Compiling what amounts to the Phrasebook index into the Inter hierarchy.

§1. The Phrasebook index cannot be generated from the Inter hierarchy simply by observing the function definitions in it, because of the existence of implicit phrases, polymorphic phrases and so on. It needs just too much understanding of the situation which only the top- and mid-levels of the compiler have.

So we compile what amounts to a structured version of this index element directly into the Inter code, for retrieval later when the actual index HTML page is written.

The divisions (which look like headings on the Index, but we don't call them that to avoid confusion with source text headings) correspond to the extensions in which phrases are defined. If \(N\) extensions were included then there are divisions \(0, 1, ..., N\), where \(0, ..., N-1\) correspond to the extensions in inclusion order, with the Standard Rules being division 0. Division \(N\) represents the source text itself.

The subdivisions (in effect subheadings on the Index) correspond to headings, within the divisions, under which phrases are defined. Note that some headings suppress indexing of their definitions.

void RTPhrasebook::compile_entries(void) {
    package_request *last_super_heading_package = NULL;
    inform_extension *last_extension_named = NULL;
    for (int division = 0, N = NUMBER_CREATED(inform_extension); division <= N; division++) {
        heading *last_heading_named = NULL;
        package_request *last_heading_package = NULL;
        int no_subdivision_yet = TRUE;
        wording CLW = EMPTY_WORDING;
        imperative_defn *id;
        id_body *run_begin = NULL;
        LOOP_OVER(id, imperative_defn) {
            if (ImperativeDefinitionFamilies::include_in_Phrasebook_index(id)) {
                id_body *idb = id->body_of_defn;
                 include only if it is under an indexed heading
                heading *this_heading =
                if (Headings::indexed(this_heading) == FALSE) continue;
                 and only if that heading lies in the piece of source for this division
                inform_extension *this_extension =
                if (division == N) {  skip phrase unless it's in the source text
                    if (this_extension != NULL) continue;
                } else {  skip phrase unless it's defined in the extension for this division
                    if ((this_extension == NULL) || (this_extension->allocation_id != division)) continue;

                if (last_extension_named != this_extension) Mark a division in the Phrasebook1.1;
                if ((last_heading_package == NULL) || (this_heading != last_heading_named))
                    Mark a subdivision in the Phrasebook1.2;
                last_heading_named = this_heading;
                last_extension_named = this_extension;

                Actually index the phrase1.3;

§1.1. We call the null extension the source text, and otherwise we produce the extension's name as a major subheading in our index.

Mark a division in the Phrasebook1.1 =

    if (this_extension == NULL) {
        last_super_heading_package =
            PHRASEBOOK_SUPER_HEADING_TEXT_MD_HL, I"Defined in the source");
    } else if (Extensions::is_standard(this_extension)) {
        WRITE_TO(credit, "From the extension ");
        Extensions::write_name_to_file(this_extension, credit);
        last_super_heading_package =
    } else {
        WRITE_TO(credit, "From the extension ");
        Extensions::write_name_to_file(this_extension, credit);
        WRITE_TO(credit, " by ");
        Extensions::write_author_to_file(this_extension, credit);
        last_super_heading_package =
    no_subdivision_yet = TRUE;
    last_heading_package = NULL;
    last_heading_named = NULL;

§1.2. In pass 1, subdivisions are shown in a comma-separated list; in pass 2, each has a paragraph of its own.

Mark a subdivision in the Phrasebook1.2 =

    wording HW = Headings::get_text(this_heading);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(HW)) {
        Strip away bracketed matter in the heading name1.2.1;
        if (Extensions::is_standard(this_extension))
            Mark a faked division due to inter-hyphen clue in SR heading1.2.3;
    if (Wordings::nonempty(HW)) WRITE_TO(SUBH, "%+W", HW);
    else WRITE_TO(SUBH, "Miscellaneous");
    last_heading_package =
        Hierarchy::package_within(PHRASEBOOK_HEADING_HAP, last_super_heading_package);
    no_subdivision_yet = FALSE;

§1.2.1. Strip away bracketed matter in the heading name1.2.1 =

    if (<heading-with-parenthesis>(HW)) HW = GET_RW(<heading-with-parenthesis>, 1);

§1.2.2. The Standard Rules contain such a profusion of phrase definitions that, without making use of subheadings, the Phrasebook Index would be a shapeless list in which it was impossible to find things.

