To write the Blorb file, our main output, to disc.

§1. Blorbs. "Blorb" is an IF-specific format, but it is defined as a form of IFF file. IFF, "Interchange File Format", is a general-purpose wrapper format dating back to the mid-1980s; it was designed as a way to gather together audiovisual media for use on home computers. (Though Electronic Arts among others used IFF files to wrap up entertainment material, Infocom, the pioneer of IF at the time, did not.) Each IFF file consists of a chunk, but any chunk can contain other chunks in turn. Chunks are identified with initial ID texts four characters long. In different domains of computing, people use different chunks, and this makes different sorts of IFF file look like different file formats to the end user. So we have TIFF for images, AIFF for uncompressed audio, AVI for movies, GIF for bitmap graphics, and so on.

§2. Main variables:

int total_size_of_Blorb_chunks = 0;  ditto, but not counting the FORM header or the RIdx chunk
int no_indexed_chunks = 0;

§3. As we shall see, chunks can be used for everything from a few words of copyright text to 100MB of uncompressed choral music.

Our IFF file will consist of a front part and then the chunks, one after another, in order of their creation. Every chunk has a type, a 4-character ID like "AUTH" or "JPEG", specifying what kind of data it holds; some chunks are also given resource numbers which allow the story file to refer to them as it runs — the pictures, sound effects and the story file itself all have unique resource numbers. (These are called "indexed", because references to them appear in a special RIdx record in the front part of the file — the "resource index".)

typedef struct chunk_metadata {
    struct filename *chunk_file;  if the content is stored on disc
    unsigned char *data_in_memory;  if the content is stored in memory
    int length_of_data_in_memory;  in bytes; or \(-1\) if the content is stored on disc
    char *chunk_type;  pointer to a 4-character string
    char *index_entry;  ditto
    int resource_id;  meaningful only if this is a chunk which is indexed
    int byte_offset;  from the start of the chunks, which is not quite the start of the IFF file
    int size;  in bytes
} chunk_metadata;

§4. It is not legal to have two or more Snd resources with the same number. The same goes for Pict resources. These two linked lists are used to store all the resource numbers encountered.

typedef struct resource_number {
    int num;
} resource_number;

linked_list *sound_resource = NULL;  of resource_number
linked_list *pict_resource = NULL;  of resource_number
linked_list *data_resource = NULL;  of resource_number

§5. And this is used to record alt-descriptions of resources, for the benefit of partially sighted or deaf users:

typedef struct rdes_record {
    int usage;
    int resource_id;
    char *description;
} rdes_record;

§6. Big-endian integers. IFF files use big-endian integers, whereas Inblorb might or might not (depending on the platform it runs on), so we need routines to write 32, 16 or 8-bit values in explicitly big-endian form:

void Writer::four_word(FILE *F, int n) {
    fputc((n / 0x1000000)%0x100, F);
    fputc((n / 0x10000)%0x100, F);
    fputc((n / 0x100)%0x100, F);
    fputc((n)%0x100, F);

void Writer::two_word(FILE *F, int n) {
    fputc((n / 0x100)%0x100, F);
    fputc((n)%0x100, F);

void Writer::one_byte(FILE *F, int n) {
    fputc((n)%0x100, F);

void Writer::s_four_word(unsigned char *F, int n) {
    F[0] = (unsigned char) (n / 0x1000000)%0x100;
    F[1] = (unsigned char) (n / 0x10000)%0x100;
    F[2] = (unsigned char) (n / 0x100)%0x100;
    F[3] = (unsigned char) (n)%0x100;

void Writer::s_two_word(unsigned char *F, int n) {
    F[0] = (unsigned char) (n / 0x100)%0x100;
    F[1] = (unsigned char) (n)%0x100;

void Writer::s_one_byte(unsigned char *F, int n) {
    F[0] = (unsigned char) (n)%0x100;

§7. Chunks. Although chunks can be written in a nested way — that's the whole point of IFF, in fact — we will always be writing a very flat structure, in which a single enclosing chunk (FORM) contains a sequence of chunks with no further chunks inside.

chunk_metadata *current_chunk = NULL;

§8. Each chunk is "added" in one of two ways. Either we supply a filename for an existing binary file on disc which will hold the data we want to write, or we supply a NULL filename and a data pointer to length bytes in memory.

void Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb(char *id, int resource_num, filename *supplied_filename, char *index,
    unsigned char *data, int length) {
    if (Writer::chunk_type_is_legal(id) == FALSE)
        BlorbErrors::fatal("tried to complete non-Blorb chunk");
    if (Writer::index_entry_is_legal(index) == FALSE)
        BlorbErrors::fatal("tried to include mis-indexed chunk");

    current_chunk = CREATE(chunk_metadata);

