To parse recipe files and/or using commands typed at the command line.

§1. Recipe files. A "recipe file" contains a mixture of "use commands" and "recipes"; the former fill the universe of test cases, and the latter, which occupy the bulk of the file, give recipes for how to conduct these test cases.

Recipe compilation is handled in Chapter 4. Here, we look after the use commands and the syntac which divides them off from recipes, no more.

void RecipeFiles::read(filename *F, intest_instructions *args, char *err) {
    if (err) TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, err, TRUE, &RecipeFiles::scan, NULL, args);
    else TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, &RecipeFiles::scan, NULL, args);
    text_file_position *tfp = NULL;
    Finish compiling any inline recipe which has ended1.5;

void RecipeFiles::scan(text_stream *line_text, text_file_position *tfp, void *vargs) {
    intest_instructions *args = vargs;
    Continue compiling any inline recipe1.4;

    int no_line_tokens = 0;
    text_stream **line_tokens = NULL;

    Tokenise this line1.1;
    If the line defines a new recipe, inline or external, compile that1.2;
    Otherwise execute the line as a sequence of use commands1.3;

§1.1. It would be nicer to store these tokens in a linked list of unbounded size, rather than a bounded array, but this makes it easier to share code with the routine parsing the command line. In any case, nobody will hit:

define MAX_LINE_TOKENS 128

Tokenise this line1.1 =

    line_tokens = Memory::calloc(MAX_LINE_TOKENS, sizeof(text_stream *),

    string_position pos = Str::start(line_text);
    while (TRUE) {
        while (Regexp::white_space(Str::get(pos))) pos = Str::forward(pos);
        inchar32_t c = Str::get(pos);
        if ((c == 0) || (c == '!')) break;

        if (no_line_tokens == MAX_LINE_TOKENS) {
            Errors::in_text_file("line has too many tokens", tfp); return;

        text_stream *tok = Str::new();
        if (Str::get(pos) == '\'') {
            pos = Str::forward(pos);
            int escaped = FALSE;
            while ((Str::get(pos)) && ((escaped == FALSE) && (Str::get(pos) != '\''))) {
                escaped = FALSE;
                if (Str::get(pos) == '\\') escaped = TRUE;
                PUT_TO(tok, Str::get(pos));
                pos = Str::forward(pos);
            if (Str::get(pos) == '\'') pos = Str::forward(pos);
        } else {
            while ((Str::get(pos)) && (!Regexp::white_space(Str::get(pos)))) {
                PUT_TO(tok, Str::get(pos));
                pos = Str::forward(pos);
        line_tokens[no_line_tokens++] = tok;

§1.2. If the line defines a new recipe, inline or external, compile that1.2 =

    if ((no_line_tokens > 0) && (Str::eq(line_tokens[0], I"-recipe"))) {
        text_stream *name = I"[Recipe]";
        int pos = 1, ext = FALSE;
        if ((no_line_tokens > pos) &&
            (Str::get_first_char(line_tokens[pos]) == '[') &&
            (Str::get_last_char(line_tokens[pos]) == ']'))
            name = line_tokens[pos++];
        if (no_line_tokens > pos) {
            RecipeFiles::expand(delia, line_tokens[pos++]);
            recipe *R = Delia::compile(Filenames::from_text(delia), name); ext = TRUE;
            if (R == NULL) {
                Errors::in_text_file("recipe failed to compile", tfp); return;
        if (no_line_tokens != pos) {
            Errors::in_text_file("malformed -recipe", tfp); return;
        if (ext == FALSE) Begin compiling an inline recipe1.2.1;

§1.3. Otherwise execute the line as a sequence of use commands1.3 =

    RecipeFiles::read_using_instructions(args, 0, no_line_tokens, line_tokens, args->home);

§1.2.1. Begin compiling an inline recipe1.2.1 =

    args->compiling_recipe = Delia::begin_compilation(name);

§1.4. Continue compiling any inline recipe1.4 =

    if (args->compiling_recipe) {
        Delia::compile_line(line_text, tfp, (void *) args->compiling_recipe);
        Finish compiling any inline recipe which has ended1.5;

§1.5. Finish compiling any inline recipe which has ended1.5 =

    if (args->compiling_recipe)
        if (args->compiling_recipe->end_found) {
            recipe *R = Delia::end_compilation(args->compiling_recipe);
            args->compiling_recipe = NULL;
            if (R == NULL) {
                Errors::in_text_file("recipe failed to compile", tfp); return;

§2. Reading the use command block. The following parses and acts upon a series of use command tokens. Though the prototype of the function looks like something which only parses a chunk of the command line, in fact it also parses lines of tokens from recipe files (see above).

