To keep track of a dangerous form of super-assertion called an implication, which is allowed to generalise about properties.
§1. Creation. Implications are structures are used to store the information in sentences like "Something worn is usually wearable and initially carried." The "something worn" part must turn out to be a description of a category of objects; the "usually" part translates into a level of certainty. We regard these as implications in the sense of IF condition A, THEN condition B, but note that A is quite restricted in what it can be: it must be a simple-to-test description only, whereas B could be any subtree of an assertion.
typedef struct implication { struct pcalc_prop *if_proposition; which objects are affected struct parse_node *then_pn; what assertion is implied about them struct parse_node *where_declared; int implied_likelihood; with what certainty level CLASS_DEFINITION } implication;
- The structure implication is private to this section.
§2. We also need a little piece of storage attached to each property name:
typedef struct possession_marker { int possessed; temporary use when checking implications about objects int possession_certainty; ditto } possession_marker;
- The structure possession_marker is accessed in 8/tap and here.
§3. Implications are gathered during the main parse tree traverses, but all we do is to store them and sit on them.
void Assertions::Implications::new(parse_node *px, parse_node *py) { if (prevailing_mood == CERTAIN_CE) Reject implications given with certainty3.1; if (Node::get_type(py) == AND_NT) { Assertions::Implications::new(px, py->down); Assertions::Implications::new(px, py->down->next); return; } Actually create a single implication3.2; }
§3.1. Reject implications given with certainty3.1 =
StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ImplicationCertain), "that's an implication which is too certain for me", "since a sentence like this talks about a generality of things in terms of " "one either/or property implying another, and I can only handle those as " "likelihoods. You should probably add 'usually' somewhere: e.g., 'An open " "door is usually openable'. (But implications can have unpredictable " "consequences: best to avoid them altogether where possible.)"); return;
- This code is used in §3.
§3.2. Actually create a single implication3.2 =
inference_subject *premiss_kind = NULL; pcalc_prop *premiss = NULL; Find the premiss kind and specification3.2.1; Check that the premiss involves only either/or properties and/or a kind3.2.2; Check that the conclusion involves only a single either/or property3.2.3; implication *imp = CREATE(implication); imp->if_proposition = premiss; imp->then_pn = py; imp->implied_likelihood = prevailing_mood; imp->where_declared = current_sentence; ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(imp, implication, InferenceSubjects::get_implications(premiss_kind)); LOGIF(IMPLICATIONS, "Forming implication for $j: $D implies\n $T", premiss_kind, imp->if_proposition, imp->then_pn);
- This code is used in §3.
§3.2.1. Find the premiss kind and specification3.2.1 =
parse_node *loc = px; if (Node::get_type(loc) == WITH_NT) loc = loc->down; premiss_kind = Node::get_subject(loc); premiss = Node::get_creation_proposition(loc); #ifdef IF_MODULE if (premiss_kind == NULL) premiss_kind = KindSubjects::from_kind(K_thing); #endif #ifndef IF_MODULE if (premiss_kind == NULL) premiss_kind = KindSubjects::from_kind(K_object); #endif
- This code is used in §3.2.
§3.2.2. Check that the premiss involves only either/or properties and/or a kind3.2.2 =
if (Assert::testable_at_compile_time(premiss) == FALSE) { StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_BadImplicationDomain), "that's an implication where the condition to qualify is not " "one that I can determine in advance of the start of play", "since it involves more than simple either/or properties " "plus a kind. (For example, adjectives like 'adjacent' or " "'visible' here are too difficult to determine.)"); return; }
- This code is used in §3.2.
§3.2.3. Check that the conclusion involves only a single either/or property3.2.3 =
unary_predicate *pred = Node::get_predicate(py); property *prn = AdjectiveAmbiguity::has_either_or_property_meaning(AdjectivalPredicates::to_adjective(pred), NULL); if (prn == NULL) { StandardProblems::sentence_problem(Task::syntax_tree(), _p_(PM_ImplicationValueProperty), "that's an implication where the outcome is an adjective other than " "a simple either/or property", "which is the only form of implication I can handle."); return; }
- This code is used in §3.2.
§4. Implication checking. The checking of implications happens all at once, during model completion, so that all inferences arising directly from the source text have already been drawn.
For instance, if there is an inference asserting that object X is worn, and there is an implication that what is worn is usually also wearable, then we must generate an inference that X is wearable: in effect, this is a deduction from a syllogism. We should however not generate such an inference if we already have definite knowledge that X is not wearable. We do this for each object X individually.
We begin by checking implications associated with X and applying to X, but in fact because Assertions::Implications::check_implications_of recurses depth-first through the kinds, a typical object X — a container, say — will first have implications associated with "thing" applied to it, then with those associated with "container", and only then its own implications.
void Assertions::Implications::consider_all(inference_subject *infs) { if (KindSubjects::to_kind(infs)) return; int ongoing = TRUE; while (ongoing) { Erase all of the possession markers4.1; Assertions::Implications::set_possessed_flags(infs); ongoing = Assertions::Implications::check_implications_of(infs, infs); } }
§4.1. We are going to need to examine which either/or properties are held by X. We don't want to store all of the properties of everything in memory at once, so we keep just a single set of "possession markers", one for each property. Here we erase these markers ready for use with X.
Erase all of the possession markers4.1 =
property *prn; LOOP_OVER(prn, property) { possession_marker *pom = Properties::get_possession_marker(prn); pom->possessed = FALSE; pom->possession_certainty = UNKNOWN_CE; }
- This code is used in §4.
