To provide text matching in the style of the Unix tool diff.

§1. Our task is to take two strings, "ideal" and "actual", and return a fairly minimal, fairly legible sequence of edits which would turn ideal into actual. We won't use Myers's algorithm because it's overkill for the text sizes we have here, and because we want to pay more attention to word boundaries so as to produce human-readable results; the running time below is worst-case quadratic in the number of words scanned, but plenty fast enough for IF transcript use in practice.

We represent the series of edits as a linked list of edit structures, and although these are not uniquely defined (the same comparison can be represented in more than one way as a linked list of edits), we do guarantee that the returned list will be empty if and only if the ideal string has safely matched the actual one. As we'll see, this is not quite as simple as saying that they hold the same text, because some minor discrepancies are allowed.

Our main routine, then, will return (a pointer to) the following structure.

typedef struct diff_results {
    struct text_stream *ideal;  record a copy of the question as well as the answer
    struct text_stream *actual;
    struct linked_list *edits;  of edit
} diff_results;

§2. Each edit consists of a nonempty chunk of text to be deleted, preserved or inserted:

define DELETE_EDIT -1
define INSERT_EDIT 1
typedef struct edit {
    struct text_stream *fragment;
    int form_of_edit;  one of the *_EDIT values
} edit;

§3. Edit lists. We start with some boring routines to handle linked lists of edits in general. First, creating a single new edit:

edit *Differ::new_edit(string_position from, string_position to, int form) {
    edit *E = CREATE(edit);
    E->fragment = Str::new();
    Str::substr(E->fragment, from, to);
    E->form_of_edit = form;
    return E;

§4. Since we're not going to do any patching, the only thing we do with edit lists is to print them out. The octal character values here represent ASCII escape (27) followed by standard terminal emulation codes on Unix shells for coloured text: deletions are in red, insertions in green.

int results_colouring = TRUE;
void Differ::set_colour_usage(int state) {
    results_colouring = state;

void Differ::print_edit_list(OUTPUT_STREAM, linked_list *L, text_stream *original) {
    if (L == NULL) WRITE("%S", original);
    else {
        edit *E;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, L)
            switch (E->form_of_edit) {
                case DELETE_EDIT:
                    if (results_colouring) WRITE("\033[31m");
                    else WRITE("<deleted:");
                    WRITE("%S", E->fragment);
                    if (results_colouring) WRITE("\033[0m");
                    else WRITE(">");
                case PRESERVE_EDIT:
                    WRITE("%S", E->fragment);
                case INSERT_EDIT:
                    if (results_colouring) WRITE("\033[32m");
                    else WRITE("<inserted:");
                    WRITE("%S", E->fragment);
                    if (results_colouring) WRITE("\033[0m");
                    else WRITE(">");

§5. Now for basically the same thing in HTML, using CSS spans instead of terminal colours:

void Differ::print_edit_list_as_HTML(OUTPUT_STREAM, linked_list *L, text_stream *original) {
    WRITE("<html>\n<body>\n<p class=\"node\">\n");
    if (L == NULL) Differ::print_fragment_as_HTML(OUT, original);
    else {
        edit *E;
        LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, L)
            switch (E->form_of_edit) {
                case DELETE_EDIT:
                    WRITE("<span class=\"deletion\">");
                    Differ::print_fragment_as_HTML(OUT, E->fragment);
                case PRESERVE_EDIT:
                    Differ::print_fragment_as_HTML(OUT, E->fragment);
                case INSERT_EDIT:
                    WRITE("<span class=\"insertion\">");
                    Differ::print_fragment_as_HTML(OUT, E->fragment);

void Differ::print_fragment_as_HTML(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *original) {
    LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, original) {
        inchar32_t c = Str::get(pos);
        switch (c) {
            case '<': WRITE("&lt;"); break;
            case '>': WRITE("&gt;"); break;
            case '&': WRITE("&amp;"); break;
            case '\n': WRITE("<br>"); break;
            default: WRITE("%c", c); break;

§6. The diff algorithm. We do this in the simplest way possible. This outer routine, which is not recursively called, sets up the returned structure and sends it back.

