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Chapter 5: The Viewpoint Character

§5.1. The Human Body; §5.2. Traits Determined By the Player; §5.3. Characterization; §5.4. Background; §5.5. Memory and Knowledge; §5.6. Viewpoint

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§5.1. The Human Body

By default, Inform gives the player character (and every other person) a simple unitary body, one without hands or feet or any other defined parts. In many games this is adequate; but in others it is not enough, and we may want to endow all people with some more specific physical features, as in

A face is a kind of thing. A face is part of every person.

Once we've done this, we may invite ambiguities if the player types LOOK AT FACE; it is this challenge that is addressed in The Night Before.

rBGH gives the player a random height and then uses this to determine how the room should be described around him.

Slouching lets the player (and other characters as well) take different sitting, standing, and lying down positions.

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The player character's height is selected randomly at the start of play.

A system of postures allowing the player and other characters to sit, stand, or lie down explicitly or implicitly on a variety of enterable supporters or containers, or in location.

***ExampleThe Night Before
Instructing Inform to prefer different interpretations of EXAMINE NOSE, depending on whether the player is alone, in company, or with Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.