To extract the text of a test case from its file on disc.

§1. Recall that each test case lives somewhere in a file.

Our main task in this section if to extract that test case, which is a trivial operation for PLAIN_FORMAT — the entire file is the test case — but non-trivial for the other cases, and requires some exhausting parsing.

typedef struct extraction_state {
    text_stream *DEST;
    struct test_case *tc;
    struct linked_list *case_list;  of test_case
    int documentation_found;
    int file_format;
    int seek_ref;
    int examples_found;
    int about_to_extract;
    int now_extracting;
    int continue_script;
    int extraction_line_count;
    int extractor_command;
    int concordance_offset;
    int skip_next;
    int no_kv_pairs;
    struct text_stream *keys[MAX_METADATA_PAIRS];
    struct text_stream *values[MAX_METADATA_PAIRS];
    struct text_stream *to_use_recipe;
    struct text_stream *stars;
    struct text_stream *title;
    text_stream *force_vm;
} extraction_state;

§2. The Extractor can be called with four commands, all (not coincidentally) action commands: SOURCE_ACTION, SCRIPT_ACTION, CONCORDANCE_ACTION and CENSUS_ACTION. The first three indeed implement -source, -script and -concordance, but the Extractor is used for other purposes too. In CENSUS_ACTION, it is used simply to identify the test cases in a file. The Extractor can also be called from Delia code. So it's a more general-purpose function than it looks.

void Extractor::run(linked_list *L, OUTPUT_STREAM, test_case *tc, filename *F, int format, int ref,
    int cmd, text_stream *recipe_name) {
    extraction_state es; = tc;
    es.case_list = L;
    es.DEST = OUT;
    es.file_format = format;
    es.seek_ref = ref;
    es.documentation_found = FALSE;
    es.examples_found = 0;
    es.about_to_extract = FALSE;
    es.now_extracting = FALSE;
    es.continue_script = FALSE;
    es.extraction_line_count = 0;
    es.extractor_command = cmd;
    es.concordance_offset = 0;
    es.force_vm = NULL;
    es.to_use_recipe = recipe_name;
    es.skip_next = FALSE;
    es.no_kv_pairs = 0;
    es.stars = NULL;
    es.title = NULL;
    TextFiles::read(F, FALSE, "can't open test case file", TRUE, &Extractor::fan, NULL, &es);

void Extractor::fan(text_stream *line, text_file_position *tfp, void *ves) {
    extraction_state *es = ves;

    Consider entering extraction mode2.1;
    if (es->now_extracting) {
        Extract the line2.3;
        Consider leaving extraction mode2.2;

§2.1. Consider entering extraction mode2.1 =

    switch (es->file_format) {
        case PLAIN_FORMAT: Consider entering extraction mode for PLAIN2.1.1;
        case ANNOTATED_FORMAT: Consider entering extraction mode for ANNOTATED2.1.2;
        case ANNOTATED_PROBLEM_FORMAT: Consider entering extraction mode for ANNOTATED PROBLEM2.1.3;
        case EXAMPLE_FORMAT: Consider entering extraction mode for EXAMPLE2.1.4;
        case EXTENSION_FORMAT: Consider entering extraction mode for EXTENSION2.1.5;

§2.1.1. If the file is plain text, always go into extraction mode from line 1 onwards, so that we capture the entire file. If the opening line is a double-quoted text, then that's the title for the test case.

Consider entering extraction mode for PLAIN2.1.1 =

    if (tfp->line_count == 1) {
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if ((Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"\"(%c*?)\" *")) && (es->tc)) {
            RecipeFiles::NameTestCase(es->tc, mr.exp[0]);
        es->now_extracting = TRUE;

§2.1.2. An annotated case opens with key-value metadata pairs, then is verbatim after the first line not matching this.

Consider entering extraction mode for ANNOTATED2.1.2 =

    if (es->now_extracting == FALSE) {
        if (tfp->line_count == 1) {
            if ((es->extractor_command == CENSUS_ACTION) && (es->tc == NULL))
                es->tc = RecipeFiles::observe_in_annotated_case(
                    es->case_list, es->force_vm, es->to_use_recipe);
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"(%C+) *: *(%c*) *")) {
            text_stream *key = mr.exp[0], *value = mr.exp[1];
            if (tfp->line_count == 1) {
                if (Str::eq(key, I"Test") == FALSE) {
                    es->now_extracting = TRUE;
                } else {
                    RecipeFiles::NameTestCase(es->tc, value);
            if ((es->now_extracting == FALSE) && (es->tc))
                RecipeFiles::AddKVPair(es->tc, key, value);
        } else if (Str::is_whitespace(line)) {
            es->now_extracting = TRUE;
            return;  do not include the blank line ending the pairs

§2.1.3. An annotated case opens with key-value metadata pairs, then is verbatim after the first line not matching this.

