How to work with a programming language not yet supported by Inweb.
- §1. Introduction
- §4. Structure of language definitions
- §5. Properties
- §16. Functions and types
- §17. Secret Features
- §18. Keywords
- §19. Syntax colouring program
- §23. The six splits
- §24. The seven ways rules can apply
- §26. The three ways rules can take effect
- §27. The worm, Ouroboros
§1. Introduction. To a very large extent, Inweb works the same way regardless of what language its webs are using, and that is deliberate. On the other hand, when a web is woven, it will look much nicer with syntax-colouring, and that clearly can't be done without at least a surface understanding of what programs in the language mean.
The Contents section of each web specifies its language with a line like Language: C. This language name has to be one which Inweb knows, or, more exactly, one for which it can find a "language definition file". These are stored in the Languages subdirectory of the inweb distribution, and if a language is called L then its file is L.ildf. You can see the languages currently available to Inweb by using -show-languages. At present, a newly installed Inweb replies like so:
I can see the following programming language definitions: ACME: The ACME assembly language for 6502 and related CPUs Blurb: The Blorb packaging specification language BoxArt: For styling ASCII-art diagrams with boxes and lines C: The C programming language C++: The C++ programming language ConsoleText: For styling command line text in documentation Delia: For defining test recipes in Intest Extracts: For code extracts to be written to a configuration file ILDF: The Inweb Language Definition File format InC: The Inform-tools extension to the C programming language Indoc: The markup syntax for the Indoc documentation tool Inform 6: The C-like interactive fiction language Inform 6 Inform 7: The natural-language based language Inform 7 Inter: The textual form of intermediate Inform code Inter Pipeline: For pipelines of Inform code-generation stages Inweb: The markup language for the Inweb literate programming system None: For programs in languages not yet supported by Inweb PainterOutput: Perl: The scripting language Perl 5 Plain Text: For text files which are not programs Preform: The internal Inform syntax analysis grammar language REPL: REPL output in the form expression, colon, value
§2. So what if you want to write a literate program in a language not on that list? One option is to give the language as None. (Note that this is different from simply not declaring a language — if your web doesn't say what language it is, Inweb assumes C.) None is fine for tangling, though it has the minor annoyance that it tangles to a file with the filename extension .txt, not knowing any better. But you can cure that with -tangle-to F for any filename F of your choice. With weaving, though, None makes for drab-looking weaves, because there's very little syntax colouring.
An even more extreme option is Plain Text, which has no syntax colouring at all. (But this could still be useful if what you want is to produce an annotated explanation of some complicated configuration file in plain text.)
§3. In fact, though, it's easy to make new language definitions, and if you're spending any serious effort on a web of a program in an unsupported language then it's probably worth making one. Contributions of these to the Inweb open source project are welcome, and then this effort might also benefit others. This section of the manual is about how to do it.
Once you have written a definition, use -read-language L at the command line, where L is the file defining it. If you have many custom languages, -read-languages D reads all of the definitions in a directory D. Or, if the language in question is really quite specific to a single web, you can make a Dialects subdirectory of the web and put it in there. (A dialect is, after all, a local language.)
For testing purposes, running with -test-language F -test-language-on G reads in a file G of code, and syntax-colours it according to the rules for the language defined in the file F, then prints a plain-text diagram of the results. (This can then be tested with Intest test cases, as indeed Inweb does itself.)
§4. Structure of language definitions. Each language is defined by a single ILDF file. ("Inweb Language Definition Format".) In this section, we'll call it the ILD.
The ILD is a plain text file, which is read in line by line. Leading and trailing whitespace on each line is ignored; blank lines are ignored; and so are comments, which are lines beginning with a # character.
The ILD contains three sorts of thing:
- (a) Properties, set by lines in the form Name: "C++".
- (b) Keywords, set by lines in the form keyword int.
- (c) A colouring program, introduced by colouring { and continuing until the last block of it is closed with a }.