So the indexer in fact looks at headings in the source text and attempts to group definitions by them. In particular, in the Standard Rules, it looks for headings with this form:

Blah blah blah - Major title - Minor title

For example, we might have

Section SR5/3/2 - Control phrases - While

which would match the first production below. The first piece is discarded, and the second and third pieces used as headings and subheadings respectively.

<heading-with-parenthesis> ::=
    {<heading-name-hyphenated>} ( <definite-article> ... ) |
    {<heading-name-hyphenated>} ( ... ) |

<heading-name-hyphenated> ::=
    ... - ... - ... |    ==> { 3, - }
    ... - ... |          ==> { 2, - }
    ...                  ==> { 1, - }

§1.2.3. We then extract "Control phrases" as the "clue".

Mark a faked division due to inter-hyphen clue in SR heading1.2.3 =

    if (<<r>> == 3) {
        wording C = GET_RW(<heading-name-hyphenated>, 2);
        if ((Wordings::empty(CLW)) || (Wordings::match(C, CLW) == FALSE)) {
            CLW = C;
            last_heading_package =
                Hierarchy::package_within(PHRASEBOOK_HEADING_HAP, last_super_heading_package);
            no_subdivision_yet = TRUE;
        HW = GET_RW(<heading-name-hyphenated>, 3);
    } else if (<<r>> == 2) {
        HW = GET_RW(<heading-name-hyphenated>, 2);
    } else if (<<r>> == 1) {
        HW = GET_RW(<heading-name-hyphenated>, 1);

§1.3. We see where idb is in a run of phrases which share a common documentation symbol; only the first in the run has a plus-sign link to reveal the box of documentation in question, and only the last in the run is followed by the code for the box.

Actually index the phrase1.3 =

    id_body *idb2 = idb, *run_end = idb;
    if (RTPhrasebook::ph_same_doc(idb, run_begin) == FALSE) run_begin = idb;
    while ((idb2) && (RTPhrasebook::ph_same_doc(idb, idb2))) {
        run_end = idb2; idb2 = NEXT_OBJECT(idb2, id_body);

    HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"tightin2\"");
    if (run_begin == idb) IndexUtilities::extra_link(OUT, run_end->allocation_id);
    else IndexUtilities::noextra_link(OUT);
    RTPhrasebook::index_type_data(OUT, &(idb->type_data), idb);
    if (IDTypeData::deprecated(&(idb->type_data)))
        IndexUtilities::deprecation_icon(OUT, run_begin->allocation_id);
    IndexUtilities::link(OUT, Wordings::first_wn(Node::get_text(ImperativeDefinitions::body_at(idb))));

    if (run_end == idb) {
        IndexUtilities::extra_div_open(OUT, idb->allocation_id, 3, I"indexmorebox");
        RTPhrasebook::write_reveal_box(OUT, &(run_begin->type_data), run_begin);
        IndexUtilities::extra_div_close(OUT, I"indexmorebox");
    package_request *entry =
                Hierarchy::package_within(PHRASEBOOK_ENTRY_HAP, last_heading_package);
    Hierarchy::apply_metadata(entry, PHRASEBOOK_ENTRY_TEXT_MD_HL, OUT);

§2. Where the following detects if two phrases have the same documentation symbol, i.e., are essentially rewordings of the same phrase, and will have a single shared reveal-box:

int RTPhrasebook::ph_same_doc(id_body *p1, id_body *p2) {
    if ((p1 == NULL) || (p2 == NULL) ||
        (Wordings::empty(ToPhraseFamily::doc_ref(p1->head_of_defn))) ||
        return FALSE;
    if (Wordings::match(ToPhraseFamily::doc_ref(p1->head_of_defn), ToPhraseFamily::doc_ref(p2->head_of_defn)))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§3. This is nothing to do with phrases, but as we've defined <heading-name-hyphenated> above, it may as well go here.

void RTPhrasebook::index_definition_area(OUTPUT_STREAM, wording W, int show_if_unhyphenated) {
    if ((<<r>> == 1) && (show_if_unhyphenated == FALSE)) return;
    switch (<<r>>) {
        case 1: {
            wording C = GET_RW(<heading-name-hyphenated>, 1);
            WRITE("%+W", C); break;
        case 2: {
            wording C = GET_RW(<heading-name-hyphenated>, 2);
            WRITE("%+W", C); break;
        case 3: {
            wording C = GET_RW(<heading-name-hyphenated>, 2);
            wording D = GET_RW(<heading-name-hyphenated>, 3);
            WRITE("%+W - %+W", C, D);

