To define adjectives such as large, wide or roomy, which make implicit comparisons of the size of some numerical property, and which lead to comparative and superlative forms.

§1. Measurements, regions and shapes. A typical example would be:

Definition: A container is roomy if its carrying capacity is 10 or more.

Here the domain of the definition is "container", and we must assign an adjective meaning for "roomy" which involves the comparison of a property (here "carrying capacity") against a threshold value \(t\) (here, \(t=10\)). "roomy" is said to be the headword; the comparative form would be roomier, and the superlative form roomiest. The comparative will make a relation — see Comparative Relations — while and the must be a phrase. It can't be an adjective, since its domain would be too ambiguous in text such as:

if the canvas bag is roomiest, ...

which begs the question: roomiest out of what? All containers, or implicitly some subcollection of them? So we avoid the problem by allowing superlatives only when explicitly followed by a domain:

roomiest container in Heathrow Terminal 5

§2. Each such definition allows the property value to belong to a "region", which takes one of these three "shapes":


§3. Here are operators for checking whether we lie inside the domain, where the LHS is the value being tested and the RHS is the constant \(t\). In weak comparison, \(t\) itself is a member; in strict comparison, it isn't.

binary_predicate *Measurements::weak_comparison_bp(int shape) {
    binary_predicate *operator = NULL;  solely to placate gcc
    switch (shape) {
        case MEASURE_T_OR_MORE: operator = R_numerically_greater_than_or_equal_to; break;
        case MEASURE_T_EXACTLY: operator = R_equality; break;
        case MEASURE_T_OR_LESS: operator = R_numerically_less_than_or_equal_to; break;
        default: internal_error("unknown region for weak comparison");
    return operator;

char *Measurements::strict_comparison(int shape) {
    char *operator = NULL;  solely to placate clang
    switch (shape) {
        case MEASURE_T_OR_MORE: operator = ">"; break;
        case MEASURE_T_OR_LESS: operator = "<"; break;
        default: internal_error("unknown region for strict comparison");
    return operator;

§4. Creation. The implementation of measurement adjectives is tricksy for reasons of timing during Inform's run: the names of kinds, properties and values become available at different times; whereas we need the name of the adjective itself to become available very early on. This is why the structure below appears to record a lot of extraneous clutter apparently needed only temporarily during parsing — because parsing does not happen all at once, and partial results have to be parked in the structure after one stage to be picked up at the next.

At any rate, here goes:

typedef struct measurement_definition {
    struct parse_node *measurement_node;  where the actual definition is

    struct wording headword;  adjective being defined (must be single word)
    struct adjective_meaning *headword_as_adjective;  which adjective meaning
    struct wording superlative;  its superlative form

    struct property *prop;  the property being compared, if any
    struct wording name_of_property_to_compare;  and its name

    int region_shape;  one of the MEASURE_T_* constants
    int region_threshold;  numerical value of threshold (if any)
    struct kind *region_kind;  of this value
    int region_threshold_evaluated;  have we evaluated this one yet?
    struct wording region_threshold_text;  text of threshold value

    struct measurement_compilation_data compilation_data;
} measurement_definition;


measurement_definition *Measurements::new(parse_node *q, wording AW, wording THRESW,
    property *prop, int shape, wording PRW) {
    measurement_definition *mdef = CREATE(measurement_definition);
    mdef->measurement_node = q;
    mdef->headword = Wordings::first_word(AW);
    mdef->region_threshold = 0;
    mdef->region_threshold_text = THRESW;
    mdef->region_threshold_evaluated = FALSE;
    mdef->prop = prop;
    mdef->region_shape = shape;
    mdef->name_of_property_to_compare = PRW;
    mdef->superlative = EMPTY_WORDING;
    mdef->headword_as_adjective = NULL;
    mdef->compilation_data = RTAdjectives::new_measurement_compilation_data(mdef);
    return mdef;

§6. The following converts an mdef to a property and shape:

void Measurements::read_property_details(measurement_definition *mdef,
    property **prn, int *shape) {
    if (prn) *prn = mdef->prop;
    if (shape) *shape = mdef->region_shape;

§7. And this does the inverse, albeit a little slowly:

measurement_definition *Measurements::retrieve(property *prn, int shape) {
    measurement_definition *mdef;
    LOOP_OVER(mdef, measurement_definition) {
        if ((Measurements::is_valid(mdef)) && (mdef->prop == prn) &&
            (mdef->region_shape == shape))
            return mdef;
    return NULL;

§8. As noted above, there are timing issues here, and the initial state of a measurement_definition leaves much to be filled in later. This is called "validation", and is to some extent performed on demand. The following tries to validate everything:

void Measurements::validate_definitions(void) {
    measurement_definition *mdef;
    LOOP_OVER(mdef, measurement_definition)

§9. But we can also try to validate just one at a time:

void Measurements::validate(measurement_definition *mdef) {
    if ((mdef->prop == NULL) && (Wordings::nonempty(mdef->name_of_property_to_compare)))
        Fill in the missing property name, P9.1;
    if (mdef->region_threshold_evaluated == FALSE)
        Fill in the missing threshold value, t9.2;

§9.1. Here we either make \(P\) valid, or leave it NULL and issue a problem.

