To write the Commands element (Cm) in the index.
void CommandsElement::render(OUTPUT_STREAM, index_session *session) { localisation_dictionary *LD = Indexing::get_localisation(session); inter_tree *I = Indexing::get_tree(session); linked_list *entries = NEW_LINKED_LIST(command_index_entry); Create the entries for the command list1.1; linked_list *sorted = CommandsElement::sort(entries); inchar32_t head_letter = 0; command_index_entry *cie; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(cie, command_index_entry, sorted) { if (Str::get_first_char(cie->command_headword) != head_letter) { if (head_letter) HTML_TAG("br"); head_letter = Str::get_first_char(cie->command_headword); } Render an index entry from the sorted list1.5; } }
§1.1. Create the entries for the command list1.1 =
inter_package *pack = InterPackage::from_URL(I, I"/main/completion/grammar"); inter_package *entry; LOOP_THROUGH_SUBPACKAGES(entry, pack, I"_command_grammar") if ((Metadata::read_optional_numeric(entry, I"^is_command")) && (InterTree::no_subpackages(entry, I"_cg_line") > 0)) Create entry for this command1.1.1; CommandsElement::make_direction_entry(entries);
- This code is used in §1.
§1.1.1. Create entry for this command1.1.1 =
text_stream *main_command = Metadata::optional_textual(entry, I"^command"); if (Str::len(main_command) == 0) main_command = I"0"; CommandsElement::make_entry(main_command, entry, NORMAL_COMMAND, entries); inter_package *alias; LOOP_THROUGH_SUBPACKAGES(alias, entry, I"_cg_alias") { text_stream *alias_command = Metadata::required_textual(alias, I"^alias"); CommandsElement::make_entry(alias_command, entry, ALIAS_COMMAND, entries); }
- This code is used in §1.1.
§1.2. Entries in the list correspond to the headwords of commands which can be typed at runtime, like QUIT or INVENTORY. For indexing purposes, we divide these headwords as follows:
typedef struct command_index_entry { int nature; one of the above values struct text_stream *command_headword; text of command headword, such as "REMOVE" struct inter_package *cg_indexed; ...leading to... struct command_index_entry *next_alphabetically; next in linked list CLASS_DEFINITION } command_index_entry; command_index_entry *sorted_command_index = NULL; in alphabetical order of text
- The structure command_index_entry is private to this section.
void CommandsElement::make_test_entry(text_stream *t, linked_list *entries) { command_index_entry *cie; cie = CREATE(command_index_entry); cie->command_headword = Str::duplicate(t); cie->nature = TESTING_COMMAND; cie->cg_indexed = NULL; cie->next_alphabetically = NULL; ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(cie, command_index_entry, entries); } void CommandsElement::make_entry(text_stream *headword, inter_package *cg_pack, int nature, linked_list *entries) { command_index_entry *cie = CREATE(command_index_entry); cie->command_headword = Str::duplicate(headword); cie->nature = nature; cie->cg_indexed = cg_pack; cie->next_alphabetically = NULL; ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(cie, command_index_entry, entries); } void CommandsElement::make_direction_entry(linked_list *entries) { command_index_entry *cie = CREATE(command_index_entry); cie->command_headword = I"0"; cie->nature = BARE_DIRECTION_COMMAND; cie->cg_indexed = NULL; cie->next_alphabetically = NULL; ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(cie, command_index_entry, entries); }
linked_list *CommandsElement::sort(linked_list *entries) { command_index_entry *cie, *list_start = NULL; LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(cie, command_index_entry, entries) { if (list_start == NULL) { list_start = cie; continue; } command_index_entry *cie2 = list_start, *last_cie2 = NULL; while (cie2 && (Str::cmp(cie->command_headword, cie2->command_headword) > 0)) { last_cie2 = cie2; cie2 = cie2->next_alphabetically; } if (last_cie2 == NULL) { cie->next_alphabetically = list_start; list_start = cie; } else { last_cie2->next_alphabetically = cie; cie->next_alphabetically = cie2; } } linked_list *sorted = NEW_LINKED_LIST(command_index_entry); for (command_index_entry *cie = list_start; cie; cie = cie->next_alphabetically) ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(cie, command_index_entry, sorted); return sorted; }
§1.5. With those lengthy digressions done, back to the actual indexing:
Render an index entry from the sorted list1.5 =
inter_package *cg_pack = cie->cg_indexed; switch (cie->nature) { case NORMAL_COMMAND: CommandsElement::index_normal(OUT, I, cg_pack, cie->command_headword, LD); break; case ALIAS_COMMAND: CommandsElement::index_alias(OUT, I, cg_pack, cie->command_headword, LD); break; case OUT_OF_WORLD_COMMAND: HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullred"); WRITE(""%S", ", cie->command_headword); Localisation::italic(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Cm.Command"); HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML_TAG("br"); break; case TESTING_COMMAND: HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullred"); WRITE(""%S", ", cie->command_headword); Localisation::italic(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Cm.TestingCommand"); HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML_TAG("br"); break; case BARE_DIRECTION_COMMAND: WRITE(""[direction]" - "); Localisation::italic(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Cm.DirectionCommand"); HTML_TAG("br"); break; }
- This code is used in §1.
void CommandsElement::index_normal(OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_tree *I, inter_package *cg_pack, text_stream *headword, localisation_dictionary *LD) { inter_package *entry; LOOP_THROUGH_SUBPACKAGES(entry, cg_pack, I"_cg_line") CommandsElement::index_grammar_line(OUT, entry, headword, LD); } void CommandsElement::index_alias(OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_tree *I, inter_package *cg_pack, text_stream *headword, localisation_dictionary *LD) { WRITE(""%S", ", headword); Localisation::italic(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Cm.Alias"); WRITE(" "%S"", Metadata::required_textual(cg_pack, I"^command")); IndexUtilities::link_package(OUT, cg_pack); HTML_TAG("br"); } void CommandsElement::index_grammar_line(OUTPUT_STREAM, inter_package *cgl, text_stream *headword, localisation_dictionary *LD) { inter_symbol *an_s = Metadata::optional_symbol(cgl, I"^action"); if (an_s == NULL) return; inter_package *an = InterPackage::container(an_s->definition); int oow = (int) Metadata::read_optional_numeric(an, I"^out_of_world"); if (Str::len(headword) > 0) IndexUtilities::anchor(OUT, headword); if (oow) HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullred"); WRITE("""); TokensElement::verb_definition(OUT, Metadata::optional_textual(cgl, I"^text"), headword, EMPTY_WORDING); WRITE("""); IndexUtilities::link_package(OUT, cgl); WRITE(" - <i>%S</i>", Metadata::required_textual(an, I"^name")); IndexUtilities::detail_link(OUT, "A", (int) Metadata::read_numeric(an, I"action_id"), TRUE); if (Metadata::read_optional_numeric(cgl, I"^reversed")) { WRITE(" "); Localisation::italic(OUT, LD, I"Index.Elements.Cm.Reversed"); } if (oow) HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML_TAG("br"); }