference is that \(R(x, y)\) can give you definite information about the kinds of \(x\) and \(y\), where they are objects, because binary predicates have single definitions. (Knowing \(locked(x)\), by contrast, doesn't tell you whether \(x\) is a door or a container — adjectives can have multiple domains in which they have differing definitions.) In the case of a proposition produced by sentence conversion, that information is redundant since appropriate kind atoms were added to the proposition anyway. But we also assert propositions generated from tree conversion, which don't have these kind atoms.

Assert the truth or falsity of a binary predicate6.7 =

    if (now_negated) {
            "that seems to make a negative statement about a relationship",
            "which is too vague. You must make positive assertions.");

    binary_predicate *bp;
    pcalc_term pt0, pt1;

    Determine the BP and terms to be asserted6.7.2;

    parse_node *spec0 = Assert::spec_of_term(pt0), *spec1 = Assert::spec_of_term(pt1);
    inference_subject *subj0 = Assert::subject_of_term(pt0),
        *subj1 = Assert::subject_of_term(pt1);
    if ((subj0) && (spec0 == NULL)) spec0 = InferenceSubjects::as_constant(subj0);
    if ((subj1) && (spec1 == NULL)) spec1 = InferenceSubjects::as_constant(subj1);

    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    if (bp != R_regional_containment) {
        kind *K0 = BinaryPredicates::term_kind(bp, 0);
        kind *K1 = BinaryPredicates::term_kind(bp, 1);
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K0))
            Assert::cautiously_set_kind(subj0, K0);
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::is_subkind_of_object(K1))
            Assert::cautiously_set_kind(subj1, K1);
    #ifdef IF_MODULE

    if (BinaryPredicateFamilies::assert(bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1) == FALSE)
        Issue a problem message for failure to assert6.7.1;

§6.7.1. Issue a problem message for failure to assert6.7.1 =

    LOG("$2 on ($j, $P; $j, $P)\n", bp, subj0, spec0, subj1, spec1);

    if ((Rvalues::is_nothing_object_constant(spec0)) ||
            "that is an assertion which involves 'nothing'",
            "which looks as if it might be trying to give me negative rather "
            "than positive information. There's no need to tell me something "
            "like 'Nothing is in the box.': just don't put anything in the box, "
            "and then nothing will be in it.");
            "that is an assertion I can't puzzle out",
            "which seems to involve placing two things in some sort of "
            "relationship, but if so then I can't make it work. Perhaps the "
            "sentence is too complicatedly phrased, and could be broken up "
            "into two or more sentences?");

§6.7.2. The "is" predicate is not usually assertable, but \(is(x, f_R(y))\) can be asserted since it is equivalent to \(R(x, y)\) — this is where we unravel that. We reject compound uses of functions in this way, but in practice they hardly ever arise, and could only do so with quite complex sentences where it seems reasonable to tell the user to write something simpler and clearer.

Determine the BP and terms to be asserted6.7.2 =

    bp = RETRIEVE_POINTER_binary_predicate(pl->predicate);
    pt0 = pl->terms[0]; pt1 = pl->terms[1];
    if (bp == R_equality) {
        pcalc_func *the_fn = pt0.function; int side = 1;
        if (the_fn == NULL) { the_fn = pt1.function; side = 0; }
        if (the_fn) {
            if ((pl->terms[side].function) || (the_fn->fn_of.function)) {
                    "that is too complicated an assertion",
                    "and cannot be declared as part of the initial situation. (It "
                    "does make sense, and could be tested with 'if' - it's just "
                    "too difficult to get right as an instruction about the starting "
            bp = the_fn->bp; pt0 = pl->terms[side]; pt1 = the_fn->fn_of;

§7. As we've already seen, we have to be cautious about the mechanism to draw inferences about kinds based on the relationships which objects have. Some cases are easy: if A is worn by B, then B is a person. But "in" can be very problematic. When one region is in another, we want to suppress any inferences which might wrongly be drawn about "in": this is a different kind of containment from the three-dimensional spatial one suggested by containers and rooms. It also complicates things that a backdrop can be "in" a region. So we play very safe and make no guesses about regions or the first term of R_regional_containment.