Fill in the missing property name, P9.1 =

    if (<property-name>(mdef->name_of_property_to_compare)) mdef->prop = <<rp>>;
    else {
        mdef->prop = NULL;
        LOG("Validating mdef with headword %W... <%W>\n",
            mdef->headword, mdef->name_of_property_to_compare);
            "that definition involves an unknown property",
            "assuming it was meant to be a definition in the form 'Definition: "
            "a container is large if its carrying capacity is 10 or more.'");

§9.2. Here we either make \(t\) valid, or leave mdef->region_threshold_evaluated clear and issue a problem.

Fill in the missing threshold value, t9.2 =

    mdef->region_kind = NULL;
    if (<s-literal>(mdef->region_threshold_text))
        mdef->region_kind = Rvalues::to_kind(<<rp>>);
    if (mdef->region_kind) {
        mdef->region_threshold = Rvalues::to_encoded_notation(<<rp>>);
        if ((Kinds::Behaviour::is_quasinumerical(mdef->region_kind) == FALSE) &&
            (mdef->region_shape != MEASURE_T_EXACTLY)) {
                "the property value given here has a kind which can't be "
                "subject to numerical comparisons",
                "so it doesn't make sense to talk about it being 'more' or "
            mdef->region_threshold = 0;
        if (Kinds::compatible(mdef->region_kind,
            ValueProperties::kind(mdef->prop)) != ALWAYS_MATCH) {
                "the property value given here is the wrong kind",
                "and does not match the property being looked at.");
            mdef->region_threshold = 0;
    } else {
        LOG("Can't get literal from <%W>\n", mdef->region_threshold_text);
            "that definition is wrongly phrased",
            "assuming it was meant to be a grading adjective like 'Definition: a "
            "container is large if its carrying capacity is 10 or more.'");
    mdef->region_threshold_evaluated = TRUE;

§10. To recover safely from these errors, we would be wise to check:

int Measurements::is_valid(measurement_definition *mdef) {
    if ((mdef->prop == NULL) || (mdef->region_threshold_evaluated == FALSE))
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§11. Comparative forms. For timing reasons, these are made all at once, and later than when the headword adjectives and superlatives are made.

void Measurements::create_comparatives(void) {
    measurement_definition *mdef;
    LOOP_OVER(mdef, measurement_definition) {
        if ((Measurements::is_valid(mdef)) &&
            (mdef->region_shape != MEASURE_T_EXACTLY)) {
            wording H = mdef->headword;  word number of, e.g., "tall"
            wording comparative_form = Grading::make_comparative(H,
                Task::language_of_syntax());  "taller than"
            vocabulary_entry *quiddity =
                    Grading::make_quiddity(H, Task::language_of_syntax())));  "tallness"
            i6_schema *schema_to_compare_property_values;

            Work out property comparison schema11.1;
            Construct a BP named for the quiddity and tested using the comparative schema11.2;

§11.1. This schema compares the property values:

Work out property comparison schema11.1 =

    inter_name *identifier = RTProperties::iname(mdef->prop);
    char *operation = Measurements::strict_comparison(mdef->region_shape);
    schema_to_compare_property_values =
        Calculus::Schemas::new("(*1.%n %s *2.%n)", identifier, operation, identifier);

§11.2. The relation arising from "tall" would be called the "tallness relation", for instance. Note that we don't say anything about the domain of \(x\) and \(y\) in \(T(x, y)\). That's because we a value property like "height" may exist for more than one kind of object, and there is not necessarily any unifying kind of value \(K\) such all objects satisfying \(K\) possess a height and all others do not. (That's intentional: it is Inform's one concession towards multiple-inheritance, and it allows containers and doors to share lockability behaviour despite being of mutually incompatible kinds.)

Construct a BP named for the quiddity and tested using the comparative schema11.2 =

    binary_predicate *bp;
    WRITE_TO(relname, "%V", quiddity);
    bp = BinaryPredicates::make_pair(property_comparison_bp_family,
        BPTerms::new(NULL), BPTerms::new(NULL),
        relname, NULL, NULL,
        schema_to_compare_property_values, WordAssemblages::lit_1(quiddity));
    ComparativeRelations::initialise(bp, mdef->region_shape, mdef->prop);
    Measurements::register_comparative(comparative_form, bp);

§12. Late registration of prepositions comparing properties. The following routines, used only when all the properties have been created, make suitable comparatives ("bigger than", etc.) and prepositional usages to test property-equality ("the same height as").

void Measurements::register_comparative(wording W, binary_predicate *root) {
    verb_meaning vm = VerbMeanings::regular(root);
    preposition *prep =
        Prepositions::make(PreformUtilities::merge(<comparative-property-construction>, 0,
            FALSE, current_sentence);
    Verbs::add_form(copular_verb, prep, NULL, vm, SVO_FS_BIT);

§13. When the source text creates a measurement adjective such as "tall", the following is used to construct the comparative form, "taller than":

<comparative-property-construction> ::=
    ... than