Note that a sequence of edits with no insertions or deletions means the match was in fact perfect, and is converted to the null edit list.

diff_results *Differ::diff(text_stream *ideal, text_stream *actual,
    int allow_platform_variance) {
    diff_results *DR = CREATE(diff_results);
    DR->ideal = ideal;
    DR->actual = actual;

    LOGIF(DIFFER, "Differ:\nA = %S\nB = %S\n", ideal, actual);
    DR->edits = Differ::diff_outer(ideal, actual, allow_platform_variance);

    edit *E;
    LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, DR->edits)
        if (E->form_of_edit != PRESERVE_EDIT)
            return DR;
    DR->edits = NEW_LINKED_LIST(edit);
    return DR;

§7. The first level down simply starts the recursion, though it checks for version lines first.

linked_list *Differ::diff_outer(text_stream *A, text_stream *B,
    int allow_platform_variance) {
    linked_list *edits = NEW_LINKED_LIST(edit);
    string_position A_from = Str::start(A);
    string_position A_to = Str::end(A);
    string_position B_from = Str::start(B);
    string_position B_to = Str::end(B);

    If both texts contain the Inform banner version line, diff around that7.1;

    Differ::diff_inner(edits, A_from, A_to, B_from, B_to, allow_platform_variance);
    return edits;

§7.1. Any correctly formed I7 banner matches any other; this ensures that transcripts of the same interaction, taken from builds on different days or with different compiler versions, continue to match.

If text A (as we call the ideal version) and text B (the actual) both contain I7 banners, we split them into before, then the banner, then after. The result then consists of a diff of the before-texts, followed by preserving the actual banner, followed by a diff of the after-texts.

If both texts contain the Inform banner version line, diff around that7.1 =

    match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr();
    inchar32_t *template = U"(%c*?)(Release %d+ / Serial number %d+ / Inform %c+?\n)%c*";
    if (Regexp::match(&mr, A, template)) {
        string_position A_ver = Str::plus(A_from, Str::len(mr.exp[0]));  at the R in "Release"
        string_position A_post = Str::plus(A_ver, Str::len(mr.exp[1]));  after version line ends

        if (Regexp::match(&mr, B, template)) {
            string_position B_ver = Str::plus(B_from, Str::len(mr.exp[0]));
            string_position B_post = Str::plus(B_ver, Str::len(mr.exp[1]));
            Differ::diff_inner(edits, A_from, A_ver, B_from, B_ver,
            edit *E = Differ::new_edit(A_ver, A_post, PRESERVE_EDIT);
            ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, edits);
            Differ::diff_inner(edits, A_post, A_to, B_post, B_to,
            return edits;

§8. The second level is at last recursive.

void Differ::diff_inner(linked_list *edits,
    string_position A_from, string_position A_to,
    string_position B_from, string_position B_to,
    int allow_platform_variance) {
    int A_len = Str::width_between(A_from, A_to);
    int B_len = Str::width_between(B_from, B_to);
    if ((A_len == 0) && (B_len == 0)) return;
    if (A_len < 0) internal_error("A text negative");
    if (B_len < 0) internal_error("B text negative");
    LOGIF(DIFFER, "Differ (recursion):\nA (%d chars) = ", A_len);
    if (Log::aspect_switched_on(DIFFER_DA)) Str::substr(DL, A_from, A_to);
    LOGIF(DIFFER, "\nB (%d chars) = ", B_len);
    if (Log::aspect_switched_on(DIFFER_DA)) Str::substr(DL, B_from, B_to);
    LOGIF(DIFFER, "\n");
    If A is empty B must be inserted, if B is empty A must be deleted8.1;
    Any common prefix can be preserved8.2;
    Any common suffix can be preserved8.3;
    Splice around the longest common substring8.4;
    If all else fails we can always just delete A and insert B8.5;

§8.1. If A is empty B must be inserted, if B is empty A must be deleted8.1 =

    if (A_len == 0) {
        edit *E = Differ::new_edit(B_from, B_to, INSERT_EDIT);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, edits);
    if (B_len == 0) {
        edit *E = Differ::new_edit(A_from, A_to, DELETE_EDIT);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, edits);

§8.2. We look for the longest common prefix consisting of a sequence of entire words, or at any rate, ending at a word boundary (in both texts).