    Set the filename for the new chunk8.1;

    current_chunk->chunk_type = id;
    current_chunk->index_entry = index;
    if (current_chunk->index_entry) no_indexed_chunks++;
    current_chunk->byte_offset = total_size_of_Blorb_chunks;
    current_chunk->resource_id = resource_num;

    Compute the size in bytes of the chunk8.2;
    Advance the total chunk size8.3;

    if (verbose_mode)
        PRINT("! Begun chunk %s: fn is <%f> (innate size %d)\n",
            current_chunk->chunk_type, current_chunk->chunk_file, current_chunk->size);

§8.1. Set the filename for the new chunk8.1 =

    if (data) {
        current_chunk->data_in_memory = Memory::malloc(length, CHUNK_STORAGE_MREASON);
        current_chunk->chunk_file = NULL;
        current_chunk->length_of_data_in_memory = length;
        for (int i=0; i<length; i++) current_chunk->data_in_memory[i] = data[i];
    } else {
        current_chunk->data_in_memory = NULL;
        current_chunk->chunk_file = supplied_filename;
        current_chunk->length_of_data_in_memory = -1;

§8.2. Compute the size in bytes of the chunk8.2 =

    int size;
    if (data) {
        size = length;
    } else {
        size = (int) BinaryFiles::size(supplied_filename);
    if (Writer::chunk_type_is_already_an_IFF(current_chunk->chunk_type) == FALSE)
        size += 8;  allow 8 further bytes for the chunk header to be added later
    current_chunk->size = size;

§8.3. Note the adjustment of total_size_of_Blorb_chunks so as to align the next chunk's position at a two-byte boundary — this betrays IFF's origin in the 16-bit world of the mid-1980s. Today's formats would likely align at four, eight or even sixteen-byte boundaries.

Advance the total chunk size8.3 =

    total_size_of_Blorb_chunks += current_chunk->size;
    if ((current_chunk->size) % 2 == 1) total_size_of_Blorb_chunks++;

§9. Our choice of chunks. We will generate only the following chunks with the above apparatus. The full Blorb specification does include others, but Inform doesn't need them.

The weasel words "with the above..." are because we will also generate two chunks separately: the compulsory "FORM" chunk enclosing the entire Blorb, and an indexing chunk, "RIdx". Within this index, some chunks appear, but not others, and they are labelled with the "index entry" text.

char *legal_Blorb_chunk_types[] = {
    "AUTH", "(c) ", "Fspc", "RelN", "IFmd",  miscellaneous identifying data
    "JPEG", "PNG ",  images in different formats
    "AIFF", "OGGV", "MIDI", "MOD ",  sound effects in different formats
    "TEXT", "BINA",  data files in different formats
    "ZCOD", "GLUL",  story files in different formats
    "RDes",  resource descriptions (added to the standard in March 2014)
    NULL };

char *legal_Blorb_index_entries[] = {
    "Pict", "Snd ", "Exec", "Data", NULL };

§10. Because we are wisely paranoid:

int Writer::chunk_type_is_legal(char *type) {
    int i;
    if (type == NULL) return FALSE;
    for (i=0; legal_Blorb_chunk_types[i]; i++)
        if (strcmp(type, legal_Blorb_chunk_types[i]) == 0)
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int Writer::index_entry_is_legal(char *entry) {
    int i;
    if (entry == NULL) return TRUE;
    for (i=0; legal_Blorb_index_entries[i]; i++)
        if (strcmp(entry, legal_Blorb_index_entries[i]) == 0)
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§11. This function checks a linked list to see if a resource number is used twice. If so, TRUE is returned and the rest of the program is expected to immediately exit with a fatal error. Otherwise, FALSE is returned, indicating that everything is fine.

int Writer::resource_seen(linked_list *L, int value) {
    resource_number *rn;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(rn, resource_number, L)
        if (rn->num == value)
            return TRUE;
    rn = CREATE(resource_number);
    rn->num = value;
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(rn, resource_number, L);
    return FALSE;

§12. Because it will make a difference to how we embed a file into our Blorb, we need to know whether the chunk in question is already an IFF in its own right. Only one type of chunk is, as it happens:

int Writer::chunk_type_is_already_an_IFF(char *type) {
    if (strcmp(type, "AIFF")==0) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

§13. "AUTH": author's name, as a null-terminated string.