§4. Writing type data in the Phrasebook index:

void RTPhrasebook::index_type_data(OUTPUT_STREAM, id_type_data *idtd, id_body *idb) {
    if (idtd->manner_of_return == DECIDES_CONDITION_MOR)
        WRITE("<i>if</i> ");
    ImperativeDefinitions::write_HTML_representation(OUT, idb, INDEX_PHRASE_FORMAT);
    if (idtd->return_kind == NULL) {
        if (idtd->manner_of_return == DECIDES_CONDITION_MOR) WRITE("<i>:</i>");
    } else {
        WRITE(" ... <i>");
        if (Kinds::Behaviour::definite(idtd->return_kind) == FALSE) WRITE("value");
        else Kinds::Textual::write(OUT, idtd->return_kind);
        wording W = ToPhraseFamily::get_equation_form(idb->head_of_defn);
        if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
            WRITE("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>y</i>&nbsp;=&nbsp;<b>%+W</b>(<i>x</i>)", W);

§5. In the Phrasebook index, listings are marked with plus sign buttons which, when clicked, expand an otherwise hidden box of details about the phrase. This is the routine which prints those details.

void RTPhrasebook::write_reveal_box(OUTPUT_STREAM, id_type_data *idtd, id_body *idb) {
    Present a paste button containing the text of the phrase5.1;
    RTPhrasebook::index_type_data(OUT, idtd, idb);
    RTPhrasebook::index_phrase_options(OUT, &(idb->type_data.options_data));
    Quote from and reference to the documentation, where possible5.2;
    Present the equation form of the phrase, if it has one5.3;
    Present the name of the phrase regarded as a value, if it has one5.4;
    Present the kind of the phrase5.5;
    Warn about deprecation, where necessary5.6;

§5.1. Present a paste button containing the text of the phrase5.1 =

    ImperativeDefinitions::write_HTML_representation(TEMP, idb, PASTE_PHRASE_FORMAT);
    PasteButtons::paste_text(OUT, TEMP);

§5.2. This is only possible for phrases mentioned in the built-in manuals, of course.

Quote from and reference to the documentation, where possible5.2 =

    if (Wordings::nonempty(ToPhraseFamily::doc_ref(idb->head_of_defn))) {
        WRITE_TO(pds, "%+W", Wordings::one_word(Wordings::first_wn(ToPhraseFamily::doc_ref(idb->head_of_defn))));
        DocReferences::doc_fragment(OUT, pds);
        HTML_OPEN("p"); WRITE("<b>See</b> ");
        DocReferences::fully_link(OUT, pds);

§5.3. Present the equation form of the phrase, if it has one5.3 =

    wording W = ToPhraseFamily::get_equation_form(idb->head_of_defn);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(W)) {
        WRITE("<b>In equations:</b> write as ");
        PasteButtons::paste_W(OUT, W);
        WRITE("&nbsp;%+W()", W);

§5.4. Present the name of the phrase regarded as a value, if it has one5.4 =

    wording CW = ToPhraseFamily::constant_name(idb->head_of_defn);
    if (Wordings::nonempty(CW)) {
        WRITE("<b>Name:</b> ");
        PasteButtons::paste_W(OUT, CW);
        WRITE("&nbsp;%+W", CW);

§5.5. "Say" phrases are never used functionally and don't have interesting kinds, so we won't list them here.

Present the kind of the phrase5.5 =

    if (IDTypeData::is_a_say_phrase(idb) == FALSE) {
        WRITE("<b>Kind:</b> ");
        Kinds::Textual::write(OUT, IDTypeData::kind(idtd));

§5.6. Warn about deprecation, where necessary5.6 =

    if (IDTypeData::deprecated(&(idb->type_data))) {
        WRITE("<b>Warning:</b> ");
        WRITE("This phrase is now deprecated! It will probably be withdrawn in "
            "future builds of Inform, and even the present build will reject it "
            "if the 'Use no deprecated features' option is set. If you're using "
            "it now, try following the documentation link above for advice on "
            "what to write instead.");


void RTPhrasebook::index_phrase_options(OUTPUT_STREAM, id_options_data *phod) {
    for (int i=0; i<phod->no_options_permitted; i++) {
        phrase_option *po = phod->options_permitted[i];
        if (i==0) {
            WRITE("<i>optionally</i> ");
        } else if (i == phod->no_options_permitted-1) {
            if (phod->multiple_options_permitted) WRITE("<i>and/or</i> ");
            else WRITE("<i>or</i> ");
        PasteButtons::paste_W(OUT, po->name);
        WRITE("&nbsp;%+W", po->name);
        if (i < phod->no_options_permitted-1) {