A form of Markdown adapted to the needs of the Inform tools.
- §1.1. Formatting errors
- §1.4. Old-style Indoc headings
- §1.6. Descriptive headings
- §1.11. Embedded examples
- §1.18. Paste buttons
- §1.21. Phrase definition boxes
- §1.24. Indexing marks for longer documentation
- §1.26. Heading markers for longer documentation
- §1.29. Paragraph gating for multi-platform tweaks
- §1.32. Syntax-colouring for the Inform family
- §5. Small inline texts
§1. The Inform tools use something close to, but not quite the same as, GitHub-flavored Markdown (GFM). There are minor syntactic differences, but the main addition is a custom renderer.
markdown_variation *Inform_flavoured_Markdown = NULL; markdown_variation *InformFlavouredMarkdown::variation(void) { if (Inform_flavoured_Markdown) return Inform_flavoured_Markdown; Inform_flavoured_Markdown = MarkdownVariations::new(I"Inform-flavoured Markdown"); MarkdownVariations::copy_features_of(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, MarkdownVariations::GitHub_flavored_Markdown()); MarkdownVariations::remove_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, HTML_BLOCKS_MARKDOWNFEATURE); MarkdownVariations::remove_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, INLINE_HTML_MARKDOWNFEATURE); Add the formatting errors feature1.2; Add the old Indoc headings feature1.4; Add the descriptive headings feature1.6; Add the embedded examples feature1.12; Add the paste icons feature1.19; Add the phrase defn boxes feature1.22; Add the indexing marks feature1.25; Add the heading markers feature1.27; Add the paragraph gating feature1.30; Add the Inform syntax-colouring feature1.33; return Inform_flavoured_Markdown; }
§1.1. Formatting errors. Traditionally, there are no errors in Markdown, but we want to be able to display cautionary boxes with error-like messages anyway.
§1.2. Add the formatting errors feature1.2 =
markdown_feature *fe = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"formatting errors", FORMATTING_ERRORS_MARKDOWNFEATURE); MarkdownVariations::add_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, FORMATTING_ERRORS_MARKDOWNFEATURE); METHOD_ADD(fe, RENDER_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::render_errors); Markdown::new_leaf_block_type(INFORM_ERROR_MARKER_MIT, I"INFORM_ERROR_MARKER");
- This code is used in §1.
markdown_item *InformFlavouredMarkdown::error_item(text_stream *text) { markdown_item *E = Markdown::new_item(INFORM_ERROR_MARKER_MIT); E->stashed = Str::duplicate(text); return E; } int InformFlavouredMarkdown::render_errors(markdown_feature *feature, text_stream *OUT, markdown_item *md, int mode) { if (md->type == INFORM_ERROR_MARKER_MIT) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"documentationerrorbox\""); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"documentationerror"); WRITE("Error: %S", md->stashed); HTML_CLOSE("span"); HTML_CLOSE("p"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
§1.4. Old-style Indoc headings. Indoc used to use a truly odd style for headings:
[Chapter: Things] Descriptions [x] Rooms and the map
The second is a section heading, but the first is a sort of duplex containing both a chapter heading and a section heading, and thus needs to be expanded into two Markdown items, not one.
Add the old Indoc headings feature1.4 = markdown_feature *he = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"old Indoc headings", OLD_INDOC_HEADINGS_MARKDOWNFEATURE); METHOD_ADD(he, POST_PHASE_I_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::OIH_intervene_after_Phase_I); MarkdownVariations::add_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, OLD_INDOC_HEADINGS_MARKDOWNFEATURE);
- This code is used in §1.
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::OIH_intervene_after_Phase_I(markdown_feature *feature, markdown_item *md, md_links_dictionary *link_references) { if (md->type == PARAGRAPH_MIT) { text_stream *line = md->stashed; match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"%[x%] *(%c+?)")) { MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, HEADING_MIT); Markdown::set_heading_level(md, 2); Str::clear(line); WRITE_TO(line, "%S", mr.exp[0]); } else if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"%[Chapter: *(%c+)%] *(%c+?)")) { MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, HEADING_MIT); Markdown::set_heading_level(md, 1); Str::clear(line); WRITE_TO(line, "%S", mr.exp[0]); markdown_item *sect = Markdown::new_item(HEADING_MIT); Markdown::set_heading_level(sect, 2); sect->stashed = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]); sect->next = md->next; md->next = sect; } Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); } for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::OIH_intervene_after_Phase_I(feature, ch, link_references); } }
§1.6. Descriptive headings. Markdown paragraphs which take the following shapes are to be headings:
Chapter: Survey and Prospecting Section: Black Gold
where in each case the colon can equally be a hyphen, and with optional space either side. We treat the Chapter headings as level 1, and Sections as level 2.
Add the descriptive headings feature1.6 = markdown_feature *he = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"descriptive headings", DESCRIPTIVE_INFORM_HEADINGS_MARKDOWNFEATURE); METHOD_ADD(he, POST_PHASE_I_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::Inform_headings_intervene_after_Phase_I); METHOD_ADD(he, RENDER_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::render_descriptive_headings); MarkdownVariations::add_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, DESCRIPTIVE_INFORM_HEADINGS_MARKDOWNFEATURE);
- This code is used in §1.