Consider entering extraction mode for ANNOTATED PROBLEM2.1.3 =

    if (es->now_extracting == FALSE) {
        if (tfp->line_count == 1) {
            if ((es->extractor_command == CENSUS_ACTION) && (es->tc == NULL))
                es->tc = RecipeFiles::observe_in_annotated_problem(
                    es->case_list, es->force_vm, es->to_use_recipe);
        match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"(%C+) *: *(%c*) *")) {
            text_stream *key = mr.exp[0], *value = mr.exp[1];
            if (tfp->line_count == 1) {
                if (Str::eq(key, I"Problem")) {
                    RecipeFiles::NameTestCase(es->tc, value);
                    RecipeFiles::AddKVPair(es->tc, I"Warning", I"No");
                } else if (Str::eq(key, I"Warning")) {
                    RecipeFiles::NameTestCase(es->tc, value);
                    RecipeFiles::AddKVPair(es->tc, I"Warning", I"Yes");
                } else {
                    es->now_extracting = TRUE;
            if ((es->now_extracting == FALSE) && (es->tc) && (Str::ne(key, I"Warning")))
                RecipeFiles::AddKVPair(es->tc, key, value);
        } else if (Str::is_whitespace(line)) {
            es->now_extracting = TRUE;
            return;  do not include the blank line ending the pairs

§2.1.4. See the Inform 7 documentation examples to explain this more fully, but this is a typical start of an EXAMPLE file:

    * Printing the banner text
    Several lines of metadata

    The descriptive text usually follows, but at some point -

        {*}"Bikini Atoll" by Edward Teller

        The Hut and the Tropical Beach are rooms.

The test case can only begin after the header, lines of which can never open with the paste markers {*} or {**}, so the following safely ignores the header:

Consider entering extraction mode for EXAMPLE2.1.4 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"(%C+) *: *(%c*) *")) {
        text_stream *key = mr.exp[0], *value = mr.exp[1];
        if (Str::eq(key, I"Example")) {
            es->no_kv_pairs = 0;
            es->skip_next = FALSE;
            match_results mr2 = Regexp::create_mr();
            if (Regexp::match(&mr2, line, U"(%C+) *: *(%*+) *(%c*) *")) {
                es->stars = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[1]);
                es->title = Str::duplicate(mr2.exp[2]);
        } else if ((Str::eq(key, I"For")) && (Str::eq(value, I"Untestable"))) {
            es->skip_next = TRUE;
        } else if (es->no_kv_pairs < MAX_METADATA_PAIRS-1) {
            es->keys[es->no_kv_pairs] = Str::duplicate(key);
            es->values[es->no_kv_pairs] = Str::duplicate(value);
    if ((Str::begins_with_wide_string(line, U"\t{*}")) && (es->skip_next == FALSE)) {
        Str::copy_tail(line_content, line, 4);
        if (es->examples_found++ == 0) {
            WRITE_TO(line, "\t%S", line_content);
            match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
            if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"%t\"(%c*?)\" *") ||
                Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"%t\"(%c*?)\" *by *%c*") ) {
                if (es->extractor_command == CENSUS_ACTION)
                    es->tc = RecipeFiles::observe_in_example(
                        es->case_list, es->force_vm, es->to_use_recipe);
                if (es->tc) {
                    if (Str::len(es->title) > 0)
                        RecipeFiles::NameTestCase(es->tc, es->title);
                        RecipeFiles::NameTestCase(es->tc, mr.exp[0]);
                    if (Str::len(es->stars) > 0)
                        RecipeFiles::AddKVPair(es->tc, I"Stars", es->stars);
                    for (int i=0; i<es->no_kv_pairs; i++)
                        RecipeFiles::AddKVPair(es->tc, es->keys[i], es->values[i]);
            es->now_extracting = TRUE;
        } else {
            es->now_extracting = FALSE;
    if ((es->extraction_line_count > 0) &&
        (Str::begins_with_wide_string(line, U"\t{**}"))) {
        Str::copy_tail(line_content, line, 5);
        if (es->examples_found == 1) {
            WRITE_TO(line, "\t%S", line_content);
            es->now_extracting = TRUE;

§2.1.5. Examples are found after the ---- Documentation ---- divider in an extension file. There can be more than one.

Consider entering extraction mode for EXTENSION2.1.5 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    if ((tfp->line_count == 1) && (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"%c*for Glulx only%c*")))
        es->force_vm = Str::new_from_ISO_string("G");
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U" *---- +DOCUMENTATION +---- *"))
        es->documentation_found = TRUE;
    else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U" *---- +Documentation +---- *"))
        es->documentation_found = TRUE;
    else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U" *---- +documentation +---- *"))
        es->documentation_found = TRUE;
    if (es->documentation_found) {
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U" *Example: *%c*")) {
            es->now_extracting = FALSE;
            es->about_to_extract = TRUE;
            if (es->extractor_command == CENSUS_ACTION)
                es->tc = RecipeFiles::observe_in_extension(es->case_list,
                    es->examples_found, es->force_vm, es->to_use_recipe);
        if ((es->about_to_extract) && (Str::begins_with_wide_string(line, U"\t*:"))) {
            es->about_to_extract = FALSE;
            int i = 3;
            while (Regexp::white_space(Str::get_at(line, i))) i++;
            Str::copy_tail(ext_eg, line, i);
            if ((es->extractor_command == CENSUS_ACTION) ||
                (es->examples_found == es->seek_ref)) {
                if (Regexp::match(&mr, ext_eg, U"\"(%c*?)\" *") ||
                    Regexp::match(&mr, ext_eg, U"\"(%c*?)\" *by *%c*")) {
                    if (es->tc) {
                        RecipeFiles::NameTestCase(es->tc, mr.exp[0]);
                es->now_extracting = TRUE;
                Extractor::line_out(ext_eg, tfp, es);