At any rate, we have a line to tokens USE1 USE2 ...USEn, somewhere in the array argv. from_arg_n is the index of USE1, and to_arg_n is the index after USEn.

void RecipeFiles::read_using_instructions(intest_instructions *args,
    int from_arg_n, int to_arg_n, text_stream **argv, pathname *project) {
    int t = NO_SPT, multiple = FALSE, allowed_to_execute = TRUE,
        allowed_not_to_exist = FALSE;
    WRITE_TO(recipe_name, "[Recipe]");
    Log the using instructions2.1;
    for (int i=from_arg_n; i<to_arg_n; i++) {
        text_stream *opt = argv[i];

        Act on if or endif2.2;
        Act on set2.3;
        Act on groups2.4;
        Act on singular2.5;
        Act on a case type choice2.6;
        Act on a recipe choice2.7;

        filename *F = NULL;
        pathname *P = NULL;
        RecipeFiles::expand(expanded, opt);
        if (multiple) P = Pathnames::from_text(expanded);
        else F = Filenames::from_text(expanded);
        if (allowed_not_to_exist) {
            if ((P) && (Directories::exists(P) == FALSE)) continue;
            if ((F) && (TextFiles::exists(F) == FALSE)) continue;
        if (t == NO_SPT) Load in a file of further using instructions2.8
        else Execute this as a using instruction2.9;

§2.1. Log the using instructions2.1 =

    if (Log::aspect_switched_on(INSTRUCTIONS_DA)) {
        for (int i=from_arg_n; i<to_arg_n; i++) LOG(" %S", argv[i]);

§2.2. Act on if or endif2.2 =

    if ((Str::eq(opt, I"-if")) && (i+1<to_arg_n)) {
        allowed_to_execute = Str::eq_insensitive(argv[i+1], Globals::get_platform());
            "using: -if %S (platform %S): %s\n", argv[i+1], Globals::get_platform(),
        i++; continue;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(opt, U"-endif")) { allowed_to_execute = TRUE; continue; }
    if (allowed_to_execute == FALSE) continue;

§2.3. Act on set2.3 =

    if ((Str::eq_wide_string(opt, U"-set")) && (i+2<to_arg_n)) {
        Globals::set(argv[i+1], argv[i+2]);
        i += 2; continue;

§2.4. Act on groups2.4 =

    if ((Str::eq_wide_string(opt, U"-groups")) && (i+1<to_arg_n)) {
        args->groups_folder = Pathnames::from_text(argv[i+1]);
        i++; continue;

§2.5. Act on singular2.5 =

    if ((Str::eq_wide_string(opt, U"-singular")) && (i+1<to_arg_n)) {
        dictionary *D = args->singular_case_names;
        WRITE_TO(Dictionaries::create_text(D, argv[i+1]), "1");
        i++; continue;

§2.6. Act on a case type choice2.6 =

    if (Str::eq(opt, I"-extension")) { t = EXTENSION_SPT; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-annotated-extension")) { t = EXTENSION_SPT; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-case")) { t = CASE_SPT; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-annotated-case")) { t = ANNOTATED_CASE_SPT; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-problem")) { t = PROBLEM_SPT; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-annotated-problem")) { t = ANNOTATED_PROBLEM_SPT; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-example")) { t = EXAMPLE_SPT; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-annotated-example")) { t = EXAMPLE_SPT; continue; }

    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-extensions")) { t = EXTENSION_SPT; multiple = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-annotated-extensions")) { t = EXTENSION_SPT; multiple = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-cases")) { t = CASE_SPT; multiple = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-annotated-cases")) { t = ANNOTATED_CASE_SPT; multiple = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-problems")) { t = PROBLEM_SPT; multiple = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-annotated-problems")) { t = ANNOTATED_PROBLEM_SPT; multiple = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-examples")) { t = EXAMPLE_SPT; multiple = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-annotated-examples")) { t = EXAMPLE_SPT; multiple = TRUE; continue; }

    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-extension")) { t = EXTENSION_SPT; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-annotated-extension")) { t = EXTENSION_SPT; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-case")) { t = CASE_SPT; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-annotated-case")) { t = ANNOTATED_CASE_SPT; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-problem")) { t = PROBLEM_SPT; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-annotated-problem")) { t = ANNOTATED_PROBLEM_SPT; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-example")) { t = EXAMPLE_SPT; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-annotated-example")) { t = EXAMPLE_SPT; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }

