To parse the command line arguments with which intest was called, and to handle any errors it needs to issue.

§1. Setting up.

intest_instructions Instructions::read(int argc, text_stream **argv,
    pathname *home, int extension_mode) {
    Register some configuration switches with Foundation1.2;
    intest_instructions args;
    Initialise the arguments state1.4;
    Instructions::read_instructions_into(&args, 1, argc, argv, home);
    return args;

§1.1. Most of the Inform tools hand over the whole business of command line parsing to Foundation, but Intest can only partly do that, because our command-line syntax is too complicated. Still, we register some switches and heading text in the normal Foundation way:


§1.2. Register some configuration switches with Foundation1.2 =

        U"This is intest, a command-line tool for testing command-line tools\n\n"
        U"PROJECT is the home folder of the project to be tested\n\n"
        U"-using RECIPEFILE tells intest where to find test recipes: default\n"
        U"is PROJECT/Tests/PROJECT.intest\n\n"
        U"-do INSTRUCTIONS tells intest what to do with its tests:\n"
        U"    ACTION CASE1 CASE2 ... performs the given action, which may be:\n"
        U"    -test (default), -show, -curse, -bless, -rebless, -open, -show-i6\n"
        U"    CASEs can be identified by name, or by 'all', 'cases', 'problems', etc.\n"
        U"    a bare number as a CASE means this case number in the command history\n\n"
        U"'intest ?' shows the command history; 'intest ?N' repeats command N from it\n\n"
        U"OPTIONS are as follows:\n"

    CommandLine::declare_switch(PURGE_CLSW, U"purge", 1,
        U"delete any extraneous files from the intest workspace on disc");
    CommandLine::declare_switch(SET_CLSW, U"set", 2,
        U"set a global variable, e.g., -set '$$magic = XYZZY'");
    CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(HISTORY_CLSW, U"history", 1,
        U"use command history", TRUE);
    CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(COLOURS_CLSW, U"colours", 1,
        U"show discrepancies in red and green using terminal emulation", TRUE);
    CommandLine::declare_boolean_switch(VERBOSE_CLSW, U"verbose", 1,
        U"print out all shell commands issued", FALSE);
    CommandLine::declare_numerical_switch(THREADS_CLSW, U"threads", 1,
        U"use X independent threads to test");
    CommandLine::declare_switch(INTERNAL_CLSW, U"internal", 2,
        U"use X as the internal Inform distribution resources");
    CommandLine::declare_switch(RESULTS_CLSW, U"results", 2,
        U"write an HTML results page to filename X for use in the Inform apps");
    CommandLine::declare_switch(WORKSPACE_CLSW, U"workspace", 2,
        U"use directory X (which must exist) for temporary file storage");

§1.3. The following structure encodes a set of instructions from the user (probably from the command line) about what Intest should do on this run:

typedef struct intest_instructions {
    int colours_switch;
    int verbose_switch;
    int version_switch;
    int purge_switch;
    int history_switch;
    int crash_switch;
    int threads_available;
    struct recipe *compiling_recipe;  not a user setting, but convenient for parsing
    struct linked_list *search_path;  of test_source
    struct linked_list *to_do_list;  of action_item
    int implied_recipe_file;
    int extension_mode;
    struct pathname *home;
    struct pathname *groups_folder;
    struct dictionary *singular_case_names;
    struct pathname *internal_path;
    struct filename *results_file;
    struct text_stream *results_stream;
    struct pathname *workspace;
} intest_instructions;

§1.4. Initialise the arguments state1.4 =

    args.colours_switch = TRUE;
    args.verbose_switch = FALSE;
    args.version_switch = FALSE;
    args.purge_switch = FALSE;
    args.history_switch = TRUE;
    args.crash_switch = FALSE;
    args.compiling_recipe = NULL;
    args.search_path = NEW_LINKED_LIST(test_source);
    args.to_do_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(action_item);
    args.threads_available = Platform::get_core_count();
    args.home = home;
    args.groups_folder = NULL;
    args.implied_recipe_file = TRUE;
    args.extension_mode = extension_mode;
    args.singular_case_names = Dictionaries::new(10, TRUE);
    args.internal_path = NULL;
    args.results_file = NULL;
    args.results_stream = NULL;
    args.workspace = NULL;

§2. Actually reading the command line. What will do is to divide the sequence of tokens on the command line into "blocks". There are two sorts: "using" and "do" blocks. By default, the parameters form a do block, unless -using is found, in which case everything after that until a -do is found (if it is) counts as a using block. For example,

    alpha beta -using gamma -do delta epsilon

would be divided into the do block alpha beta, then the using block gamma, then the do block delta epsilon.