Any common prefix can be preserved8.2 =

    string_position A_after_prefix = A_from;
    string_position B_after_prefix = B_from;
    if (allow_platform_variance) Advance through platform-variant common prefix8.2.2
    else Advance through identical common prefix8.2.1;

    LOGIF(DIFFER, "Common prefix size %d\n", Str::width_between(A_from, A_after_prefix));

     roll backwards until we're at a word boundary between the prefix and the rest
    while ((Str::width_between(A_from, A_after_prefix) > 0) &&
        (!Differ::boundary(Str::get(Str::back(A_after_prefix)), Str::get(A_after_prefix)))) {
        A_after_prefix = Str::back(A_after_prefix);
        B_after_prefix = Str::back(B_after_prefix);
    LOGIF(DIFFER, "After rollback, prefix size %d\n", Str::width_between(A_from, A_after_prefix));

     if there's anything left, mark it as common text and recurse to move past it
    if (Str::width_between(A_from, A_after_prefix) > 0) {
        edit *E = Differ::new_edit(A_from, A_after_prefix, PRESERVE_EDIT);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, edits);
        Differ::diff_inner(edits, A_after_prefix, A_to, B_after_prefix, B_to,

§8.2.1. Advance through identical common prefix8.2.1 =

    for (; (Str::index(A_after_prefix) < Str::index(A_to)) &&
            (Str::index(B_after_prefix) < Str::index(B_to));
        A_after_prefix = Str::forward(A_after_prefix),
        B_after_prefix = Str::forward(B_after_prefix))
        if (Str::get(A_after_prefix) != Str::get(B_after_prefix))

§8.2.2. Ordinarily, two characters are distinct if they are different Unicode values. But with allow_platform_variance set, forward and backslashes are counted as being the same. This allows files containing Windows filenames to be compared with those containing MacOS ones. A further complication is that when a backslash does occur, it may for other reasons be escaped by appearing as a doubled backslash. (Or, it may not.) We thus adopt the forgiving rule that once a slash-discrepancy is found, we will match any run of slashes against any other run of slashes from that point. As a result, /// does not match ////, but "a/b" matches "a\\b".

Advance through platform-variant common prefix8.2.2 =

    for (; (Str::index(A_after_prefix) < Str::index(A_to)) &&
            (Str::index(B_after_prefix) < Str::index(B_to));
        A_after_prefix = Str::forward(A_after_prefix),
        B_after_prefix = Str::forward(B_after_prefix)) {
            inchar32_t a = Str::get(A_after_prefix), b = Str::get(B_after_prefix);
            if (a == b) continue;
            if (((a == '/') && (b == '\\')) || ((a == '\\') && (b == '/'))) {
                while ((Str::get(A_after_prefix) == '/') || (Str::get(A_after_prefix) == '\\'))
                    A_after_prefix = Str::forward(A_after_prefix);
                while ((Str::get(B_after_prefix) == '/') || (Str::get(B_after_prefix) == '\\'))
                    B_after_prefix = Str::forward(B_after_prefix);
            } else {

§8.3. Similarly, we're only interested in a common suffix going back to the start of a whole word.

Any common suffix can be preserved8.3 =

    string_position A_suffix = A_to;
    string_position B_suffix = B_to;
    if (allow_platform_variance) Retreat through platform-variant common suffix8.3.2
    else Retreat through identical common suffix8.3.1;

     roll forwards until we're at a word boundary between the front and the suffix
    while ((Str::width_between(A_suffix, A_to) > 0) &&
        (!Differ::boundary(Str::get(Str::back(A_suffix)), Str::get(A_suffix)))) {
        A_suffix = Str::forward(A_suffix);
        B_suffix = Str::forward(B_suffix);

     if there's anything left, mark it as common text and recurse to move back past it
    if (Str::width_between(A_suffix, A_to) > 0) {
        Differ::diff_inner(edits, A_from, A_suffix, B_from, B_suffix,
        edit *E = Differ::new_edit(A_suffix, A_to, PRESERVE_EDIT);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, edits);

§8.3.1. Retreat through identical common suffix8.3.1 =

    for (; (Str::index(A_suffix) > Str::index(A_from)) &&
        (Str::index(B_suffix) > Str::index(B_from));
        A_suffix = Str::back(A_suffix),
        B_suffix = Str::back(B_suffix))
        if (Str::get(Str::back(A_suffix)) != Str::get(Str::back(B_suffix)))