Everything in an ILD is optional, so a minimal ILD is in principle empty. In practice, though, every ILD should open like so:
Name: "C" Details: "The C programming language" Extension: ".c"
§5. Properties. Inevitably, there's a miscellaneous shopping list of these, but let's start with the semi-compulsory ones.
Name. This is the one used by webs in their Language: "X" lines, and should match the ILD's own filename: wherever it is stored, the ILD for langauge X should be filenamed X.ildf.
Details These are used only by -show-languages.
Extension. The default file extension used when a web in this format is tangled. Thus, a web for a C program called something will normally tangle to a file called something.c.
§6. Most programming languages contain comments. In some, like Perl, a comment begins with a triggering notation (in Perl's case, #) occurring outside of quoted material; and it continues to the end of its line. We'll call that a "line comment". There are also languages where comments must be the only non-whitespace items on their lines: in that case, we'll call them "whole line comments". In others, like Inform 7, a comment begins with one notation [ and ends with another ], not necessarily on the same line. We'll call those "multiline comments".
Line Comment is the notation for line comments, and Whole Line Comment is the notation for whole line comments.
Multiline Comment Open and Multiline Comment Close, which should exist as a pair or not at all, is the notation for multiline comments.
For example, C defines:
Multiline Comment Open: "/*" Multiline Comment Close: "*/" Line Comment: "//"
§7. As noted, comments occur only outside of string or character literals. We can give notations for these as follows:
String Literal must be a single character, and marks both start and end.
String Literal Escape is the escape character within a string literal to express an instance of the String Literal character without ending it.
Character Literal and Character Literal Escape are the same thing for character literals.
Here, C defines:
String Literal: "\"" String Literal Escape: "\\" Character Literal: "'" Character Literal Escape: "\\"
§8. Next, numeric literals, like 0xFE45 in C, or $$10011110 in Inform 6. It's assumed that every language allows non-negative decimal numbers.
Binary Literal Prefix, Octal Literal Prefix, and Hexadecimal Literal Prefix are notations for non-decimal numbers, if they exist.
Negative Literal Prefix allows negative decimals: this is usually - if set.
Here, C has:
Hexadecimal Literal Prefix: "0x" Binary Literal Prefix: "0b" Negative Literal Prefix: "-"
§9. Shebang is used only in tangling, and is a probably short text added at the very beginning of a tangled program. This is useful for scripting languages in Unix, where the opening line must be a "shebang" indicating their language. For example, Perl defines:
Shebang: "#!/usr/bin/perl\n\n"
Most languages do not have a shebang.
§10. In order for C compilers to report C syntax errors on the correct line, despite rearranging by automatic tools, C conventionally recognises the preprocessor directive #line to tell it that a contiguous extract follows from the given file. Quite a few languages support notations like this, which most users never use.
When tangling, Inweb is just such a rearranging tool, and it inserts line markers automatically for languages which support them: Line Marker specifies that this language does, and gives the notation. For example, C provides:
Line Marker: "#line %d \"%f\"\n"
Here %d expands to the line number, and %f the filename, of origin.
§11. When a named paragraph is used in code, and the tangler is "expanding" it to its contents, it can optionally place some material before and after the matter added. This material is in Before Named Paragraph Expansion and After Named Paragraph Expansion, which are by default empty.
For C and all similar languages, we recommend this:
Before Named Paragraph Expansion: "\n{\n" After Named Paragraph Expansion: "}\n"
The effect of this is to ensure that code such as:
if (x == y) @<Do something dramatic@>;
tangles to something like this:
if (x == y) { ... }
so that any variables defined inside "Do something dramatic" have limited scope, and so that multi-line macros are treated as a single statement by if, while and so on.
(The new-line before the opening brace is not for aesthetic purposes; we never care much about the aesthetics of tangled C code, which is not for human eyes. It's in case of any problems arising with line comments.)
§12. When the author of a web makes definitions with @d or @e, Inweb will need to tangle those into valid constant definitions in the language concerned. It can only do so if the language provides a notation for that.