enum NO_BLOCK_MODE from 0
void Instructions::read_instructions_into(intest_instructions *args,
    int from_arg_n, int to_arg_n, text_stream **argv, pathname *home) {
    int i, block_mode = NO_BLOCK_MODE, block_from = -1;
    for (i=from_arg_n; i<to_arg_n; i++) {
        text_stream *opt = argv[i];
        int next_block_mode = NO_BLOCK_MODE, next_block_from = -1;
        if (Str::eq(opt, I"-using")) { next_block_mode = USING_BLOCK_MODE; next_block_from = i+1; }
        else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-do")) { next_block_mode = DO_BLOCK_MODE; next_block_from = i+1; }
        else if (i == from_arg_n) { next_block_mode = DO_BLOCK_MODE; next_block_from = i; }
        if (next_block_mode != NO_BLOCK_MODE) {
            Complete block just finished, if any2.1;
            block_mode = next_block_mode; block_from = next_block_from;
    Complete block just finished, if any2.1;

§2.1. Once the boundaries of a block are found, we hand it over to the relevant authorities. The front end (only) of a do block is allowed to contain the Foundation-defined switches, so we clear those out of the way first.

Every program to be tested has to provide a "script". It can be chosen at the command line, in which case args->implied_recipe_file will be FALSE, but the default is to take the tested program's directory leafname and add .intest. For example, if we're testing magiczap, then the default is magiczap.intest.

Complete block just finished, if any2.1 =

    switch (block_mode) {
        case USING_BLOCK_MODE:
            RecipeFiles::read_using_instructions(args, block_from, i, argv, home);
            args->implied_recipe_file = FALSE;
        case DO_BLOCK_MODE: {
            int midway = Instructions::read_switches(args, block_from, i, argv);
            if (midway < i) {
                if (args->implied_recipe_file) {
                    filename *F = NULL;
                    if (args->extension_mode) {
                        pathname *P = Globals::to_pathname(I"internal");
                        P = Pathnames::down(P, I"Delia");
                        F = Filenames::in(P, I"extension.intest");
                    } else {
                        WRITE_TO(sfn, "%S.intest", Pathnames::directory_name(Pathnames::up(args->home)));
                        F = Filenames::in(args->home, sfn);
                    RecipeFiles::read(F, args, NULL);
                    args->implied_recipe_file = FALSE;
                Actions::read_do_instructions(args, midway, i, argv);

§3. Parsing Foundation-defined switches. As noted above, not all commands are done via Foundation. The following routine picks up any that are. If a do block contains:

    -threads=4 -no-colours -help alpha beta

then this code will read and act on -threads=4 -no-colours -help, returning an advanced start position for the do block, i.e., cutting it down to just alpha beta.

int Instructions::read_switches(intest_instructions *args,
    int from_arg_n, int to_arg_n, text_stream **argv) {
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    for (int i=from_arg_n; i<to_arg_n; i++) {
        text_stream *opt = argv[i];
        text_stream *arg = NULL; if (i+1 < to_arg_n) arg = argv[i+1];
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, opt, U"-+(%c*)")) {
            clf_reader_state crs;
            crs.state = (void *) args; crs.f = &Instructions::respond; crs.g = NULL;
            crs.subs = FALSE; crs.nrt = 0;
            int N = CommandLine::read_pair(&crs, mr.exp[0], arg);
            if (N > 0) { i += N - 1; }
            else { Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); return i; }
        } else { Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); return i; }
    return to_arg_n;

§4. This routine handles the configuration switches registered with Foundation back at the start of the section. (The built-in set, such as -help, is automatically handled by Foundation's CommandLine::read_pair routine.)

void Instructions::respond(int id, int val, text_stream *arg, void *state) {
    intest_instructions *args = (intest_instructions *) state;
    switch (id) {
        case PURGE_CLSW: args->purge_switch = TRUE; return;
        case HISTORY_CLSW: args->history_switch = val; return;
        case COLOURS_CLSW: args->colours_switch = val; return;
        case VERBOSE_CLSW: args->verbose_switch = val; return;
        case THREADS_CLSW:
            if ((val < 1) || (val > MAX_THREADS))
                Errors::fatal("that number of threads is unsupported");
            args->threads_available = val;
        case SET_CLSW: {
            match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
            if (Regexp::match(&mr, arg, U" *([A-Z0-9_]+) *= *(%c*?) *")) {
                Globals::set(Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]), Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]));
            } else {
                Errors::fatal("following -set should be 'NAME = VALUE'");
        case INTERNAL_CLSW:
            args->internal_path = Pathnames::from_text(arg);
            Globals::set(I"internal", arg);
        case WORKSPACE_CLSW:
            args->workspace = Pathnames::from_text(arg);
        case RESULTS_CLSW: args->results_file = Filenames::from_text(arg);