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::Inform_headings_intervene_after_Phase_I(markdown_feature *feature, markdown_item *tree, md_links_dictionary *link_references) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::Inform_headings_r(tree); } void InformFlavouredMarkdown::Inform_headings_r(markdown_item *md) { if (md->type == PARAGRAPH_MIT) { text_stream *line = md->stashed; match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); if ((Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"Section *: *(%c+?)")) || (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"Section *- *(%c+?)"))) { MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, HEADING_MIT); Markdown::set_heading_level(md, 2); Str::clear(line); WRITE_TO(line, "%S", mr.exp[0]); } else if ((Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"Chapter *: *(%c+?)")) || (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"Chapter *- *(%c+?)"))) { MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, HEADING_MIT); Markdown::set_heading_level(md, 1); Str::clear(line); WRITE_TO(line, "%S", mr.exp[0]); } Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); } for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::Inform_headings_r(ch); } }
§1.8. This function is not called by default. It applies numbering to the level 1 and 2 headings: note that this applies to such headings whatever the notation they were written with.
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::number_headings(markdown_item *tree) { int section_number = 0, chapter_number = 0; TEMPORARY_TEXT(latest) InformFlavouredMarkdown::number_headings_r(tree, §ion_number, &chapter_number, latest, 0); DISCARD_TEXT(latest) } void InformFlavouredMarkdown::number_headings_r(markdown_item *md, int *section_number, int *chapter_number, text_stream *latest, int level) { if (md->type == VOLUME_MIT) { *section_number = 0; *chapter_number = 0; } if (md->type == HEADING_MIT) { switch (Markdown::get_heading_level(md)) { case 1: { if (level > 1) { MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, PARAGRAPH_MIT); } else { md->user_state = STORE_POINTER_text_stream(md->stashed); (*chapter_number)++; (*section_number) = 0; Str::clear(latest); WRITE_TO(latest, "Chapter %d: %S", *chapter_number, md->stashed); md->stashed = Str::duplicate(latest); } break; } case 2: { if (level > 1) { MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, PARAGRAPH_MIT); } else { md->user_state = STORE_POINTER_text_stream(md->stashed); (*section_number)++; Str::clear(latest); WRITE_TO(latest, "Section "); if (*chapter_number > 0) WRITE_TO(latest, "%d.", *chapter_number); WRITE_TO(latest, "%d: %S", *section_number, md->stashed); md->stashed = Str::duplicate(latest); } break; } } } for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::number_headings_r(ch, section_number, chapter_number, latest, level + 1); } }
markdown_item *InformFlavouredMarkdown::find_section(markdown_item *md, text_stream *name) { if (Str::len(name) == 0) return NULL; markdown_item *result = NULL; if (md) InformFlavouredMarkdown::find_s(md, name, &result); return result; } void InformFlavouredMarkdown::find_s(markdown_item *md, text_stream *name, markdown_item **result) { if (md->type == HEADING_MIT) { switch (Markdown::get_heading_level(md)) { case 1: case 2: { int i=0; for (; i<Str::len(md->stashed); i++) if (Str::get_at(md->stashed, i) == ':') { i+=2; break; } if (i + Str::len(name) == Str::len(md->stashed)) { int fail = FALSE; for (int j=0; j<Str::len(name); j++, i++) if (Str::get_at(name, j) != Str::get_at(md->stashed, i)) { fail = TRUE; break; } if ((fail == FALSE) && (*result == NULL)) *result = md; } break; } } } for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::find_s(ch, name, result); } }
int InformFlavouredMarkdown::render_descriptive_headings(markdown_feature *feature, text_stream *OUT, markdown_item *md, int mode) { if (md->type == HEADING_MIT) { int L = Markdown::get_heading_level(md); switch (L) { case 1: HTML_OPEN("h2"); break; case 2: HTML_OPEN("h3"); break; case 3: HTML_OPEN("h4"); break; case 4: HTML_OPEN("h5"); break; default: HTML_OPEN("h6"); break; } TEMPORARY_TEXT(anchor) text_stream *url = MarkdownVariations::URL_for_heading(md); for (int i=0; i<Str::len(url); i++) if (Str::get_at(url, i) == '#') for (i++; i<Str::len(url); i++) PUT_TO(anchor, Str::get_at(url, i)); if (Str::len(anchor) > 0) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "id=%S", anchor); } else { HTML_OPEN("span"); } DISCARD_TEXT(anchor) for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch = ch->next) Markdown::render_extended(OUT, ch, InformFlavouredMarkdown::variation()); HTML_CLOSE("span"); switch (L) { case 1: HTML_CLOSE("h2"); break; case 2: HTML_CLOSE("h3"); break; case 3: HTML_CLOSE("h4"); break; case 4: HTML_CLOSE("h5"); break; default: HTML_CLOSE("h6"); break; } WRITE("\n"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
§1.11. Embedded examples. These are used in old-style Inform extension documentation, which is given below the cut-off line in a single-file extension. In that context, an example has to be written out in full, and not left to a stand-alone file, as it is with directory-format extension documentation or Indoc manuals.
§1.12. Add the embedded examples feature1.12 =
markdown_feature *ee = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"embedded examples", EMBEDDED_EXAMPLES_MARKDOWNFEATURE); METHOD_ADD(ee, POST_PHASE_I_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::EE_intervene_after_Phase_I); METHOD_ADD(ee, RENDER_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::EE_render); MarkdownVariations::add_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, EMBEDDED_EXAMPLES_MARKDOWNFEATURE); Markdown::new_container_block_type(INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT, I"INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING");
- This code is used in §1.