Start Definition begins; Prolong Definition, if given, shows how to continue a multiline definition (if they are allowed); and End Definition, if given, places any ending notation. For example, Inform 6 defines:
Start Definition: "Constant %S =\s" End Definition: ";\n"
where %S expands to the name of the term to be defined. Thus, we might tangle out to:
Constant TAXICAB = 1729;\n
Inweb ignores all definitions unless one of these three properties is given.
§13. Inweb needs a notation for conditional compilation in order to handle some of its advanced features for tangling tagged material: the Inform project makes use of this to handle code dependent on the operating system in use. If the language supports it, the notation is in Start Ifdef and End Ifdef, and in Start Ifndef and End Ifndef. For example, Inform 6 has:
Start Ifdef: "#ifdef %S;\n" End Ifdef: "#endif; ! %S\n" Start Ifndef: "#ifndef %S;\n" End Ifndef: "#endif; ! %S\n"
which is a subtly different notation from the C one. Again, %S expands to the name of the term we are conditionally compiling on.
§14. Supports Namespaces must be either true or false, and is by default false. If set, then the language allows identifier names to include dividers with the notation ::; section headings can declare that all of their code belongs to a single namespace; and any functions detected in that code must have a name using that namespace.
This is a rudimentary way to provide namespaces to languages not otherwise having them: InC uses it to extend C.
§15. Suppress Disclaimer is again true or false, and by default false. The disclaimer is a comment placed into a tangle declaring that the file has been auto-generated by Inweb and shouldn't be edited. (The comment only appears in comment notation has been declared for the language: so e.g., the Plain Text ILD doesn't need to be told to Suppress Disclaimer since it cannot tangle comments anyway.)
§16. Functions and types. Inweb provides a few extra features for languages where there are meaningful functions and/or types: in particular, it cross-references declarations with their usages. If the language doesn't tell Inweb how to do this, then (with the exception of C-like languages, see below) functions and types will not be detected.
For example, in a hypothetical language we might write:
Function Declaration Notation: /fun \.([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*) =.*/
and this will then match lines like
fun seekHigherAuthority = ...
and read them as function declarations. The function name matches the bracketed part of the regular expression, and in this case is seekHigherAuthority. Similarly for
Type Declaration Notation: /struct \.([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*) =.*/
§17. Secret Features. It is not quite true that everything a language can do is defined by the ILD. Additional features are provided to C-like languages to unravel their functions and typedefs. At present, these are hard-wired into Inweb, and it will take further thought to work out how to express them in LDFs.
The property C-Like, by default false, enables these features.
(In addition, a language whose name is InC gets still more features, but those are not so much a failing of ILDF as because Inweb is itself a sort of compiler for InC — see elsewhere in this manual.)
§18. Keywords. Syntax colouring is greatly helped by knowing that certain identifier names are special: for example, void is special in C. These are often called "reserved words", in that they can't be used as variable or function names in the language in question. For C, then, we include the line:
keyword void
Keywords can be declared in a number of categories, which are identified by colour name: the default is !reserved, the colour for reserved words. But for example:
keyword isdigit of !function
makes a keyword of colour !function.
§19. Syntax colouring program. That leads nicely into how syntax colouring is done.
ILDs have no control over what colours or typefaces are used: that's all controllable, but is done by changing the weave pattern. So we can't colour a word "green": instead we colour it semantically, from the following palette of possibilities:
!character !comment !constant !definition !element !extract !function !identifier !plain !reserved !string
Each character has its own colour. At the start of the process, every character is !plain.
§20. At the first stage, Inweb uses the language's comment syntax to work out what part of the code is commentary, and what part is "live". Only the live part goes forward into stage two. All comment material is coloured !comment.
At the second stage, Inweb uses the syntax for literals. Character literals are painted in !character, string literals in !string, identifiers in !identifier, and numeric literals as !constant.
At the third stage, Inweb runs the colouring program for the language (if one is provided): it has the opportunity to apply some polish. Note that this runs only on the live material; it cannot affect the commented-out matter.
