To conduct a census of all installed extensions installed.

§1. Beginning. Each census begins by creating an object:

typedef struct extension_census {
    struct linked_list *search_list;  of inbuild_nest
    struct linked_list *census_data;  of extension_census_datum
    struct linked_list *raw_data;  of inbuild_search_result
    int no_census_errors;
} extension_census;

§2. Here proj will be null in case (a), and will be the project just compiled in case (b).

extension_census *ExtensionCensus::new(inform_project *proj) {
    extension_census *C = CREATE(extension_census);

    if (proj == NULL) {
        C->search_list = Projects::nest_list(proj);
    } else {
        C->search_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(inbuild_nest);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(C->search_list, inbuild_nest, proj->search_list);
        inbuild_nest *N;
        linked_list *L = Supervisor::shared_nest_list();
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(N, inbuild_nest, L)
            if (Nests::get_tag(N) == INTERNAL_NEST_TAG)
                ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(N, inbuild_nest, C->search_list);
    C->census_data = NEW_LINKED_LIST(extension_census_datum);
    C->raw_data = NEW_LINKED_LIST(inbuild_search_result);
    C->no_census_errors = 0;
    return C;

§3. Each census object has its own search path for nests — for case (a) the shared search path, for (b) the project's search path.

pathname *ExtensionCensus::internal_path(extension_census *C) {
    inbuild_nest *N = NULL;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(N, inbuild_nest, C->search_list)
        if (Nests::get_tag(N) == INTERNAL_NEST_TAG)
            return ExtensionManager::path_within_nest(N);
    return NULL;

pathname *ExtensionCensus::external_path(extension_census *C) {
    inbuild_nest *N = NULL;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(N, inbuild_nest, C->search_list)
        if (Nests::get_tag(N) == EXTERNAL_NEST_TAG)
            return ExtensionManager::path_within_nest(N);
    return NULL;

§4. Census data. For each inhabitant found, so to speak, an instance of extension_census_datum is created. (These are called ECDs below.)

typedef struct extension_census_datum {
    struct inbuild_search_result *found_as;
    int overriding_a_built_in_extension;  not built in, but overriding one which is
    struct extension_census_datum *next;  next one in lexicographic order
} extension_census_datum;

§5. An ECD is actually a wrapper for an inform_extension object in disguise, since the inbuild_search_result found that.

text_stream *ExtensionCensus::ecd_rubric(extension_census_datum *ecd) {
    return Extensions::get_rubric(Extensions::from_copy(ecd->found_as->copy));

int ExtensionCensus::installation_region(extension_census_datum *ecd) {
    if (Nests::get_tag(ecd->found_as->nest) == MATERIALS_NEST_TAG) return 0;
    if (Nests::get_tag(ecd->found_as->nest) == INTERNAL_NEST_TAG) return 1;
    if (ecd->overriding_a_built_in_extension) return 2;
    return 3;

int ExtensionCensus::ecd_used(extension_census_datum *ecd) {
    inform_extension *E = Extensions::from_copy(ecd->found_as->copy);
    return E->has_historically_been_used;

§6. Performing the census. For some reason a census often makes a good story (cf. Luke 2:1-5), but here there's disappointingly little to tell, because the work is all done by a single call to Nests::search_for.

extension_census *ExtensionCensus::perform(inform_project *proj) {
    extension_census *C = ExtensionCensus::new(proj);
    inbuild_requirement *req = Requirements::anything_of_genre(extension_genre);
    Nests::search_for(req, C->search_list, C->raw_data);

    inbuild_search_result *R;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(R, inbuild_search_result, C->raw_data) {
        C->no_census_errors += LinkedLists::len(R->copy->errors_reading_source_text);
        int overridden_by_an_extension_already_found = FALSE;
        See if already known from existing data6.1;
        if (overridden_by_an_extension_already_found == FALSE)
            Add to the census data6.2;
    return C;

§6.1. Recall that the higher-priority materials and external nests are scanned first, so if we find that our new extension has the same title and author as one already known, it must be one that is overridden.

See if already known from existing data6.1 =

    extension_census_datum *other;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(other, extension_census_datum, C->census_data)
        if ((Works::match(R->copy->edition->work,
            other->found_as->copy->edition->work)) &&
            ((Nests::get_tag(other->found_as->nest) == INTERNAL_NEST_TAG) ||
                (Nests::get_tag(R->nest) == INTERNAL_NEST_TAG))) {
            other->overriding_a_built_in_extension = TRUE;
            overridden_by_an_extension_already_found = TRUE;

§6.2. Assuming the new extension was not overridden in this way, we come here. Because we didn't check the version number text for validity, it might through being invalid be longer than we expect: in case this is so, we truncate it.

Add to the census data6.2 =

    extension_census_datum *ecd = CREATE(extension_census_datum);
    ecd->found_as = R;
    ecd->overriding_a_built_in_extension = FALSE;
    ecd->next = NULL;