We also never deduce "thing" as the kind by this mechanism. This is because instances of "object" with no apparent declared kind are made into things by default when we complete the model world anyway; so there is no need to risk setting the kind here at this stage.

void Assert::cautiously_set_kind(inference_subject *inst, kind *k) {
    if ((inst == NULL) || (k == NULL)) return;
    #ifdef IF_MODULE
    if (Kinds::eq(k, K_thing)) return;
    instance *instance_wo = InstanceSubjects::to_object_instance(inst);
    if (instance_wo == NULL) return;
    Instances::set_kind(instance_wo, k);

§8. Evaluating terms. In asserting a proposition, we are in effect acting as an interpreter rather than a compiler. Given any term, we need to produce either an object \(O\) or a more general value \(V\). Recall that a term can be

We are unable, at compile-time, to evaluate \(f_R(t)\) for any relation \(R\), and won't even try. We can evaluate a variable using the interpretation slate — that was its whole purpose. So the only case left is a constant:

parse_node *Assert::spec_of_term(pcalc_term pt) {
    if (pt.function) return NULL;
    if (pt.variable >= 0) return current_interpretation_as_spec[pt.variable];
    return pt.constant;

§9. The analogous routine to extract an instance, which normally takes precedence, is more convoluted. First, we could be looking at the name of a kind — in "A door is usually closed", "door" will appear here as a description node, and we need to extract the instance of the kind as our return value. Second, we want to divert all assertions about "the player" so that they refer to the player object, not to the global variable "the player".

Users tend to expect that they can talk about properties of things as values, when setting up the world, and since a property value might be an object, we are going to be careful to reject a PROPERTY_VALUE_NT type with a problem message. In practice the A-parser gets there first, but just in case.

inference_subject *Assert::subject_of_term(pcalc_term pt) {
    if (pt.function) return NULL;
    if (pt.variable >= 0) return current_interpretation_as_infs[pt.variable];

    parse_node *spec = pt.constant;

    if (Node::is(spec, CONSTANT_NT))
        return InferenceSubjects::from_specification(spec);

    if (Specifications::is_description(spec)) {
        if (Descriptions::to_instance(spec))
            return Instances::as_subject(Descriptions::to_instance(spec));
        if (Specifications::to_kind(spec))
            return KindSubjects::from_kind(Specifications::to_kind(spec));

    if (Node::is(spec, NONLOCAL_VARIABLE_NT)) {
        inference_subject *diversion =
        if (diversion) return diversion;

    return NULL;

§10. Testing at compile-time. We can, to a more limited extent, also test whether a given proposition is true of a given inference subject at the current stage of the world model. (This is necessary for the implications code to work.)

int Assert::testable_at_compile_time(pcalc_prop *prop) {
        switch(pl->element) {
            case PREDICATE_ATOM:
                switch (pl->arity) {
                    case 1: See if this unary predicate can be tested10.1; break;
                    case 2: return FALSE;
            default: return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§10.1. See if this unary predicate can be tested10.1 =

    unary_predicate *up = RETRIEVE_POINTER_unary_predicate(pl->predicate);
    if (UnaryPredicateFamilies::testable(up) == FALSE) return FALSE;

§11. And the actual test:

int Assert::test_at_compile_time(pcalc_prop *prop, inference_subject *about) {
    if (Assert::testable_at_compile_time(prop) == FALSE) return NOT_APPLICABLE;
        switch(pl->element) {
            case PREDICATE_ATOM:
                switch (pl->arity) {
                    case 1: Test if this unary predicate is true11.1; break;
    return TRUE;

§11.1. Test if this unary predicate is true11.1 =

    unary_predicate *up = RETRIEVE_POINTER_unary_predicate(pl->predicate);
    if (UnaryPredicateFamilies::test(up, about) == FALSE) return FALSE;

§12. A catch-all problem. This is provided so that code trying to assert predicates, but failing, can make use of a generic problem message when stuck for anything better to say.

parse_node *last_couldnt_assert_at = NULL;

void Assert::issue_couldnt_problem(adjective *aph, int parity) {
    if (last_couldnt_assert_at != current_sentence) {
        wording W = Adjectives::get_nominative_singular(aph);
        Problems::quote_source(1, current_sentence);
        Problems::quote_wording(2, W);
        if (parity == FALSE) Problems::issue_problem_segment(
            "In the sentence %1, you ask me to arrange for something not to be "
            "'%2' at the start of play. This is only possible when an adjective "
            "talks about an either/or property, like 'open'/'closed' - if there "
            "are three or more possibilities then it's ambiguous. Even if there "
            "are only two possibilities, I can't always fix them just on your "
            "request - 'visible'/'invisible', for instance, is something I can "
            "test during play at any time, but not something I can arrange at "
            "the start.");
        else Problems::issue_problem_segment(
            "In the sentence %1, you ask me to arrange for something to be '%2' "
            "at the start of play. There are some adjectives ('open' or 'dark', "
            "for instance) which I can fix, but others are just too vague. For "
            "example, saying 'Peter is visible.' isn't allowed, because it "
            "doesn't tell me where Peter is. Like 'visible', being '%2' is "
            "something I can test during play at any time, but not something "
            "I can arrange at the start.");
        last_couldnt_assert_at = current_sentence;