When a colouring program begins running, then, everything is coloured in one of the following: !character, !string, !identifier, !constant, and !plain.
§21. A colouring program begins with colouring { and ends with }. The empty program is legal but does nothing:
colouring { }
The material between the braces is called a "block". Each block runs on a given stretch of contiguous text, called the "snippet". For the outermost block, that's a line of source code. Blocks normally contain one or more "rules":
colouring { marble => !function }
Rules take the form of "if X, then Y", and the => divides the X from the Y. This one says that if the snippet consists of the word "marble", then colour it !function. Of course this is not very useful, since it would only catch lines containing only that one word. So we really want to narrow in on smaller snippets. This, for example, applies its rule to each individual character in turn:
colouring { characters { K => !identifier } }
§22. In the above examples, K and marble appeared without quotation marks, but they were only allowed to do that because (a) they were single words,
- (b) those words had no other meaning, and (c) they didn't contain any awkward characters. For any more complicated texts, always use quotation marks. For example, in
"=>" => !reserved
the => in quotes is just text, whereas the one outside quotes is being used to divide a rule.
If you need a literal double quote inside the double-quotes, use \"; and use \\ for a literal backslash. For example:
"\\\"" => !reserved
actually matches the text \".
§23. The six splits. characters is an example of a "split", which splits up the original snippet of text — say, the line let K = 2 — into smaller, non-overlapping snippets — in this case, nine of them: l, e, t, , K, , =, , and 2. Every split is followed by a block of rules, which is applied to each of the pieces in turn. Inweb works sideways-first: thus, if the block contains rules R1, R2, ..., then R1 is applied to each piece first, then R2 to each piece, and so on.
There are several different ways to split, all of them written in the plural, to emphasize that they work on what are usually multiple things. Rules, on the other hand, are written in the singular. Splits are not allowed to be followed by =>: they always begin a block.
1. characters splits the snippet into each of its characters.
2. characters in T splits the snippet into each of its characters which lie inside the text T. For example, here is a not very useful ILD for plain text in which all vowels are in red:
Name: "VowelsExample" colouring { => !plain characters in "AEIOUaeiou" { => !function } }
Given the text:
A noir, E blanc, I rouge, U vert, O bleu : voyelles, Je dirai quelque jour vos naissances latentes : A, noir corset velu des mouches éclatantes Qui bombinent autour des puanteurs cruelles,
this produces:
A noir, E blanc, I rouge, U vert, O bleu : voyelles, Je dirai quelque jour vos naissances latentes : A, noir corset velu des mouches éclatantes Qui bombinent autour des puanteurs cruelles,
3. The split instances of X narrows in on each usage of the text X inside the snippet. For example,
Name: "LineageExample" colouring { => !plain instances of "son" { => !function } }
acts on the text:
Jacob first appears in the Book of Genesis, the son of Isaac and Rebecca, the grandson of Abraham, Sarah and Bethuel, the nephew of Ishmael.
to produce:
Jacob first appears in the Book of Genesis, the son of Isaac and Rebecca, the grandson of Abraham, Sarah and Bethuel, the nephew of Ishmael.
Note that it never runs in an overlapping way: the snippet === would be considered as having only one instance of == (the first two characters), while ==== would have two.
4. The split runs of C, where C describes a colour, splits the snippet into non-overlapping contiguous pieces which have that colour. For example:
Name: "RunningExample" colouring { => !plain characters in "0123456789" { => !function } runs of !plain { "-" => !function } }
acts on:
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) took 167 scientists to Egypt in 1798, who published their so-called Memoirs over the period 1798-1801.
to produce:
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) took 167 scientists to Egypt in 1798, who published their so-called Memoirs over the period 1798-1801.
Here the hyphens in number ranges have been coloured, but not the hyphen in "so-called".