§1.13. The first thing we need to do is to spot the heading, which looks like this:
Example: *** Gelignite Anderson - A Tale of the Texas Oilmen
where the colon can equally be a hyphen, and with optional space either side.
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::EE_intervene_after_Phase_I(markdown_feature *feature, markdown_item *tree, md_links_dictionary *link_references) { int example_number = 0; InformFlavouredMarkdown::detect_embedded_examples_r(tree, &example_number); InformFlavouredMarkdown::regroup_examples_r(tree, &example_number); } void InformFlavouredMarkdown::detect_embedded_examples_r(markdown_item *md, int *example_number) { if (md->type == PARAGRAPH_MIT) { text_stream *line = md->stashed; match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); if ((Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"Example *: *(%**) *(%c+?)")) || (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"Example *- *(%**) *(%c+?)"))) { MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT); int star_count = Str::len(mr.exp[0]); IFM_example *new_eg = InformFlavouredMarkdown::new_example(mr.exp[1], NULL, star_count, ++(*example_number)); new_eg->cue = NULL; new_eg->secondary_cue = NULL; new_eg->header = md; if (star_count == 0) { markdown_item *E = InformFlavouredMarkdown::error_item( I"this example should be marked (before the title) '*', '**', '***' or '****' for difficulty"); E->next = md->next; md->next = E; } if (star_count > 4) { markdown_item *E = InformFlavouredMarkdown::error_item( I"four stars '****' is the maximum difficulty rating allowed"); E->next = md->next; md->next = E; } md->user_state = STORE_POINTER_IFM_example(new_eg); } Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); } for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::detect_embedded_examples_r(ch, example_number); } }
§1.14. Content for an embedded example runs on after the heading and continues until the next Chapter or Section heading, or until its container block ends. We move that material down to become the child nodes of the INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT item: in effect, it's a container.
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::regroup_examples_r(markdown_item *md, int *example_number) { if (md->type == INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT) { if (md->down == NULL) { markdown_item *run_from = md->next; if (run_from) { markdown_item *run_to = run_from, *prev = NULL; while (run_to) { if (run_to->type == INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT) break; if ((run_to->type == HEADING_MIT) && (Markdown::get_heading_level(run_to) <= 2)) break; prev = run_to; run_to = run_to->next; } if (prev) { md->down = run_from; md->next = run_to; prev->next = NULL; } } } } for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::regroup_examples_r(ch, example_number); } }
§1.15. The following looks through the tree for an example with a particular number.
markdown_item *InformFlavouredMarkdown::find_example(markdown_item *tree, int eg) { if (eg <= 0) return NULL; markdown_item *result = NULL; int counter = 0; InformFlavouredMarkdown::find_e(tree, eg, &result, &counter); return result; } void InformFlavouredMarkdown::find_e(markdown_item *md, int eg, markdown_item **result, int *counter) { if (md->type == INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT) { (*counter)++; if (*counter == eg) *result = md; } for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::find_e(ch, eg, result, counter); } }
§1.16. Lettered examples have a "difficulty rating" in stars, 0 to 4. Numbers are unique from 1, 2, ...; letters are unique from A, B, C, ...
typedef struct IFM_example { struct text_stream *name; struct text_stream *description; struct markdown_item *header; struct markdown_item *secondary_header; struct markdown_item *cue; struct markdown_item *secondary_cue; struct text_stream *primary_label; struct text_stream *secondary_label; int star_count; int number; struct text_stream *insignia; struct text_stream *URL; struct text_stream *ex_index; struct text_stream *ex_subtitle; CLASS_DEFINITION } IFM_example; IFM_example *InformFlavouredMarkdown::new_example(text_stream *title, text_stream *desc, int star_count, int ecount) { IFM_example *E = CREATE(IFM_example); E->name = Str::duplicate(title); E->description = Str::duplicate(desc); E->header = NULL; E->secondary_header = NULL; E->cue = NULL; E->secondary_cue = NULL; E->primary_label = NULL; E->secondary_label = NULL; E->star_count = star_count; E->number = ecount; E->insignia = Str::new(); E->URL = Str::new(); WRITE_TO(E->URL, "eg_%d.html", ecount); E->ex_index = Str::new(); E->ex_subtitle = Str::new(); WRITE_TO(E->insignia, "e%d", ecount); return E; }
- The structure IFM_example is accessed in 2/trs, 4/prp, 4/jsn, 5/mrk, 5/mv, 7/ld, 9/pl, 9/tp and here.
§1.17. And this is the standard way to display an example heading. In the bad old days, this was all done with tables and used a transparent image, and so on. CSS is now much more reliable.