    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-extensions")) { t = EXTENSION_SPT; multiple = TRUE; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-annotated-extensions")) { t = EXTENSION_SPT; multiple = TRUE; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-cases")) { t = CASE_SPT; multiple = TRUE; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-annotated-cases")) { t = ANNOTATED_CASE_SPT; multiple = TRUE; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-problems")) { t = PROBLEM_SPT; multiple = TRUE; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-annotated-problems")) { t = ANNOTATED_PROBLEM_SPT; multiple = TRUE; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-examples")) { t = EXAMPLE_SPT; multiple = TRUE; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::eq(opt, I"-possible-annotated-examples")) { t = EXAMPLE_SPT; multiple = TRUE; allowed_not_to_exist = TRUE; continue; }
    else if (Str::get_first_char(opt) == '-') Errors::fatal_with_text("unrecognised -using case type: '%S'", opt);

§2.7. Act on a recipe choice2.7 =

    if ((Str::get_first_char(opt) == '[') && (Str::get_last_char(opt) == ']')) {
        Str::copy(recipe_name, opt); continue;

§2.8. Load in a file of further using instructions2.8 =

    RecipeFiles::read(F, args, "can't open using instructions file");

§2.9. Execute this as a using instruction2.9 =

    linked_list *cases_within = NEW_LINKED_LIST(test_case);

    if (multiple) RecipeFiles::scan_directory_for_cases(cases_within, t, P, project, recipe_name);
    else RecipeFiles::scan_file_for_cases(cases_within, t, F, recipe_name);

    if (LinkedLists::len(cases_within) > 0) Create a search path item2.9.2;

§2.9.1. Search path items. Each of these represents a place in the file system where test cases may be found: either as a specific file, or a directory. It also comes with a "search path type", telling Intest how the test case will be stored. There are five basic search path types:

enum NO_SPT from 0
typedef struct test_source {
    int search_path_type;  one of the _SPT cases above
    int multiple;  is this a pathname to a folder?
    struct filename *exactly_this;
    struct pathname *within_this;
    struct linked_list *contents;  of test_case
} test_source;

§2.9.2. Create a search path item2.9.2 =

    test_source *spi = CREATE(test_source);
    spi->search_path_type = t;
    spi->multiple = multiple;
    spi->within_this = P;
    spi->exactly_this = F;
    spi->contents = cases_within;
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(spi, test_source, args->search_path);


test_case *RecipeFiles::find_case(intest_instructions *args, text_stream *name) {
    test_source *spi;
    test_case *tc;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(spi, test_source, args->search_path)
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(tc, test_case, spi->contents)
            if (Str::eq(tc->test_case_name, name))
                return tc;
    return NULL;


text_stream *RecipeFiles::case_type_as_text(int spt) {
    switch (spt) {
        case EXTENSION_SPT: return I"extension";
        case CASE_SPT: return I"case";
        case ANNOTATED_CASE_SPT: return I"case";
        case ANNOTATED_PROBLEM_SPT: return I"problem";
        case PROBLEM_SPT: return I"problem";
        case EXAMPLE_SPT: return I"example";
    return I"unknown";

§5. Expanding filenames and pathnames.

void RecipeFiles::expand(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *from) {
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, from, U"%$%$([A-Za-z]+)(%c*)")) {
        WRITE("%S%S", Globals::get(mr.exp[0]), mr.exp[1]);
    } else {
        WRITE("%S", from);

§6. Scanning and extracting. The following looks for all the test cases it can find in a directory P.

void RecipeFiles::scan_directory_for_cases(linked_list *L,
    int t, pathname *P, pathname *project, text_stream *rn) {
    scan_directory *FOLD = Directories::open(P);
    if (FOLD == NULL) Errors::fatal_with_path("unable to open test cases folder", P);
    while (Directories::next(FOLD, leafname)) {
        inchar32_t first = Str::get_first_char(leafname), last = Str::get_last_char(leafname);
        if (Platform::is_folder_separator(last)) continue;
        if (first == '.') continue;
        if (first == '(') continue;
        if ((first == '-') ||
            (first == '[') ||
            (Actions::identify_wildcard(leafname) != TAMECARD))
            Errors::fatal_with_text("no test can legally be called '%S'", leafname);
        if (Str::includes(leafname, I"--")) continue;
        filename *F = Filenames::in(P, leafname);
        RecipeFiles::scan_file_for_cases(L, t, F, rn);

§7. And this in turn is called when one or more test cases are to be extracted from a specific single file. (Note that a single Inform 7 extension file can contain multiple examples, each generating a test case, so it really can be more than one.)

