To manage links to auxiliary files, and placeholder variables.

§1. Auxiliary files are for items bundled up with the release but which are deliberately made accessible for the eventual player: things such as maps or manuals. Inblorb needs to know about these only when releasing a website; they are also recorded in an iFiction record, but Inblorb doesn't create that, Inform 7 does.

typedef struct auxiliary_file {
    struct filename *full_filename;
    struct text_stream *aux_leafname;
    struct text_stream *aux_subfolder;
    struct text_stream *description;
    struct text_stream *format;  e.g., "jpg", "pdf"
} auxiliary_file;

§2. Registration. The format text is set to a lower-case version of the filename extension, and the URL to the filename itself; except when there is no extension, so that the auxiliary resource is a mini-website in a subfolder of the release website. In that case the format is link and the URL is to the index file in the subfolder.

void Links::create_auxiliary_file(text_stream *fn, text_stream *description, text_stream *subfolder) {
    auxiliary_file *aux = CREATE(auxiliary_file);
    aux->description = Str::duplicate(description);
    aux->aux_subfolder = Str::duplicate(subfolder);
    Links::get_extension_from_textual_filename(ext, fn);
    Links::get_leafname_from_textual_filename(leaf, fn);
    if (Str::get_first_char(ext) == '.') {
        aux->full_filename = Filenames::from_text(fn);
        aux->format = Str::duplicate(ext);
        LOOP_THROUGH_TEXT(pos, aux->format)
            Str::put(pos, Characters::tolower(Str::get(pos)));
    } else {
        aux->full_filename = NULL;
        aux->format = I"link";
    aux->aux_leafname = Str::duplicate(leaf);

    PRINT("! Auxiliary file: <%S> = <%S>\n", fn, description);

void Links::get_extension_from_textual_filename(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *filename) {
    int i = Str::len(filename) - 1;
    while ((i>=0) && ((Str::get_at(filename, i) == '.') || (Str::get_at(filename, i) == ' '))) i--;
    while ((i>=0) && (Str::get_at(filename, i) != '.') && (Platform::is_folder_separator(Str::get_at(filename, i)) == FALSE)) i--;
    if ((i<0) || (Platform::is_folder_separator(Str::get_at(filename, i)))) return;
    Str::copy_tail(OUT, filename, i);


void Links::get_leafname_from_textual_filename(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *filename) {
    int i = Str::len(filename) - 1;
    while ((i>=0) && (Platform::is_folder_separator(Str::get_at(filename, i)) == FALSE)) i--;
    Str::copy_tail(OUT, filename, i+1);

§4. Linking. The list of links to auxiliary resources is written using <li>...</li> list entry tags, for convenience of CSS styling.

void Links::expand_AUXILIARY_variable(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    auxiliary_file *aux;
    LOOP_OVER(aux, auxiliary_file) {
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(aux->description, U"--") == FALSE) {
                aux->description, aux->full_filename, aux->aux_leafname, aux->format);

§5. On some of the pages produced by Inblorb the story file itself looks like another auxiliary resource, but it's produced thus:

void Links::expand_DOWNLOAD_variable(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    filename *eventual_Blorb_location =
        Filenames::in(release_folder, Placeholders::read(I"STORYFILE"));
    Links::download_link(OUT, I"Story File", eventual_Blorb_location,
        Placeholders::read(I"STORYFILE"), I"Blorb");

§6. Links. This routine, then, handles either kind of link.

void Links::download_link(OUTPUT_STREAM, text_stream *desc, filename *F, text_stream *relative_url, text_stream *form) {
    int size_up = TRUE;
    if (Str::eq_wide_string(form, U"link")) size_up = FALSE;
    WRITE("<a href=\"%S\">%S</a> ", relative_url, desc);
    Websites::open_style(OUT, "filetype");
    WRITE("(%S", form);
    if (size_up) {
        long int size = -1L;
        if (Str::eq_wide_string(desc, U"Story File")) size = (long int) blorb_file_size;
        else size = BinaryFiles::size(F);
        if (size != -1L) Write a description of the rough file size6.1
    Websites::close_style(OUT, "filetype");

§6.1. We round down to the nearest KB, MB, GB, TB or byte, as appropriate. Although this will describe a 1-byte auxiliary file as "1 bytes", the contingency seems remote.

Write a description of the rough file size6.1 =

    text_stream *units = I"&nbsp;bytes";
    long int remainder = 0;
    if (size > 1024L) { remainder = size % 1024L; size /= 1024L; units = I"KB"; }
    if (size > 1024L) { remainder = size % 1024L; size /= 1024L; units = I"MB"; }
    if (size > 1024L) { remainder = size % 1024L; size /= 1024L; units = I"GB"; }
    if (size > 1024L) { remainder = size % 1024L; size /= 1024L; units = I"TB"; }
    WRITE(",&nbsp;%d", (int) size);
    if ((size < 100L) && (remainder >= 103L)) WRITE(".%d", (int) (remainder/103L));
    WRITE("%S", units);

§7. Cover image. Note that if the large cover image is a PNG, so is the small (thumbnail) version, and vice versa — supplying "Cover.jpg" and "Small Cover.png" will not work.

void Links::expand_COVER_variable(OUTPUT_STREAM) {
    if (cover_exists) {
        char *format = "png"; if (cover_is_in_JPEG_format) format = "jpg";
        WRITE("<a href=\"Cover.%s\"><img src=\"Small Cover.%s\" border=\"1\"></a>",
            format, format);

§8. Releasing. When we generate a website, we need to copy the auxiliary files into it (though not mini-websites: the user will have to do that).

void Links::request_copy_of_auxiliaries(void) {
    auxiliary_file *aux;
    LOOP_OVER(aux, auxiliary_file) {
        if (Str::ne(aux->format, I"link")) {
            if (verbose_mode)
                PRINT("! COPY <%f> as <%S>\n", aux->full_filename, aux->aux_leafname);
            WRITE_TO(as_text, "%f", aux->full_filename);
            Requests::request_copy(as_text, aux->aux_leafname, aux->aux_subfolder);