void Writer::author_chunk(text_stream *t) {
    if (verbose_mode) PRINT("! Author: <%S>\n", t);
    Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb("AUTH", 0, NULL, NULL, (unsigned char *) t, Str::len(t));

§14. "(c) ": copyright declaration.

void Writer::copyright_chunk(text_stream *t) {
    if (verbose_mode) PRINT("! Copyright declaration: <%S>\n", t);
    Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb("(c) ", 0, NULL, NULL, (unsigned char *) t, Str::len(t));

§15. "Fspc": frontispiece image ID number — which picture resource provides cover art, in other words.

void Writer::frontispiece_chunk(int pn) {
    if (verbose_mode) PRINT("! Frontispiece is image %d\n", pn);
    unsigned char data[4];
    Writer::s_four_word(data, pn);
    Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb("Fspc", 0, NULL, NULL, data, 4);

§16. "RelN": release number.

void Writer::release_chunk(int rn) {
    if (verbose_mode) PRINT("! Release number is %d\n", rn);
    unsigned char data[2];
    Writer::s_two_word(data, rn);
    Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb("RelN", 0, NULL, NULL, data, 2);

§17. "Pict": a picture, or image. This must be available as a binary file on disc, and in a format which Blorb allows: for Inform 7 use, this will always be PNG or JPEG. There can be any number of these chunks.

void Writer::picture_chunk(int n, filename *fn, text_stream *alt) {
    char *type = "PNG ";
    int form = Filenames::guess_format(fn);
    if (form == FORMAT_PERHAPS_JPEG) type = "JPEG";
    else if (form == FORMAT_PERHAPS_PNG) type = "PNG ";
    else BlorbErrors::error_1f("image file has unknown file extension "
        "(expected e.g. '.png' for PNG, '.jpeg' for JPEG)", fn);

    if (n < 1) BlorbErrors::fatal("Picture resource number is less than 1");
    if (pict_resource == NULL) pict_resource = NEW_LINKED_LIST(resource_number);
    if (Writer::resource_seen(pict_resource, n))
        BlorbErrors::fatal("Duplicate Picture resource number");

    Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb(type, n, fn, "Pict", NULL, 0);
    if (Str::len(alt) > 0) {
        int L = Str::len(alt)+1;
        char *alt_Cs = Memory::malloc(L, STRING_STORAGE_MREASON);
        Str::copy_to_ISO_string(alt_Cs, alt, L);
        Writer::add_rdes_record(1, n, alt_Cs);

§18. For images identified by name. The older Blorb creation program, perlBlorb, would emit helpful I6 constant declarations, allowing the programmer to include these an I6 source file and then write, say, PlaySound(SOUND_Boom) rather than PlaySound(5). (Whenever the Blurb file is changed, the constants must be included again.)

void Writer::picture_chunk_text(text_stream *name, filename *F) {
    if (Str::len(name) == 0) {
        PRINT("! Null picture ID, using %d\n", picture_resource_num);
    } else {
        PRINT("Constant PICTURE_%S = %d;\n", name, picture_resource_num);
    Writer::picture_chunk(picture_resource_num, F, I"");

§19. "Snd ": a sound effect. This must be available as a binary file on disc, and in a format which Blorb allows: for Inform 7 use, this is officially Ogg Vorbis or AIFF at present, but there has been repeated discussion about adding MOD ("SoundTracker") or MIDI files, so both are supported here.

There can be any number of these chunks, too.

void Writer::sound_chunk(int n, filename *fn, text_stream *alt) {
    char *type = "AIFF";
    int form = Filenames::guess_format(fn);
    if (form == FORMAT_PERHAPS_OGG) type = "OGGV";
    else if (form == FORMAT_PERHAPS_MIDI) type = "MIDI";
    else if (form == FORMAT_PERHAPS_MOD) type = "MOD ";
    else if (form == FORMAT_PERHAPS_AIFF) type = "AIFF";
    else BlorbErrors::error_1f("sound file has unknown file extension "
        "(expected e.g. '.ogg', '.midi', '.mod' or '.aiff', as appropriate)", fn);

    if (n < 3) BlorbErrors::fatal("Sound resource number is less than 3");
    if (sound_resource == NULL) sound_resource = NEW_LINKED_LIST(resource_number);
    if (Writer::resource_seen(sound_resource, n)) BlorbErrors::fatal("Duplicate Sound resource number");

    Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb(type, n, fn, "Snd ", NULL, 0);
    if (Str::len(alt) > 0) {
        int L = Str::len(alt)+1;
        char *alt_Cs = Memory::malloc(L, STRING_STORAGE_MREASON);
        Str::copy_to_ISO_string(alt_Cs, alt, L);
        Writer::add_rdes_record(2, n, alt_Cs);