filename *extraction_file = NULL;
void RecipeFiles::scan_file_for_cases(linked_list *L, int t, filename *F, text_stream *rn) {
    switch (t) {
        case EXTENSION_SPT: Adopt Example cases from an extension file7.2;
        case ANNOTATED_CASE_SPT:
            Adopt a single test case needing extraction7.4;
            Adopt a single problem case needing extraction7.5;
        case CASE_SPT: case PROBLEM_SPT:
            Adopt a single test case not needing extraction7.1;
        case EXAMPLE_SPT: Adopt Example cases from an example file7.3;
        default: internal_error("bad search path type");

§7.1. Adopt a single test case not needing extraction7.1 =

    test_case *tc = RecipeFiles::new_case(t, F, PLAIN_FORMAT, 0, NULL, rn);
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(tc, test_case, L);

§7.2. Adopt Example cases from an extension file7.2 =

    extraction_file = F;
    Extractor::run(L, NULL, NULL, F, EXTENSION_FORMAT, 0, CENSUS_ACTION, rn);

§7.3. Adopt Example cases from an example file7.3 =

    extraction_file = F;
    Extractor::run(L, NULL, NULL, F, EXAMPLE_FORMAT, 0, CENSUS_ACTION, rn);

§7.4. Adopt a single test case needing extraction7.4 =

    extraction_file = F;
    Extractor::run(L, NULL, NULL, F, ANNOTATED_FORMAT, 0, CENSUS_ACTION, rn);

§7.5. Adopt a single problem case needing extraction7.5 =

    extraction_file = F;

§8. These functions are called by the Extractor when it finds a test case in the relevant example or extension file. (Those are both Inform 7-only features.)

test_case *RecipeFiles::observe_in_extension(linked_list *L, int count, text_stream *force_vm, text_stream *rn) {
    test_case *tc = RecipeFiles::new_case(EXTENSION_SPT, extraction_file, EXTENSION_FORMAT, count, force_vm, rn);
    if (L) ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(tc, test_case, L);
    return tc;

test_case *RecipeFiles::observe_in_example(linked_list *L, text_stream *force_vm, text_stream *rn) {
    test_case *tc = RecipeFiles::new_case(EXAMPLE_SPT, extraction_file, EXAMPLE_FORMAT, 0, force_vm, rn);
    if (L) ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(tc, test_case, L);
    return tc;

test_case *RecipeFiles::observe_in_annotated_case(linked_list *L, text_stream *force_vm, text_stream *rn) {
    test_case *tc = RecipeFiles::new_case(ANNOTATED_CASE_SPT, extraction_file, ANNOTATED_FORMAT, 0, force_vm, rn);
    if (L) ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(tc, test_case, L);
    return tc;

test_case *RecipeFiles::observe_in_annotated_problem(linked_list *L, text_stream *force_vm, text_stream *rn) {
    test_case *tc = RecipeFiles::new_case(PROBLEM_SPT, extraction_file, ANNOTATED_PROBLEM_FORMAT, 0, force_vm, rn);
    if (L) ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(tc, test_case, L);
    return tc;

§9. Test cases. The content of a test case lives in a single file, but may live in only part of that file. The file can have three possible formats, though two of them arise only for Inform 7.

define PLAIN_FORMAT 1  the file as a whole is one case
define EXAMPLE_FORMAT 2  Inform example file discussing code which forms one case
define EXTENSION_FORMAT 3  Inform extension file containing examples A, B, C, ...
define ANNOTATED_FORMAT 4  test case, but with metadata key-value pairs first
define ANNOTATED_PROBLEM_FORMAT 5  the same, but for a problem case
typedef struct test_case {
    struct filename *test_location;
    int format_reference;  one of the _FORMAT constants above
    int letter_reference;  1 for A, 2 for B, ..., or 0 for none

    struct text_stream *test_case_name;
    struct text_stream *test_case_title;
    struct text_stream *test_recipe_name;  such as [Recipe]
    int test_type;  one of the _SPT constants above
    int cursed;  currently has no ideal output to test against
    struct text_stream *known_hash;  md5 hash of known-correct code
    int no_kv_pairs;
    struct text_stream *keys[MAX_METADATA_PAIRS];
    struct text_stream *values[MAX_METADATA_PAIRS];

    struct pathname *work_area;
    struct filename *commands_location;
    int test_me_detected;
    int command_line_echoing_detected;
    int left_bracket, right_bracket;

    struct text_stream *HTML_report;
} test_case;