A more computer-science sort of example would be:
Name: "StdioExample" colouring { runs of !identifier { printf => !function sscanf => !function } }
which acts on:
if (x == 1) printf("Hello!");
to produce:
if (x == 1) printf("Hello!");
The split divides the line up into three runs, and the inner block runs three times: on if, then x, then printf. Only the third time has any effect.
As a special form, runs of unquoted means "runs of characters not painted either with !string or !character". This is special because unquoted is not a colour.
5. The split matches of /E/, where /E/ is a regular expression (see below), splits the snippet up into non-overlapping pieces which match it: possibly none at all, of course, in which case the block of rules is never used. This is easier to demonstrate than explain:
Name: "AssemblageExample" colouring { matches of /\.[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*/ { => !function } }
which acts on:
JSR .initialise LDR A, RTS .initialise TAX
to produce:
JSR .initialise LDR A, RTS .initialise TAX
6. Lastly, the split brackets in /E/ matches the snippet against the regular expression E, and then runs the rules on each bracketed subexpression in turn. (If there is no match, or there are no bracketed terms in E, nothing happens.)
Name: "EquationsExample" colouring { => !plain brackets in /.*?([A-Z])\s*=\s*(\d+).*/ { => !function } }
acts on:
A = 2716 B=3 C =715 + B D < 14
to produce:
A = 2716 B=3 C =715 + B D < 14
What happens here is that the expression has two bracketed terms, one for the letter, one for the number; the rule is run first on the letter, then on the number, and both are turned to !function.
§24. The seven ways rules can apply. Rules are the lines with a => in. As noted, they take the form "if X, then Y". The following are the possibilities for X, the condition.
1. The easiest thing is to give nothing at all, and then the rule always applies. For example, this somewhat nihilistic program gets rid of colouring entirely:
colouring { => !plain }
2. If X is a piece of literal text, the rule applies when the snippet is exactly that text. For example,
printf => !function
3. X can require the whole snippet to be of a particular colour, by writing coloured C. For example:
colouring { characters { coloured !character => !plain } }
removes the syntax colouring on character literals.
4. X can require the snippet to be one of the language's known keywords, as declared earlier in the ILD by a keyword command. The syntax here is keyword of C, where C is a colour. For example:
keyword of !element => !element
says: if the snippet is a keyword declared as being of colour !element, then actually colour it that way. (This is much faster than making many comparison rules in a row, one for each keyword in the language; Inweb has put all of the registered keywords into a hash table for rapid lookup.)
5. X can look at a little context before or after the snippet, testing it with one of the following: prefix P, spaced prefix P, optionally spaced prefix P. These qualifiers have to do with whether white space must appear after P and before the snippet. For example,
runs of !identifier { prefix optionally spaced -> => !element }
means that any identifier occurring after a -> token will be coloured as !element. Similarly for suffix.
6. X can test the snippet against a regular expression, with matching /E/. For example:
runs of !identifier { matching /.*x.*/ => !element }
...turns any identifier containing a lower-case x into !element colour. Note that matching /x/ would not have worked, because our regular expression is required to match the entire snippet, not just somewhere inside.
characters in "0123456789" { matching /\d\d\d\d/ => !element }
...colours all four-digit numbers, but no others.
7. Whenever a split takes place, Inweb keeps count of how many pieces there are, and different rules can apply to differently numbered pieces. The notation is number N, where N is the number, counting from 1. For example,
Name: "ThirdExample" colouring { => !plain matches of /\S+/ { number 3 => !function } }
acts on:
With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the skies! How silently, and with how wan a face! What, may it be that even in heav'nly place That busy archer his sharp arrows tries! Sure, if that long-with love-acquainted eyes Can judge of love, thou feel'st a lover's case, I read it in thy looks; thy languish'd grace To me, that feel the like, thy state descries. Then, ev'n of fellowship, O Moon, tell me, Is constant love deem'd there but want of wit? Are beauties there as proud as here they be? Do they above love to be lov'd, and yet Those lovers scorn whom that love doth possess? Do they call virtue there ungratefulness?
to produce:
With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the skies! How silently, and with how wan a face! What, may it be that even in heav'nly place That busy archer his sharp arrows tries! Sure, if that long-with love-acquainted eyes Can judge of love, thou feel'st a lover's case, I read it in thy looks; thy languish'd grace To me, that feel the like, thy state descries. Then, ev'n of fellowship, O Moon, tell me, Is constant love deem'd there but want of wit? Are beauties there as proud as here they be? Do they above love to be lov'd, and yet Those lovers scorn whom that love doth possess? Do they call virtue there ungratefulness?