§8.3.2. Retreat through platform-variant common suffix8.3.2 =

    for (; (Str::index(A_suffix) > Str::index(A_from)) &&
        (Str::index(B_suffix) > Str::index(B_from));
        A_suffix = Str::back(A_suffix),
        B_suffix = Str::back(B_suffix)) {
            inchar32_t a = Str::get(Str::back(A_suffix)), b = Str::get(Str::back(B_suffix));
            if (a == b) continue;
            if (((a == '/') && (b == '\\')) || ((a == '\\') && (b == '/'))) {
                while ((Str::get(Str::back(A_suffix)) == '/') || (Str::get(Str::back(A_suffix)) == '\\'))
                    A_suffix = Str::back(A_suffix);
                while ((Str::get(Str::back(B_suffix)) == '/') || (Str::get(Str::back(B_suffix)) == '\\'))
                    B_suffix = Str::back(B_suffix);
            } else {

§8.4. In the typical use case most of the strings will now be gone, and this is where the algorithm goes quadratic. We're going to look for the longest common substring between A and B, provided it occurs at word boundaries, and is not trivially short. If we find this, we'll recurse to diff the text before the substring, then preserve the substring, then recurse to diff the text afterwards.

define SPCHAR(A, n) Str::get(Str::plus(A##_from, n))

Splice around the longest common substring8.4 =

    int max_i = -1, max_j = -1, max_len = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < A_len; i++)
        if ((i == 0) || (Differ::boundary(SPCHAR(A, i-1), SPCHAR(A, i))))
            for (int j = 0; j < B_len; j++)
                if ((j == 0) || (Differ::boundary(SPCHAR(B, j-1), SPCHAR(B, j)))) {
                    int k;
                    for (k = 0; (i+k < A_len) && (j+k < B_len) &&
                                    (SPCHAR(A, i+k) == SPCHAR(B, j+k)); k++) ;
                    while ((k > MINIMUM_SPLICE_WORTH_BOTHERING_WITH) &&
                        (!(Differ::boundary(SPCHAR(A, i+k-1), SPCHAR(A, i+k))))) k--;
                    if (k > max_len) {
                        max_len = k; max_i = i; max_j = j;

        LOGIF(DIFFER, "substring: ");
        for (int c=0; c<max_len; c++) {
            LOGIF(DIFFER, "%c", SPCHAR(A, max_i+c));
            if (SPCHAR(A, max_i+c) != SPCHAR(B, max_j+c)) internal_error("oops");
        LOGIF(DIFFER, "\n---\n");

        string_position A_splice = Str::plus(A_from, max_i);
        string_position B_splice = Str::plus(B_from, max_j);
        string_position A_post = Str::plus(A_splice, max_len);
        string_position B_post = Str::plus(B_splice, max_len);

        Differ::diff_inner(edits, A_from, A_splice, B_from, B_splice,
        edit *E = Differ::new_edit(A_splice, A_post, PRESERVE_EDIT);
        ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, edits);
        Differ::diff_inner(edits, A_post, A_to, B_post, B_to, allow_platform_variance);
        if (Log::aspect_switched_on(DIFFER_DA)) Differ::print_edit_list(DL, edits, NULL);
        LOGIF(DIFFER, "\n---\n");

§8.5. If we can't find any good substring, all we can usefully do is say that the text has entirely changed, and we display this as cleanly as possible:

If all else fails we can always just delete A and insert B8.5 =

    edit *E = Differ::new_edit(A_from, A_to, DELETE_EDIT);
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, edits);
    E = Differ::new_edit(B_from, B_to, INSERT_EDIT);
    ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(E, edit, edits);

§9. This was the definition of "word boundary" used, where these are expected to be adjacent characters (in either direction). For best results, we want a version of isalpha which respects Unicode, or else the above algorithm will sometimes show edits mid-word at accented letters.

int Differ::boundary(inchar32_t c, inchar32_t d) {
    if ((Characters::isalpha(c)) && (Characters::isalpha(d))) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

§10. Printing results. That's all except to provide some routines for printing out what we found:

void Differ::print_results(OUTPUT_STREAM, diff_results *DR, text_stream *original) {
    Differ::print_edit_list(OUT, DR->edits, original);

void Differ::print_results_as_HTML(OUTPUT_STREAM, diff_results *DR, text_stream *original) {
    Differ::print_edit_list_as_HTML(OUT, DR->edits, original);