int InformFlavouredMarkdown::EE_render(markdown_feature *feature, text_stream *OUT, markdown_item *md, int mode) { if (md->type == INFORM_EXAMPLE_HEADING_MIT) { IFM_example *E = RETRIEVE_POINTER_IFM_example(md->user_state); InformFlavouredMarkdown::render_example_heading(OUT, E, md); if (mode & EXAMPLE_BODIES_MDRMODE) for (markdown_item *ch=md->down; ch; ch = ch->next) MDRenderer::recurse(OUT, ch, mode, InformFlavouredMarkdown::variation()); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void InformFlavouredMarkdown::render_example_heading(OUTPUT_STREAM, IFM_example *E, markdown_item *md) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"examplebox\""); TEMPORARY_TEXT(link) TEMPORARY_TEXT(linkl) TEMPORARY_TEXT(linkr) text_stream *label = E->secondary_label; if (md == NULL) { if (E->cue) { WRITE_TO(linkl, "style=\"text-decoration: none\" href=\"%S\"", MarkdownVariations::URL_for_heading(E->cue)); } if (E->secondary_cue) { WRITE_TO(linkr, "style=\"text-decoration: none\" href=\"%S\"", MarkdownVariations::URL_for_heading(E->secondary_cue)); } } else { WRITE_TO(link, "style=\"text-decoration: none\" href=\"%S\"", E->URL); if ((md == E->header) && (E->secondary_cue)) { WRITE_TO(linkl, "%S", link); WRITE_TO(linkr, "style=\"text-decoration: none\" href=\"%S\"", MarkdownVariations::URL_for_heading(E->secondary_cue)); label = E->secondary_label; } if ((md == E->secondary_header) && (E->cue)) { WRITE_TO(linkl, "%S", link); WRITE_TO(linkr, "style=\"text-decoration: none\" href=\"%S\"", MarkdownVariations::URL_for_heading(E->cue)); label = E->primary_label; } } Left hand cell: the oval icon HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"exampleleft\""); HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "id=eg%S", E->insignia); provide the anchor point if (Str::len(linkl) > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "%S", linkl); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"extensionexampleletter"); WRITE("%S", E->insignia); HTML::end_span(OUT); if (Str::len(linkl) > 0) HTML_CLOSE("a"); HTML_CLOSE("span"); end the textual link HTML_CLOSE("div"); Middle cell: the asterisks and title, with rubric underneath HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"examplemiddle\""); if (Str::len(link) > 0) HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "%S", link); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"examplestars"); for (int asterisk = 0; asterisk < E->star_count; asterisk++) PUT(0x2605); the Unicode for "black star" emoji or 0x2B50 is the Unicode for "star" emoji or again, could use the asterisk.png image in the app HTML::end_span(OUT); WRITE(" "); HTML_OPEN("b"); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"exampleword"); WRITE(" Example "); HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"examplename"); InformFlavouredMarkdown::render_text(OUT, E->name); HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML_CLOSE("b"); HTML_TAG("br"); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"exampledescription"); InformFlavouredMarkdown::render_text(OUT, E->description); HTML::end_span(OUT); if (Str::len(link) > 0) HTML_CLOSE("a"); HTML_CLOSE("div"); if (Str::len(linkr) > 0) { Right hand cell: the cross-reference HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"exampleright\""); HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "id=eg%S", E->insignia); provide the anchor point HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "%S", linkr); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"extensionexampleseealso"); WRITE("%S", label); HTML::end_span(OUT); if (Str::len(linkr) > 0) HTML_CLOSE("a"); HTML_CLOSE("span"); end the textual link HTML_CLOSE("div"); } HTML_CLOSE("div"); DISCARD_TEXT(link) DISCARD_TEXT(linkl) DISCARD_TEXT(linkr) }
§1.18. Paste buttons. Note that this feature only works if Inform syntax-colouring is also active (though not vice versa) and even then only when the tool using it contains the Inform html module, so this isn't really of general application.
§1.19. Add the paste icons feature1.19 =
markdown_feature *pi = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"paste buttons", PASTE_BUTTONS_MARKDOWNFEATURE); METHOD_ADD(pi, POST_PHASE_I_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::paste_buttons_intervene_after_Phase_I); MarkdownVariations::add_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, PASTE_BUTTONS_MARKDOWNFEATURE);
- This code is used in §1.
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::paste_buttons_intervene_after_Phase_I(markdown_feature *feature, markdown_item *tree, md_links_dictionary *link_references) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::pbiapi_r(tree); } void InformFlavouredMarkdown::pbiapi_r(markdown_item *md) { markdown_item *current_sample = NULL; for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { if ((ch->type == CODE_BLOCK_MIT) && (Str::prefix_eq(ch->stashed, I"{*}", 3))) { ch->user_state = STORE_POINTER_markdown_item(ch); current_sample = ch; Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed); Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed); Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed); } else if ((ch->type == CODE_BLOCK_MIT) && (Str::prefix_eq(ch->stashed, I"{**}", 3)) && (current_sample)) { ch->user_state = STORE_POINTER_markdown_item(current_sample); Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed); Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed); Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed); Str::delete_first_character(ch->stashed); } InformFlavouredMarkdown::pbiapi_r(ch); if (ch->type == CODE_BLOCK_MIT) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(detabbed) for (int i=0, margin=0; i<Str::len(ch->stashed); i++) { inchar32_t c = Str::get_at(ch->stashed, i); if (c == '\t') { PUT_TO(detabbed, ' '); margin++; while (margin % 4 != 0) { PUT_TO(detabbed, ' '); margin++; } } else if ((c == ' ') || (c == '\n')) { PUT_TO(detabbed, c); margin++; if (c == '\n') margin = 0; } else { PUT_TO(detabbed, c); for (i++; i<Str::len(ch->stashed); i++) PUT_TO(detabbed, Str::get_at(ch->stashed, i)); } } Str::clear(ch->stashed); WRITE_TO(ch->stashed, "%S", detabbed); DISCARD_TEXT(detabbed); } } }
§1.21. Phrase definition boxes.