§5. This is the recursive routine which sets the possession markers for X on the basis of the inferences so far drawn about it.
void Assertions::Implications::set_possessed_flags(inference_subject *infs) { inference_subject *k = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(infs); if (k) Assertions::Implications::set_possessed_flags(k); inference *inf; KNOWLEDGE_LOOP(inf, infs, property_inf) { property *prn = PropertyInferences::get_property(inf); if ((Properties::is_either_or(prn)) && (Inferences::get_certainty(inf) != UNKNOWN_CE)) See what we can get out of this inference5.1; } }
§5.1. Note that where there are antonyms such as open/closed, we have to mark both of them, because an inference of being closed is as good as an inference of not being open, and vice versa.
See what we can get out of this inference5.1 =
int truth_state = TRUE, certainty = Inferences::get_certainty(inf); if (certainty < 0) { certainty = -certainty; truth_state = FALSE; } possession_marker *pom = Properties::get_possession_marker(prn); Mark this property if its possession is not already equally certainly known5.1.1; if (EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn)) { prn = EitherOrProperties::get_negation(prn); pom = Properties::get_possession_marker(prn); truth_state = (truth_state)?FALSE:TRUE; Mark this property if its possession is not already equally certainly known5.1.1; }
- This code is used in §5.
§5.1.1. Mark this property if its possession is not already equally certainly known5.1.1 =
if (pom->possession_certainty < certainty) { pom->possessed = truth_state; pom->possession_certainty = certainty; }
- This code is used in §5.1 (twice).
§6. Lastly, then, the routine actually checking and applying implications. Our aim is to find and act upon the first implication which makes a difference, and return TRUE; but if no implication can be acted on, to return FALSE.
This cannot act twice on the same candidate with the same implication, since the act results in creating inferences about the property. An attempt at repetition results in redundancy, since the inferences it would make have no better a certainty level.
int Assertions::Implications::check_implications_of(inference_subject *domain, inference_subject *candidate) { inference_subject *k = InferenceSubjects::narrowest_broader_subject(domain); if ((k) && (Assertions::Implications::check_implications_of(k, candidate))) return TRUE; if (LinkedLists::len(InferenceSubjects::get_implications(domain)) > 0) LOGIF(IMPLICATIONS, "Considering implications about $j as they apply to $j:\n", domain, candidate); implication *imp; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(imp, implication, InferenceSubjects::get_implications(domain)) Consider this individual implication as it applies to the candidate6.1; return FALSE; }
§6.1. Consider this individual implication as it applies to the candidate6.1 =
unary_predicate *pred = Node::get_predicate(imp->then_pn); int conclusion_state = TRUE; if (AdjectivalPredicates::parity(pred) == FALSE) conclusion_state = FALSE; if (imp->implied_likelihood < 0) conclusion_state = (conclusion_state)?FALSE:TRUE; LOGIF(IMPLICATIONS, "$D => $T (certainty %d; changed state %d)\n", imp->if_proposition, imp->then_pn, imp->implied_likelihood, conclusion_state); property *conclusion_prop = AdjectiveAmbiguity::has_either_or_property_meaning( AdjectivalPredicates::to_adjective(pred), NULL); Check that the conclusion is not impossible6.1.1; possession_marker *pom = Properties::get_possession_marker(conclusion_prop); Check that the conclusion is not redundant or irrelevant6.1.2; int candidate_qualifies = Assert::test_at_compile_time(imp->if_proposition, candidate); if (candidate_qualifies) { LOGIF(IMPLICATIONS, "PASS: changing property $Y of $j\n", conclusion_prop, candidate); Apply the conclusion to the candidate6.1.3; } else { LOGIF(IMPLICATIONS, "FAIL: take no action\n"); }
- This code is used in §6.
§6.1.1. Check that the conclusion is not impossible6.1.1 =
if ((conclusion_prop == NULL) || (PropertyPermissions::find(candidate, conclusion_prop, TRUE) == NULL)) { LOGIF(IMPLICATIONS, "IMPOSSIBLE: property not provided\n"); continue; }
- This code is used in §6.1.
§6.1.2. Check that the conclusion is not redundant or irrelevant6.1.2 =
LOGIF(IMPLICATIONS, "Possession marker has (certainty %d; possessed state %d)\n", pom->possession_certainty, pom->possessed); if (pom->possessed == conclusion_state) { LOGIF(IMPLICATIONS, "REDUNDANT: property already correct\n"); continue; } if (pom->possession_certainty == CERTAIN_CE) { LOGIF(IMPLICATIONS, "IRRELEVANT: property already settled\n"); continue; }
- This code is used in §6.1.
§6.1.3. Apply the conclusion to the candidate6.1.3 =
adjective *aph = EitherOrProperties::as_adjective(conclusion_prop); pcalc_prop *prop = KindPredicates::new_atom( KindSubjects::to_kind(domain), Terms::new_variable(0)); if (conclusion_state == FALSE) { prop = Propositions::concatenate(prop, Atoms::new(NEGATION_OPEN_ATOM)); prop = Propositions::concatenate(prop, AdjectivalPredicates::new_atom_on_x(aph, FALSE)); prop = Propositions::concatenate(prop, Atoms::new(NEGATION_CLOSE_ATOM)); } else { prop = Propositions::concatenate(prop, AdjectivalPredicates::new_atom_on_x(aph, FALSE)); } current_sentence = imp->where_declared; Assert::true_about(prop, candidate, CERTAIN_CE); return TRUE;
- This code is used in §6.1.