§2.2. For a PLAIN file, we never leave extraction mode: we extract the whole thing. For an EXAMPLE or EXTENSION, we stop as soon as we find a non-white-space character in column 1.

Consider leaving extraction mode2.2 =

    if ((es->file_format != PLAIN_FORMAT) &&
        (es->file_format != ANNOTATED_FORMAT) &&
        (es->file_format != ANNOTATED_PROBLEM_FORMAT) &&
        (Str::len(line) > 0) &&
        (Regexp::white_space(Str::get_first_char(line)) == FALSE))
            es->now_extracting = FALSE;

§2.3. In EXAMPLE and EXTENSION files, the material is all one tab stop in, so we get rid of that before passing the line through.

Extract the line2.3 =

    if ((es->file_format == PLAIN_FORMAT) ||
        (es->file_format == ANNOTATED_FORMAT) ||
        (es->file_format == ANNOTATED_PROBLEM_FORMAT))
        Extractor::line_out(line, tfp, es);
    else if (Str::get_first_char(line) == '\t') {
        Str::copy(rl, line);
        Extractor::line_out(rl, tfp, es);
    } else if (Regexp::string_is_white_space(line)) Extractor::line_out(NULL, tfp, es);

§3. The effect of the above, then, is that the test case(s) are fed, one line at a time, into the following function. What happens to these lines depends on what the Extractor has been asked to do.

void Extractor::line_out(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, extraction_state *es) {
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    switch (es->extractor_command) {
        case SOURCE_ACTION: Perform a SOURCE on the line3.1; break;
        case SCRIPT_ACTION: Perform a SCRIPT on the line3.2; break;
        case CONCORDANCE_ACTION: Perform a CONCORDANCE on the line3.4; break;
        case CENSUS_ACTION: break;  the content of the cases doesn't matter

§3.1. When we SOURCE, we write the line to the text stream es->DEST, but we also note in passing whether it contains an Inform 7 "Test me with..." or "Use command line echoing" sentence.

Perform a SOURCE on the line3.1 =

    if ((text) && (es->tc)) {
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, U"%c*Test me with \"%c*"))
            es->tc->test_me_detected = TRUE;
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, U"%c*Use command line echoing%c*"))
            es->tc->command_line_echoing_detected = TRUE;
        WRITE_TO(es->DEST, "%S\n", text);
    } else if (text) WRITE_TO(es->DEST, "%S\n", text);
    else WRITE_TO(es->DEST, "\n");

§3.2. On a SCRIPT extraction, we look for the commands in a "Test me with..." sentence. Again, useful only for Inform 7.

Perform a SCRIPT on the line3.2 =

    if (text) {
        if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, U"Test me with \"(%c*?)\"%c*")) {
            Extractor::script_out(es->DEST, mr.exp[0]);
        } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, U"Test me with \"(%c*?)")) {
            Extractor::script_out(es->DEST, mr.exp[0]);
            es->continue_script = TRUE;
        } else if (es->continue_script) {
            if (Regexp::match(&mr, text, U"(%c*?)\"%c*?")) {
                Extractor::script_out(es->DEST, mr.exp[0]);
                es->continue_script = FALSE;
            } else Extractor::script_out(es->DEST, text);

§3.3. This unpacks a script like yes / no / maybe into a column with one command per line:


which it pours into the given text stream. All white space around the slashes is soaked up.

void Extractor::script_out(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *from) {
    Str::copy(script, from);
    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    while (Regexp::match(&mr, script, U"(%c+?) */ *(%c*)")) {
        if (Str::len(mr.exp[0]) > 0) WRITE("%S\n", mr.exp[0]);
        Str::copy(script, mr.exp[1]);
    if (Str::len(script) > 0) WRITE("%S\n", script);

§3.4. A CONCORDANCE implements the -concordance command-line feature of Inform. It essentially shows how to reconcile line numbers in the original file with line numbers in the test case.

Perform a CONCORDANCE on the line3.4 =

    int offset = tfp->line_count - es->extraction_line_count;
    if (es->concordance_offset != offset) {
        es->concordance_offset = offset;
        WRITE_TO(es->DEST, "%d +%d\n", es->extraction_line_count, offset);

§4. Slightly cheekily, the Extractor with almost all features turned off can be used as a way to copy a file into a text stream verbatim, like the Unix cat utility:

void Extractor::cat(OUTPUT_STREAM, filename *F) {