§1.22. Add the phrase defn boxes feature1.22 =
markdown_feature *pd = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"phrase defn boxes", PHRASE_DEFN_BOXES_MARKDOWNFEATURE); METHOD_ADD(pd, POST_PHASE_I_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::PD_intervene_after_Phase_I); METHOD_ADD(pd, RENDER_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::PD_render); MarkdownVariations::add_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, PHRASE_DEFN_BOXES_MARKDOWNFEATURE); Markdown::new_leaf_block_type(PHRASE_HEADER_MIT, I"PHRASE_HEADER");
- This code is used in §1.
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::PD_intervene_after_Phase_I(markdown_feature *feature, markdown_item *md, md_links_dictionary *link_references) { markdown_item *last_section = NULL; InformFlavouredMarkdown::PD_r(md, &last_section); } void InformFlavouredMarkdown::PD_r(markdown_item *md, markdown_item **last_section) { if ((md->type == HEADING_MIT) && (Markdown::get_heading_level(md) == 2)) *last_section = md; if (md->type == BLOCK_QUOTE_MIT) { if ((md->down) && (md->down->type == PARAGRAPH_MIT)) { match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); if ((Regexp::match(&mr, md->down->stashed, U"phrase: *%{(%c*?)%} *(%c+?)")) || (Regexp::match(&mr, md->down->stashed, U"(phrase): *(%c+?)"))) { markdown_item *join_to = NULL; TEMPORARY_TEXT(phrase) for (int i=0; i<Str::len(mr.exp[1]); i++) { if (Str::get_at(mr.exp[1], i) == '&') { Insert a phrase header here2.1; Str::clear(phrase); } else { PUT_TO(phrase, Str::get_at(mr.exp[1], i)); } } Insert a phrase header here2.1; DISCARD_TEXT(phrase) if ((Str::ne(mr.exp[0], I"phrase")) && (*last_section)) { markdown_item *hm_item = Markdown::new_item(HEADING_MARKER_MIT); hm_item->stashed = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[0]); Markdown::add_to(hm_item, *last_section); } } } } for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::PD_r(ch, last_section); } }
§2.1. Insert a phrase header here2.1 =
Str::trim_white_space(phrase); if (Str::len(phrase) > 0) { markdown_item *ph = Markdown::new_item(PHRASE_HEADER_MIT); ph->stashed = Str::duplicate(phrase); if (join_to == NULL) { ph->next = md->down->next; md->down = ph; } else { ph->next = join_to->next; join_to->next = ph; } join_to = ph; markdown_item *im = Markdown::new_item(INDEX_MARKER_MIT); im->stashed = Str::new(); text_stream *category = I"+to+"; if (Str::begins_with(phrase, I"if ")) category = I"+toif+"; if (Str::begins_with(phrase, I"say ")) category = I"+tosay+"; WRITE_TO(im->stashed, "%S%S", category, phrase); if (Str::get_last_char(im->stashed) == ':') Str::delete_last_character(im->stashed); im->details = 1; im->next = join_to->next; join_to->next = im; join_to = im; }
- This code is used in §2 (twice).
int unique_defn_anchor_count = 0; int InformFlavouredMarkdown::PD_render(markdown_feature *feature, text_stream *OUT, markdown_item *md, int mode) { if ((md->type == BLOCK_QUOTE_MIT) && (md->down) && (md->down->type == PHRASE_HEADER_MIT)) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"definition\""); for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch = ch->next) Markdown::render_extended(OUT, ch, InformFlavouredMarkdown::variation()); HTML_CLOSE("div"); return TRUE; } if (md->type == PHRASE_HEADER_MIT) { unique_defn_anchor_count++; TEMPORARY_TEXT(eg_comment) WRITE_TO(eg_comment, "START PHRASE \"defn%d\"", unique_defn_anchor_count); HTML::comment(OUT, eg_comment); DISCARD_TEXT(eg_comment) HTML_OPEN_WITH("p", "class=\"defnprototype\""); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "id=\"defn%d\"", unique_defn_anchor_count); HTML_CLOSE("a"); MDRenderer::stream(OUT, md->stashed, mode); HTML_CLOSE("p"); HTML::comment(OUT, I"END PHRASE"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
§1.24. Indexing marks for longer documentation.
§1.25. Add the indexing marks feature1.25 =
MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"indexing marks", INDEXING_MARKS_MARKDOWNFEATURE); MarkdownVariations::add_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, INDEXING_MARKS_MARKDOWNFEATURE); Markdown::new_quasiplainish_inline_type(INDEX_MARKER_MIT, I"INDEX_MARKER");
- This code is used in §1.
§1.26. Heading markers for longer documentation. This is a notation from indoc. When a heading ends with a {tag} of non-whitespace, non-brace characters in single braces, we extract that as metadata not passing through into rendering.
§1.27. Add the heading markers feature1.27 =
markdown_feature *he = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"heading markers", HEADING_MARKERS_MARKDOWNFEATURE); METHOD_ADD(he, POST_PHASE_I_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::HM_intervene_after_Phase_I); MarkdownVariations::add_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, HEADING_MARKERS_MARKDOWNFEATURE); Markdown::new_leaf_block_type(HEADING_MARKER_MIT, I"HEADING_MARKER");
- This code is used in §1.