§20. And again, by name:

void Writer::sound_chunk_text(text_stream *name, filename *F) {
    if (Str::len(name) == 0) {
        PRINT("! Null sound ID, using %d\n", sound_resource_num);
    } else {
        PRINT("Constant SOUND_%S = %d;\n", name, sound_resource_num);
    Writer::sound_chunk(sound_resource_num, F, I"");

§21. Data files are essentially the same, but have no alt-texts, and use their own index and format types:

void Writer::data_chunk(int n, filename *fn, text_stream *format) {
    char *type = "BINA";
    if (Str::eq_insensitive(format, I"BINA")) type = "BINA";
    else if (Str::eq_insensitive(format, I"TEXT")) type = "TEXT";
    else BlorbErrors::fatal("Invalid data file format: not BINA or TEXT");

    if (n < 1) BlorbErrors::fatal("Data resource number is less than 1");
    if (data_resource == NULL) data_resource = NEW_LINKED_LIST(resource_number);
    if (Writer::resource_seen(data_resource, n)) BlorbErrors::fatal("Duplicate Data resource number");

    Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb(type, n, fn, "Data", NULL, 0);

§22. And again, by name:

void Writer::data_chunk_text(text_stream *name, filename *F, text_stream *format) {
    if (Str::len(name) == 0) {
        PRINT("! Null data file ID, using %d\n", data_file_resource_num);
    } else {
        PRINT("Constant DATA_%S = %d;\n", name, data_file_resource_num);
    Writer::data_chunk(data_file_resource_num, F, format);

§23. "RDes": the resource description, a repository for alt-texts describing images or sounds.

size_t size_of_rdes_chunk = 0;

void Writer::add_rdes_record(int usage, int n, char *alt) {
    rdes_record *rr = CREATE(rdes_record);
    rr->usage = usage;
    rr->resource_id = n;
    rr->description = CStrings::park_string(alt);
    size_of_rdes_chunk += 12 + (size_t) CStrings::strlen_unbounded(alt);

void Writer::rdes_chunk(void) {
    if (size_of_rdes_chunk > 0) {
        unsigned char *rdes_data =
            (unsigned char *) Memory::malloc((int) size_of_rdes_chunk + 9, RDES_MREASON);
        if (rdes_data == NULL) BlorbErrors::fatal("Run out of memory");
        size_t pos = 4;
        Writer::s_four_word(rdes_data, NUMBER_CREATED(rdes_record));
        rdes_record *rr;
        LOOP_OVER(rr, rdes_record) {
            if (rr->usage == 1) strcpy((char *) (rdes_data + pos), "Pict");
            else if (rr->usage == 2) strcpy((char *) (rdes_data + pos), "Snd ");
            else Writer::s_four_word(rdes_data + pos, 0);
            Writer::s_four_word(rdes_data + pos + 4, rr->resource_id);
            Writer::s_four_word(rdes_data + pos + 8, (int) strlen(rr->description));
            strcpy((char *) (rdes_data + pos + 12), rr->description);
            pos += 12 + (size_t) strlen(rr->description);
        if (pos != size_of_rdes_chunk + 4) BlorbErrors::fatal("misconstructed rdes");
        Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb("RDes", 0, NULL, NULL, rdes_data, (int) pos);

§24. "Exec": the executable program, which will normally be a Z-machine or Glulx story file. It's legal to make a blorb with no story file in, but Inform 7 never does this.

void Writer::executable_chunk(filename *fn) {
    char *type = "ZCOD";
    int form = Filenames::guess_format(fn);
    if (form == FORMAT_PERHAPS_GLULX) type = "GLUL";
    else if (form == FORMAT_PERHAPS_ZCODE) type = "ZCOD";
    else BlorbErrors::error_1f("story file has unknown file extension "
        "(expected e.g. '.z5' for Z-code, '.ulx' for Glulx)", fn);

    Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb(type, 0, fn, "Exec", NULL, 0);

§25. "IFmd": the bibliographic data (or "metadata") about the work of IF being blorbed up, in the form of an iFiction record. (The format of which is set out in the "Treaty of Babel" agreement.)

void Writer::metadata_chunk(filename *fn) {
    Writer::add_chunk_to_blorb("IFmd", 0, fn, NULL, NULL, 0);

§26. Main construction.

void Writer::write_blorb_file(filename *out) {
    if (NUMBER_CREATED(chunk_metadata) == 0) return;

    FILE *IFF = BinaryFiles::open_for_writing(out);

    int RIdx_size, first_byte_after_index;
    Calculate the sizes of the whole file and the index chunk26.1;
    Write the initial FORM chunk of the IFF file, and then the index26.2;
    if (verbose_mode) Print out a copy of the chunk table26.4;

    chunk_metadata *chunk;
    LOOP_OVER(chunk, chunk_metadata) Write the chunk26.3;


§26.1. The bane of IFF file generation is that each chunk has to be marked up-front with an offset to skip past it. This means that, unlike with XML or other files having flexible-sized ingredients delimited by begin-end markers, we always have to know the length of a chunk before we start writing it.