We can also cycle through a set of possibilities with number N of M, where this time the count runs 1, 2, ..., M, 1, 2, ..., M, 1, ... and so on. Thus number 1 of 3 would work on the 1st, 4th, 7th, ... times; number 2 of 3 on the 2nd, 5th, 8th, ...; number 3 of 3 on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and so on. This, for example, paints the output from the painting algorithm in Inweb:
Name: "PainterOutput" colouring { number 1 of 2 => !plain number 2 of 2 => { characters { "!" => !comment "c" => !character "d" => !definition "e" => !element "f" => !function "i" => !identifier "n" => !constant "p" => !plain "r" => !reserved "s" => !string "x" => !extract } } }
since alternate lines are plain, for the original text, and then coloured, to highlight the colours given to the characters in the original. Thus:
int x = 55; /* a magic number */ rrrpipppnnpp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imaginary::function(x, beta); fffffffffffffffffffpippiiiipp
int x = 55; /* a magic number */ rrrpipppnnpp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imaginary::function(x, beta); fffffffffffffffffffpippiiiipp
§25. Any condition can be reversed by preceding it with not. For example,
not coloured !string => !plain
§26. The three ways rules can take effect. Now let's look at the conclusion Y of a rule. Here the possibilities are simpler:
1. If Y is the name of a colour, the snippet is painted in that colour.
2. If Y is an open brace {, then it introduces a block of rules which are applied to the snippet only if this rule has matched. For example,
keyword !element => { optionally spaced prefix . => !element optionally spaced prefix -> => !element }
means that if the original condition keyword !element applies, then two further rules are applied.
By default, the colour is applied to the snippet. For prefix or suffix rules (see above), it can also be applied to the prefix or suffix: use the notation => C on both or => C on suffix or => C on prefix.
3. If Y is the word debug, then the current snippet and its colouring are printed out on the command line. Thus:
colouring { matches of /\d\S+/ { => debug } }
The rule => debug is unconditional, and will print whenever it's reached.
§27. The worm, Ouroboros. Inweb Language Definition Format is a kind of language in itself, and in fact Inweb is supplied with an ILD for ILDF itself, which Inweb used to syntax-colour the examples above. Here it is, as syntax-coloured by itself:
Name: "ILDF" Details: "The Inweb Language Definition File format" Extension: ".ildf" Whole Line Comment: "#" String Literal: "\"" String Literal Escape: "\\" Regular expressions are handled here as if character literals Character Literal: "/" Character Literal Escape: "\\" keyword "both" keyword "brackets" keyword "characters" keyword "coloured" keyword "colouring" keyword "debug" keyword "false" keyword "in" keyword "instances" keyword "keyword" keyword "matches" keyword "matching" keyword "not" keyword "of" keyword "on" keyword "optionally" keyword "prefix" keyword "runs" keyword "spaced" keyword "suffix" keyword "true" keyword "unquoted" of !element colouring { runs of !identifier { prefix "!" => !element on both keyword of !element => !element keyword of !reserved => !reserved } runs of unquoted { instances of "=>" { => !reserved } instances of "{" { => !reserved } instances of "}" { => !reserved } } characters { Anything left of these colours will be unquoted strings, so... coloured !constant => !string coloured !identifier => !string Regular expressions, now coloured !character, are more like functions coloured !character => !function } Detect Property: Value lines, not being fooled by a colon inside quotes brackets in /\s*([A-Z][^"]*):.*/ { Uncolour only the bracketed part, i.e., the Property part => !plain } }