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::HM_intervene_after_Phase_I(markdown_feature *feature, markdown_item *md, md_links_dictionary *link_references) { if ((md->type == HEADING_MIT) && (Markdown::get_heading_level(md) <= 2)) { text_stream *line = md->stashed; match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); while (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"(%c*) %{(%C+)%} *")) { markdown_item *hm_item = Markdown::new_item(HEADING_MARKER_MIT); hm_item->stashed = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]); Str::clear(line); Str::copy(line, mr.exp[0]); Markdown::add_to(hm_item, md); } Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); Str::trim_white_space(line); } for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::HM_intervene_after_Phase_I(feature, ch, link_references); } }
§1.29. Paragraph gating for multi-platform tweaks. Essentially, this allows paragraphs in the documentation to be rendered only on some platforms and not others: it's conditional compilation for text.
§1.30. Add the paragraph gating feature1.30 =
markdown_feature *pg = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"paragraph gating", PARAGRAPH_GATING_MARKDOWNFEATURE); METHOD_ADD(pg, POST_PHASE_I_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::PG_intervene_after_Phase_I); MarkdownVariations::add_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, PARAGRAPH_GATING_MARKDOWNFEATURE); METHOD_ADD(pg, RENDER_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::PG_render); Markdown::new_container_block_type(GATE_MIT, I"GATE");
- This code is used in §1.
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::PG_intervene_after_Phase_I(markdown_feature *feature, markdown_item *md, md_links_dictionary *link_references) { if (md->type == PARAGRAPH_MIT) { text_stream *line = md->stashed; match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"%{(%C+?):%} *(%c*)")) { MDBlockParser::change_type(NULL, md, GATE_MIT); md->details = TRUE; Str::clear(line); Str::copy(line, mr.exp[0]); markdown_item *gated_item = Markdown::new_item(PARAGRAPH_MIT); gated_item->stashed = Str::duplicate(mr.exp[1]); gated_item->down = md->down; md->down = gated_item; InformFlavouredMarkdown::expand_gate(md); } Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); } for (markdown_item *ch = md->down; ch; ch=ch->next) { InformFlavouredMarkdown::PG_intervene_after_Phase_I(feature, ch, link_references); } } void InformFlavouredMarkdown::expand_gate(markdown_item *md) { if (Str::get_at(md->stashed, 0) == '^') { md->details = FALSE; Str::delete_first_character(md->stashed); } for (int i=0; i<Str::len(md->stashed); i++) if (Str::get_at(md->stashed, i) == ',') { markdown_item *subgate_item = Markdown::new_item(GATE_MIT); subgate_item->stashed = Str::new(); for (int j=i+1; j<Str::len(md->stashed); j++) PUT_TO(subgate_item->stashed, Str::get_at(md->stashed, j)); subgate_item->details = TRUE; Str::truncate(md->stashed, i); subgate_item->down = md->down; md->down = subgate_item; InformFlavouredMarkdown::expand_gate(subgate_item); break; } } int (*IFM_gatekeeper)(text_stream *) = NULL; void InformFlavouredMarkdown::set_gatekeeper_function(int (gatekeeper)(text_stream *)) { IFM_gatekeeper = gatekeeper; } int InformFlavouredMarkdown::PG_render(markdown_feature *feature, text_stream *OUT, markdown_item *md, int mode) { if (md->type == GATE_MIT) { int decision = FALSE; if (IFM_gatekeeper) decision = IFM_gatekeeper(md->stashed); if (md->details == FALSE) decision = (decision)?FALSE:TRUE; if (decision) Markdown::render_extended(OUT, md->down, InformFlavouredMarkdown::variation()); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
§1.32. Syntax-colouring for the Inform family.
§1.33. Add the Inform syntax-colouring feature1.33 =
markdown_feature *sc = MarkdownVariations::new_feature(I"Inform syntax-colouring", INFORM_SYNTAX_COLOURING_MARKDOWNFEATURE); METHOD_ADD(sc, RENDER_MARKDOWN_MTID, InformFlavouredMarkdown::SC_render); MarkdownVariations::add_feature(Inform_flavoured_Markdown, INFORM_SYNTAX_COLOURING_MARKDOWNFEATURE);
- This code is used in §1.
int unique_i7_code_anchor_count = 0; int InformFlavouredMarkdown::SC_render(markdown_feature *feature, text_stream *OUT, markdown_item *md, int mode) { switch (md->type) { case CODE_MIT: Render a code snippet3.1; return TRUE; case CODE_BLOCK_MIT: Render a code block3.2; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
§3.1. We consider a snippet backticked once as being Inform source text, and twice or more as being in some other more conventional programming language. But this affects only the CSS class applied to it.
Render a code snippet3.1 =
if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) { if (Markdown::get_backtick_count(md) == 1) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("code", "class=\"inlinesourcetext\""); } else if (Markdown::get_backtick_count(md) == 2) { int lc = FALSE; for (int i=md->from; i<=md->to; i++) { inchar32_t c = Markdown::get_at(md, i); if (Characters::islower(c)) lc = TRUE; } if (lc) { HTML_OPEN_WITH("code", "class=\"inlinetranscript\""); } else { HTML_OPEN_WITH("code", "class=\"inlinetranscriptcommand\""); mode = mode | TOLOWER_MDRMODE; } } else { HTML_OPEN_WITH("code", "class=\"inlinecode\""); } } mode = mode & (~ESCAPES_MDRMODE); mode = mode & (~ENTITIES_MDRMODE); MDRenderer::slice(OUT, md, mode); if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_CLOSE("code");
- This code is used in §3.
§3.2. As is customary in Markdown, the first word of the info string on a code block (if there is one) names the language in use.