That even extends to the file itself, which is a single IFF chunk of type "FORM". So we need to think carefully. We will need the FORM header, then the header for the RIdx indexing chunk, then the body of that indexing chunk — with one record for each indexed chunk; and then room for all of the chunks we'll copy in, whether they are indexed or not.

Calculate the sizes of the whole file and the index chunk26.1 =

    int FORM_header_size = 12;
    int RIdx_header_size = 12;
    int index_entry_size = 12;

    RIdx_size = RIdx_header_size + index_entry_size*no_indexed_chunks;

    first_byte_after_index = FORM_header_size + RIdx_size;

    blorb_file_size = first_byte_after_index + total_size_of_Blorb_chunks;

§26.2. Each different IFF file format is supposed to provide its own "magic text" identifying what the file format is, and for Blorbs that text is "IFRS", short for "IF Resource".

Write the initial FORM chunk of the IFF file, and then the index26.2 =

    fprintf(IFF, "FORM");
    Writer::four_word(IFF, blorb_file_size - 8);  offset to end of FORM after the 8 bytes so far
    fprintf(IFF, "IFRS");  magic text identifying the IFF as a Blorb

    fprintf(IFF, "RIdx");
    Writer::four_word(IFF, RIdx_size - 8);  offset to end of RIdx after the 8 bytes so far
    Writer::four_word(IFF, no_indexed_chunks);  i.e., number of entries in the index

    chunk_metadata *chunk;
    LOOP_OVER(chunk, chunk_metadata)
        if (chunk->index_entry) {
            fprintf(IFF, "%s", chunk->index_entry);
            Writer::four_word(IFF, chunk->resource_id);
            Writer::four_word(IFF, first_byte_after_index + chunk->byte_offset);

§26.3. Most of the chunks we put in exist on disc without their headers, but AIFF sound files are an exception, because those are IFF files in their own right; so they come with ready-made headers.

Write the chunk26.3 =

    int bytes_to_copy;
    char *type = chunk->chunk_type;
    if (Writer::chunk_type_is_already_an_IFF(type) == FALSE) {
        fprintf(IFF, "%s", type);
        Writer::four_word(IFF, chunk->size - 8);  offset to end of chunk after the 8 bytes so far
        bytes_to_copy = chunk->size - 8;  since here the chunk size included 8 extra
    } else {
        bytes_to_copy = chunk->size;  whereas here the chunk size was genuinely the file size

    if (chunk->length_of_data_in_memory >= 0)
        Copy that many bytes from memory26.3.2
        Copy that many bytes from the chunk file on the disc26.3.1;

    if ((bytes_to_copy % 2) == 1) Writer::one_byte(IFF, 0);  as we allowed for above

§26.3.1. Sometimes the chunk's contents are on disc:

Copy that many bytes from the chunk file on the disc26.3.1 =

    FILE *CHUNKSUB = BinaryFiles::open_for_reading(chunk->chunk_file);
    for (int i=0; i<bytes_to_copy; i++) {
        int j = fgetc(CHUNKSUB);
        if (j == EOF) BlorbErrors::fatal_fs("chunk ran out incomplete", chunk->chunk_file);
        Writer::one_byte(IFF, j);

§26.3.2. And sometimes, for shorter things, they are in memory:

Copy that many bytes from memory26.3.2 =

    if (chunk->data_in_memory)
        for (int i=0; i<bytes_to_copy; i++) {
            int j = (int) (chunk->data_in_memory[i]);
            Writer::one_byte(IFF, j);

§26.4. For debugging purposes only:

Print out a copy of the chunk table26.4 =

    PRINT("! Chunk table:\n");
    chunk_metadata *chunk;
    LOOP_OVER(chunk, chunk_metadata)
        PRINT("! Chunk %s %06x %s %d <%f>\n",
            chunk->chunk_type, chunk->size,
    PRINT("! End of chunk table\n");