Pair of dice for rolling
Paragraphs of flexible descriptions
Parser errors involving the any token
Past tense conditions
Patient Zero
People changing their titles during play
People commanded to obey
People introduced by relative
People listed as a group, with their possessions afterward
People perform errands and randomly spread disease
People who do new things each time the player looks
People who interact with each other each turn
People who move around a party on their own
People who must be greeted before conversation
People who reject categories of instruction
Person capable of reaching through solid objects
Person who answers questions based on a common pool of knowledge
Person who answers what, where, and when questions differently
Person who comments on the player's every action
Person who finds a path to a destination specified by player
Person who follows the player
Person who gets fed up after being asked to do many implausible things
Person who laments broken objects
Person who moves on a pre-determined path
Person who moves randomly
Person who obeys almost all instructions
Person who opens a container before trying to get something from it
Person who picks up treasures
Person who pursues his own goals each turn
Photographs referred to by subject matter
Phrase to repeat a rule
Phrases applying to specific things
Pig Latin for the player's commands
Pine 1. Waking the Princess
2. Chatting with the Princess
3. Flashback scenes described to the Princess
4. Flashback with multiple endings
Pink or Blue
Pizza Prince
Plank bridge breaks on being crossed when the player is carrying something
Player controls multiple player-characters in turn
Player's erroneous command recorded for later
Player's height randomized at the start of play
Plot summary in place of a score
Pocket added to every jacket
A point for never saving the game
The Pointy Hat of Liminal Transgression
Police State
Politics as Usual
Port Royal 1. A landscape from Jamaica, 1691
2. With one-way connections added
3. Divided into regions
4. Character names
5. Producing an EPS map
Postures for sitting, standing, and lying down
Pot of Petunias
POUR that pours liquid on a fire
The Prague Job
Preferences file loaded on replaying
Princess and the Pea
Printed names for complex-named objects
Printing the description of something activity
Priority Lab
Prisoner's Dilemma
The Problem of Edith
Producing an EPS floorplan
Producing an EPS map of Greece
Properties, checking for
Provenance Unknown
Puff of Orange Smoke
Puncak Jaya
PUSH something A DIRECTION modified
PUSH something a direction with extra phrasing
PUSH SOMETHING TO check rules modified
Pushing a box between named internal positions in a room
PUT and INSERT automatically TAKE first
PUT and INSERT automatically TAKE first even with multiples