test_case *RecipeFiles::new_case(int t, filename *F, int fref, int ref,
    text_stream *force_vm, text_stream *recipe_name) {
    test_case *tc = CREATE(test_case);
    tc->test_case_name = Str::new();
    Filenames::write_unextended_leafname(tc->test_case_name, F);
    if (ref > 0) WRITE_TO(tc->test_case_name, " Example %c", 'A'+ref-1);
    tc->test_case_title = NULL;
    tc->test_recipe_name = Str::duplicate(recipe_name);
    tc->test_type = t;
    tc->test_location = F;
    filename *G = F;
    tc->work_area = Filenames::up(F);
    if (t == EXTENSION_SPT) {
        pathname *P = Globals::to_pathname(I"extensions_testing_area");
        if (P) {
            WRITE_TO(leaf, "%S.txt", tc->test_case_name);
            G = Filenames::in(P, leaf);
            tc->work_area = P;

    filename *DG = Filenames::set_extension(G, I"txt");
    Filenames::write_unextended_leafname(cs, DG);
    WRITE_TO(cs, "--S.txt");
    tc->commands_location = Filenames::in(Filenames::up(DG), cs);
    tc->format_reference = fref;
    tc->letter_reference = ref;
    tc->test_me_detected = FALSE;
    tc->command_line_echoing_detected = FALSE;
    tc->cursed = FALSE;
    tc->known_hash = NULL;
    tc->left_bracket = '{'; tc->right_bracket = '}';
    tc->no_kv_pairs = 0;
    tc->HTML_report = NULL;
    return tc;

void RecipeFiles::NameTestCase(test_case *tc, text_stream *title) {
    if (tc == NULL) internal_error("naming null test case");
    tc->test_case_title = Str::duplicate(title);

void RecipeFiles::AddKVPair(test_case *tc, text_stream *key, text_stream *value) {
    if ((tc) && (tc->no_kv_pairs < MAX_METADATA_PAIRS-1)) {
        text_stream *add_value = Str::duplicate(value);
        LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, add_value)
            if (Str::get(pos) == DELIA_QUOTE_CHARACTER)
                Str::put(pos, SHELL_QUOTE_CHARACTER);
        tc->keys[tc->no_kv_pairs] = Str::duplicate(key);
        tc->values[tc->no_kv_pairs] = add_value;

§11. The following is the back end for the -find do action, and lists all test cases whose names or titles match a given regular expression. If the match expression is empty, it lists everything in the search list.

void RecipeFiles::perform_catalogue(OUTPUT_STREAM, linked_list *sources, text_stream *match) {
    if (Str::len(match) > 0) WRITE("Test cases matching '%S':\n", match);
    linked_list *matches = NEW_LINKED_LIST(test_case);
    RecipeFiles::find_cases_matching(matches, sources, NULL, match, FALSE);
    int n = 0;
    test_case *tc;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(tc, test_case, matches) {
        WRITE("%S%s", tc->test_case_name, (tc->test_type == PROBLEM_SPT)?" (problem)":"");
        if (Str::len(tc->test_case_title) > 0) WRITE(" = %S", tc->test_case_title);
    if (n == 0) WRITE("(none)\n");

§12. Which employs:

void RecipeFiles::find_cases_matching(linked_list *matches, linked_list *sources,
    text_stream *key, text_stream *match, int exactly) {
    if (exactly) {
        WRITE_TO(re, "%S", match);
    } else {
        WRITE_TO(re, "%%c*%S%%c*", match);
    inchar32_t wregexp[MAX_NAME_MATCH_LENGTH];
    Str::copy_to_wide_string(wregexp, re, MAX_NAME_MATCH_LENGTH);
    match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();
    test_source *spi;
    test_case *tc;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(spi, test_source, sources)
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(tc, test_case, spi->contents) {
            if ((tc->format_reference != ANNOTATED_FORMAT) &&
                (tc->format_reference != EXAMPLE_FORMAT) &&
                (tc->format_reference != EXTENSION_FORMAT))
                Extractor::run(NULL, NULL,
                    tc, tc->test_location, tc->format_reference, 0, CENSUS_ACTION, NULL);
            int pass = FALSE;
            if (match == NULL) pass = TRUE;
            if (key == NULL) {
                if ((Regexp::match(&mr2, tc->test_case_name, wregexp)) ||
                    (Regexp::match(&mr2, tc->test_case_title, wregexp))) pass = TRUE;
            } else if (Str::eq_insensitive(key, I"NAME")) {
                if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tc->test_case_name, wregexp)) pass = TRUE;
            } else if (Str::eq_insensitive(key, I"TITLE")) {
                if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tc->test_case_title, wregexp)) pass = TRUE;
            } else {
                for (int i=0; i<tc->no_kv_pairs; i++)
                    if (Str::eq_insensitive(key, tc->keys[i]))
                        if (Regexp::match(&mr2, tc->values[i], wregexp)) pass = TRUE;
            if (pass) {
                ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(tc, test_case, matches);