Render a code block3.2 =
TEMPORARY_TEXT(language_text) TEMPORARY_TEXT(language) for (int i=0; i<Str::len(md->info_string); i++) { inchar32_t c = Str::get_at(md->info_string, i); if ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t')) break; PUT_TO(language_text, c); } if (Str::len(language_text) > 0) { md->sliced_from = language_text; md->from = 0; md->to = Str::len(language_text) - 1; MDRenderer::slice(language, md, mode | ENTITIES_MDRMODE); } Decide on a language if none was supplied3.2.1; if ((Str::eq_insensitive(language, I"inform")) || (Str::eq_insensitive(language, I"inform7"))) { Render as Inform 7 source text3.2.2; } else if (Str::eq_insensitive(language, I"problems")) { Render as problem message3.2.3; } else { Render as some other programming language content3.2.4; } DISCARD_TEXT(language_text) DISCARD_TEXT(language)
- This code is used in §3.
§3.2.1. Usually Inform, but if one line looks like a traditional IF prompt character, use "transcript" instead.
Decide on a language if none was supplied3.2.1 =
if (Str::len(language) == 0) { for (int i=0; i<Str::len(md->stashed); i++) if ((Str::get_at(md->stashed, i) == '>') && ((i==0) || (Str::get_at(md->stashed, i-1) == '\n'))) { Str::clear(language); WRITE_TO(language, "transcript"); } if (Str::len(language) == 0) WRITE_TO(language, "inform"); }
- This code is used in §3.2.
§3.2.2. Render as Inform 7 source text3.2.2 =
unique_i7_code_anchor_count++; TEMPORARY_TEXT(code_comment) WRITE_TO(code_comment, "START CODE \"code%d\"", unique_i7_code_anchor_count); HTML::comment(OUT, code_comment); DISCARD_TEXT(code_comment) HTML_OPEN_WITH("blockquote", "class=\"extract-inform7\""); HTML_OPEN_WITH("a", "id=\"code%d\"", unique_i7_code_anchor_count); HTML_CLOSE("a"); if (GENERAL_POINTER_IS_NULL(md->user_state) == FALSE) { markdown_item *first = RETRIEVE_POINTER_markdown_item(md->user_state); if (first == md) { TEMPORARY_TEXT(accumulated) for (markdown_item *ch = first; ch; ch = ch->next) { if (ch->type == CODE_BLOCK_MIT) { if (GENERAL_POINTER_IS_NULL(ch->user_state) == FALSE) { markdown_item *latest = RETRIEVE_POINTER_markdown_item(ch->user_state); if (first == latest) { if (ch != first) WRITE_TO(accumulated, "\n"); WRITE_TO(accumulated, "%S", ch->stashed); } } } } #ifdef HTML_MODULE PasteButtons::paste_text_new_style(OUT, accumulated); #endif DISCARD_TEXT(accumulated) } } TEMPORARY_TEXT(colouring) programming_language *default_language = Languages::find_by_name(I"Inform", NULL, FALSE); programming_language *pl = default_language; if (pl) { Painter::reset_syntax_colouring(pl); Painter::syntax_colour(pl, NULL, md->stashed, colouring, FALSE); if (Str::eq(pl->language_name, I"Inform")) { int ts = FALSE; for (int i=0; i<Str::len(colouring); i++) { if (Str::get_at(colouring, i) == STRING_COLOUR) { inchar32_t c = Str::get_at(md->stashed, i); if (c == '[') ts = TRUE; if (ts) Str::put_at(colouring, i, EXTRACT_COLOUR); if (c == ']') ts = FALSE; } else ts = FALSE; } } } HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullblue"); int tabulating = FALSE, tabular = FALSE, line_count = 0; TEMPORARY_TEXT(line) TEMPORARY_TEXT(line_colouring) for (int k=0; k<Str::len(md->stashed); k++) { if (Str::get_at(md->stashed, k) == '\n') { Render line3.2.2.1; Str::clear(line); Str::clear(line_colouring); } else { PUT_TO(line, Str::get_at(md->stashed, k)); PUT_TO(line_colouring, Str::get_at(colouring, k)); } if ((k == Str::len(md->stashed) - 1) && (Str::len(line) > 0)) Render line3.2.2.1; } if (tabulating) End I7 table in extension documentation3.2.2.2; HTML_CLOSE("span"); HTML_CLOSE("blockquote"); HTML::comment(OUT, I"END CODE"); DISCARD_TEXT(line) DISCARD_TEXT(line_colouring)
- This code is used in §3.2.
§ Render line3.2.2.1 =
line_count++; if (Str::is_whitespace(line)) tabular = FALSE; match_results mr = Regexp::create_mr(); if (Regexp::match(&mr, line, U"Table %c*")) tabular = TRUE; Regexp::dispose_of(&mr); if (tabular) { if (tabulating) { Begin new row of I7 table in extension documentation3.; int cell_from = 0, cell_to = 0, i = 0; Begin table cell for I7 table in extension documentation3.; for (; i<Str::len(line); i++) { if (Str::get_at(line, i) == '\t') { End table cell for I7 table in extension documentation3.; while (Str::get_at(line, i) == '\t') i++; Begin table cell for I7 table in extension documentation3.; i--; } else { cell_to++; } } End last table cell for I7 table in extension documentation3.; } else { Render line outside of a table3.; Begin I7 table in extension documentation3.; tabulating = TRUE; } } else { Render line outside of a table3.; } WRITE("\n");
- This code is used in §3.2.2 (twice).
§ Render line outside of a table3. =
if (line_count > 1) HTML_TAG("br"); if (tabulating) { End I7 table in extension documentation3.2.2.2; tabulating = FALSE; } int indentation = 0; int z=0, spaces = 0; for (; z<Str::len(line); z++) if (Str::get_at(line, z) == ' ') { spaces++; if (spaces == 4) { indentation++; spaces = 0; } } else if (Str::get_at(line, z) == '\t') { indentation++; spaces = 0; } else break; for (int n=0; n<indentation; n++) WRITE(" "); InformFlavouredMarkdown::syntax_coloured_code(OUT, line, line_colouring, z, Str::len(line), mode);
- This code is used in § (twice).
§ Unsurprisingly, I7 tables are set (after their titling lines) as HTML tables, and this is fiddly but elementary in the usual way of HTML tables:
Begin I7 table in extension documentation3. =
HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML_TAG("br"); HTML::begin_plain_html_table(OUT);
- This code is used in §
§ End table cell for I7 table in extension documentation3. =
InformFlavouredMarkdown::syntax_coloured_code(OUT, line, line_colouring, cell_from, cell_to, mode); HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML::next_html_column(OUT, 0);
- This code is used in §
§ End last table cell for I7 table in extension documentation3. =
InformFlavouredMarkdown::syntax_coloured_code(OUT, line, line_colouring, cell_from, cell_to, mode); HTML::end_span(OUT); HTML::end_html_row(OUT);
- This code is used in §
§ Begin table cell for I7 table in extension documentation3. =
cell_from = i; cell_to = cell_from; HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullblue");
- This code is used in § (twice).
§ Begin new row of I7 table in extension documentation3. =
HTML::first_html_column(OUT, 0);
- This code is used in §
§ End I7 table in extension documentation3.2.2.2 =
HTML::end_html_table(OUT); HTML::begin_span(OUT, I"indexdullblue");
- This code is used in §3.2.2, §
§3.2.3. Render as problem message3.2.3 =
if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"extract-problems\""); if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_OPEN("blockquote"); for (int k=0; k<Str::len(md->stashed); k++) MDRenderer::char(OUT, Str::get_at(md->stashed, k), mode); if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_CLOSE("blockquote"); if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_CLOSE("div");
- This code is used in §3.2.
§3.2.4. Render as some other programming language content3.2.4 =
programming_language *pl = NULL; if (Str::len(language) > 0) { if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_OPEN_WITH("div", "class=\"extract-%S\"", language); } if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_OPEN("pre"); if (Str::len(language) > 0) { if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_OPEN_WITH("code", "class=\"language-%S\"", language); pl = Languages::find_by_name(language, NULL, FALSE); if (pl == NULL) LOG("Unable to find language <%S>\n", language); } else { if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_OPEN("code"); } Painter::reset_syntax_colouring(pl); TEMPORARY_TEXT(line) TEMPORARY_TEXT(line_colouring) for (int k=0; k<Str::len(md->stashed); k++) { if (Str::get_at(md->stashed, k) == '\n') { Render line as code3.2.4.1; Str::clear(line); Str::clear(line_colouring); } else { inchar32_t c = Str::get_at(md->stashed, k); if (c == '\t') WRITE_TO(line, " "); else PUT_TO(line, c); } if ((k == Str::len(md->stashed) - 1) && (Str::len(line) > 0)) Render line as code3.2.4.1; } DISCARD_TEXT(line) DISCARD_TEXT(line_colouring) if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_CLOSE("code"); if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_CLOSE("pre"); if (Str::len(language) > 0) { if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) HTML_CLOSE("div"); }
- This code is used in §3.2.
§ Render line as code3.2.4.1 =
if (pl) Painter::syntax_colour(pl, NULL, line, line_colouring, FALSE); InformFlavouredMarkdown::syntax_coloured_code(OUT, line, line_colouring, 0, Str::len(line), mode); if (mode & TAGS_MDRMODE) WRITE("<br>"); else WRITE(" ");
- This code is used in §3.2.4 (twice).
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::syntax_coloured_code(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *text, text_stream *colouring, int from, int to, int mode) { inchar32_t current_col = 0; for (int i=from; i<to; i++) { inchar32_t c = Str::get_at(text, i); inchar32_t col = Str::get_at(colouring, i); if (col != current_col) { if (current_col) HTML_CLOSE("span"); text_stream *span_class = NULL; switch (col) { case DEFINITION_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxdefinition"; break; case FUNCTION_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxfunction"; break; case RESERVED_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxreserved"; break; case ELEMENT_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxelement"; break; case IDENTIFIER_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxidentifier"; break; case HEADING_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxheading"; break; case CHARACTER_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxcharacter"; break; case CONSTANT_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxconstant"; break; case STRING_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxstring"; break; case PLAIN_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxplain"; break; case EXTRACT_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxextract"; break; case COMMENT_COLOUR: span_class = I"syntaxcomment"; break; } HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"%S\"", span_class); current_col = col; } MDRenderer::char(OUT, c, mode); } if (current_col) HTML_CLOSE("span"); }
§5. Small inline texts. This utility function parses and renders short inline content only:
void InformFlavouredMarkdown::render_text(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *text) { markdown_item *md = Markdown::parse_inline(text); HTML_OPEN_WITH("span", "class=\"markdowncontent\""); Markdown::render_extended(OUT, md, InformFlavouredMarkdown::variation()); HTML_CLOSE("span"); }